Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Fushigi Yugi: The Americans ❯ Why some poeple should jog more often... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: You know the routine…-_-;

Chapter One

"Alright, your plane leaves in ten minutes. You sure you guys are going to be okay?" Lana's mother asked them for the fifth time, looking doubtful. "It's okay Mom, we've got Big Brother with us, don't we?" Lana assured her, while trying to block ger view of her brother while he was hitting on a complete stranger. Lana and Gannie had dressed causually today, seeing as how they were going to be on a plane for a long time. Both had on jean shorts, and short sleeved t-shirts. Lana's was white with a basketball and HOOPS written in flames on it, and Gannie's was black with WILD BREED written on it under a pair of yellow eyes.

"I hope he'll keep a good eye on you two. KYLE!!! Leave that girl alone!" Mrs. Johnson yelled, finally spotting her son. "Flight 107 for Japan will depart in ten minutes. Please make sure all baggage is in it's proper position, and have a nice flight." a voice said over the loud speakers. "Well, we better get going, see you later, 'Mom'!" Gannie called to her friends Mom, while boarding the plane. "Wonder what the flight stewardess will look like?" Kyle said thoughtfully, then getting promptly hit on the head by his little sister. "Just keep your eyes to yourself." Lana told him with disgust. "I get the feeling WE'RE going tobe the ones watching HIM!" Gannie groaned, as she dragged him towards their seats.

Later, while reading a book, Lana noticed a strange red light coming from the plane's bathroom. "Hey Gannie, wake up." Lana told her friend, gently shaking her shoulder. "Wha-? What is it, Lan?" Gannie asked, stretching. "What is THAT?" Lana asked, pointing to the bathroom, where the red light was streaming through the cracks in the door. "I don't- HEY! Everyone's but us is asleep!" Gannie exclaimed. "I hope that doesn't count the pilots." Lana thought nervously, but decided not to discuss it. "Ah, don't worry about it, Lana. It's probably an emergency light." Gannie said, deciding on going back to sleep. "I'm going to go check anyway." Lana said, and walked towards the door. Lana knocked a few times, and went in when no one answered. "What the-?!"

Lana cautiously walked up to source of the red light, a red, glowing feather. Lana slowely bent to get a better look at the thing, and her hand unconciously reached out to pick it up. No! Don't touch it!!! a voice inside her head screamed, but Lana seemed unable to control her body. "Lana? What's going on?" Gannie asked, walking into the bathroom, and touching her friends shoulder. NO!!! Gannie, don't touch me! Lana yelled inside her head, but couldn't move her mouth as her hand came in contact with the feather. Suddenly, everything dissapered into a bright red light, and Lana and Gannie dissapered. "Girls? Are you okay?" Kyle asked, cautiously opening the door. He looked around, but noone was in there. "That's funny, I could have sworn I saw Gannie and Lana come in here..." Then Kyle looked down, and saw a strange red book. "The Universe of the Four Gods..."

Lana sat up with a groan, and saw Gannie lying motionless beside her. "GANNIE!!! Oh come on, girlfriend, wake up!" Lana cried, shaking her shoulder. "Huh? Lana? Where are we?" Gannie asked, when she opened her eyes. "No idea." Lana replied, looking around her, at what seemed like a mountian. "Well, well, well. What have we here?" a vicious voice said from behind them. Lana and Gannie gasped, and whirled around to face several strong-looking men. "Some new toys for the bandits of the mountains?" one of the men suggested, looking at the girls with a disturbing grin. "RUN GANNIE!!!" Lana screamed, getting up and diving into the woods, starting to run, thinking Gannie was behind her. Gannie began to follow her friend, but was grabbed by one of the men. "No way YOU'RE getting away too, girlie. You're coming with us, as a little gift for our leader." the one who had spoke earlier said, gesturing for the other men to follow him, and walking away. Gannie struggled, but couldn't get free. "LANA!!!" Gannie screamed, hoping her friend would help her. "No one's going to help you. So you might as well shut up." the man dragging her said, gagging her. "Lana, please help me." Gannnie thought, dragging her foot on the ground to make a little trail for her friend to follow.

Lana ran as fast as she could, finally stopping when she couldn't hear the men following her. "What are we going to do, Gannie?" Lana asked, trying to catch her breath. When her friend didn't reply, Lana's head snapped up, and she saw her friend wasn't anywhere to be found. "Gannie?!" Lana yelled, looking frantically around. "LANA!!!" Lana heard her friend scream, back from the direction of the bandits. "Oh God, please no." Lana's heart stopped, and she whirled around, dashing back to where she had last seen her friend. When she got back there, no one was there. Lana sank to her knees on the ground, guilt washing over her like a wave. "I should have waited for her. How am I going to find her?" Lana then noticed the little strip of torn up ground leading out of the woods, and jumped up. "Way to go, Gannie. I'l find you in no time." Lana thought as she ran, following the little trail.

"As the girl followed the shallow trench in the ground, hoping to find her friend before it was too late, the other girl, who had also been transported to the mountainus area was brought to the mountain bandits' hideout. The girl was scared and confused, and tried to discover where she was, and why she was there..." Kyle sat reading the book, entranced by the similarities between the two girls in the story and his little sister and her friend.