Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Gems of Blue ❯ Turquoise ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 4: Turquoise

Nakago watched Lapis as she strolled around the grounds. Her body was as strong as her will.
Lapis would bait the soldiers to fight. She would grab a spear and deftly dodge their attacks. Once she landed a hit on the soldier, she would drop her spear and bow politely.
Sometimes Nakago would go out into the gardens where Lapis would strip down to nothing and practice her flips and acrobatics. Nakago made sure that she was not disturbed.
Nakago took her out riding on horseback. He knew she wanted to practice the horseback acrobatics that the Hin Horse Lords were famous for. He was amazed at how she would slide to the side of the horse while it was at full gallop, fire off an arrow, and accurately hit the target she aimed for.
Nakago would start for her on his horse as she galloped in his direction. He pulled his sword.
She pulled her sword and deftly slid beneath the horse. Holding on with her legs, she swung at Nakago's leg, landing a solid hit. His boots stopped the damage, but he could not help but beam over her inventiveness.
"It is no wonder that the emperor has not been able to wipe the Hin out completely. I know no soldier who can move like that."
"The emperor is a coward who only attacks helpless women with children. He could have never massacred your encampment if there were seasoned warriors there."
"I don't want you to talk about that any more. Speak no more of it."
"Yes, Your Highness."
"Keep practicing your skills. The time for you to leave is soon. Rumors around the palace say that you have been ordered to show the other concubines some of your softer skills. The emperor will become bored with you once that is done. Come, lets get back to the palace."
"He is becoming irritated with me already. I am too aggressive for him. His moods have changed to want more submissive partners."
"I wonder how you can be so aggressive to an ugly pig like the emperor."
"I have a trinket from Lord Aono that helps."
"I see, an illusion spell. I wonder whose face you cover his with?"
"That, Lord Nakago, is my secret."

Nakago was on his knees before the Kutou Emperor receiving orders for the next attack on an errant village.
"You will not need to leave until tomorrow. I heard that Soi is off gathering troops out on patrols. Are you in need of a companion?"
"I would like that very much, Sire."
"You have been spending much time with my concubine, Lapis of late."
"Yes Sire, I thought you would want her closely watched, so she would not try to escape."
"She is beginning to irritate me. I have given her my ministrations constantly for nearly a year and she has yet to conceive. She is too much like a man in her ferocity. If you want her, you can have her. I did promise to give her to you when I was finished with her. She is yours, to do with as you please."
"Thank you, Sire."
"Now go, I will send her to you later."

Lapis was powdered, perfumed, dressed and sent to Nakago. The servants gathered all of her things and followed her as guards escorted her to Nakago's apartments.
"Ah, come in, Lapis." Nakago waved to the servants to place her things just inside of the room. "You may go," he said as he waived the servants away and closed the door.
"It seems that the emperor has already grown tired of me."
"Yes he has. He told me I could have you when he was finished."
"Fool. He never realized I belonged to you already, Your Highness."
"So true. It is good to have you here. I am alone tonight."
"What does my King require of me." Lapis said as she cow towed to Nakago.
"Something very simple, dear Princess. I am a warrior. You are quite aware of the code of a warrior, are you not?"
"Yes, Sire."
"Then tell me. I wish to confirm that you know."
"A warrior must always be ready for battle. He must keep his sword within reach and his armor on his body, even while he sleeps. He must be ready for any plot or circumstance. He must be ready to be called upon at a moment's notice."
"Why are you asking me this, Highness?"
"Stand up and look at me."
Lapis stood and stared deeply into Nakago's eyes. His expression softened. He gave a slight smile as he walked around her. He looked at the provocative silk clothing and sighed.
"I know I am not dressed as a warrior should be. I look foolish, Highness."
"I am not wearing my armor either, as you can see. I have waited for you." He reached and grabbed the ribbon with the shin shell that Lapis was wearing around her neck. He quickly yanked it away. "Time for me to see whose face is in this shell."
Nakago slowly opened the shell and looked inside at the illusion. He smiled and gave a slight chuckle. "This is an unexpected, but not unpleasant surprise. I should have expected as much. You are a Hin princess. To keep the bloodline pure, incest is not an issue."
"I find you very handsome. The epitome of royal beauty. "
"Then come to my bedchamber, and give me what you have wanted to for nearly a year."
Lapis blushed slightly and smiled greedily, "As you command."

Nakago woke before sunrise. Lapis' slender, strong arms draped across his chest. For the first time in many years, Nakago did not want to go off and fight. Lapis had taught Soi well, but Soi's sexual talents were nothing compared to those of Lapis. He wanted to have more time for Lapis to please him one more time. He craved it with his body as well as his heart.
"I will take many, but love no other." He whispered to her sleeping face.
During their coupling the night before, Nakago realized that the emperor had dispatched her too soon. Lapis did well to hide it. She was carrying the emperor's child.
He woke her and told her to get her things together.
"I thought I was to be your concubine now. That is what the emperor wants, isn't it?"
"While you are here, the emperor can snatch you back at any time he wants. He may suspect who and what you are. If he realizes you are my sister, it would endanger our plan. That is too dangerous, for both of us, right now. It is better for you to go stay with Lazuli."
"He has been found?"
"Yes. He is in Konan. He joined a group of bandits on Mt. Reikaku. Make sure you take your bolas with the gem. Dress as a boy. Here, take this turquoise pendant. It will identify you as a princess to any Hin you may have not encountered before. I have managed to gather many of the tribes into the Kutou army as mercenaries. They answer only to me. We must not endanger our precarious position."
"I understand. I will do your bidding until death, My King." She said as she quickly readied herself. She looked at the round, turquoise pendant carved with an ancient symbol and furrowed her brow." Where did you get this? This is the Queen's pendant. So I am to be your first of wives?"
"It was the only thing of my mother's that I have left. It is unique and easy to identify. If you want to think of yourself as first of wives, so be it."
"Thank you, Highness."
"I have a means of sneaking you out when we ride out among the troops. I will give you one of my best horses. Make your way to Reikaku at once."
Once well out of the city, Nakago helped Lapis to break ranks from the other mounted soldiers.
"Be content with your fate, Nakago."
"Be content, Lapis."
Nakago watched as Lapis' horse made its way along the rocky crevices that hid the trail to Konan.
"Goodbye, forever, my love." He thought to himself.

Lapis rode for a day and night, when she started getting very sick. She knew she should have rested sooner, but she wanted to find the mountain bandits as soon as possible. Lazuli would help her.
She knew she carried the Kuto Emperor's child, but she had no desire to keep the child. She was first of wives to the Hin King, why should she keep a child by the pig on the Kuto throne?
As she came near a stream, she heard laughter. She tried to keep herself awake until she could find who was there.
Lapis saw two young boys playing in the stream before she blacked out.
"Whoa! Look at the way that guy fell off that horse. Hey Kouji, come here. Lets see if he's dead."
"Put your pants on, Genrou. You don't want him grabbing you down there if he is still awake!"
"Yeah right. Get that horse. A nice horse like that will bring a good price."
"We don't even know if the guy is dead yet."
"Aw, so what. You know the boss wants a protection fee for travelers. Besides this guy just got way too close to the base."
"Yeah, but Genrou, the boss wants any of these guys we find, alive, if possible."
"Don't worry, Kouji, the guy is still breathing." Genrou said as he walked over to the guy and turned him over. He slapped the guy's face a couple of times. "Hey buddy, wake up. You sick or something?"
"Lazuli, must find Lazuli. Mount Reikaku, Lazuli find Lazuli."
Genrou put his hand on the guy's forehead, "Man you are burning up. Hey Kouji, this guy is sick. Get me a rag and some water. We probably shouldn't move him until we get this fever down a bit."
Kouji tied up the horse and brought a wet rag to Genrou.
"Lazuli, where find, bandits, Mount Reikaku." Lapis spouted in her feverish unconsciousness.
"Lazuli? Well Genrou, I suppose it a good thing he isn't dead. Get that hat off of him so we can cool him off, huh."
Lapis' long blonde hair tumbled from the hat.
"Well Kouji, it looks like our guy is a girl. Heh, probably one of Lazuli's conquests after him. What is this? " Genrou said as he pulled the turquoise pendant from around Lapis' neck.
"Worthless piece of junk. The boss don't want any of that stuff."
"Yeah, Kouji, but it is the shape of the figure that has got me interested. She's been babbling about Lazuli. He has a ring with the same twisting symbol on it."
"Yeah, well from her hair, she is probably a Hin refugee, just like he was. Better get her to the boss. Let him decide whether she's worth Lazuli's time."
"It was awful nice of her, Kouji, to give us this horse to cart her to the boss. I wouldn't want to carry her."
"That's right, you don't like girls."