Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsune-chan..... An Eighth Seishi? ❯ Sweethearted Cuteness! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well! Now that I've found my special Bouncy Ball of Inspiration again, I can start on this chapter! I'm still not entirely sure where in the Seven Hells I'm going with this story, but I'll get over it! Writer's block has sucked so I'm really, REALLY happy I found my bouncy ball again. Since CERTAIN muses won't get off their lazy asses and actually HELP me with the damn story *glares at Bakura and Hiei*!
"What the fuck did I do?!" *Bakura*
"Hn. I'll only help if you write a story about me and my REAL lover. Not some girl you came up with in your head." *Hiei*
Fine! I will! I was gonna eventually anyways cuz you and Kurama are so CUTE together! ^.^ Oh, and Kura-chan? You're just a lazy ass who won't help. THAT'S what you did. And that's another week of being Yami's slave for swearing at me.
"Damn it..." *Bakura*
"Are we going to start the story soon, no da?" *Chichiri*
::Nods:: Yup! I'm gonna start on it now, Chiri-kun! Again, if you're look for a disclaimer, you'll find it in the first chapter. One would think you'd know this by now. ON WITH THE FIC!

(The next morning)

The sun hasn't even risen yet and two people are already stiring....
"Chichiri-kun, why'd you wake me up so damn early?" Kitsune asks sleepily.
He smiles softly as she yawns and replies, "I always get up every morning to watch the sunrise, no da. I wanted to watch it with you this morning."
Kissing him on the cheek she responds, "You're such a sweetie. How much longer before it actually starts rising?"
"About ten minutes, no da. It'll take that long to get to where I go. It's the perfect spot to see the sun from, na no da."
Ten minutes later, they're sitting on Chichiri's kesa (AN: that one's the cape thing, right? I don't want to confuse it with the hat....) with Kitsune curled up in his arms and her head on his shoulder. As the sun starts rising, the sky changes from the pale blue of early morning to soft pinks and oranges.
Kitsune snuggles deeper into Chichiri's embrace and whispers, "It's so beautiful...."
Chiri tips her chin up, leans forward and murmurs, "Just like you, no da," before capturing her lips in a softy, slow kiss.
She blushes as they pull away, "I'm not... I'm not beautiful."
Pulling her tighter Chichiri answers seriously, "Yes you are. Don't ever say that you aren't, no da. I'm the luckiest man alive right now. If anyone had asked me who you'd end up with, I would've sworn it were anyone but me..."
"You're the first person to ever tell me that I'm beautiful...." she whispers so softly, Chichiri almost missed what she said.
"Nani? The first, no da? Forgive me if I find this hard to belive, na no da."
"well, it's true. I've been around plenty of men in my life and not one of them ever even said I was pretty....(AN: don't ask where the hell I'm going with this, I don't even know. I'm using this from one time snuggling with my now ex-boyfriend. He's such a sweetie though.)"
"What about Tama-chan, no da? Or your father? Surely they've told you before, no da? Surely I'm not the first...." Chichiri responds with curiosity. Who *wouldn't* tell say that she's beautiful? He thinks to himself. Anyone with half a brain can see she's the most beautiful person alive.
Shaking her head she answers, "Never. Not once can I ever remember being called beautiful, and belive me, I'd probably remember the one who said it to me if they had."
Chichiri pulls her closer to him before saying softly, "Well you are, no da. You are, and for all I know always have been. Nothing can ever change that, na no da."
His gentle kiss turns into one of passion as the sun continues its treck to the sky. A minute or so later, they pull apart with Kitsune panting slightly and getting lost in his mahogony colored eye. She leans her head against his shoulder once again as the last of the pink leaves the sky signaling a new day.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Errr..... Umm..... I'm sorry! I can't think of anything else to write in this chappie! I'll try and write some more sometime tonight. I can't spend too much time though cuz I have to get up in the morning to go to my dad's house. ::voice dripping with sarcasm:: Oh goody! That'll be a blast!
"Why do you dislike him so much, no da?"
Eh, i'm not gonna bother trying to write it out here. For one, it would take too long. Two, I highly doubt people wish to hear about what an asshole he is.
"Hn. Was he the one that pops by at random times to see if you'll go up to whats-her-names house?" *Hiei*
'Whats-her-name'? ::raises eyebrow:: Hiei..... Did you get into the catnip again? Remember what happened LAST time you did that? You were fucking high for a week!
"I don't know WHAT you're talking about! ::giggle::" *Hiei*
"Honestly, Hiei, didn't you learn your lesson last time? I mean, AFTER she started writing that story as punishment? Or did you not realize that's what it was for?" *Kurama*
::giggles:: You DIDN'T realize that, did you Hiei-chan? You honestly didn't notice that I gave you to a straight pairing after you annoyed the living shit outta me for a week after sniffing my cats' damn catnip? ::turns chibi and laughs:: That's great!
"I'm going to kill you one of these days..... ::death glare::" *Hiei*
::pats him on the back while still giggling:: It's okay, Hiei-chan! We're not laughing at you.... Well..... Actually.... We are, but that's besides the point!
Yujinn: Is it?
Of course it is! Hiei knows we all love him ::huggles Hiei::
Kurama: Maybe that isn't a good idea....
Hiei: *eye twitches*
Awww... Anyway, I gotta go. I'll try and update soon, I swear!