Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Yui's Philosiphy ❯ Chapter three: Miaka Yuuki and myself, Yui Hongo ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter three: Miaka Yuuki and myself, Yui Hongo

Miaka. Miaka Yuuki. I suppose I should tell you something on her-after all, she was my best friend. I hope she still is now-I made some pretty fucked up decisions in the past, and I really didn't mean to.

Miaka's kinda stupid. She likes to eat a lot, and is clumsy-but, when you get to learn her, she isn't really as much so as you would expect. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. We're the kind of friends who stick together through thick and thin…

…Until we found the book. And I really thought she knew. Oh? I didn't tell you? Well, we were so close that we even had ties to each other. When wearing our school uniforms, we could hear each other talking. I thought she knew about those. So…I thought she would try to always wear her uniform, just like I did….

But she didn't know. So, when I got sucked back into the book, some guys advanced on me. And I kept on calling and calling…sorry, I don't mean to cry…but I kept calling for her and she never heard me. Eventually, they knocked me unconscious and I don't know what happened after that. But I do know this-Nagako rescued me. He told me-when I woke up, that is-that I had been raped by the men.

I didn't know he was using me then. I didn't know he saved me right before they could, because he needed a virgin priestess, so I was torn. I was so sad that Miaka didn't try to help, that she didn't come to my aid…that I tried committing suicide. But I instantly forgave her the next time I saw her, because that time, she had come for me!

Later, I heard her talking to Tamahome. He's her boyfriend, you know. She made it sound like she had only come back into the book to save Tamahome, not me.

That really shattered my little world. It really did.

From then on, I wanted nothing to do with Miaka. I wanted her put to a bloody end, even if it killed me, too. Eventually, it did. She tried to tell me that Nagako was using me that it was all nothing more than a lie but I didn't listen. I summoned Seiryuu…what? You don't know what Seiryuu is? Aa, this is getting repetitive. Okay, Seiryuu is the dragon god that reigned over the empire. I was the Priestess of Seiryuu, thus having the power to summon him and get 3 wishes.

My first wish was that Suzaku be sealed for eternity. I was really pissed at Miaka and anyone who would support her, so I did what I could to make their lives a living hell. Then I wished that Miaka and I went back to the real world-this was to separate her and her love, Tamahome. It worked, until some how we ended back where we started. (Don't ask how.) But then…Miaka tried SO HARD to tell me that Nagako was lying. But I'd rather die then believe her.

Then, she gave me a letter written by the original owner of the book…it was about how if you got the third wish, you would be devoured by the god unless you had a very strong will. And both Miaka and I knew that if I even had a will, it would be very weak. I ran off to go talk to Nagako about it, to see if it was true.

I confronted him, fully confident that my heart wouldn't be hurt a second time. I asked him about the lying, about everything. And…he admitted. He said that he wasn't using me and that I was going to be devoured by the god, but he also said that I promised him the last wish. I went hysterical. I was crying and screaming and I ran off.

Nagako trapped me in a barrier. He told me that if I didn't make my wish, and make him a god, then Miaka would die. The blood ran cold in my body. I knew he wasn't lying-he was a heartless bastard, and would do anything for himself. After all I went through…after betraying countless people without even knowing…after wanting to tear Miaka to bloody strands of flesh and bone…

I started crying. I didn't know what to do. Miaka had been telling me the truth the whole time. MIAKA! DAMNIT! I'm…I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry, I really don't…but Damnit! She was the one telling me the truth, and I was too blind to see that I was just a pawn in Nagako's game. Because of everything I had done, the world might come to an end.

Nagako started throwing stones at Miaka, and I knew that she was going to die if I didn't make up my mind…and fast. I made up my mind. Even though it would be hard…I told Miaka that I was sorry for being such a bitch. I quietly make my last wish…and then everything goes black, and for how long I don't know.

…However, that wasn't the last of me. If it was, do you honestly think I'd be here talking to you right now? I'll tell you my last wish-it was to give Miaka the power to summon Suzaku. But that's as far as I'm going, because I should be explaining to you about Miaka, not just everything I've been through.

Miaka's a better friend to me than I am to her. I know it. She's believed in me, and never once turned her back on me even though I did to her numerous times. I feel awful-I did all that was in my small little power to make her life a living hell. I thought she had given up hope, but I know she never did. She tried to tell me, and she tried so hard. It's my fault that I was oblivious to her calls.

Maybe it's that she was thick. I don't know. Maybe it's that she was brave. I'll never know. But I do know this-Miaka will be one of the greatest people I ever encountered.