Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Love ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© April 11, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual

Chapter Three

Goku suddenly stood up from his seat behind Hakkai, jostling Hakuryu a bit. "Whoa! What happened to this place? Youkai attack?"

The place in question was the burned ruins of what was once a thriving town. All that remained of the town were blackened bricks and jutting pieces of wood, like sharp, dark talons. The black streets were pushed down into the ground a few inches.

"I'm not sure." Hakkai did a survey of their surroundings, as he slowed Hakuryu down. "These ruins are probably around three to four years old. It seems like a huge explosion demolished this town. The damage follows circular pattern. See that deep pit over there? That's where the blast originated.

Squinting against the bright sunlight, Goku made out the big black crater not too far from his left.

"It must have been a gunpowder factory," Sanzo mused aloud, for once not displaying his usual impatience. "A small mishap can cause an explosion as large as this one. Can you just imagine the number of casualties? With a blast this size, I don't think anyone survived. I wonder how deep that blast crater is…"

"Are you through with the sightseeing?" Gojyo suddenly asked in clear discomfort and irritation. "I want to get out of here. This place is creeping me out."

Sanzo was about to snap back at the redhead. A quick glance in the rearview mirror made him change his mind.

Gojyo had curled up into a ball, fingers digging into his arms so hard that his knuckles were turning white. The redhead wouldn't look at his surroundings. He just stared grimly at the empty space beside Goku as he chewed on his lower lip in growing agitation.

"What's the matter with you, ero kappa?" Goku asked curiously.

"Uruse, bakazaru!"

"Gojyo, what's wrong?" It was Hakkai's turn to inquire in gentle concern. "Are you all right?"

"It's just a chill. I'll be fine," Gojyo answered, a tremor in his voice. "Please! Let's just get out of here!"

"Gojyo's right," Sanzo found himself agreeing with the half-breed. "I think we've seen enough. Ikuzo!"

The monk's eyebrows rose slightly, hearing the redhead whisper a relieved, "Arigato, Sanzo."

As they drove out of the ruined town, Hakkai observed through the rearview mirror that Gojyo had untied the bandanna from his forehead and was pinning up his crimson tresses into a tight bun.

"Gimme a hand, will you, Goku?" he asked the boy seated before him.

"Do I look like a hairdresser, ero kappa?" Goku quickly answered back.


Goku blinked at the redhead, hearing that soft plea. Nodding, he scooted over to Gojyo's side and helped the half-breed pin up his hair. Although it was obvious to Hakkai that the boy was burning with curiosity, to his credit, Goku did not say anything more.

Between the two of them, they managed to pin Gojyo's hair, including those two long arching locks. As a finishing touch, the redhead tied the bandanna around his hair. He even donned a pair of dark sunglasses to cover his crimson eyes.

Hakkai saw that unless one was to walk up close to him, no one would know that Gojyo was a half-breed.


Three hours passed when they finally reached the next town. To Hakkai's relief, it was like all those other towns they briefly visited. The people did not even spare any cursory glances to the strangers in their midst. They just went about their business, as though they were untouched by the devastation that struck that other town.

As Sanzo and Goku entered the inn, Hakkai reached out and took the cold hand of the man at his side in his warm grasp. "I don't think you need to disguise yourself any longer, Gojyo. I doubt if anyone would care if they find out what you are. Besides, you never let that bother you before."

"I'm just being careful," was Gojyo's hushed reply. "Gomen, Hakkai. That town…"

"Why? Have you been there before?"

Gojyo shook his head violently, and he would not look into Hakkai's eyes.

"There's nothing to fear," Hakkai reassured him. "I'll be here to protect you."

"Hakkai, please. Not again. You know I can't…"

Before Gojyo could pull away, Hakkai's hand tightened around his, yanking him back so that he was now staring into determined jade eyes.

"That reason's not good enough for me anymore. For heaven's sake, Gojyo! I know you love me! Why are you so afraid to give me…no, US…a chance?"

Deep anguish was reflected on Gojyo's face. "Because no matter what I feel for you, you and I can never be what you want us to be. Your friendship, Hakkai…that is all I need."

"Oi, Gojyo, Hakkai!" Goku waved to them from the open door of the inn. "Hayaku! Let's check in now, so we can eat!"

"We're coming, bakazaru!" Gojyo called out, as he turned around to run towards the boy.

In his haste to get away from the uncomfortable situation, the redhead did not notice Hakkai's hand go limp, releasing him from his grasp. With head bowed low, bangs hiding his tear-filled eyes, Hakkai trudged unhappily after Gojyo.



"Nani?" Gojyo asked innocently, munching contemplatively on squid rings.

"Those squid rings…" Goku began, a hint of a menacing snarl in his voice. "They were on my plate. How did they get inside your mouth?"

"How the hell should I know? When it's on the table, it's a free for all. If you wanted it, you should've put your name on it!"

"Whoever heard of putting your name on squid rings? Besides, it was on MY plate! Don't you know that saying – 'You shall not covet the food on your neighbor's plate.' "

"I could say the same about you, bakazaru! For the past few minutes, you've been swiping dimsum, shrimp tempura, and lord knows what else from MY plate!"

Goku closed his hand in a shaking fist. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me bakazaru, kono gokiburi kappa!"

"I won't stop saying it till kingdom come!" Gojyo taunted back, bombarding the infuriated boy with a never-ending string of "Saru, saru, saru, saru, saru!"

Arteries and veins popping out on various points of his temples and forehead, Sanzo reached into his sleeve for his shourejou, this time, determined to put the two noisy fools into two holes twelve feet under the ground. But a loud bang on the table, together with the clatter of the plates, did the trick of silencing the squabbling duo. So loud was that noise that everyone in the restaurant looked in their direction.

Hakkai had gotten to his feet, his hands clenched tightly into fists on the tabletop. His whole body was shaking from the pent-up emotions that were threatening to explode like a volcano.

"I can't take it anymore!" Hakkai muttered under his breath. "I can't go on living a lie! It…it just hurts too much!" Sharp green eyes focused on the startled redhead. "Tell me the truth now, Gojyo! Do you love me or not?"

Gojyo, however, was silent, at a loss for words. He couldn't even bring himself to look at his distraught friend.

With a sigh of defeat, Hakkai turned to Sanzo. "You told me once that I'm free to follow my own path. Forgive me, Sanzo, but I can't continue on this journey with you any longer." Saying this, he left the table and ran out of the restaurant.

Frowning darkly, Sanzo looked straight at the half-breed before him. "Are you all right with this, Gojyo?"

Gojyo shook his head. "You don't understand! I can't!"

"You can't or you won't?"

The redhead pressed his fists to his temples, gritting his teeth in frustration. "You don't know! None of you know! If Hakkai should find out, I'm sure to lose him!"

It was Goku who snorted in disapproval. "Well, you're losing him now, baka! Are you just going to let him go without giving what could be between you a chance?"

Gojyo's eyes flew wide. For a moment, he stared at his two friends. Without saying a word, he hurried after Hakkai. In his haste, the bandanna came undone, freeing his crimson hair.

Snowflakes were slowly falling from the sky as Gojyo searched frantically for his friend, who was actually not too far from the restaurant. Hakkai had just emerged from the inn, with bag in hand. Hakuryu was "kyuu"-ing on his shoulder, trying desperately to discourage him from leaving.

Although he came to a halt still a long way off from the older man, Gojyo found himself calling out his name before he even realized he was doing so.


That cry drew the attention of the people walking along the street, and they looked curiously at the handsome redhead in their midst. One of them was a pretty young woman near a fruit stand. With a shocked gasp, she nearly dropped her paper bag filled with apples and peaches. Her hand shaking, she yanked on her husband's shirt, who was then bent down, examining a watermelon. As he gazed in the direction his wife pointed at, he turned pale at the sight of the half-breed. Swiftly, he pulled his wife behind some fruit crates, waiting fearfully for what was going to happen next.

Seeing Hakkai walking further away from him, Gojyo cried out, much louder, "HAKKAI!"

At the sound of his name, Hakkai whirled around to see Gojyo standing in the middle of the street. As the snowflakes twinkled like stars in his crimson mane, Gojyo gave his friend a heartbreaking smile.

"Yes," the redhead told the startled older man.

"Huh?" Hakkai asked, frowning in confusion.

But Gojyo simply repeated and with more emphasis, "YES!"

Realizing at last what the half-breed was trying to say, Hakkai's face lit up with a joyous smile. Still, he wanted to be sure that he had understood correctly, and he raised his arms in welcome.

Hakkai's heart leaped as Gojyo all but flew into his arms, and gave him a desperate embrace. He could feel the redhead's tears wetting his shoulder.

"No matter what happens, Hakkai," Gojyo sobbed, "promise me that you'll never leave me."

Taking the half-breed's chin between his fingertips, Hakkai gently bade him to gaze into his jade green eyes. "I'll never leave you, Gojyo. This, I promise you." He then pressed his lips to Gojyo's in a loving kiss. Gojyo flung his arms around Hakkai's neck and returned the kiss with equal fervor.


Sanzo and Goku had followed Gojyo the minute he dashed out of the restaurant. The monk couldn't help but grimace, seeing that wide grin on Goku's face as he watched Hakkai and Gojyo kiss.

"Ne, Sanzo!" Goku chirped happily. "Don't they look wonderful together?"

"Hmmph!" Sanzo said huffily. "If they don't stop, they're going to end up doing it right in the middle of the street." He frowned darkly, hearing the hearty claps and cheers of the onlookers. "There should be laws against public displays of affection. Damn it! These fools around us would probably be too happy and eager to see them making out right now."

"You have no sense of romance." Goku granted the stern monk at his side a glance filled with mischief. "Sanzo? When I'm older, will you let me kiss you the way Hakkai kissed Gojyo?"

There was a snort of disgust as Sanzo turned his back on the hopeful boy. "Don't be ridiculous, bakazaru!" But as he walked away, a hint of a smile went up Sanzo's lips, and he knew full well that Goku was still smiling. Goku, after all, always knew what was hidden inside his heart.

As Sanzo headed back to the restaurant, his sharp lavender eyes focused on a young couple standing beside the stacked up crates of a fruit stand. The woman was weeping unmistakable tears of joy. Her husband was just a happy, a relieved smile on his face.

"He's finally found someone to love," the woman said in between sobs. "After all that he's gone through, I'm so glad he's found happiness."

What a curious thing to say! Sanzo mused briefly, before dismissing that comment with a slight shake of his head.

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