Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Baking A Delicious Treat ❯ Baking A Delicious Treat ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Baking A Delicious Treat
By: Araki
Rating: XxX
Pairings: Yuki x Shuichi
Summary: Eiri was hungry for a chocolaty treat, Shuichi was hungry for a novelist, in the end, the improvised and got sexy results.
He was a novelist, damn it! He should have been in his study, in front of his computer, gazing at the screen as he typed away the romance that had girls (and some boys) of all ages enthralled with his words that they orgasm upon reading it. Yet, the undying desire for something sweet and chocolaty over came his senses as he walked into the kitchen to see what sugary treat he could make.
Cookies seemed to take too much care and attention, besides - he didn't have any chocolate chips to put in them to save the chocolate demand his belly had. In the end, he found himself gazing at an unopened box of brownie mix that had been in the back of the cupboard for time now. Upon reading what few ingredients needed, he decided it was quick and a couple of oven minutes wouldn't kill the time he had to wait. So, after much thought, he pulled out a medium sized glass bowl and poured the powdery bag of mix in.
Cracking the two eggs and dropping the yolks in the powdered substance then added the other needed ingredients. Before long, he was looking for his mixer when the front door opened and Shuichi overenthusiastic cry of `I'm home!' broke the sound barrier the apartment had. Glaring at the boy, Eiri reluctantly told the boy he was in the kitchen, knowing full well if he remained silent Shuichi would run to his study and start causing chaos that he had `mysteriously vanished'. He didn't need that happening again.
Running into the kitchen, the leech - better known as Shuichi - clung to the writer's waist, and Eiri wondered if he could get the boy to release him if he reached for the salt. Shuichi's lips pecked at his ear, and Eiri scratched the salt off his `to do list'. “Get off me, brat. You weigh a ton,” Eiri muttered, ignoring the sensations the brat was sending down to his groin. He was hungry and had work to do; it was no time to be fucking the insatiable teen, no matter how arousing the boy looked.
A soft mew escaped from the leech-gone-cat as the pink haired boy recoiled away from Eiri. “You're so mean! I don't weigh that much, I'm light compared to a lot of boys my height!” He reached for the refrigerator door, opening to take out a boxed juice. Eiri didn't stare up as he stirred the gooish batter, knowing that those large lavender eyes were staring a hole into his back, watching him as if he were the freshest meat at the market.
Eiri tensed as Shuichi's arms wrapped around his waist, and he tried to push the human-leech off his back but Shuichi's hands were slithering towards the chocolate filled bowl, projecting long fingers into the substance that was suppose to be dessert. Pulling back, Shuichi brought the chocolate covered finger into his mouth, sucking on the digit innocently, but positively seductive actions. His pink tongue trailed over the sugary coat before taking the finger back into his mouth to suck on it, the writer could see other things than just the narrow appendage - more bigly.
Shuichi's lips closed at the base of the finger before sliding the clean digit out and reaching a clean - dry - finger towards the bowl for another taste of the brownie mix. Eiri, who had been patiently fascinated with the innocent act of seduction, watched closely as Shuichi's finger left the mix and started towards the owner's mouth, but he caught it midway. His hands captured the lithe wrist and brought Shuichi's hand to his mouth, he took both wet and chocolate finger in his mouth, allowing the taste of Shuichi and flavor of chocolate enrich his senses.
His tongue slid over the rough skin of the digit, swallowing the substance that his stomach had desired when he first started baking the instant brownies, but now they had a more desired taste. The taste that was Shuichi, strawberries. His tongue left the digit, licking between the creases of each joint before enclosing Shuichi's hand in his much larger one and pulled the boy into a passionate, heavy, kiss.
Licking the pink creases of Shuichi's mouth, the boy timidly opened, giving all access to his mouth for the hungry writer. The taste of strawberries in the boy's mouth was addicting, but it was always the same. This time, there was the added taste of chocolate on both men's tongue as the submissive singer embraced his dominating muscle as it mapped the lithe domain. Shuichi's mouth closed upon his tongue, sucking it as he usually did with the shell of the novelist's ear. Eiri gave an involuntary moan, lifting Shuichi up and laying the boy against the dining room table. His hand grasped hold of the boy's jaw, keeping the boy's mouth in place.
Shuichi was a curious, but careful, person during sex. Eiri had become use to the fact that Shuichi would become timid in sex, always eager to please, and when he found something that did please the novelist's, he'd use it to the best of his time. As Shuichi's mouth once more wrapped around his tongue, Eiri retracted it. Shuichi groaned in protest, but Eiri slipped his fingers in Shuichi's mouth, silencing any noise Shuichi would make. The vocalist groaned past Eiri's fingers, moving his tongue around them as the novelist brushed the shirt the boy was wearing, up.
Pale skin slowly began to show as Eiri brought it over Shuichi's head, knowing he didn't have the strength to rip the fabric, even though he wanted to. He stood up, walking towards the counter, grabbing the bowl with the brownie mix and walked back over to Shuichi and placed the bowl a distance from Shuichi's body. His eyes gazed greedily at what he had caught by a minor insult, Japan's next big star Shuichi. The boy rubbed the stiffness in his pants with the slight touches of his thumb as he stared at Eiri. Lavender eyes had grown a violet hue, filled with lust and desire for a monk's defiant son. Grabbing hold of the hand that was near the cotton-candy-haired man's crotch, Eiri pressed it above Shuichi's head, his free hand grasping Shuichi's other and brought it up to hold down.
Shuichi squirmed under Eiri's gaze; his face traced a red marking from around his cheeks to the tip of his nose, a beautiful blush that Eiri loved (but wouldn't admit). Dipping his finger into the chocolaty substance his dribbled the heavy batter upon Shuichi's warm chest, watching the boy shiver as it cooled the skin. Inclining his face towards the chocolate smear, Eiri brushed his tongue over the skin, licking the sugary treat away. Shuichi's body tensed under his, and he could feel Shuichi's head move due to the hairs brushing against his forearms. Reaching for some more of the batter, Eiri brought his sticky, chocolate covered, fingers over Shuichi's perked nipples, dripping the goo over both of them until the pink nubs were no longer showing, he took his chocolate covered finger towards Shuichi mouth, watching the pink tongue rise out to lick it. Shuichi had finally realized that Eiri's one had was loose enough, because both of his hands wrapped around Eiri's wrist to bring the finger into his mouth.
Following the movements the tongue was doing to his finger, Eiri took the pink-covered nipple into his mouth, licking the sugary treat away from it with measured movements. He could feel Shuichi harden against his thigh as he too his free hand to prop his weight up. He didn't feel like buying another table right now. Lowering his mouth to the other numb, he stared up, greedily, at his gains, watching as Shuichi's mouth abandoned his fingers; one of his hands fisted his free fist while the other knotted fingers with his own. His mouth was opened, breathing heavily as Eiri's tongue danced down his stomach, and dipped into his navel. His tongue left a brown-trail of saliva, but it was becoming clear as he went, and Shuichi could only shiver as he watched, embracing Eiri's hand.
Pushing Shuichi's legs up on the table, he let the pink slippers rest against the cool exterior of the dinner table as he nipped the skin of Shuichi's ankle. Shuichi gasped, releasing Eiri's hands so the writer didn't strain and himself, and Eiri once more rose over Shuichi's body, staring down at his treasure. All that blocked Shuichi's hard cock from his hungry eyes was the boy's Capri pants. Snapping the button to the trousers, Eiri moved his finger to bring the zipper down to view the bright orange thong Shuichi wore, his finger played with the large bump, causing Shuichi to wither at his mercy.
Cupping the vocalist's pink haired erection, the novelist lowered the harsh fabric of the pants, down to Shuichi's ankles and knocked the boys slippers to the ground. Sliding the clothes past the socks, Eiri dragged the bowl closer to his destination as his hand massaged his baka's inner thigh. Shuichi's head fell back, soft moans vibrating from his throat while his hips arched to the gentle touch that the novelist was giving him.
Using both of his hands, he slid them under the thin band that held the underwear together, enough to ripe the cloth, but he knew from past times, he blew the mood since Shuichi would start complaining. Sliding them down the arched legs, Eiri deposed of them and gazed at his flushed, slightly brown from chocolate residue, submissive sex kitten - clad in only socks.
Dipping his already dirty, chocolate coated, finger into the muck of brownie batter, Eiri brushed it down Shuichi's tip, and down to his base, watching as Shuichi cried out at the cold that suddenly overcame him. Lowering down to his meat that he wanted now, Eiri took the head into his mouth, massaging it with his tongue. The chocolate made Shuichi taste so good, and his teasing turned into quick deep throats, causing Shuichi's breathing to become ragged and tense as two hands into his golden hair, untrimmed fingernails digging into his scalp as Shuichi cried out at the pleasure building up.
Wrapping his hand around Shuichi's sacs, Eiri's fingers massaged the soft skin of the testicles, causing Shuichi's body to tense and shudder. Two long legs wrapped around his neck as one of Shuichi's hands met with his own, helping with the ministrations upon the boy's cock. The vibrant voice, usually so filled with life, was whimpering, unable to form words except the writer's penname, crying it out as Eiri teased the tip, licking the pre-cum that formed, signaling Shuichi was ready to cum. With a word of edgewise, Eiri's fingers dug into Shuichi's scrotum, causing the poor boy to cry out as he was unable to cum, and the writer pulled up, dipping his fingers into the baking batter and braced his fingers at Shuichi's entrance.
Moving down some so that his bottom was arched off the table, Shuichi spread his legs out wider, giving Eiri access to his entrance. Sliding in his sticky finger, Eiri felt Shuichi's anal muscles brace at the intrusion before relaxing, all on reflex before he added a second gooey finger into Shuichi, scissoring the boy's opening. Stretching it some more, he pressed in another finger before lowering his face to Shuichi's opening and licking to chocolate residue, sliding his strong oral muscle in with his fingers. Shuichi shuddered and mewed as he did this, his back bracing as he moved his legs some so the novelist had more room to work with.
Removing his tongue from the hole, Eiri licked the chocolate stains before reaching for Shuichi's hand. “Prep me, brat.” He dipped Shuichi's fingers into the batter that was being more used for sex than for later dessert. As Shuichi made sure his hands were sticky with their choice of lube, Eiri unbuttoned his trousers enough so he could free his hard dick, his pants hanging against his hips as Shuichi reached forward to run his shaking hands over the monster of a cock that belong to the novelist. Shuichi's fingers paid massive attention to the top of Eiri's shaft, before his hands lowered to cover the rest that would go inside him, brushing his fingernails against Eiri's sacs. With a groan, Eiri stopped the vocalist's hand, knotting their fingers and bringing the boy's hand above his head. Leaning forward, he teased the boy's puckered entrance with his tip, watching Shuichi's face as the boy dipped his head back.
Shuichi's lips were dry, begging to be kissed, and Eiri couldn't control himself from pressing his lips against Shuichi, claiming the boy's mouth in a battle of dominance as his hips shot forward and into the warmth that was Shuichi. Crying out, the pink-haired baka tensed around Eiri's hardness, clinging to the man's shoulder as he breathed deeply. Reaching down, Eiri brushed the sweat-slick pink strands of hair out of Shuichi's face and the pink haired singer flashed him bright smile at the romance writer.
Pulling out, he equaled his thrust to Shuichi's own accord before he started slamming into the boy with new resolve. Shuichi clung desperately to the blonde's shoulders, his neck up lifted as Eiri chewed on his neck, leaving his mark on the boy. The novelist could feel one of Shuichi's hands lower and wrap around his cock, jerking off at the same pace as they both rose to meet each other's thrust, his voice crying out in pleasure. BAD LUCK's vocalist was near completion; his body pressing back against the stronger novelist's, their lips were drawn together in a loving kiss.
The chocolate that had been used as preparation wasn't as slick anymore, but the pre that entered the singer was enough to slick the passage, to avoid tearing as the table shook with each thrust. Their bodies were one, harmonized together, a serene moment that was granted with their pants and moans, ragged breathing that put the mood in the steamy atmosphere of the kitchen. Eiri wouldn't have been surprised his table gave out after this.
Shuichi's legs wrapped around his waist, pulling both their bodies together, and Eiri could feel Shuichi's shaft against his belly, wetting it with the sticky seed. A wonderful sight, just as Shuichi head fell back and his body suddenly tensed, crying out the novelist's first name as he came. Eiri didn't freeze, though, with the release of Shuichi. His body slammed into the clenching body, enjoying the warmth more, listening to Shuichi scream his name loudly as he once more, directly, slammed into the boy's prostate, and with that he came.
Laying there, transfixed, Shuichi reached up, brushing blond hair out of his lover's eyes, smiling pleasantly as the writer pulled out, small trails of seed and milky brown batter following his cock and sliding upon the table. He kissed Shuichi's lips, lowered to the boy's shoulder blade to bite, once more, his claim marks on the boy. As he stood up, he reached for the batter, staring at the white pools of cum that had landed in his bowl. With a scowl, he walked back over to the counter, as if nothing had happened and started stirring the bitter sperm into the bowl. “Don't just lay there, brat, clean up the mess.” He didn't stare back as Shuichi gasped, falling upon the floor with his knees together, the rest of his legs spread, naked - only clad in socks.
“Can't you say anything nice, Yuki!” Shuichi screamed, and the novelist rolled his eyes. He needed a cigarette, but he wasn't done yet.

“Hurry up, the minute these brownies are in the oven and the kitchen is cleaned up to some standard, we can continue this in a less revealing room.” He took a pan out and buttered it. Shuichi smiled, and quickly got to work, both as they were just after the sex in the kitchen. Shuichi sticky and naked, Eiri walked around with his dick already hard and pants at his hips. It was going to be a long night.
“I really mean it, Eiri-san,” The unwanted guest, Seguchi Tohma, muttered over the chocolaty treat he was eating, “No matter what desire you have to show Shuichi's fans that he's already taken, biting his neck and shoulder before a photo shoot is getting rather tiresome. People are starting to wonder why he always wears something covering his collar and a choker.”
“Not my fault,” Eiri muttered, biting into his own brownie. It had been around noon that Tohma had shown up, out of the blew, and started discussing his sex life. The whole time, the man was also scarfing down brownies out of the brownie pan. He smiled, took a bite of his own treat and stood up. “I'm going back to work, you know the door.” He shut his study door, not long before he heard the words:
“These are really good, Eiri-san!” He wasn't going to tell the man about the secret ingredient, but the devious chuckle couldn't help but rear it's ugly face as he sat down at his computer to start working, now that his desire for chocolaty food had long since been sated.