Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Disillusionment ❯ B Flat ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Gravi isn't mine. It belongs to the great, the wonderful, Maki Murakami (who seems to project her brainwaves straight into my best friend's head). I just borrow her characters for a while to torture. ^_~

A/N: Nothing yet. I left my yakking to the end of the warning either, hehe. Except, uh, fluff?

Chapter 5-B flat.

Chapter 5

Hiro lounged on a chair, guitar in his lap. Adjusting the strings, he leaned towards the guitar, listening to the tones. Completely oblivious to anything else except his choice instrument, he shook his head a little at a wrong note. A little too sharp.

As he bowed his head towards the guitar even more, his long mahogany colored hair fell over his face, creating a curtain of shimmering brown hair that was breathtaking, at least to the 16-year-old pianist who was currently watching him.

Suguru Fujisaki had known for a long time now that he was in love with Nakano Hiroshi. Of course, when he had just joined the band, he had thought that a relationship between two males was disgusting and wrong, but as he had worked with Hiro and Shuichi, he had realized that the love between Shuichi and the famous novelist he was involved with was as pure as hetero relationships.

But, through working with them for a while, he had also realized that Hiroshi had shown no sign of being anything other than perfectly straight. Unfortunately.

He had assumed from Hiro and Shuichi’s easy friendship that they were lovers too, but now he knew that Shuichi’s love of his life was Yuki Eiri and Hiro…well, Hiro was going out with a girl. He was taken.

As soon as he had found out about Ayaka, Suguru had tried to forget about Hiro, at least in the new light that he was looking at the guitarist in. The discovery about Hiro’s girlfriend came while he had been trying to convince himself that he was straight. But, later, he had accepted both the fact that, yes, he was as straight as a circle, and that Hiro was taken.

Still, love was not something that could be ignored. Suguru’s feelings were hidden deep inside the boy’s mysterious heart, even though it hurt him to just talk to Hiro without blurting out his deepest secrets. The only advantage of the situation was that if Hiro didn’t know he had crush on him, he would never suspect.

Clearing his throat, Suguru stepped into the room. He was greeted with a usual calm, content,

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Nothing much. How are you, Hiro?” Suguru inwardly winced at his own formality. He hated pretending to be nothing more than an acquaintance to Hiro, even though that was reality to a certain brown-haired young man.

“Fine, I guess. Can’t get this note right, though. Can you give me a hand and tell what this is?” playing a note on the guitar, Hiro waited for Suguru’s analysis, hoping the musical prodigy could help him.

He had been fiddling with the strings for a while now. Usually Shuichi was the one to help him with this. Even though no one would believe it, Shuichi was a brilliant musician. After all, he did compose all of Bad Luck’s songs and most of them were usually scrawled out while half of his brain was on the Nittle Grasper video he was currently watching.

“B flat.” Suguru replied promptly, then, deciding to be bold for once, stepped behind Hiro and placed his hands over the other boy’s, helping him tune the guitar. The string finally tightened to his satisfaction, the quiet boy backed away and nodded to Hiro.

A little bewildered, Hiro tried the note again and this time it was the right one,

“Thanks,” he said with a smile, before his attention was directed back down to the guitar again.

For a few more moments, Suguru watched his love. A bittersweet emotion filled him. While it the tiny bit of contact had been wonderful, as any who has ever felt unrequited love before, Suguru longed for so much more. Finally, unable to take the pleasant torture anymore, he mumbled a parting and left, Hiro’s reply lost on his ears.


Much, much later, Shuichi sat up with a stomach ache. Only after rubbing his eyes of the gunk that had collected in them during his nap and yawning cavernously a few times did he realize that he didn’t have a stomach ache. He was just really hungry.

About to get up, he stopped, looking down curiously at the arm slung loosely around his waist. Following it up to a shoulder and then a head, Shuichi gazed lovingly at Yuki, who was still fast asleep in la-la land, blond hair strewn messily over his eyes and on the pillow. He looked like an absolute angel.

Another demanding, loud growl sounded from his stomach and Shuichi groaned before carefully moving the arm so he could get up. Shivering slightly, Shuichi realized he was naked as the day he was born and flushed, even though there was no one around to see him. Even after being Yuki’s lover for…well, however long it had been, he was still shy.

Amethyst eyes casting around the room for his pants, he finally spotted them in a corner where most of the clothes had been thrown. Walking over and picking them up, he frowned slightly, knowing that he should get dressed and probably fix something to eat, but all he wanted right then was a hot shower. Sleeping on a bench outside in the rain could really stiffen you up.

Blowing out air that ruffled his pink bangs, Shuichi happily dropped the pants again and went to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. Passing the mirror, he grimaced and stopped to look into it. Carefully touching the left side of his face, Shuichi winced again, both at the pain from that tiny touch and from the purplish tinge the skin was already turning.

He had no doubt that by the next morning, it would be a huge ugly bruise, and since he hadn’t bother to get any ice on it, there would probably be even more swelling. Uh oh. K wouldn’t be happy about this. Come to think of it, Sakano and Tohma probably wouldn’t be either, considering the photo shoots and public appearances scheduled throughout the month leading up to the release of the new album and the concert that launched it.

Moaning hopelessly, Shuichi turned on the water and adjusted it to just the right temperature; a little below scalding, and stepped in.

The hot water really does do something to a tired body and before long, Shuichi felt himself really waking up. Finally, deciding after some time to leave some hot water for Yuki when his lover woke up, Shuichi rinsed off the last of the strawberry kiwi scented body wash and turned off the water, grabbing a little blindly for his towel.

With a towel around his waist, Shuichi left the bathroom, pink hair still dripping wet, and went back to the bedroom to get dressed.

Halfway down the hall, he was stopped by a pair of arms snaking around his damp waist and almost jumped before realizing that it was just Yuki. Instead, he relaxed and sighed, slumping back to lean again the bare, convenient chest.

“Yuki, you weren’t supposed to get up. I was gonna make lunch for you.” Shuichi whined softly as Yuki leaned down to nuzzle his neck from behind. He loved it when Yuki did that,

“Idiot.” Yuki said, but his voice was gentle enough that his lover knew it was meant to be affectionate, “You were supposed to be there when I woke up.”

Shuichi ‘oh’-ed softly, then murmured a quiet apology and the air became silent, an invisible tension building. Yuki suddenly loosened his hold on Shuichi, trying to turn the boy around in his arms, but he protested,

“Yuki, don’t…” Shuichi muttered, flushing slightly because he knew what Yuki wanted and he was pretty sure he knew what Yuki’s reaction was going to be,

“Let me see.” Yuki said firmly, and Shuichi surrendered, letting himself be turned around. Reluctantly, he raised his bowed head and tried a lopsided grin at Yuki,

“It’s…not that bad. It looks worse that it is, it doesn’t hurt at all!” he said in a fairly normal, cheerful way. But Shuichi’s comments were ignored as Yuki gently held Shuichi’s chin to turn the boy’s head for a better look. It also served as a way to shut the boy up.

“Don’t. It’s…not that bad.” Shuichi said again, more soberly this time, taking a step backward. Yuki reluctantly released him and ran his fingers through his golden hair wearily,

“I…apologize. I didn’t mean to…get so angry…” the apology sounded oddly formal and unlike the Yuki he knew and it made Shuichi wince, which cut off the blond man rather abruptly. Staring down at his hands, Shuichi decided to put a stop to this before it became a big thing,

“It’s all right. It’s not that big of a deal. Let’s just…let it go, okay?” he asked hopefully, his violet eyes gazing up at Yuki comfortingly. The novelist seemed relieved and made a small nodding gesture that looked so much like pathetic puppy that Shuichi couldn’t help throwing his arms around his lover’s neck and kissing him until he had to come up for air.

“If you do that again, we’re going to starve to death because I will drag you off to bed and…” leaning in closely to whisper in Shuichi’s ear, Yuki’s gold eyes gleamed wickedly as he watched Shuichi quickly flush to the color of a ripe tomato. Turning around, Shuichi tried to glare at his lover’s dirty mind, but failed as all the embarrassingly perverted things Yuki had just said to him flowed through his head.

Instead, he settled on whining,

“Yuuukii! We just—“ but Shuichi was cut off as he began coughing, “We just—“ any attempt to speak was cut off by a loud cough that seemed to echo through the quiet apartment.

Brow furrowing, Yuki silently led his coughing lover to the living room, where he settled Shuichi on the couch and gave him a meaningful look that led Shuichi’s gaze to the blanket draped on the back of the couch. Yuki went to the kitchen to get a glass of water for the boy as Shuichi pulled the blanket down with trembling hands to wrap it around his chilled body.

He realized a little belatedly that he hadn’t even gotten to go back to the bedroom to put on any clothes yet. Sitting around with only a towel around his waist made the flush which still hadn’t completely faded from Shuichi’s skin yet flare again.

When Yuki came back with a mug of hot chocolate, Shuichi gave him a grateful look as he carefully took the mug. Managing to stop coughing long enough was tricky and soon, Yuki took the mug back again from Shuichi’s hands, realizing his lover was going to scald himself with the hot liquid if he shook any more from his coughs.

Instead, Yuki held the cup to Shuichi’s lips and gently tilted it so Shuichi could take a small sip. Suddenly, the singer looked up at Yuki with quickly tearing violet eyes,

“Yuki! You’re being so nice! I love you, Yuki.” And with that, the boy dove towards Yuki, who only barely managed to keep from spilling the scalding liquid as Shuichi clambered into his lap, blanket still wrapped around his naked form. Shuichi laid his head on Yuki’s broad chest happily.

Sighing with frustration, Yuki managed to reach around Shuichi to set the barely drunk hot chocolate on the coffee table. When he straightened again, he realized that Shuichi had fallen asleep. Thinking back to their…activities a little while ago, Yuki marveled at how just that could have tired Shuichi out. It wasn’t like they had done much.

Still, his lover looked too peaceful to wake and Yuki stood up, still holding Shuichi in his arms, and carried the boy back to their bed. Yuki decided that a nap would probably do Shuichi some good. It seemed like the boy was coming down with something and Yuki dreaded trying to take care of a sick Shuichi.

Setting the boy down, Yuki turned to leave and got to the door before he thought better of it and went back to pull the covers over Shuichi and the blanket which he, even his sleep, was still clutching. Finally, Yuki left the room, closing the door behind him to the snores already coming from Shuichi and went to his office, pulling his black leather chair close to the desk.

Flipping open his laptop, Yuki waited for it to boot up while he absently tapped his fingers on the box of cigarettes that always rested next to the computer. Tapping the box into a palm, he held the cigarette that slipped out between his lips as he expertly lit it from a lighter he scrounged in one of the desk drawers.

As the nicotine flowed through his body, Yuki breathed out and then double-clicked on the word processor icon, scrolled down, read a few lines of what he had written last, and started to type.


This story, for those who don't already know, is also posted on No, it was not copied, lol, that is also me. And for some reason, my updates there are a little ahead of my mediaminer posts, so read there if you want!

Okay, well, this was kind of a fluffy, filler chapter. But it does deal a little more with the whole slap issue for those of you who were getting a little ahead of me, lol. And also, I'd like to apologize for chapter 4. Soon as I have some free time, I know I'll have to rewrite it. -_-; Well, it was done kinda in a hurry and if you were thinking the slap didn't really fit into the were right! ^_^; Um, yeah, that was just a completely random idea that should have been edited out by a beta, if I had one. But I don't, lol. And so it wasn't. It might take a while, maybe even after the whole fic is done, but I will rewrite 4 sometime! ^_^

Review Reply:

Rini1507: >.<; yeah, you're right. I admit that and I really appreciate the critique. I'll try to do better, but hey, my first Gravi fic, lol. Need I say more than that?

btw...two little notes, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this whole Suguru and Hiro thing. We'll see. Any input is welcome. But it must be yaoi. I'm sorry, but I can't stand Ayaka and I would not be able to write Hiro/Ayaka. -_-; And for the second note, you might be wondering about the title of this chapter? Well, it was just random. Nothing more to it. ^_^;