Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing with the Devil ❯ On the Way to the Court House ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Five
On the Way to the Court House
~ Shinn followed Athrun and the rest of the crew followed behind Shinn. As the made their way to the court house a man with a Earth Alliance suit grabbed his gun and held it straight at Shinn's head as they ran. ~
“ Halt! Who are you, and what business do you have here!?” Yelled the man then took fire to Shinn's head
“ Asuka! Duck!” Said Athrun as he jumped to block Shinn from the bullets.
~ Athrun took the bullet to the side of his arm and fell over. ~
“ Holly shit! Zala!” Said Shinn as he fell to his knees and told everyone to keep heading toward the courthouse
~ Shinn grabbed his gun and looked straight at the man who fired at him and thought to himself, “ Shit what do I do! Now you're really screwed Asuka. What the hell were you thinking when telling then to keep making their way to the court house now your alone with this crazy man who tried to shoot you and Athrun whose hurt.” ~
“ You! DROP YOUR WEAPON! OR I WILL SHOOT AGAIN!” Said the man pointing his gun at Shinn's head again.
“ You know what! You can kiss my white justified ass, asshole!” Said Shinn pointing his gun at the man.
~ The man fired his gun and hit Shinn in the shoulder, which knocked Shinn backward. Shinn yell with pain yet he didn't cry. He thought to himself, “ Holly shit, I'm going to die before I can avenge my family. Screw this dude, he is not going to get in my way!” ~
“ You will not get in my way dude!” Said Shinn grabbing his gun with his good hand and stood up.
“ You will die along with all those other ZAFT dog's too.” Yelled the man as he fired again and hit Shinn in the leg.
~ Shinn was knocked off his feet again. But he managed to get enough motion to thorough himself up with just enough time to fire his gun and shoot the man in the head. Then Shinn's vision became blurred as he passed out because of blood loss. ~