Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ An Unknown Destiny ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Prologue: the Awakening
By Amber

I do not own Sailor Moon or the Gundam Wing characters; however, I do own the priestess, Tamara Thank You. And please do not sue me or take me to court for using them.

In a dark cave near the center of Tokyo, Japan 8 women and one man slept, unaware to the death tolls occurring outside of their dirt infested temple. Each female wore a dress of different colors. The man wore black armor. Each was covered in a crystal like glass. Outside of the temple a war between an organization called Oz and the unknown Gundam Pilots raged on-unforgiving and always taking…

"So according to this so called legend, a group of fighters could help us destroy the Gundams," Lady Unn said to the special, private investigator. The two had been speaking through their computers about mysterious ways to defeat the Gundams. "If so can you locate them." She commanded. "I have already located an old building used to hold them. Only priestesses to them may enter, but with a few men I might be able capture our new target." He replied a smile upon his ugly face. "You have my permission, Lieutenant. Carry on with your new mission." With that the screen went blank. "Hmm… New Warriors how interesting." Unn said to herself.

Back in the deep cave a weary solider was having the nightmare of her life. "Hotaru, listen to me" a voice spoke. "Who are you?" she repeated over and over again. "Seek help from the one who calls himself the destroyer." A huge machine appeared before the small girl. She quivered in fear. Suddenly, the machine was disnigrated in a flash of light. "Awaken Hotaru Tomoea, Sailor Saturn, Sovran of Silence!" As the voice cried out the young woman's violet eyes opened wide in fear and shock. Loud bangs from the halls could be heard around the halls. Young teen priestesses scampered trying to break the crystalline glass and save the warrior princesses. Hotaru's crystal shattered into a million pieces and she sat up. The girls bowed before her and pushed a young, light blue haired girl upward. From what Hotaru could see the girl had lightly peached skin and the greenest colored eyes. "Madam Saturn follow me." She said as she quickly grabbed Hotaru's hand.

Meanwhile… "Onward men we cannot fail Carnal Unn." The captain spoke. "Do you all wish to be held off by mere women! And priestesses at that?" He cheered his team of 10 onward. "Sir, No sir" Came 10 similar replies. In a loud thud they broke through the passageway door. "Kill anyone that moves, take those in the Crystal." He commanded. (I am sure to get a promotion for this.) He thought to himself as he watched the bloodshed unfold. Girls at least 13 were being shot to death for just being there. Soon his laughter echoed through the room.

"Oh, no, no, no." Hotaru and her young companion cried as they watched the slaughter continue to unfold. Hotaru wanted to rush out and destroy the killers, but she might harm the princess, prince and her friends. She was forced to watch the innocent run and die to protect her. Tears blurred her vision as the youthful blue haired teen and she scampered away into the night's shadows. And once they did reach shelter all Hotaru could think of was the sound of bullets and heartbreaking deaths. "I will avenge those deaths, I promise." Hotaru swore to herself as she fainted on the shelter floor…

"So captain, did all go well." Unn's face appeared in the screen. The captain gulped nervously. "Yes maim' all but one weak girl escaped." Unn's features scowled then softened. "I suppose you will hunt down that girl, before she learns or comes in contact with the Gundams" She spoke. "Yes maim', we shall not rest until we find her!" He promised the carnal. "Good." Was the finale good-bye she said in reply to him…
To be continued…

This is my first ever fanfic. It is a crossover between sailor moon character Sailor Saturn and Gundam wing. I hope you enjoyed the first part more is to come. Next time, Hotaru shall enroll in Relena's school and meet Quatre'. Thanks for reading my fan fic. Sign, Amber.