Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ To Break the Cycle ❯ The Gundam Called Zero ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Alecto: Finally got the next chapter. You have Bonnie to thank for this. She
gave us the episodes. ^o^ I think we should dedicate this chapter to her. What
do you think Aqua~Azn? Aqua~Azn?

Aqua~Azn: *muttering* Must finish projects, must finish projects, must finish

Alecto: *sweatdrop* I think she's lost it.

Aku: Anyone would lost it hanging around us.

Aqua~Azn: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! (exaggeration)

Alecto: *bigger sweatdrop* Maybe I should call one of those nice men with the
straight jackets. How about some Riddlin?

Aku: I think you need it more...

Alecto: I'm beginning to think Destiny lent you to me just to annoy me -_-

Aku: *bows* I aim to please.

Aqua~Azn: *turns to look at Alecto with T-square in her hand*

Alecto: Aku-chan, protect me! *shoves the poor angel into Aqua~Azn*

Aku: *rushes behind Alecto* You're supposed 2 protect me! I'm the muse!

Alecto: Yea, well, I'm your author. Aqua~Azn, don't make me call in the big

Aqua~Azn: *lunges forward at Alecto with the T-square* Die Global Term Paper!

Alecto: o.O Shit, I knew the school was on crack when they gave us those things.
*runs offstage*

Aku: *grins and holds up a sign blocking the screen* Due to technical difficulty,
the author's note will be cut shorter but please enjoy the chapter in the
meantime. Thank you.

To Break the Cycle
By Alecto and Aqua~Azn~Azn
Chapter 2 - The Gundam Called Zero
Rating: PG
Email: Alecto -
Aqua~Azn~Azn - XP Not telling ya, bother Alecto.
Website: Alecto -

Disclaimer: Sadly we do not own either GW or SM. They are both respective
properties of their owners and companies who make millions more than any of us

"When faced with someone else's dilemma, someone else's problem, it matters not
what happens to you if you get involved, but rather what happens to them if you
do not."

A plane with darkness, so deep and empty it would make the evilest of men cower.
And in this era, there were many of such men, so intent on their own ambitions
and avarice. Sailor Chaos gazed into the reflective surface and smirked. She
watched that pathetic Sailor Cosmos fuss over those Gundam pilots.

She couldn't believe Cosmos was involving herself in this human war. Cosmos had
Chaos to worry about. Chaos chuckled merrily. She would take her time, gather
her strength and feed on the human chaos and evil. At the same time, Cosmos'
power would dwindle more and more with each passing day. Chaos would triumph in
the end, completely and absolutely.

She scanned the galaxy for the ever-elusive pilots. She had to admit humans and
their little games of war were quite amusing and entertaining. Perhaps she
would help out OZ just for the hell of it. If Cosmos could intervene upon
mortal affairs, why couldn't she?

Chaos remembered that Cosmos had especially taken to one of these boys. Which
one was it again? She conjured an image of Hiiro Yui sitting on the cell floor.
Chaos placed a finger against her jaw and smirked. He was quite handsome with
that wild, unruly hair and emotionless Prussian eyes and the sculpted body of a
god. She licked her lips. Too bad he would not be one to be easily swayed. He
may appear to be without any humanity, but his heart was steady unlike most men.

Chaos felt her companion; one you wouldn't have noticed right away because of
the shadows, stiffen. "Do you know him?" She cooed.

Her companion did not answer at first. "Hiiro Yui." There was a note of longing
in her voice.

"Hiiro Yui?" Chaos mused. "The One and Only. Looks like our dear Cosmos has
found a new boy toy." Chaos felt anger and hatred grow in her companion.
"Cosmos doesn't deserve him. He belongs rightfully to you, your kingdom, your
Earth, your people," She waved a hand at the reflecting yet murky water. "Your

Ririna Peacecraft saw nothing but red. Who did this Cosmos woman think she
was?! Hiiro Yui belonged to her alone! No matter how many times he claimed he
would kill her, he was never able to do so. She loved him and he loved her in
return. No one, NO ONE, would take him away from her, especially some old hag
who thought the universe was for her taking.

"Well Ririna-hime, what do you have to say now?" Chaos knew Ririna's answer.
Ririna didn't even need to say it. Ririna Peacecraft *will* give herself
entirely to Chaos and Chaos' purpose. Chaos would make sure of that.

Ririna clutched her hands into tight fists. "I'll take your offer. I would
sell my soul to keep what is mine." Ririna bit her lower lip. Hiiro Yui was


Milliardo Peacecraft gazed into the infinity of space. His sight was always
drawn back to Earth. The planet shimmered with a heavenly light amidst the
emptiness of space. As much as he loved his planet, he felt a need to break
away from it, as if it was some type of ethereal restraint. He didn't like
feeling bound to anything and for this reason he despised the notion of fate and
destiny. He was a soldier and a wanderer. His planet called for his return but
the work he was attempting in the colonies was far too important.

His shuttle began to dock and he would soon be in another meeting with colony
leaders. He had received a many a strange looks. Here he was, a prince of the
one true pacifist nation, traveling space with a Gundam to convince the colonies
to fight OZ.

He was no longer Zechs Merquis, the Lightning Count of OZ, but neither was he
really Prince Milliardo Peacecraft of Sank. Who was he really?


Sally Po shone the light onto Wing Gundam. She and her team of Pisces moved in
to recover the Gundam. "Just leaving his Gundam here... What was he thinking?
Hiiro, this mobile suit is going to make our future."

There was something soothing about the sea she was submerged in. She felt
almost at home. She could have sworn she even heard the songs of whales and
dolphins hundreds of miles away. She tried to look up, to catch a glimpse of
the moon she knew was in the sky, but saw only an endless reflection of the

"Return soon Gundam pilots. The battle for Earth will soon begin." She
whispered. Yet the waves continued to whisper ominous warnings in her ear. "In
more ways than one..."

Duo gazed steadily at the woman, no, girl before him. Sure he was tied and
handcuffed to a chair with a gun aimed at his forehead but he wasn't a Gundam
pilot for nothing.

Hilde Schbeiker glared at the boy before her. Why did he save her? They were
enemies. She was an OZ officer and he was a Gundam pilot. Any idiot could put
two and two together. "This is the will of space."

Duo sighed and closed his eyes. "How heroic of you. Where am I being taken

"The moon base. They're going to interrogate you about your Gundam."

"That's great! My mission is to destroy the moon base."

Hilde pressed her gun against Duo. "That won't happen. Why don't you regard me
as your enemy? I won't let you do such a thing."

"Didn't want to say but with your skills, you don't qualify as my foe. You are
stupid to risk your life when you don't have a chance." Hilde fought down the
indignity and anger as Duo continued. "But ya know? You remind me of myself,
waging a war on Earth on my own." He opened his eyes; the indigo depths were
very much sincere.

"Don't mock me!" Hilde snapped.

"I think we are both idiots. Soldiers can die anytime. There's gonna be lots
of colonists who'll die. Let's live life to the full on the path we believe in.
If we weren't idiots, we wouldn't be soldiers."

Hilde shook her head and lowered her gun. "No, we're soldiers for the people.
We fight for the people. That is why I fight, for the people I love." She
turned and left the room. What had compelled her to say that? "Seigi to ai no


Quatre sat by Iria's hospital bed. His sister had been unconscious for days now.
She looked so peaceful, untouched by the trouble of the world. He ran a hand
through her short hair and brushed it out of her face.

Quatre pulled out a strange blue disk. "Iria, do you know what this is?" his
voice sounded so hollow and yet assured. "These are the plans for the ultimate
Gundam. I've finished building it. It's not Sandrock but it'll do." He grabbed
her limp hand. "The colonies will pay. OZ will pay. The universe has gone mad.
Space was our sanctuary and now they're defiling it. I will destroy all weapons.
That is my mission. I will bring an end to this madness."

Quatre was gone like a bird in the wind. A breeze caused the curtains to
flutter like the wings of departing souls. Iria shot up from the bed, the blue
disk clutched in her hands. The expression on her face was of one who had
awaken from a nightmare, only to find it true. "Don't do anything you'll regret
Quatre. Kindness has always been your greatest virtue." A tear slipped down her
cheek and vanished into a pool of sorrow.


Catherine Bloom stared inattentively at the television before her. She sighed
and turned it off. She rose from the couch to attend to her plants. She hummed
a quiet little lullaby as she watered them. Plants, they were always her
friends when there was no one else. They were comforting and soothing, reaching
out with their green leaves and answering her lullabies with blooming flowers.
She always had a green thumb. Maybe she had the same effects on plants as Trowa
had on animals. She stopped as her mind came to the boy she had come to
consider her little brother.

Catherine wondered where Trowa was right now. She wondered what he was doing.
Was he alright? Did he have a roof over his head tonight? She couldn't help
but worry over him. She couldn't explain the protectiveness she felt towards
him. It was within her very nature to protect.

"I believe in you. Please come home safely Trowa."


Sailor Cosmos raised her staff and bashed it into one of her assailants. The
grotesque shadow figures moaned and wailed. They reached for her like some
zombie out of horror movies. They kept coming, an endless sea of writhing and
rotting flesh. They were souls who could not find rest under Chaos' powers.
They were lost souls.

"Burning Mandala!" Rings of fire sprouted around her and tore through the mass
of living carrion. She almost immediately regretted her actions as the scent of
burning and putrid flesh reached her nose.

Chaos made no aggression or advances until now. Why now? A sweep of her staff
sent a group spiraling into the wall. Why not weeks ago? The Silence Glaive
cut through a wave of corpses. The Gundam pilots! Could Chaos be trying to
distract her while Chaos targeted them? She, however, couldn't just leave these
zombies here. She had only made such a mistake once before and she had paid for
it with the lives of a small village. These forsaken creatures would simply
find easier prey and devour innocent souls. No! She would never make that
mistake again neither could she afford to.


Duo rocked back and forth. He wanted to bang his head against the wall. He
would rip out his own hair if he were not handcuffed. He had never been so
bored in his life. He had never gone this long without blowing something up or
watching something get blown up. Here he was, locked away in a small dank cell
with possibly the two most anti-social people in the universe with no idea how
much time had passed! Not to mention the food OZ fed them couldn't even be
constituted as gruel! He was truly in hell!

"I'M GOING CRAZY!!!" Duo bellowed and his words echoed incessantly around the
steel room but neither of his companions ever spared him a glance. "How long
are we going to be stuck here?" He groaned. Duo flopped onto his back and
rolled about in a comical manner, if anyone cared to watch. He shot back up
into a sitting position, his braid flapping around crazily. He turned to Hiiro
and babbled randomly, "I think I might actually take you up on the offer to kill

Hiiro ignored the braided American. He couldn't shake off the feeling they were
being watched, the feeling he was being watched in particular.

All heads turned as the cell door slid open. Duo squinted before his eyes
adjusted to the unfamiliar amount of light. Trowa stood apathetically in the
doorway with to armed soldiers at his side.

"01, step out." One of the soldiers ordered.

"Hey! 01 again?!" Duo exclaimed. "02 is better than 01. Let me have a crack
at it!"

"Not in the state you're in. This time, even a Gundam pilot may die." Trowa
stepped forward. "The enemy is another Gundam."

"What?" Wufei asked. His gaze followed Trowa steadily.

"It appears to be a new model." Trowa replied. Hiiro finally acknowledged Trowa
and turned ever so slightly. "It destroyed an entire OZ base in one blast."

Hiiro stood up and questioned, "Its features? Weapons?"

"You ask the same questions as the scientists."

"Fine, let's go. This will probably be a good fight."

"You have to come, whether you want to or not."

"So you're just gonna sit around and watch while Gundam pilots fight each
other?" Duo sneered. He leapt to his feet. "Hey, 01, don't do it! They're
only testing Mobile Suits. Don't help 'em!"

Trowa turned swiftly and punched Duo in the stomach, hard. "You two keep quiet
here. You'll get your chance." Trowa and Hiiro stepped out and the cell door
slid close behind them.

Wufei got to his feet and walked over to Duo. He scoffed and turned away again.
"He plays his part well. It's possible he may have changed sides."

Duo clutched his stomach, grinning and grimacing in pain at the same time. "I
don't think we need to worry. We can trust him." A small projector fell into
the palm of his hand.

"How do you know?" Wufei asked, still with his back toward Duo. A sudden stream
of light projected the schematics for the upgraded Deathscythe and Shenlong onto
the wall Wufei was facing. He turned to face Duo.

"I don't think a traitor's gonna give us something nice like this." Duo grinned

"This is..." Wufei turned around once more.

"Duo Maxwell and Chang Wufei, this is from Master O. Use this to kill some
time." Trowa's voice recording sounded from the small projector.

"That guy..." Wufei smirked.

"See?" Duo's grin widened just a bit more. Shinigami would soon be back in


The beam shot through the outer shell of the colony and broke through every
successive level, a chain of explosions followed. The colony detonated and was
soon nothing more than useless scrap floating in space.

Quatre watched calmly from within Wing Zero. All around him was an eerie
silence. It was space after all and sound did not travel through vacuums. Not
even the sound such a massive explosion reached his ears. "That's strange. I'm
crying and I'm not even sad at all." Quatre watched the droplets of tear float
before his face. The light of the explosion illuminated them like crystal


Cosmos had to hurry. Time, if only she could stop time, if only she just had
more time. Time, how quickly it flew by.


"Goodbye, Hiiro." There was certain finality in Quatre's voice as he raised the
twin buster rifles. His eyes remained hard and steady as he targeted Mercurius.
Twin beams of energy shot forth and rushed toward Hiiro. Suddenly Vayeate
sprang out of nowhere and jumped into the path of the energy.

Trowa winced, gripping the control of his Mobile Suit tightly. "Quatre. I
think you're making a grave mistake." Quatre stopped firing but Vayeate sparked
dangerously. It was on the verge of detonation.

"Trowa..." Quatre breathed.

"This fight is not necessary." Trowa continued.

Hiiro sprang forth and grabbed the arm of Trowa's Mobile Suit and his beam rifle.
He fired at Wing Zero yet it managed to dodge to a side but lost its twin buster
rifle. "Trowa, get out!" Hiiro ordered. "Vayeate is going to explode."

"That's right. I think this is it." Trowa ignited his thrusters and flew up.
He didn't stop.

"Trowa!" Quatre called as he followed Trowa with his gaze. He looked back down
and gasped. Hiiro propelled himself forward and slammed straight into Wing Zero.
"Hiiro, stop! Trowa is..." Wing Zero opened his thruster and propelled itself
forward as well. The two Mobile Suits slammed into one of the docking stations
of the colony and skidded along the steel floor. Quatre managed to pick his
head up and searched for Trowa once more.

Trowa's tone was calm and soothing, despite his impending doom. "Quatre,
whatever happens, the truth is the colonies have allied themselves with OZ. And
for all intents and purposes, it means our war is over. At our present time, we
are no longer needed. We were the ones who fought for the colonies, so what the
colonies have done is truly disappointing. But this war...we have to accept
this. The outcome of these events will now depend on how the remaining freedom
fighters feel about this. It will depend on how we feel. We have the potential
to become the perfection of what soldiers should be. It's because we fight with
all our hearts and truly believe we can change this world. Quatre, it's not
just you but it's also how everyone else feels about this."

Trowa's words touched Quatre's heart. The ZERO system was beginning to lose its
strength, but not enough. Trowa continued, "I know you're under a lot of
pressure. We gave everything we had to try and figure out what it all meant.
Yet in the end, everything we had fought for came to nothing. I have to accept
this. We are now unnecessary soldiers. So, Quatre, accept this fact and please
go back to being the kind-hearted Quatre we all knew. I wish you could calm
your heart somehow, Quatre. Somehow, Quatre..."

Quatre stared in horror as Vayeate was engulfed in a golden light. "TROWA!"


Cosmos's chest heaved up and down, a pair of ethereal wings flapped upon her
back. Her grip on her staff was so tight. She could have cracked it in half.
She was too late. "NO!!!" She screamed but no sound left her lips. How empty
space truly was. She flew up to where Vayeate had exploded and searched
frantically. There was no sign of Trowa. Tears gathered at the corner of her
celestial eyes. This wasn't supposed to happen. How could she have let Trowa
die like that?

She turned around and looked down onto the desolate colony. She had to take
care of Hiiro and Quatre first. Both Quatre and Hiiro were unstable at this
time. She flapped her wings determinedly. Trowa was still alive. He had to be.
The doors of the docking bay were closing and she just managed to slip into the
colony before they closed.

"Hiiro, let me go. Trowa will die!" Quatre ordered.

"Ah, you killed him." Hiiro's voice was harsh and unforgiving.

Quatre gasped. His heart tightened painfully in his chest. "Hiiro..."

Mercurius raised his beam saber and brought it down on Wing Zero. Wing Zero
barely blocked the sword with its shield. Mercurius bared all its weight down
on Wing Zero's shield.

"You've gone mad." Hiiro muttered. "I will kill you."

"Well then, kill me and save Trowa." Quatre screamed, desperation clear in his

"STOP!" Cosmos screamed at the top of her lungs but the two dueling Mobile Suits
neither heard her nor heed her. She landed on Mercurius's shoulder.

"Is that the attitude you're fighting with? Then Trowa's death was in vain."
Hiiro leaned forward in his seat and applied more force if possible. The beam
saber in his hands exploded, Mercurius fell back and slammed painfully into the
floor. Hiiro's body quivered and shook. His every nerve was raw. "Quatre...I" Hiiro fell back and lost consciousness.

Cosmos flapped her wings restlessly. What could she do at this point? She fled
into the shadows of the colony before Quatre could see her.


"Treize, what are you trying to say?" Dermail questioned as he glared at the
omnipotent man before him. He did not appreciate Treize making trouble and he
certainly didn't need it.

"I wish to become one of those defeated." Treize's tone was serene and sincere
down to the last syllable.

"Then I will relieve you of your duties in OZ." Dermail reached under the podium
and pulled out a pistol. He placed it on the surface. "We can't kill you.
You've done a great many things for us. I shall have you confined to the
Romefeller Foundations quarters.

Treize bowed to the man who was his superior. He began to turn away but instead
placed a hand on his hip and gave the pistol one last glance. The golden plated
handle was engraved with spirals that resembled tree roots grown out of control.
'A gun that has forgotten how to fire and only dresses itself up doesn't move me,
even if it can shoot me through the heart.' He turned and retreated into the
shadows of the grand hall. 'One's whose heart is pure, will not act recklessly,
but will instead be free of mind.'


Chaos grinned as she gazed calmly on the reflection of the grand hall. Her hand
gripped her chin as she pondered. This Treize was an interesting man. It was
hard to tell what he was thinking but the power he commanded, if only just the
loyalty toward him was simply amazing. She could use him.


"Did I make it in time?" Lady Une asked herself as she pulled the leaver. She
heard a clicking sound behind her.

Tsubarov stepped out of the shadows with his gun trained on Une. "Even if you
did, they'll just be executed later."

Une turned slightly to face her foe. There was a superior and smug grin upon
her lips. "Well then, when that time comes, you'll have to kill me as well.
This kind of wrongdoing under the OZ is nothing." With one eye trained on
Tsubarov, she reached down and pushed the large button that opened all prison
doors. "Tsubarov, come and shoot me, if you've got the guts." Une challenged as
she stood proud and tall in the face of her enemy.

"Lady Une, you are too naive." Tsubarov drawled and pulled back the trigger.

'As a soldier, yes; but as a human being, I've lived my life to the fullest.'
Une didn't even wince as the bullet pierced her flesh. Her helmet slipped from
her hands as she fought to remain standing. Her legs gave way under her weight
and there she lay, in a pool of crimson blood.


Cosmos felt her heart drop for no reason. It almost felt as if something inside
of her had died. No, someone else was close to death, someone she knew.
Reaching out with her mind, she found Lady Une hanging on the verge between life
and death. She drew back in shock. Her charm bracelet jingled as she withdrew
physically as well.

Why didn't she see it before? Lady Une was Setsuna's reincarnation. She had
found another one of her old friends. Cosmos sent a silent prayer to whatever
divine force out there and hoped for the woman's well-being.

Cosmos returned her attention back to the pair of Gundam pilots. Her heart
ached for both of them. How were they to save their world if they couldn't even
work together? There was no group dynamics whatsoever. This had to change and
she would be the one to do it.

Trowa was alive. She felt his spirit out there in space. She looked down at
the charm bracelet on her harm and turned it until she found a charm resembling
the Space Sword.

The pilots still would not trust her in this form, at this age. There was
something else but she was hesitant. It took a tremendous amount of effort and
magic to change forms, no matter how small. If she chose to change, she would
not be able to become Cosmos again unless there was terrible evil. There were
just as much disadvantages as to advantages in taking that body. This had to be
done, she told herself. This was only way she could get the pilots to trust her.
She would reveal her true form to them later, maybe... With renewed
determination, she willed herself into a familiar form.


Quatre held Hiiro in his arms as he gathered water for Hiiro. Hiiro had to
swallow to keep from chocking. Quatre gazed sadly upon his fallen comrade. He
closed his eyes in pain.

He attempted to move Hiiro into a more comfortable position. Suddenly he felt a
small tug on the sleeve of his space jumpsuit. He looked down in a pair of the
most innocent azure eyes. A tiny heart shaped face, framed with soft magenta
hair, stared quizzically up at him. "You shouldn't be here." Quatre gasped.

The little girl didn't appear to understand him. She plopped down next to him.
"Tomodachi." She replied and smiled. She pointed at Hiiro and repeated herself.

Friend, his mind supplied to Quatre. The girl spoke Japanese. He repeated his
original statement in Japanese yet she still didn't comprehend his words. He
sighed. "Yes, he's a friend."

"What's your name?" Quatre asked.

"Chibi Chibi." She replied and hugged Quatre. "Daijobu ka." She pointed at

"Go home." Quatre urged. It was ridiculous, considering it was far from safe on
this colony. But he didn't want her to get caught here with him by OZ.

"Issho ni." Chibi Chibi pointed at Quatre, then Hiiro, and then toward space.
"Tomodachi issho ni."

Friends together? Quatre didn't understand what she was trying to communicate.

Chibi Chibi looked frustrated and angered by her inability to communicate
properly. "Tada hitosu no issho ni to shite kumi."

"Only together as a team?" Quatre asked. It sounded as if she was trying to say
that but the grammar was terrible. Chibi Chibi nodded her head vigorously.
"You're saying I have to find the rest of them. We have to pull together as a
team." Quatre now knew this was not ordinary little girl. Despite her young age,
her eyes had a wizened quality that no human should have.

Quatre froze as he heard voices near them. He looked about frantically for a
place to hide. Chibi Chibi could not be caught here with two Gundam pilots. He
had no idea what OZ might do to her. He looked down again and found Chibi Chibi
was gone as suddenly as she had appeared.

"Freeze Gundam pilot!" An OZ soldier aimed a loaded machine gun at his head.
Quatre glared at the officer as a satisfied smirk crept over the officer's lips.
"One move and I'll blow your brains out."


Duo turned to glance in the direction his comrade had gone. After he and Wufei
had escaped from the moon base, they had decided it would be best to go their
separate ways. Duo felt a heavy heart at their parting. He recalled Quatre's
words that they must work together. He knew Quatre was right but it was not the
nature of any pilot save Quatre.

"Together huh?" Duo snorted and shook his head. Shinigami was a loner just as
much as the Solitary Dragon. Though deep inside, he knew they would meet again,
that they would have to come together in battle one day. However, it would be a
lot sooner than he would have anticipated.

Duo sighed and leaned back in his seat. Where would he go now? He knew. He'd
go home to L2.


Wufei checked over the equipment and system monitors. "Only 80% operational."
He mumbled to himself. He had been lucky to escape with his life so who was he
to complain. The other 20% upgrade was a matter he could accomplish simply,
with proper materials.

That ominous feeling Wufei told Duo about earlier had yet to disappear as it
should have. It was not just about the unidentified Gundam now. There was some
greater evil. Certain darkness nagged at the back of his mind. He could feel
the chaos envelope his world and taint everything around him.

He attempted to shake off these feelings. Where would he go now? He knew.
He'd go home to L5.


Quatre gasped as Hiiro dropped out of Wing Zero. Mercurius's arm exploded and
threw the suit down to the floor. Quatre crawled out of the Mobile Suit, his
entire body aching from his fight with Hiiro. "Hiiro..." He jumped down and
approached him.

A strange golden glow surrounded Hiiro's prone form. It was the light of the
ZERO system. Quatre knelt down by his fellow pilot and reached out to touch the
body. The aura vanished as if it was drawn into Quatre's hand. Quatre drew his
hand back to his chest and closed his eyes, his hand glimmering with a gold
light. "Who it is?" He asked.

Quatre was Hiiro for that split second. Within that short span of time, he
caught a glimpse of a moonlight haired angel. She reached out to him and cupped
his face tenderly. She smiled sadly at him and whispered, "Issho ni."

"Okay," Quatre opened his eyes. Softness glimmered in these depths. "Hiiro...
Let's go to Earth."

Quatre stood and draped Hiiro around his neck. He looked back once more at the
destructive Gundam standing behind him. "Earth was kind to us before."

"Chibi chibi!"

Quatre gasped and glanced down. "You!" Chibi Chibi wrapped her tiny arms around
his leg and giggled. "Where did you come from? Did you follow us all the way
from that colony?"

Chibi Chibi nodded. "Isshou ni." She repeated. That angel had said the same
words. Was she and this child the same? They had the same look in their eyes.

"Yes, we'll fight together." Quatre reassured her.

Chibi Chibi followed cheerfully. She was finally understood.


Quatre strapped Hiiro into his seat. He settled into the pilot's seat, weary
and hagrid. He hoped Chibi Chibi would be okay without a space suit. She
didn't appear to like them much anyway from the expression of distaste she wore
when he put his on. Besides, he couldn't find on her size.

Behind them laid a trial of destruction. He had activated Mercurius's self
destruct mechanism. He hoped to Allah that Wing Zero would be destroyed as well.
That Gundam was a mistake. A huge beam of light pierced the surface of the moon.
OZ soldiers rushed about while some just stared awe-stricken out a base window.
A wake of destruction always seemed to follow the Gundams and its pilots, even
if it was not the intention.

Chibi Chibi settled in Quatre's lap as he fired up the engine. The shuttle
launched and he never spared a glance back. "Where now?" He asked the child in
his lap.

Chibi Chibi didn't answer him at first. She stared ahead into the vast regions
of space. She reached out as if to touch or catch a star but always would come
short. She turned to gaze at the blond Arab. "Issho ni."

"I know, but Trowa..." Quatre bit his lower lip.

"Issho ni." Chibi Chibi insisted. She pointed toward the stars. "Duo."


Hiiro awoke some hours later. His body ached all over and his mouth was as dry
as a desert. He reached up and took off the space helmet. How his head hurt...
He turned his head to the side to find Quatre resting. His gaze traveled down
to the little girl in Quatre's lap.

Chibi Chibi tilted her head to a side and grinned sweetly for Hiiro. "Ohayo
Hiiro Yui."

Hiiro bolted up from his seat. How did that child know his name? He could have
sworn she didn't sound like a child either when she spoke a second ago. Quatre
had probably told her their names. Then there was the question, what was she
doing here?

He leaned back and ignored the little girl. What had happened? He struggled to
remember the recent event. That OZ envoy, Trant was his name, had used him as a
guinea pig for the ZERO system. He had lost control. Quatre tried to stop him.
What had stopped his rampage? Hiiro clutched his head and squeezed his eyes
shut. He remembered now. It was a vision of the same angel he saw in the moon
prison. She had reached out and cupped his face tenderly. "Issho ni." She

Hiiro felt warm lips press against his temple. His eyes fluttered open and met
a pair of serene azure. Chibi Chibi stood on his lap and pointed to his head.
"Daijobu." There was familiar warmth in her eyes. "Zettai daijobu ka."

"You're her." Hiiro stated flatly. "You're that girl I saw on the moon and in
my vision." His gaze landed on the heart-shaped buns on Chibi Chibi's head. It
was the same hairstyle as the angel.

Chibi Chibi tilted her head to a side. "Chibi chibi?" She didn't appear to
understand him.

Hiiro sighed. It was a ridiculous notion in and of itself. There was more than
a decade of age difference between that angel and the child in his lap. It was
impossible. He needed rest that was all, a bit of sleep. Hiiro leaned back and
ignored the girl in his lap.

Chibi Chibi gazed up into the face of her charge. Somewhere in the back of her
mind, Cosmos was resting just like this boy, waiting for the time when she would
be needed to fight Chaos. Chibi Chibi snuggled against Hiiro's chest and glanced down at her wrist. Her charm bracelet jingled with twinkling bells.
She stifled a yawn and closed her eyes. They would be near L2 and Duo soon.


Noin brought the truck to a halt. She gazed at her companion from under her
bangs. "This pilot will destroy the Romefeller Foundation for sure."

Sally smiled. "I guess I get a little reckless when doing things because I know
the pilot of that Gundam."

"I think some problems may come up if I have to rely on them, but I want their
power." Noin gripped the steering wheel. She had to protect Ririna. War was
all she knew for the longest time. It was because of war she had met Zechs, but
the need for war had long passed. She was tired of it, just as the rest of the
world was.

"No one wants war, but those who can fight should fight. I truly believe that.
I'm hesitant to use the word 'justice' in this case, but I really think it fits
them. It could turn out to be a terrible thing, because they're expected to the
heroes of the day." Sally sighed. "But I want to follow their lead. Then I
think I can avoid choosing the wrong path." She resolved. The word 'justice' had so much meaning to Sally. These boys were justice. She had the feeling she
once knew five other girls that upheld the same values as these heroes.

Justice, the word sounded so familiar. As if she had said it before a million
times before, facing down enemy foes. It was a ridiculous notion. "You're
right." Noin agreed. "We'll follow their lead and learn from them. We'll play
out our own roles in this war and we'll do so to the best of our abilities."


"My name is Ririna Peacecraft, Chairman of the Board of Directors. Welcome to
the Sank Kingdom." Ririna greeted the new student before her.

"I didn't know that Sank's very own princess is also Chairman of the Board! My
name is Dorothy Catalonia." Dorothy Catalonia fell into a curtsy. "It's a
pleasure to meet you."

"I'm still unable to do anything on my own yet." Ririna disagreed. "I'm
learning about Absolute Pacifism together with you."

"As you know, I come from the Romefeller Foundation. The Foundation possesses a
large military arsenal. I am really interested in this policy Sank has."
Dorothy walked over to the side window and leaned against the edge. She gazed
out at the beautiful scenery. "What would you do if they were to invade your
country? All this wonderful scenery would be destroyed in seconds... I can't
imagine such a terrible thing happening... No one wants to let such idiotic
people conquer this country. What would you do if such a devastating and tragic
thing were to happen?" She turned to face Ririna. It was almost as if Dorothy
was talking from experience. A beautiful and peace-loving kingdom destroyed by
evil, she vaguely remembered having such a dream before.

"I don't believe anyone is that stupid in this world." Ririna frowned. "We can
understand each other through discussion. I believe in doing so, we can achieve

"Miss Ririna, I'm stupid." Dorothy responded eagerly. "I like war. I love it."
She looked away sadly. "I shouldn't be staying here with such ideas in my

"No," Ririna sighed. "The first stage of our policy is to bring such matters
into discussion. Let's talk about these things, Miss Dorothy." Ririna
approached her new student.

"Please, call me Dorothy, Miss Ririna." Dorothy insisted.

"Call me Ririna." Ririna extended a hand forth.

"No, I can't!" Dorothy exclaimed as she grasped Ririna's hand with both of hers.


"Miss Ririna is the heroine of this era. Miss Ririna, I admire you a lot."
Dorothy sighed.

A knock interrupted their conversation. Ririna returned to her desk. "It must
be Luna, come in."

Luna stepped in and curtsied to the princess. She placed the papers she had on
Ririna's desk.

"Luna, meet Dorothy Catalonia. She's a new student at our school and a
representative from the Romefeller Foundation." Ririna gestured to Dorothy by
the window.

Luna smirked. "Of course, welcome to our school, Catalonia-san. I think you'll
find it quite interesting..."

Dorothy felt a chill run down her spine. There was a dark air around that girl,
a strangely familiar one at that. "It's a pleasure, Miss Luna." Though every
word that spilled from her lips was a lie and she knew it. But Dorothy's lies
were nothing compared to the dissemblance of the young dark-haired woman that
stood before her.
*To Be Continued*

Alecto: What do you think? I know that it's kinda confusing but this story does
follow the original episodes very closely. From this point it starts to diverge
though. If you're wondering what episodes we've used, it's 25-29 or so. Can't
remember exactly. The clues have been given, you can proceed to guessing who
the senshi were reincarnated into. About Iria, she was supposed to have died
but we found the reason for her death to be dubious. It was more reasonable in
the manga. So we took creative license and kept her alive. I think this went
pretty well. Don't you think so Aqua~Azn?

Aqua~Azn: *tied to a chair though she looks considerably more sane than before*
I'm gonna so sue the school for this breakdown.

Alecto: *sweatdrop* This truly proves school is dangerous to one's mental health.

Aqua~Azn: *insane ZERO gleam* Review or else.

Alecto: How come all my co-authors are a

Aqua~Azn, Hoshi Tenshi, and Jen: *glowers*

Aku: As they say, birds of a feather flock together! ^-^

In response to reviewers
By Alecto:
Spirit of Cosmos: Thanz for your wonderful comments. Not all the senshi were
reincarnated into pilots, for one thing there are 11 senshi and 5 pilots. It's
kinda fishy if all of the pilots were reincarnations of the senshi. But we've
left the clues in this chapter for most of the senshi. Hotaru will the last to
appear in the far future chapter. Feel free to start guessing.

A friend: I wonder which friend... Hope you enjoy this chapter.

DarkRose: *hugs* Hope you're feeling better, you're always sick... This chapter
is dedicated to you, it wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for you.

Crazy-Gurl: You can probably tell this is gonna be an Usa/Hiiro pairing. Sorry
but we're not changing it. I like Usa/Wufei fics too but Aqua insisted on
Usa/Hiiro. Maybe the next crossover fic.


CyberAngelOne: I just thought the flashbacks added a little background.
Everyone might not be as knowledgeable as you, took we a while to find decent
Episode translations. *shrug*