Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Under A Winged Moon ❯ Chapter Two: Millennium Mishap ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Under A Winged Moon
Chapter Two: Millennium Misshap
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing, just the plotline.
Author's Notes: I know many of you wanted a Usagi/Heero coupling. Although I do agree, that would be cute. But I decided to stick with the Usagi/Wufei. You don't see them together that often. And I think it would be quiet a challenge for me to write that he likes her, since he seems to hate women so much lol. Please don't hate me! *covers head* There will be a nice little present at the end of this chapter for those of you who are looking for a sequel to "My Way" | Click here to see my UAWM splash page I made, and tell me what you think ^_^
Chapter Two: Millennium Misshap

Sailor Pluto sat down beside Usagi and opened a small book that she took out of her space-pocket. She took out a photo from the book and handed it to Usagi. In the photo was two small children, about 5 or 6 years of age. Both had blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Usagi recognized herself right away, it was hard not too with the same old odango hair style. The other child was a boy, he was slightly taller than her. He had short blonde hair. In the picture the children were in some type of garden, both on there stomachs, laying side by side in the grass. They had a small book in front of them. It looked like the little boy was pointing at something in the book, no doubt teaching his sister how to read. Pluto put took the picture from Usagi and put it back in the book.

"Who was that little boy Setsu-chan?" Usagi said, tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"That is your twin brother Usagi-chan" Pluto said softly.

"I ... I have a brother?" Usagi said, more so to herself than to Pluto.

"Yes Usagi-chan, he is your brother"

"What is his name?" She asked.

Pluto smiled "That is something you must find out on your own"

"But where is he, why haven't I seen him before now?" Usagi asked.

"He is in another timeline Usagi...quite aways in the future" Pluto said, putting the book back in her space-pocket.

"Wh .. what? .. But how ... I ..I don't understand" She said softly

"Shh, I will tell you" Pluto said.

Usagi nodded and got comfortable, knowing this would be a some what long story.

"In the Silver Millennium, Queen Serenity had twins. One boy and one girl. In order to keep the Alliance with the Sun, she send your brother. He was, 15 maybe, when she sent him. It broke your heart, you two were quite close. The two of you shared a certain .... empathy. Knowing when the other was hurt, sick or depressed. He was quite protective of you, and your mother. While at the Palace of Apollo1 he trained as a knight for the King. He had four guards that protected him, like you, he was royalty, and had the utmost protection. His guards are what your senshi are to you. He became quite close to them, like brothers. When Beryl attack the Moon Palace, he got there as soon as he could. He fought bravely. Him and his guards fought till the very end...."

Usagi stared out in the distance, then suddenly she had vision, more like a dream.

<><><><>Dream/Vision<><><& gt;<>

"Where am I" Usagi whisper.

Usagi looked around her. She was in a collapsed palace. She couldn't place where, but it seemed all too familiar. Then it hit her, she was on the Moon. She walked over to what looked like a throne. It was hard to tell, the shape of it had worn down. There was a crescent moon on the top, boldly standing out against the crumpled stone. She kneeled next to it and slowly ran her hand along the arm. She closed her eyes and whispered her mother's name. She opened them again and sighed in sadness. She got up from her position and turned around to look at the palace from, what would have been the Queens view. She closed her eyes and pictured what it would have looked like. "It would have been beautiful" she whispered, a faint smile across her lips.

"Yes, it would have"

Her eyes flew open at the sound of the voice. She looked around frantically, but found no one.

"Who are you?" She said, in a slightly frightened tone.

Then, out of the shadows came a young man, about the same height as Usagi. He had blonde hair, and deep, blue eyes. They seemed to hold so much emotion in them. He wore a golden armor, the front chest plate had a design that resembled the sun. He slowly walked towards her, almost as if the wind carried him. He stood in front of her and looked her over, the once serious look was now replaced with one of happiness. He enveloped her in a hug and then released her, pushing her back at arms length.

"I am happy to see you again Serenity" He smiled.

He walked past her to the throne and looked at it sadly. He turned and sat in it. A thoughtful gaze crossed his almost flawless features.

"It seemed like only yesterday when I found out the news of the attack on the Moon. I came as soon as I could. I got here in time to help fight. A fight that was futile. Beryl was much too strong" He stated.

He got up from the throne and walked past Usagi and into the center of the room. He looked around, his eyes stopped on a spot in the room. He watched that spot, as if replaying what happened that day.

"I died for you both that day, and if need be, I'd do it again" He said sadly

Usagi watched him, memorizing every feature, every move. She has seen him before, she knew this. But where? She just couldn't place him. She could feel his esscence, like she did with most people she met. She could feel those of her Senshi, Mamoru, her family. But she could feel a closeness, unlike the ones she felt with her Senshi. Even though she was very close with them, almost like sisters.

She looked at him questionably before speaking.

"Who are you?" She asked softly.

He turned around to face her. He smiled softly "I'm your brother"

<><><><>End<><><>< >

Usagi suddenly snapped back to reality when Pluto shook her. She looked up at her with tears in her eyes.

"He...he died for us..." She choked out.

"Yes, he did. When Serenity seen this, she sent him and his guards to Earth, like she did with you and your senshi. Only, something happened. As Beryl was gather more soldiers, there was a rift in time, and your brother was sent far into the future, unfortunatly, there was nothing the Queen could do. So she sealed Beryl with the crystal, and used the remaining energy to send you, your senshi, and Mamoru-san to Earth" Pluto said, as she held the crying girl.

"I feel so sorry for him, for me, that I didn't know..."

"Shh, Usagi. I am going to send you to that time so you can find him" Pluto said as she stood.

"You are!? Why, is something wrong?" Usagi asked.

"No, not yet anyways, but there might be if we don't hurry. Do you still have the Time Key?" Pluto asked Usagi.

"Yea, right here" She said as she pulled it out of her pocket "I still remember when you gave it to me"

<><><><>Flashback<><><>< ;>

"Are you sure? I thought Chibi-Usa had the only one" Usagi asked as she held out the small key.

"Yes, she did. But I am giving you this one. This will bring you directly to me. Please use it wisely, and only when needed" Pluto said warningly.

Usagi nodded as she put the key on a chain and then around her neck "I promise".

<><><><>End Flashback<><><><>

"Use this only when you have your brother, or if you think you are in any type of danger. Unfortunatly you will not be able to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon" Pluto said as she started to open a portal.

"Why not? I thought I could transform anywhere" Usagi questioned.

"This is a different world Usaig, powers like ours do not exist there. They use violence like guns and machines to protect people" Pluto said.

"Oh, well, okay .... how will I know when I find him?" Usagi asked.

"You will know, you will feel it in your very soul. Also understand that he or his guards have no memory of any of this, or you. It will take quite awhile to convince them who you are. But they must remember before you bring them, understand?" Pluto said as she stood next to the portal.

"Gotcha, oh wait, will I be able to use the ginzuishou? And what about the Inner and Outer Senshi, not that I care if the inners know or not" Usagi said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"It remains to be seen whether or not you can use the ginzuishou, and I will inform the Inners if you should ask me, and I will tell the Outers after I see you off. If I sense any danger that you are not aware of, I will send the Outer Senshi. They will be made aware of your situation" Puto said.

"Okay, I want the Outers to know too. So ... shall I be off?" Usagi said as she smiled.

"Yes, the sooner you get there, the better the chances of finding them. Usagi, they grew up in a world of violence and chaos, it is likey they will not trust you at first, that is something you must earn. But in time, they will"

"I understand, I won't stop untill they do" She giggled.

"Goodbye Usagi-chan, please be careful" Pluto said as she hugged her.

"I will, I promise, and please look after Luna. Goodbye Setsu-chan" She said as she hugged Pluto back.

After they hugged, Usagi waved one last time and entered the portal. Pluto hoped that it would take her to the right place and time. Nothing was certain when sending someone so far into the future. All she could do was hope.

Muahahaha, there it is, chapter two! Didn't expect it to be out so soon did ya? I hope you like. I know that Chibi-Usa was the only one who supposedly had a time key, but this is my story dammit lol. I explained how she got it and all. (1) I made up the Palace of Apollo, I mean, I had to send her bro somewhere right? Let me know what ya'll think. Please R&R.

And now for a preview of an upcoming fanfic:

Usagi travels to America to see her aunt Jen. But what awaits Usagi in the new world? And who is the spandex clad boy next door? Why is he watching her. And why does he feel this girl is more trouble than she's worth? Find out in Chapter Two of My Way.

From Songfic to Chaptered Story. My Way continues. Coming soon to an archive near you.