Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Purple of White Roses ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Purple of White Roses (6/?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairs: 1+2+1, 1x2x1, 3x4 mentioned with 5+S and 6+13.
It's mainly 1 and 2 in action.
Category: Romance, sap, yaoi
Notes: PG13, maybe have one of those NC17 epilogues or
something. AU to boot too with a few references to
Yuu Yuu Hakusho terms and my own character placed in
as more of a narrator than anything else. // indicate
excerts of books. <> are telepathic speech.
Disclaimer: Oh I wish I could have Duo and Heero to my
self...but I can't. *hears Duo muttering in the back
ground about 'good thing too'*

[midnight in the gardens]

"Relena-sama." Dorothy purrs.

"Dorothy-san." Relena says, acknowledging with a tilt
of her head. "You told me you have a way for me to
gain Heero-san's affections."

"Hai, but we must wait for the others." Dorothy

"Others?" Relena asks, curious.

"Hai. We cannot do this alone Relena-sama." Dorothy

"I see."

Together, they await the arrival of the others.

[back to group of guys]

They sleep with one standing guard at all times. As
they sleep, they dream as well. Treize dreams of the
beauty of battle. Quatre dreams of mysterious emerald
eyes. Crystal, you don't want to know what she
dreams. Heero dreams of a certain someone with
amethyst eyes. Duo, well, Duo dreams about the future
and what it may bring. Wufei, well, look for

[Wufei's dream]

"Shi ne!" Wufei shouts, slashing at the intruders.

Then, a mist rolls in and covers the area. When it
clears, Wufei finds himself in a meadow of his youth.

"Chang Wufei." a voice whispers.

"Huh? Who's there!" Wufei shouts, on his guard.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help
you if I can." the voice replies.

"Who are you?" Wufei questions.

"My name is Meiran." Meiran says, stepping from the
trees and approaching Wufei.

Wufei did a quick glance over his opponent. Finding a
slender woman with flowing golden robes, her embony
hair shifting with the breezes and her dark eyes
watching him. Her eyes mesmorize him with their
endless depths.

"What are you?" Wufei asks.

"I am also known as 'Justice' to many races. In a
sense, I am your Goddess in which your kind worships."
Meiran replies. "I intend on taking care of those who
serve me in my name."

"Why are you here?" Wufei asks.

"To see you happy. You deserve a bit of happiness. I
can only see depression in your particular future."
Meiran says, sadly.

"Oh?" Wufei asks, curious.

"Hai. But I cannot say anymore. Sleep well warrior."
Meiran says, fading from view.

"Wait!" Wufei cries out.

[da gals!]

"Dorothy-san, will you explain things to us now? We
are all here are we not?" Relena asks, impatient.

"Hai. I can help you achieve what you desire most.
But in return, you must loyally serve my master and
obey my command. For my command comes from my
master." Dorothy informs them. "You only have one
chance to back out. After that...everything's fair in
love and war."

"I will do anything to get Heero-san." Relena states.

The others agree, knowing that Dorothy knows their
deepest desires.

"Then it shall be done. Should you betray me and my
master, you shall be severely punished." Dorothy
states. "We shall begin your training."

To Be Continued...

Dun dun daaaaaaa! Hehehehehehe, I just had to add in
the line 'everything's fair in love and war'. A
little prelude to something ne?