Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 15: alone with a mirror ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

15: alone with a mirror

Heero stands in the bathroom and stares at the mirror. At first he was just looking, then he was staring. Then he started pulling faces, and he has stood there ever since. It's been hours, but Heero still stands there and pulls his faces.

They were funny at first; mockeries of himself in the war he had seen Duo pull a thousand times. But they made him think of Duo and then they weren't funny anymore.

So he made sad faces; mockeries of the way he often felt during the war, coming home to an empty room, a cold bed. But they made him think of a warm blanket, long lost, and Duo. Then the faces made him sad.

So he tried to make happy faces to cheer himself up, but the manic grin only reminded him of Duo. Of the things he had lost and he stopped.

And he started looking again. Then staring. Then making faces.

When it's too dark to see in his reflection anymore, Heero makes a fist and slams it into the glass. Little splinters fracture everywhere and blood plays on his fingers. Heero watches it drip into the sink in the dark, little black drops staining the purity.

In time, he gets out the first aid kit and covers his hand in bandaids. They remind him of older days, bitter memories. Of dead moons and empty rooms.

It's somehow colder, and he's alone. Wufei has not come back and Heero doesn't think he's going to. So he just lies there, and looks at the ceiling. And then he stares…