Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Confessions III: Resolution ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Confessions III: Resolution
Part 3
Yaoi/Strong Angst
Disclaimers: I don't own Gundam Wing, Duo, Heero, or the others.
Warnings: Um... What can I say so I don't spoil anything for you guys?? I guess I will repeat my self, Yaoi, Angst, and language.
Author's Note: Okay, I really really hope you guys are reading this. Because I went through such emotional stress as I was doing so. If you are a writer you know you have to be the main person. So I did. I was Heero through Architecture design class, through Algebra Two, and through out Creative Writing. I was shaking the whole day. I really hope you guys in joy this and that it has the effect I want on you. If it does, you need a tissue. So please, please reply to me!! I want to know how bad of a job I did, what scene stuck out in your mind, what scene you hated/liked the most. Umm... and anything else!! Please, please respond!! Arigatou in advance!!

Heero Yuy ran down the street swiftly, barely touching anybody but yet he ran in a strait direction to the hospital.
The cold wind pushed against his body warning him not to go. The ominous snow clouds hovered above, telling all of it's gray might. Heero didn't notice any of it. All he was thinking, praying, was 'Duo, please be okay!' He imagined himself approaching the hospital and Duo standing there laughing at how worried Heero was.
"Heero? You actually think a small bombing would kill me?!" and then he would laugh his cheerful laugh. That laugh that made Heero smile, that laugh he couldn't live without.
But when he reached the hospital there was no Duo. Even though there where fire trucks, police cars, and rescue suits, and hundreds of people, he knew Duo wasn't any where around. He had to get in there, he ran further and approached the yellow strip of tape.
"Sorry sir, you can't-" but Heero still jumped over the tape.
"Sir you can't come in here! It's dan-" another gripped at Heero but he easily pushed him off. He started to run towards the broken wing door but someone else held him. No matter how much he struggled he couldn't break the person's grip.
"Heero," it was Wufei.
"Let me go Wufei. Duo's in there!" he struggled harder but Wufei didn't ease his grip any.
"He's not in the building," Heero felt a second of relief but he could tell from Wufei's voice there was still something wrong.
"Where is he? Wufei! Damn it!"
"He's over there," he pointed still holding his grip on him.
"Let me go Wufei," now quiet, showing how up set he was.
Wufei knew this and he let him go reluctantly. In a flash Heero was gone off in the direction Wufei pointed in.
As he neared a fire truck he could see a part of a white sheet, the closer he got the more he saw of it. It was no longer a white sheet, it was a sheet that covered a long slender body beneath. Heero started shaking violently as his feet made him get closer. His arms reached out for it no matter how much his mind screamed, no. He grew closer and closer to the body, his fingers closer to the edge of the sheet.
"No! Heero!" Sally called as she ran up from behind him forcing his hand away from it.
Heero couldn't talk. He just stared at that familiar shape under the sheet.
"Heero, Heero listen to me. Sit down Heero, sit, your going to callapsed. Sit." Sally helped his body to sit down on the cold floor. "Heero," Sally was going to kill Wufei for letting him go, "Duo.. was caught in the fire... So was Doctor Tomino. They both-"
"Our child..." he inquired not wanting to hear the details.
"She... the glass exploded from the heat, she..."
Sally knew he wasn't looking for an answer, he was looking for resolution.
"Let me see him." he whispered and finally looked up into Sally's eyes.
She starred back for only a second. She saw the pain and anxiety in his eyes. Tears threatening to come out but he still had a stone heart. His stone heart that had started to soften with every moment spent with Duo. But now... He closed everything. The perfect soldier.
"Heero, he's badly burned..."
"I want to see Duo."
Reluctantly she nodded, and turned her head as he rose from the ground.
Heero now had control of his body. He no longer shook yet his heart was pounding. He pulled the sheet back a small amount and saw his hair. His prized brown hair that he had spent hours working on, was now ruined. Parts of his scalp showed and other parts had a fraction of long hair. His braid was gone. The braid Heero had helped him do over and over again. The braid that attracted Heero to him. The braid that he could never part with. The braid Duo now took with him.
Heero could see no more. If his braid was like this, Heero couldn't bare to see his face. That smile!
Heero took a step backward as his vision started to fade.
"Sit down Heero," Sally repeated and she joined him on the ground. She was unable to figure out what to do so she wrapped her arms around him trying to stop his shaking whether it was from the cold snow that started to fall or from shock. She held him tightly, Heero still couldn't cry.

Ama- I am sorry minna-san!! I had to kill him! You don't understand!! ::offers out tissues:: If you need more just email me and tell me that *you needed tissues*!! Please!! Even if you didn't need tissues tell me!! >.< I just want to know if I did a good job herting you all-ugh-I mean moving you all. Don't worry it's not over yet! There is still more to come!! ::sniff sniff::