Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing the Magic Line or When Gundams Get Wands ❯ TIme of Change ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Crossing the Magic Line
When Gundams Get Wands

A/N: Yes! I’m writing…a crossover! O brave new world!…Spare me the slings and arrows, okay? I got this idea from a few successive dreams and decided to write it so that they’d get out of my damn head. BAH to those who do not see the perspective hottie-ness of the Gundam and Potter Boys in the same room. …Merph… Oh, and this is an attempt to write a non angst-driven story. It’s suppose to be humorous...with a LITTLE angst thrown in. Hey, I wouldn’t be TGP if I didn’t write angst. There will also be some romance. Woo!
Warnings: Yaoi-ness, Silly-ness, some Angsy-ness, Duo Bashing (because I hate the little bastard…Don’t. Ask,) Misuse of Magic (again, just don’t ask…,) Threesomes, Bitchy Chicks, Bad Language, the lake-squid getting some, and other Miscellaneous Bad Stuff. Heero and Harry centric.
Pairings: 1+(2x5) => 1x2x5, 3x4, HP/DM, RW/HG, SS/RL and various other minor pairings
Disclaimer: Well, Harry Potter and Gundam Wing aren’t rated NC-17 for homosexual boffing, now are they?

Chapter 5
Time Of Change

It was as if Heero just disappeared. They knew he was around for the Order members would mention him, but neither saw him at all. A tenseness dropped over Harry and Hermione, much worse than before. They were civil to each other, but anyone could see that this was just to keep from breaking the harmony of the house. Ron tried to get them to make up, but he didn’t know why they were fighting in the first place and neither would mention it. He often lost his temper and stormed away from the two, who would just glare at each other after.

The adults were in and out of the house all the time. Mrs. Weasley stayed around the most, making sure all of the teens ate regularly and such. It was she that Harry went to for news on his absent bodyguard.

“I’ve tried to tell him,” she said quietly, looking a little sad, “but he refuses to give Hermione anymore reason to be angry with you.”

“She’d be angry anyway!” Harry snapped as he dropped his head on his hands. “She’s always got something-”

“Harry,” Mrs. Weasley said warningly. He sighed a bit.

“He’s a good person,” he murmured, averting his eyes. Mrs. Weasley patted his shoulder. “I don’t see how she can’t see that.”

“She’s said the same thing,” the older woman said quietly. She sat down beside him, shifting until she was comfortable. “She doesn’t understand how you don’t see what a potential danger Heero is.”

“Do you believe me?”

She was quiet a moment. “I’ve spoken with him… Well, as much as the poor dear talks, that is. He seemed a nice boy, just a little introverted…”

Harry grinned. “Then you DO believe me!”

“Harry,” she said with a little sigh. “It isn’t that simple. I’ve been doing so research of my own and-”

“Don’t tell me you think he’s dangerous!”

“But he is, Harry,” Molly said softly, taking his hand. “I don’t know much about the last muggle wars, mostly because even the Ministry is sketchy on the details, but he was key to them. Hermione’s told me about these ‘Gundam Pilots’ but I found little on who they were, only what they’d done. Yes, Harry. Heero Yuy is extremely dangerous, but it was in part his skill that ended the fighting in both wars.”

Harry was quiet, his eyes settling on their joined hands. Molly sighed softly and almost went on, but the boy finally looked at her and she grew silent.

“He’s a good person.”


“He’s dangerous.”


“Do you trust him?”

She fell silent. Harry frowned and looked back down.

“The Ministry doesn’t know who the five boys are,” Molly began again, quietly. “Even muggle governments haven’t identified all of them. Apparently, there’s a muggle organization that employs them, but that’s information I gained from Hermione. She only knows because her father has a friend who works there…”

“They’re called Preventers.”

Both Harry and Molly jumped as the dark voice entered in. Heero stood at the door way to the hall, his face neutral. Molly recovered first and smiled, waving him over.

“Sit down, dear,” she said. “I’ll get us some tea and-”

“I will,” interrupted Heero. He went to the stove, where a pot of tea was waiting to be mixed, and set to doing so. He still did most things as a muggle, saving his magic for completely magical things that could be done no other way.

“Where have you been?!” Harry exploded suddenly. Heero paused and glanced back at him.


“I haven’t seen you in days!”

Heero turned back to the tea and finished stirring. He took down glasses and brought them all to the table, pouring equal portions between them all. Molly took her cup and sipped quietly as she watched the two teens.

“Your friend is upset by my-”

“She’s always mad at someone!” Harry cried, slapping his forehead. “I think it makes her happy!”

Heero stared at him as if he’d grown another head. “Calm yourself, Potter.”

“And you stop disappearing on me,” Harry snapped back. “How does a bodyguard guard if he’s not around?”

“I’ve been around.” Heero’s voice held the slightest edge to it, easily unnoticed to one who didn’t know him well. Molly reached over and touched his hand.

“He isn’t insinuating that you aren’t doing your job, dear,” she said gently. “Harry just likes to know where his friends are. He’s very protective.”

Harry blushed a little as Heero glanced over him.

“Am I your friend, Potter?”

One of Harry’s brows raised. “Isn’t it obvious?”

The Japanese boy was quiet as he mulled this over. Finally, he nodded and stood to leave.

“Where are you going?” Harry asked. Heero paused.

“Your friend is angry with me,” he said simply, and then he was gone. Harry glanced at Molly, but her little smile gave him no answers.

Heero did not disappear as he had before. He marched straight to the bedroom of Miss Hermione Granger and rapped upon the door. As soon as it opened, he was met with the girl’s scowling face. Heero stood silently, waiting.

“Well?” Hermione growled out. “What do you want?”

“You are Potter’s friend,” Heero said calmly. “I am his bodyguard. To live peacefully, we must work though the tension between us.”

Hermione snorted. “I’m never going to agree with this.”

“Very well.” Heero reached behind him, pulling out a small gun from the holster at the small of his back. He checked it over, making sure it was loaded, though he knew it to be. Hermione watched with wide eyes.

“You’re going to kill me,” she whispered. Heero glanced at her.

“No,” he said. He took her hands and placed the gun into them, moving her fingers to grip it correctly before raising the barrel to his heart. “You are.”

“Are you mad?!” Hermione cried, trying to move her hands, but his kept them there.

“If you believe me to truly be a threat to Harry Potter,” Heero said quietly, “You will remove him from harm by getting rid of me.”

Hermione stared at him, her wide brown eyes locked with fierce blue. She could feel her hands shaking within his.

“Why are you doing this?” she said in a near whimper.

“My specialties are unsuited for social interaction,” he replied. “Potter needs you.”

“Even after all the things I said to you? The way I treated you?”

“Grudges are meaningless.” He let go of her hands. “Am I a danger to Potter or not?”

Her hands were still shaking, but they lowered, gun in tow. Silently, Heero removed it and placed it back in the holster. He looked at her face, looking over her for something, before nodding. He then turned and began to leave.

“That’s it?” she called. Heero glanced back.

“Should there be more to it?”

Hermione blinked…and then slowly smiled. “No, I suppose not.”

Heero didn’t completely understand the warmth that filled his chest, but he didn’t mind it either.


One the morning of September 1st, Molly Weasley went about waking four teenagers and getting them ready for a long day. She patiently directed each to the shower when it was their turn, feeding the rest and checking over their bags between to make sure each had what they needed. Even when Heero gave her one of his best glares, she waved him off and did as she wished without fear.

Once ready, Mrs. Weasley walked out to the waiting taxi with her four chicks behind her. Ginny, they found, had stayed with Luna Lovegood for the last weeks of the summer and would be arriving with her. The four stuffed their trunks into the back of the taxi before piling into the back seat as Mrs. Weasley took the front. That made for an extremely cramped journey to King’s Cross. Once there, the practically fell from the doors. Mrs Weasley led them to and through the division between platforms 9 and 10 before she let them fend for themselves.

“Now, you all have a good year,” she said as she kissed each forehead and sent them off with a hug. The hug was especially tight for Harry, which only made him blush. Heero watched her leave before turning a leery eye on the quickly filling platform. Children everywhere. There was no way he could watch all sides and keep Harry safe if someone decided to attack. He touched the boy’s shoulder.

“Potter, we need to move to a more secure location,” he said sternly. Harry gave him the wide eyed look of one who didn’t realize what could be dangerous. Heero could remember not-so-fondly that look on another person under his protection once. With a scowl, he grabbed Harry’s arm and began to drag him though the crowd, winning a squawk from the boy. Hermione and Ron followed, both looking rather amused.

“Well, well, well, Potter’s got a new stooge!”

Heero paused, placing himself in front of Harry as he eyed the boy in his way. Blonde, smooth face, gray eyes, and the most smug expression.

“Go away, Malfoy,” Harry snarled, trying to push past Heero as the other boy kept him behind him.

“My, isn’t he protective,” Malfoy purred, his grunts laughing behind him. Heero calculated the odds of him against the three and decided that these children would be simple to dispatch if needed. Malfoy, in particular, looked weak.

“Heero, get out of the way!”

“I am to guard you, Potter,” muttered Heero, “not to let you get into meaningless battles.”

“A bodyguard?!” Malfoy let out a peal of laughter. “Oh, poor little Potter’s too afraid to go out alone! This is rich. I knew you were pathetic, but really…”

“He is not pathetic!” Ron cried, rushing forward. Hermione grabbed him but it took Heero’s help to drag him back, which left Harry without a wall before him. The black haired boy threw himself at Malfoy without another thought, hands wrapping about the boy’s slender throat. Malfoy’s eyes buldged as he ripped at Harry’s hands, choking. Crabbe and Goyle were quick to try to help their leader, which brought Heero’s attention back to them. The blue eyed boy quickly let go of Ron to drag Harry out of the mess, which only made it possible for Ron to enter the fray.

What resulted was an all out fist fight between six teenage boys. The other children on the platform were quick to ring around them, shouting out taunts and praise as well as bets to the winners. Their parents attempted to get through to stop the battle, but found the crushing ring impenetrable. Heero was the only one of the six boys not trying to kill someone, and he did see the irony of that later on. He ended up knocking Crabbe in the jaw, Goyle in one eye, and had been turning to Malfoy when a shout rose.


All six jerked straight before falling flat and motionless. All eyes turned to the tall figure in black who still held his wand high, a nasty look on his face. He sneered at the gathered children.

“Get onto the train,” he snarled. “Now!”

They couldn’t move fast enough to get away from the enraged Potions Master. Snape stepped over to the boys on the ground, giving a glare to the girl who still stood near them. He glanced them over with a sneer.

“Twenty points from all of you and a week’s detention,” Snape growled out. His gaze paused over Heero. “Since I cannot take points from someone not in a house, you will serve two weeks detention, Yuy. Any more trouble between you all and it will be three weeks for any of you. Finite Incantatum.”

Crabbe and Goyle clambered up, nabbing their leader and dragging him off, all three giving the fallen boys murderous glares. Heero was next to rise as Snape slunk off. He got to his feet and took a breath, finding it extremely hard not to blow up at the boy under his protection. Two thirds of the Golden Trio helped each other up. Turned out Heero didn’t need to worry about yelling at them; the last third did it for him.

“You IDIOTS!” Hermione screamed at the boys. “Get on the train NOW!”

Both moved with the air of the condemned. Heero followed them with Hermione at his side. They made their way though the train, trying to find an empty compartment and finally succeeding. As soon as the door shut, Hermione cast a silencing spell and turned on Harry and Ron.

“Do you have ANY idea of how stupid that was?!”

“But Herm, they-”


He shrank back, effectively chastised. Hermione glared at him before giving Heero a glance.

“Sit down before you break something, Heero.”

She was almost surprised when he did so, but was too angry to notice.

“Why aren’t you getting mad at him?!” Ron growled, getting a bit of backbone back. “He was fighting, too!”

“Was he?” asked Hermione, her tone deadly quiet. “You two were too busy getting yourselves detention to notice Heero fighting his way though to get you guys out. It was easy to see that he was working hard not to hurt anyone seriously. If he had been fighting for real, I doubt anyone would be alive, nor would they have landed a hit on him at all.”

She didn’t notice the somewhat surprised look on the Japanese boy’s face. Her eyes kept glaring daggers into her two best friends as they looked down or away, anywhere but at her.

“I think you should apologize for getting him into trouble,” she growled out. Both boys glanced up at her face before turning away again and muttering a half hearted “Sorry, Heero.”

Hermione nodded with satisfaction, knowing she would get no better from them. “Now sit down so I can look at those bruises and cuts.”

They did so with a sort of resentful acceptance. She started with Harry, dabbing her handkerchief to his busted lip before dragging out a healing balm from her trunk and dabbing that over. Once he was done, she turned and tended to Ron. Harry noted the red stain to their cheeks, but said nothing. Last, Hermione went to Heero, who simply stared at her without an expression.

“Cuts?” she asked.



“Few.̶ 1;

She folded her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow, waiting. Heero stared back at her patiently. The other boys watched this battle of wills before Hermione gave a sigh of exasperation.

“This balm will heal bruises within minutes,” she said. “No sense in leaving them be.”

“Save it,” Heero replied. They began their stare off again.

“Hermione,” Harry said quietly, “let him be.”

The girl gave a little huff before pulling out a book and settling next to Heero. “Men. Honestly…”

Ron and Harry hid their amused smiles.

The Japanese boy glanced at them all, his face as blank as ever though his thoughts were in shambles. The day had been a very disturbing experience for him. Not only had he allowed his charge to get injured, he’d been completely incapacitated by surprise, something that should never have been allowed to happen. It disturbed him even more how easily that had been done. Heero almost missed the normalcy of the muggle world. At least they had to use ropes and chains to keep him still.

Heero vowed to learn more spells, practical ones that would help him from being surprised like that again. He leaned back in his chair and felt the familiar weight of one gun at his back. He knew most of his weapons would be taken from him as soon as they arrived at the school, and this did bother him but he wasn’t one to back out of promises, and so was comforted by its presence for the time being.

As Ron and Harry started into an excited conversation about the fight and wonderings about why Snape had been there, Heero studied them both. They didn’t realize at all the danger they had been in. To them, the “school yard scuffle” had been nothing but an adventure. They didn’t know that there were so many ways to mess up a punch or kick and make it lethal. They didn’t know the force a human could exert on another human, many times enough to break bone. They were innocent. Heero narrowed his eyes. They would stay as innocent as he could manage, that was for certain.


Upon arrival to the school, the students filed out of their compartments to meet the carriages. Heero stopped short to stare at the ghostly horses that pulled them, vaguely remembering their species from one of his books. It was so much more powerful to see them in person….

“Threshals,” said Harry softly at his side. Heero glanced at him wonderingly. “Only someone who’s known death will see them.”

Nodding, Heero followed him into one of the carriages, Ron and Hermione packing in with them. Harry stared out the windows with a glee he could barely contain. Back at Hogwarts! It was the only place he ever felt at home… He felt warmth spread through his chest.

The ride seemed to take forever as Harry stared at the approaching castle. Hermione and Ron conversed quietly over something, but Harry wasn’t listening enough to get it. Heero was silent and Harry felt comforted by it instead of dismayed. The green eyed boy felt happy and warm, despite the detentions he would be serving.

When they arrived, finally, the four barreled out to join the other Hogwarts students in their trek to the Great Hall. Just outside the doors, Snape caught them.

“Follow me, Mr. Yuy,” he muttered. Heero realized he would be losing most of his weapons. Well, he’d agreed to it…Giving Harry a faint farewell, he followed the Potions Master away. Harry frowned after him, somewhat confused at why they’d be separated, but Ron grabbed his arm and dragged him into the Great Hall, reminding him that food was waiting for them.

The Sorting Ceremony was as Harry remembered. He watched the terrified first years walk up to the front of the Hall and place the hat upon their heads, looking as if they thought it would eat them. It amused Harry, though he felt a bit bad for it. He looked expectantly towards Dumbledore’s seat for his speech, but the Headmaster was not there.

“The Headmaster has something to attend to and will be here shortly,” said McGonagall. At this, the students began talking amongst themselves.

“Do you think it has something to do with Heero?” Harry asked his friends, somewhat worried.

“No doubt, mate,” replied Ron. Hermione nodded.

“Maybe last minute information about Hogwarts. He will be staying here, after all,” she said thoughtfully.

They didn’t have to speculate further, for moments later, Dumbledore strode through the large doors at the end of the Hall with Heero behind him. The two passed the trio, Heero giving Harry a quick glance but nothing more. When they reached the front, Dumbledore stepped up to his podium to give the beginning speech. It was quite normal, warning against the forest and wandering at night, but ended in a note about the youth next to him.

“This is Heero Yuy,” Dumbledore introduced with a wave to the boy. “He will be accompanying the sixth year Gryffindor class this year. I advise that no one acts… unkindly or in anyway unbecoming to Mr. Yuy, unless they wish to die a very horrible, painful death.”

The hall was dead silence. Heero glanced up at Dumbledore but nothing more. Harry almost laughed at his expression, but held back. This done, the Headmaster waved Heero away and the youth went to sit beside Hermione.

“Now then, lets eat!”

The second Dumbledore sat down, food appeared on the tables. The students dug in as conversation blossomed everywhere. Along the Gryffindor table, stares started and cut off at the new addition, but they soon realized how comfortable the Golden Trio was with him and that eased them. Heero, for his part, managed to hide his annoyance of the Headmaster and simply eat, sometimes giving a word in the conversation but mostly silently listening. It was strange to listen to the conversations of normal children.

When the meal was over, the Prefects got up and began herding them away to their houses. Most of them looked tired and ready to sleep, sated smiles all around. Heero followed close behind his charge, creating a mental map of the castle as they went. It was huge, magnificent… He knew that Wufei would definitely appreciate it, if the other pilot ever ended up there.

He felt a slight tightening of his chest at that and stubbornly ignored it. Wufei would do as he wanted and nothing Heero wanted mattered in that scheme of things. Even if…

The sixth year boys’ dorm room had been outfitted with another bed to compensate for their new roommate. Harry grabbed Heero’s arm and pulled the other boy to the new bed.

“This one’s yours,” he said. Heero glanced over it. Nearest the door, along the opposite wall as the others, equal distance between window and door… Yes. It would do.

“So we get him all to our selves?”

Heero glanced back and saw a scruffy irish boy with the biggest grin he thought was possible, other than that of Duo Maxwell’s.

“Seamus, nice to meet you,” the boy introduced, throwing out his hand. Heero took it and shook once before releasing him. Another boy came up behind him to grab the Japanese youth’s hand next.

“I’m Dean! And that scrap in the corner is Neville.”

He glanced at the last boy, who waved a little. Heero nodded a hello to him.

“Well, I’m tired,” Ron said with a yawn as he moved to his bed. The others muttered similar responses. Pretty much ignoring each other, the six boys got ready for bed. Within an hour, the beds were occupied, lights off, and boys quite gone into dreaming.

At least, most of them. Heero Yuy laid awake, staring at the quiet beds of his new roommates. Sounds of an old castle filled his ears, every creak catching his full attention. The buzz of magic, so new to him yet becoming familiar, filled every space, alighting his skin with its electric touch. There was a nervous tension in the air, a waiting for the morning. There would be much to do then, what with classes starting. Heero stared up at the ceiling. Classes…He wondered what he would do for them…

He wished silently, deep inside, that he could have company for the ride.


A/N: ....I'm horrible, stone me now, sorry for the lack of updates. My life decided to shit on me. Anywho, I think things are better now....and I hope you enjoyed this installment.

Story Notes:
Um. None.