Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Days Gone By ❯ Night Terrors ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy and all other Gundam Wing characters belong to Bandai.

Gundam Wing

Days Gone By...

Amethyst orbs opened to the blinking red lights of the digital clock by the bed. Those eyes blinked sluggishly and finally just closed, trying to get sleep to claim his tired form.

That sleep evaded him and the teen gave a frustrated grunt, pushing himself up and swinging his legs over the side of this small bed, his feet come into contact on a cold wooden floor.

"State condition." A voice said in a commanding note.

Duo surprisingly stared at the bed opposite his own.

"Hey, Heero-buddy. Not able to catch any shut eye either?" There was no response and Duo stood and walked silently towards the bedroom door.

"I'm just gonna get a snack." The braided boy didn't wait for a response as he left their room.

Duo stepped into the kitchen and opened the cabinet above the sink counter and withdrew a plastic cup.

He didn't know why he was so restless. As soon as he turned the faucet on the kitchen's bright light chased away the darkness and Duo whipped around to stare at pilot 01. Heero stood at the entrance, unmoving until Duo recognized that there was no threat.

"So you want something to drink?" He quipped.

"You should sleep." The braided boy stared upon the perfect solider for a moment before turning back to his original task.

"Don't worry man. I'll get enough."

"Why do you have nightmares?"

The shoulders on the braided pilot went tense.

"You never receive sufficient rest for your body which decreases your performance and the success rate for missions." Heero never moved as he studied the other teen.

"I said not to worry about it. I just want some water and I'll go back to bed. I get enough sleep man... I won't fail you on a mission and dose off while killing an OZ solider." Duo quickly sipped some water and headed back to his and Heero's room. Blue eyes followed his every movement as they walked back to the bedroom and they watched him slide into bed.

"Get rest for the mission tomorrow."

"No problem, Hee-man. Night!" There was no response from the stoic, brunet pilot as they slipped into slumber.
