Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Death Becomes Him ❯ A Fridge Fell On Me ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gundam Wing is copyright...Sotsu, I think it is, and I don't own the GW boys, if I did I'd have my own personal harem and a billion dollars instead of my pathetic 486 CPU and small fansub collection...


Shi -chan: Oh, how I detest "Pride and Predjudice..."
Duo: You might have liked it more if you'd read it a week ago like you were supposed to...
Shi-chan: I had better things to do!
Quatre: What, surfing the Net and watching Ranma?
Shi-chan: Shut uuuup...
Duo: And we happily bring you Chapter 21! If I didn't know better I'd think I actually enjoyed that last chapter!
Shi-chan: It was supposed to have that effect...
Heero: Hn. Gundam is on in 15 minutes. Can you write that fast?
Shi-chan: Nani!?!? But, isn't this episode 48? Is this the episode where Quatre gets stabbed?
Quatre: Oh, that bitch...
Duo: Baka...I think so....or maybe it's 49...
Shi-chan: One of those times when I hate Canadian television. Everybody's already seen this but me...
Quatre: Uh, Shi-san? The fic?
Shi-chan: o.O Oh yeah, the fic...


Death Becomes Him
~By Shimegami-chan
Part 21


Duo stared at the door through which Heero had left. "What the hell just happened?"

//Masaka...could it be? He...beleives me? Saa...//

Duo let out a whoop of happiness and spun in a circle. "YATTA!"

Suddenly Wufei came barging in, with Quatre and Trowa in hot pursuit. "Maxwell!"

Quatre gasped. "Oh Allah, what happened to you?"

"Huh?" Duo was too caught up in his victory and ran over to give all three boys cheerful hugs. "What do you mean?"

"You're bleeding," Trowa pointed out.

"You've got bruises all over!" exclaimed Quatre.

"And I beleive you've lost your mind." said Wufei.

"Oh, that!" Duo laughed, touching his hand to some of the blood coursing down his face. "Hahaha! Um, Heero and I had a 'lil lover's spat!"

Quatre regarded him seriously. "Are you sure you didn't hit your head?"

"No way! I told Heero he could, uh, beat me up if he liked, so he did, but then he started yelling and I punched him and then he kissed me and walked off!"

Wufei gaped. "You call *that* a 'lover's spat?'!?"

(Shi-chan intervenes at this point, doing something she vowed never to do, and drags the four boys into her room to watch GW.
Duo: I've SEEN this episode, baka!
Quatre: I LIVED this episode!
Shi-chan: Shut up! Talk when the commercial comes on!

*30 minutes later*

Shi-chan: Damn, Quatre, that looked like it hurt...
Trowa: Don't you think you're ruining the mood of the scene here?
Shi-chan: Oh, hell. Um...yeah.


Shi-chan: We now bring you back to your regularly scheduled program. Er, fanfic.)

Duo danced around gaily. "He loves me, he loves me, he loves me, he loves me! He nearly beat me to death. Erk."

Quatre took Duo's arm and led him out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. "You're dripping blood everywhere, Duo...for heaven's sake..."

Duo surveyed his swollen face in the mirror. "Uh, maybe I should've fought back earlier. Oh yeah, and I'm having more phasing troubles."

"Couldn't turn solid again?" Trowa asked worriedly.

"No, couldn't phase out. I tried to when Heero first started swinging at me." The braided boy stripped his shirt over his head and gingerly touched his torso. "I think I broke some ribs."

"Aiya..." Quatre gaped at the assortment of wounds on the American's body. "You're gonna be black and blue by tomorrow may need to go to the hospital about that..."

Duo carefully wiped away the blood that had drippped from his face to his shoulders. "Yeah...I think my arm's a little screwy too..." He put down the cloth and let down his hair using his right hand. The left one, Trowa noticed, was swelling a bit. He went to get some ice.

Duo brushed his hair out and allowed Quatre to re-braid it for him. "Where d'ya think I should sleep tonight?"

"Not near Yuy." Wufei let out a curse and tried to secure an elastic band around the end of Duo's long chestnut braid. "No telling what he might do while you're asleep, if you're solid."

"I don't think you should phase anyway, if you even can." Quatre said worriedly. "What if you don't wake up, and we can't do anything to help? I think you'd better stay in one of the spare rooms. Or you can have my room and I'll sleep upstairs."

"Thanks, Q-man." Duo tried to move his left arm and winced. Trowa appeared with an ice pack.

"We'll go to the doctor early tomorrow," Quatre reassured them. "Then we can try to figure out what's happening with Heero."


The next morning Quatre and Wufei took great pleasure in disguising Duo as best they could, in case anyone at the hospital recognized him. Duo straightened the glasses on his nose and glared down at his new outfit. It consisted of one of Trowa's dark purple turtlenecks and a pair of Quatre's khakis, despite the fact that Duo had tons of his own clothes that he could have worn.

"They're all black!" Quatre had complained. "How can you be inconspicuous if you're wearing *all black!?*"

"Quatre, look at my *hair!*" Duo moaned. "Please...let me braid it or ponytail it at least!"

"No way, Maxwell!" Wufei crowed. "That hair of yours is way too identifiable. It's better left down."

"But I look like a girl..." Duo whined.

"Not with that shirt on!" Quatre cried.

Duo looked pained. "Well, that's even worse! I look like a crossdresser!"

"You mean you're not?"

All three boys stopped to stare at Trowa for a moment before Quatre and Wufei burst into laughter.

"INJUSTICE!" Duo sputtered.

"Shut up, Maxwell!"

Quatre wondered if the pants matched or not.

"Can't I wear my baseball cap?"


"Quatre! No faaaaair!'

"Too bad." Careful to avoid Duo's injured left arm, Quatre and Trowa dragged him out the door. "Let's go!'

All throughout the car ride, Duo kept pushing his glasses up furthur on his face and mumbling, "Damn. Damn it all to hellll...I want my collar, I want my braid, I heal quick, all-better-lets-go-home!"

"Duo, you wear your hair down all the time." Trowa said mildly.

"That's at *home*! In public it's different!"

"What's so different?" asked Quatre.

"It's, uh...well, it gets in my way!" Duo growled and pulled his cross out from inside his shirt. He proceeded to sulk for the remainder of the ride, until Trowa pulled the car up in front of the hospital. Duo didn't like hospitals, not at all.

"I really am feeling better..." the American said sheepishly. "I don't think I need to go in..."

"Come on, Maxwell." Wufei grabbed Duo and pulled him bodily out of the car and up the sidewalk.

"Noooo! Don't do this to me! OW! MY RIBS! Wu-man! Let go! HANASE! I don't waaaaaannnaaaaa...." Wufei grimly half-carried Duo all the way into the hospital, right up to the desk.

Quatre scolded the other pilot. "Duo! For God's sake, stop causing a scene!" The little Arab was forced to go speak to the receptionist while Wufei and Trowa restrained Duo.

"What's wrong with her?" asked the bored-looking redhead behind the desk.

"He doesn't like hospitals. Physically, he has some broken ribs and what I think might be a sprained wrist."

"Oh..." The girl looked a little embarassed. "What happened to him?"

"Um...a fridge fell on him."

The young woman's eyes grew wide. "Is that it for his injuries?"

"Not sure...can you get him in and out as fast as possible? I'd like to be sure he's all right..."

"Of look awfully familiar. Do I know you?"

"You might have heard of me. My name is Quatre Raberba Winner."

The redheaded girl gaped. "*The* Quatre Winner? Of course, sir! I'll send him in right away! Name?"

Suddenly Quatre was faced with something he hadn't considered. /Med records. Duo's legally dead, remember?/ "His name is Heero Yuy."

The receptionist waved an orderly over. "Get Mr. Yuy here in a wheelchair and take him up to room 602."

The orderly, with a nod, assisted Wufei and Trowa with bundling Duo into the wheelchair while Quatre smiled at the girl and nodded in thanks. Then the four pilots disappeared into the elevator.

The receptionist brought out her data on Heero Yuy, which wasn't much, but she buzzed for a doctor to come immediately. Two women appeared a few seconds later at the desk.

"Got an odd one." the redheaded girl stated. "Says a fridge fell on him, and Quatre Winner himself brought him here. He's got almost no med report...he's only been in here once, for quick burn treatment. One of your patients, Dr. Po."

Dr. Sally Po read the name on the screen over the receptionist's shoulder. "Heero? You're telling me that Heero's in here because a *fridge* fell on him?"


Somewhere not too far away, Heero Yuy sneezed in his sleep.


Duo was glaring at Quatre. "What is it with me and fridges lately?"

"I beleive that first incident was your own fault...Yuy." Wufei sneered.

"Ah, it's nice to be Mr. Yuy..." Duo sighed. He grinned menacingly up at the orderly. "I'm so happy to finally be a married man..."

The blonde-haired young man twitched an eyebrow and looked stoically ahead. He wheeled Duo into room 602 and left without a word.

"Duo..." Quatre began to scold.

"Whaaaaat? Can't a guy have some fun now and again?" Duo asked innocently.

Wufei groaned. "Maxwell, just shut up for two seconds..."

The door opened. "Well, if it isn't my favorite bunch of Gundam pilots." Sally Po rolled her eyes at the little group. "What's this I hear about a fridge falling on you, Heero?"

When she looked up, however, Heero wasn't included among the four. "Oh? Where is he?"

"Home, taking a nap." Trowa said innocently.

If the disguise was going to work, now was the time. Duo looked at her and tried to bring his voice pitch up. "Hello, doctor. I'm your patient, not Heero."

Sally came closer to get a better look at the person in the chair. He--it was definitely a he--had twin violet eyes hidden behind thick glasses, long, loose chestnut hair, and was wearing a simple purple turtleneck and khakis. He was also wearing a gold cross around his neck and a familiar grin that Sally recognized right away.

"Oh, sweet Kami...Duo Maxwell, is that *you*!?"

----------------- --------
Shi-chan: Now that I've read the book, I ought to scramble up that project.
Duo: zzzzz....
Shi-chan: Come on, the fic's not *that* boring!
Wufei: 'Megami, I thought you said you were never going to interrupt your own fics with personal chatter.
Shi-chan: Even the Goddess of Death makes mistakes, Wu-chan...besides, it was GUNDAM!
Trowa: @_@ Orororororororo....