Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Death Becomes Him ❯ You Jump I Jump ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Shi-chan: They seem to be in shock.
Duo&Heero: .......
Quatre: Why am I coming off as a wimp in this story?
Shi-chan: Well, so's Wufei....
Wufei: Onna, this is unfair.
Duo: And...I don't like it....
Shi-chan: Anyway, back to the fic...again, it's not humor, tissue alert ahead. I hope.
All 5 pilots: *sweatdrop*

Death Becomes Him
~By Shimegami-chan
Part 2

Duo Maxwell was having an incredibly difficult time keeping Heero steady enough so he wouldn't send them both flying off the cliff.

How had he gotten into this mess anyway? The last thing he remembered was falling asleep with a headache, and then waking up on the muddy ground to see Heero attempting to kill himself. As it was Duo was slowly losing his grip on both Heero's leg and the slippery ground, but the Wing pilot had stopped trying as hard as he had before.

Duo tried talking to his spaced-out partner once again. "Heero? Oi! Heero-man! You really don't want to do this, seriously! I don't need you dying on me!"

Up until that point Duo's words hadn't seemed to be affecting Heero, but at this last statement the brown-haired pilot stopped trying to move. Aii, thank Kami, maybe I got through to him...

That last theory proved wrong when in a burst of anger Heero wrested himself from Duo's erethral grasp and flug his body into the abyss.

"Aw, no way, Heero!" Damn. " jump, I jump, right? Not like I have anything to lose..." Except you... He cleared the doubts and the old movie line from his mind and plunged over the cliff.

The Wing pilot had already hit the water, much to Duo's dismay. At least he hadn't landed on the rocks, but still...Duo shut his eyes tightly and hit the frigid water with a bone-jarring splash. He immediately dove underneath and quickly located Heero, who was unconscious. Duo concentrated a bit--when he didn't his hands seemed to pass right through whatever he touched--and dragged the brown-haired boy out of the water and onto the rocks.

Once they were out of danger the Deathscythe pilot checked Heero's pulse and to his relief it was still strong. Do I even breathe? Would I even be able to revive him? Duo couldn't help but wonder exactly what he was now. A cut on his left leg was spilling blood through his black slacks, proving that perhaps his heart still pumped, but Duo was still a little unsure. Either way, there were more important things to deal with. Duo stripped off his wet black overshirt and wrung it out, then put it on Heero to try and stop his shivers. Again Duo wondered if it was possible to die twice--his already blueish-tinted skin was growing paler. Duo slung the unconscious boy over his shoulder and started to climb up the cliff, but quickly lost his grip. He looked frantically around for another way out, but saw none. Heero. How are we going to get out of this?

Duo wondered if there wasn't something else he could do in his ghostly state. He tried to walk through the cliff, he tried flying, he even tried entering Heero's body--the last option actually seemed to work, but Heero's frozen fingers were even less mobile than his own. "Isn't there anything I can do?!" Duo screamed at no one in particular. Suddenly the black-clad boy lost his balance and fell over.

"Oh, geez. I had to ask..." His muscled back now sported a pair of sinister-looking batwings. "Ah well, can't look a gift horse in the mouth eh? Come on, Heero-man..." Duo picked up the other boy and used the huge wings to propel them both back to the top of the cliff. "Uh. That takes a lot out of you." Duo collapsed, breathing hard, on the ground. "How am I gonna get you back home?"

Heero's body lay facedown, his exposed legs tinged a distinct blue. Duo staggered to his feet. "Gotta...keep going..."

He wondered if using Heero's limbs himself again might work a little better this time, and warily touched the brown-haired pilot's arm. "Y'know, Heero, I'm really hoing this doesn't count as possessing you or anything..." Hope he doesn't wake up while I'm in there, I'll have some real explaining to do...

Using Heero's limbs as if they were his own, Duo got to 'his' feet and was relieved to note that Heero's legs and arms were still mobile. "Ah, koi, I'm actually seeing the world from your eyes. What a moment." Duo furrowed his brow. "Y'know, I think you need glasses."


Quatre answered the door to find a mostly-frozen Heero just barely standing on the step. "Oi. Quatre-kun."

"Heero! Oh, Allah, what happened to you?!" Quatre ushered Heero/Duo inside.

"Tried to kill hi--myself." Duo almost collapsed in relief at the waves of heat emmenating from the house.

"Oh, Heero!" Quatre steered Duo into the living room where there was a fire blazing in the fireplace. "It's about Duo, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Duo was a little unsure of what to say. Gingerly he slipped out of Heero's body, but the second he did, the still-unconscious Wing pilot slumped to the floor.

"Heero!" Quatre and Duo both caught the brown-haired boy before he hit the hardwood floor. Quatre ran to the closet and yanked out heavy wool blankets to bring back Heero's warmth. Duo rubbed his koi's hand briskly, but he was so cold he was almost passing out himself. There's no one here to help me...

Hoping the blonde pilot wouldn't object too much, Duo slipped into his body instead and was met with warm releif. The little Arab had plenty here to keep Heero alive and bring feeling back into Duo's frozen body, definitely.

Duo/Quatre heaped the blankets over Heero and squeezed in under them himself for body heat. Only then did he turn his attention to the voice in the back of his conscience. I must have passed out again.

"Gomen, Q-man, I didn't mean, you know!" Duo let out a halfhearted giggle.

Who's that?

Duo wondered if Quatre could hear him when he wasn't taling aloud. He didn't want anybody thinking the little Arab was a total nutcase. Quatre?

The other boy sounded slightly scared. Understandably. It's me, Quatre. Duo.


Quatre? The other boy didn't speak. Q-man! Hey, you okay back there? Aw, man....

Duo, is there something I should know here?

Too much to explain, Quatre, my friend. As it is I...borrowed...your body. Just for a few minutes. I'm so cold...

Duo, what happened?

I'm still not even sure. I woke up and saw Heero standing of the edge of a cliff, planning to kill himself. He jumped and I went after him, and we both nearly froze. I don't really understand it.

You're dead.

Last time I checked, yeah...
Duo let a laugh escape from Quatre's lips. Unfortunately, Heero seems to think he'd be better off that way too.

So now you really
are Death. Duo could hear the distinct irony in his friend's voice. It's odd.

Tell me about it.
Heero stirred slightly and moaned, and Duo placed a finger on his koi's lips. "Heero..."

Quatre's faraway voice sounded a little embarassed. I guess I'll just leave you two alone for a while?

Thanks, Q-man. What would I do without you? Quatre hesitated a moment before answering. I'm thinking...not too much. The other boy's conscience almost seemed to disappear, leaving Duo alone in the unfamiliar body.

The now-blond boy gave Heero's shoulders a slight shake. "Oi. Heero? Wake up!"

Heero's arm twitched and his blue lips let out a soft groan. "Duo..."

"Right here, Hee-chan." Duo leaned over and kissed Heero softly on the lips. What he wasn't expecting was to have Heero grab his arms and hold him close, unable to escape from the Wing pilot's shivering embrace.

"Hey hey, you don't really want to make Quatre see all this, Heero, come on...oh man..." Duo was unable to determine whether Heero was semi-conscious or having delusions, but he was running his slim fingers down Duo's thighs and around his waist, and pulling the Deathscythe pilot furthur and furthur into a miasma of pleasure until he could speak no more.

The last thing Duo managed to think was, God, I hope Quatre's not watching this...sorry, old pal...

Then he was lost in the heat of the fire raging and desire burning deep within.

Quatre: I refuse to participate in this fic any more.
Shi-chan: Look, buddy, after the last three I swore I'd write you into one or die trying.
Quatre: You didn't mention that I'd be sleeping with Heero!
Shi-chan: Did I say you were?
Duo: You HINTED at it!
Shi-chan: Well, I guess you'll just have to wait for the next chapter then!