Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Denial ❯ Perfection ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN Hello! It's taken me much longer than I thought it would to finish this and I wouldn't be surprised if no one remembers it, if you do thanks for sticking with it to the end, please R&R.
Disclaimer/Summary/Rating - please see first chapter
Chapter 8 (The last one folks)
Relena's POV
If this was a movie it would be perfect, the sun would be shining, the birds would be singing and there would be music and the sound of children laughing on the wind.
As it is, it's blizzarding down, there's no music because the band couldn't get through because of the weather, the only birds round here are penguins and there are no children in their right mind who would consider Antarctica a suitable playground.
They don't care though.
I don't think I've ever seen two people look so happy.
They're both completely oblivious to the fact that there's no way in hell the day is ever going to go off with even a small semblance of normality.
The guests are snowed in, or out as I suppose the case is, no one, but the pilots, is mad enough to have even tried to get through.
There's no food, no guests, no minister, no band, no… anything.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and spin round to see my brother smiling softly at me.
“Would you calm down.”
“I can't,” I'm not wailing, I'll deny that forever if I need to, “how can I calm down when there's going to be no wedding?”

His eyebrow arches in surprise; good God, is he really that oblivious?
“No wedding?”
Yes it seems that he is.
“Milliardo, I don't know if you've noticed but nothing with less armour than a gundam could get through that storm and that means that there's no band, that's stuck in France. The shuttle the food was on had to turn back somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. The guests are stuck on various colonies and in various countries, the minister's stuck on L2 for crying out loud-”
“Relena,” he cuts me off, “I don't care, Heero doesn't care, you shouldn't care.”
“But-” He shushes me, placing a finger against my lips.
“I'm getting married today to the man I love more than I've ever loved anyone before in my life. The people we care about were the ones who were actually nuts enough to fly through this storm, everyone we want at our wedding is already here, where's the problem?”

Heero's joined us, Lys is balanced on his hip, looking completely at home, Duo is at his side.
“Problems? Surely not?” Duo is teasing, I shoot him a glare that could have frozen fire.
“No problems whatsoever.” Milliardo steps in smoothly both literally and metaphorically. “Everyone is here, we have enough food, Quatre's tuning his violin, Trowa's warming up with his flute, our minister is standing next to me.”
As the meaning of his words hits me I whirl round furiously.
“You mean you planned this?!”
“Relena,” Heero's stepping between my brother and myself, I must really look furious if he's interfering. “Can you honestly picture us with the sort of wedding you were planning?”
Well, when he puts it like that…
“No,” I admit, “I was just trying to get them to see that you wanted this, that I didn't care that-”
“Fuck `em.”
That little piece of wisdom comes from Duo and as soon as he says it he is met by three identical deadly stares and three pointed glances towards the small child who is just learning to talk.
He has the decency to blush, “erm I mean…”
“They don't matter Relena, we don't care what they think, you shouldn't either, we're not going to go away, they'll have lots of photo ops with us looking just as happy as we will today but as it is today should be private,” my ex-husband and soon to be brother-in-law breaks off and offers an smile that is becoming more commonplace every day. “Today is for family.” He finishes.
I have to say, I agree with him
“Right then,” never let it be said that I don't know how to admit defeat or recover quickly. “Let's get this show on the road.”
Antarctica, in the wintertime, what type of weather was I expecting anyway?
The first meeting place, Goddamned sentimental bastards.
Forget what I said earlier about birds and the sun and children playing, for them this was perfect.
Only ten people were there today to witness the joining of Milliardo Peacecraft to Heero Yuy.
It was cold and windy outside, there was no orchestra, no band, no fancy caterer, no distinguished minister, though several of those here have argued with me about that. No reporters, no distinguished guests, no one-hundred-and-one people running about like maniacs making sure everything went smoothly.
In other words nothing like my wedding.
Because, unlike the last time Heero got married, this wedding was for him, him and his lover… husband.
They're dancing together now, to the music that's pouring from the old and battered music system that's been unearthed from somewhere, there's not even a DJ. Somehow I doubt they'll notice, let alone care.
Strange, I always thought that saying someone was glowing with happiness was just an expression.
“Perfect.” I sigh happily.
“'uck `em,” a small voice crows from my lap and my eyes narrow.
Well, nearly perfect, but how many wedding have you been to that have gone perfectly?
None. That's what I though.
Now… where's Duo Maxwell…
AN It's the end! -Collapses- I must say it took long enough to get this last chapter up, I tried so many different ideas before I decided on this one, I quite like the ending I decided on though. What do you think? Again thanks for sticking with this for so long.