Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Divide and Conquer ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Category: Anime, Gundam Wing, Yaoi, AU
Warnings: minor angst, shonen ai, slight humor
Pairings: will be 1x2, 3x4
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatomina (a) hotmail . com
Website: www . geocities . com / arigatomina

Divide and Conquer

Part 6

The scream that sounded so loud in the closed bathroom was muffled by two walls, droned by the thrumming water, until it became little more than a distant echo. It still managed its purpose, waking Duo from his light doze, and causing Wufei to turn from his lit desk. The clicks of a door opening on the other side of his bed was much louder, and Duo scrambled to his feet just ahead of his roommate.

He threw the door open only to halt mid-rush, Wufei stumbling into him. Gray eyes met violet, a quick hand darting against Duo's left shoulder, pressing, twisting, and ripping away.

Duo choked, his shoulders jerking back against Wufei as a fist hit the right side of his face.

Wufei caught the longhaired boy, his dark eyes following the familiar figure that rushed off down the hall. The American had a death grip on the doorway, and he pulled himself upright with a low sound.


"Quatre," Duo muttered, shoving away from the other boy.

He didn't know what was happening, but his throat had clenched shut, telling him there wasn't time. He hadn't even heard Quatre's door being opened when the bastard went in.

Rushing into the other bedroom, he barely noted the unbroken lock. The bathroom door was open, the sound of a shower spraying over water heightening his senses. But every part of him seemed to lock down when he saw the pale boy lying so still beneath that deep water.

He hit his knees hard, nearly diving headfirst as he grabbed Quatre's shoulders and pulled the boy up. The water tinted pink, but he ignored that, his wide stunned gaze snapping to Wufei when the black-haired boy moved beside him, lifting the blonde out of the tub.

Matted blonde hair clung to Quatre's cheeks as Wufei crouched next to Duo. His hands worked on the tight belt wrapped about the boy's slender wrists, and he jerked it aside.

Quick breaths sounded from his wide-eyed roommate, but Wufei couldn't hear a thing from the damp boy. Laying Quatre on his back, Wufei caught Duo's eyes. "Do you know CPR?"

Duo shook his head violently, the edge of his long braid slapping the side of the bathtub.

"I'll get help," said Wufei.

He didn't even know how to swim. He'd never been near enough water to need to know such skills...

That lack ate at Duo as he curled his hands uselessly. He knew what it was supposed to look like. Surely it wouldn't be too hard to press on the slender boy's chest until the water was forced out of his lungs, to breathe air back into the wet pathways until he could breathe on his own. But if it were that easy, he was certain Wufei would have done it himself.

Wufei would come back with help and Quatre would be fine. Wufei would take care of everything.

Duo clenched his teeth his eyes burning at the sweetly silent blonde lying in front of him. This wasn't supposed to happen.

How could he be completely useless? And why did it have to happen in the first place? He'd promised to watch over the boy.

Duo edged a bit closer to Quatre, his damp sleeves dripping a path to the blonde's cheek. The boy's lips didn't seem to have any color to them at all. But they were closed.

If he'd been drowned, shouldn't his mouth have been open as he gasped in desperation?

Duo's breath caught in his throat, and he reeled away, his gaze flying to the open doorway.

Surely Wufei should be back by now. Every second counted! Didn't it?

Footsteps sounded in the hall, and Duo slipped on the wet floor as he jumped to his feet. He didn't realize he was still holding his breath until Wufei reached him, the black-haired boy pressing him out of the bathroom to give the other two more room.

Every bit of his control seemed to seep away, and Duo sagged against the doorway. "Hurry."

Trowa and Heero were kneeling next to Quatre, and Wufei patted an awkward hand on Duo's shoulder.

"It's only been a minute or two since we heard his scream," Wufei said, his tone soft. "There's still time."

Staring at Wufei, Duo shoved away from the doorway. How could he be so calm?

The Chinese boy stepped aside so he could stand over the two boys, watching as Heero tilted Quatre's head back. Trowa had his hands overlapped on the blonde's chest, and Duo leaned hard against the wall, watching the motions.

He was going to remember this. Never would he be caught in a situation like this again without knowing exactly what to do.

The concentration he put on the two boys shifted to Quatre, watching the boy's still form. They were moving so slowly, almost...methodically.

Anger coiled in his stomach and he glared at the back of Heero's head, willing the boy to hurry.

They were the experts. They knew what they were doing. So why the hell wasn't Quatre breathing?

A sudden choking cough was the sweetest thing Duo had ever heard, and he sighed, his chin dropping to his chest.

Heero turned Quatre's head to the side, lifting the boy's shoulders as he coughed up the water he'd inhaled. The blonde didn't move, but his breaths slowed to something closer to normal. A glance found Trowa looking at him, and Heero left him with Quatre so he could stand and turn off the shower.

The drain was closed with a metal switch and he flicked it, the pinkish water nearly ready to overflow onto the floor. He paused to take in the color before crouching behind Quatre and supporting the boy's shoulders. Duo moved closer to them, and he nodded to the boy.

"He's breathing fine now," said Heero. "You found him in the tub?"

Heero's dark blue eyes were hard, the first sign of emotion Duo had seen, and it came as a huge relief.

"It was the brown-haired one," Duo nodded. "We caught him coming out, but...I never heard him go in."

Trowa was undoing Quatre's shirt, and Duo eyebrow twitched in a surge of protectiveness. He had to curl his hands into fists to keep from touching the taller boy. They'd just saved his friend's life, proven he could trust them, or at least that he owed them. He still didn't like it.

With a pointed look, Duo caught Trowa's gaze. "Are you looking for injuries?"

The boy blinked at him as if startled, and Duo sighed when he was given a slow nod. He really had no reason to look at the boy like that. "Right."

"What happened to your face?" asked Heero.

Violet eyes turned to him, and Heero waved a hand at the boy's darkening cheek.

Touching his right hand to his face, Duo scowled. "I got caught in the doorway."

Wufei nodded when Heero looked at him. "Nicholas."

There was a pale towel hanging near the tub, and Trowa pulled it down, wrapping it around Quatre's shoulders.

"His stomach is bruised," said Trowa, "but I don't see any cuts."

Heero frowned, making him match the boy's expression. "That isn't like Nicholas, not to have his knife."


His eyes were on the floor where he knelt, and he felt his lips pull into a small grimace. In the rush and panic, he hadn't thought about that brief and painful encounter. Now he found himself staring at the red that was smeared on the white linoleum floor, his left hand mostly coated.

"Ah, hell," sighed Duo.

The boy's black shirt was mostly wet from the bathtub, but Wufei followed Duo's eyes, his own narrowing quickly. "Duo?"

"I'm sure it's nothing," Duo mumbled, still looking down at the wrinkled cloth on his shoulder.

Now he could see the tear, though the water from the tub had turned the color a dark black, masking the blood. "It doesn't even hurt."

And it didn't, not until he moved his arm to look at the red on his hand. "Much."

Heero moved, lifting Quatre and placing the boy in Trowa's arms. "Wrap him in a blanket for now."

He waited until his friend had left the bathroom before stepping back and pointing at the toilet seat, his gaze snapping to Duo.

"Sit," said Heero. "Wufei, use his shirt to stop the bleeding. I'll get bandages from my room. I doubt Quatre has any here."

The longhaired boy didn't seem eager to comply with those orders, and Wufei frowned down at him. Heero had turned immediately after giving his instructions, leaving the two of them.

Crouching by the boy, Wufei raised an eyebrow as he caught his gaze. "Can you move?"


Duo blinked for a second, wondering why Wufei would think a little cut on his shoulder would keep him from moving. He hadn't heard Heero's words, and hadn't really noticed the boy's silent departure.

For some reason, he was starting to feel a little lightheaded and hot. And his shoulder still didn't really hurt, it just felt like it were pulsing, throbbing or something. It made his face feel hotter, as if he were blushing.

"Of course I can move," Duo muttered. "It's just my shoulder."

"All right, then," Wufei said, leaning back in doubt. "Sit and take off your shirt so I can see the wound. The bathwater must have stemmed the bleeding some, or the damp cloth."

Duo pushed to his feet and Wufei gasped when the boy stumbled, nearly pitching into the sink.

"I thought you could move!"

"Eh, just dizzy," Duo muttered. "Don't know why I would be over a shoulder."

"And a direct blow to the face," Wufei reminded him.

His eyes were on the darkening bruise since Duo's right cheek was turned toward him. "I'm surprised it didn't knock you out. Nicholas is stronger than he looks."

"Right," Duo spat, "Like I'm going to just pass out while my friend drowns."

He swayed a bit, and let himself fall on closed toilet lid. For some reason, he found himself smiling at that. Quatre must have lived with females if he made a habit of keeping the lid closed.

A soft chuckle made Wufei lean away from the boy, raising an eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Duo said, giving the boy a vague smile.

His face still felt way too warm, but he'd forgotten about the punch. It was probably swelling up or something.

Typical, really. He'd always been quick to bruise when it came to his face. He was just glad the guy hadn't punched him in the gut. That was his real weak spot. But he wasn't going to tell him that.

"I'm just glad I'm right handed."

The Chinese boy was still giving him an odd look and Duo sighed. "What?"

"Take off your shirt," said Wufei. "So I can see the wound?"

"Hey now, you're the eunuch, remember? You can't ask me to strip for you!"

Dark red washed over the boy's face, and Duo grinned. Wufei looked like he was ready to start ranting at him or maybe run away. He waved a hand before he could do either.

"I'm playing with you," said Duo, "calm down. The way I see it, my shirt is what's keeping it from bleeding more than it already is. If I take it off, it'll probably just agitate the wound."

That got a surprised blink from Wufei. "You speak from experience?"

"Yeah, not that I've been stabbed much. Usually a swipe is the most anyone can get on me. I wasn't expecting him to be hanging around right outside the door."

The other boy nodded, glancing out the open doorway, and Duo leaned forward to follow his gaze. Quatre was wrapped in the blanket on his bed, his face mostly hidden, and Trowa was sitting on the edge of it, watching them.

"How is he?" asked Duo.

"Aside from the visible bruises, he seems to be fine. I didn't check for any other injuries."

That calm tone nearly masked what the boy was implying, but Duo caught it, his eyes blazing.

It had been nearly an hour between the time he left Quatre at his room and the scream, more than enough time for Nicholas to have raped him. But his clothes were still on when they came in. Surely he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of dressing the boy afterward. And then there was the bathtub. That made him sure Nicholas hadn't gotten further than tormenting the boy.

"There's no need to check for that," said Duo. His voice was tight, but not accusatory.

"No," Trowa agreed.

He glanced back at the blonde hair peaking out of the blanket behind him and frowned. "Nicholas wouldn't have moved that quickly."

"Tell me about him," said Duo. "He was the one that didn't really stand out."

He glared at his own underestimation. "I never expected him to make the first move like this."

"No one knows much about him," Wufei said, his eyes just as dark. "But the other student, the last one, he refused to admit what they were doing to him. And we're sure Nicholas is the reason. He may not be the leader, but he seems to be the most twisted one among them."

"He terrified the boy into taking it willingly."

Heero paused in the doorway, waiting for Duo to look at him before entering. "We had to catch them in the act before we could stop it. That's why I wasn't charged, it was clearly self defense. But Craig was the only one present at the time, so we couldn't pin it on any of the other four. And the boy disappeared before he could be questioned."

The Japanese boy moved to crouch in front of him, Wufei shifting to the side, and Duo frowned.

"Disappeared?" asked Duo.

"Yes," Wufei frowned. "Officially he transferred out of the school. Officially."

"And unofficially...?"

"Suicide," Heero stated. "Covered up to preserve the school's reputation."

Duo glared, clenching his fists, and Heero nodded at him. "They may not have held the knife for him, but they killed him just the same."

"And you took out their leader," Duo said slowly. "You mean you killed him, don't you."

The boy gave a sharp nod and Duo smirked, his eyes flashing again. "Good."

"I'm going to rip your shirt," Heero said, shifting the subject abruptly.

The violet-eyed boy blinked at him, but he didn't hesitate. Catching the neck of Duo's long black shirt, he ripped it down the middle, and peeled it back to the edge of his left shoulder. It caught there, a tight grimace making his eyes narrow.

"The cloth was probably pushed into the wound," said Heero.

"Yeah," Duo winced, scowling down at his now flaming shoulder. "I think he twisted it. I wasn't really paying much attention at the time."


Eyes still narrow, Heero stood frowning down at him. "Lean forward. I'm going to split the back and peel it off your arm from the top down. It's better if you don't raise your arms or move the shoulder at all."

"I doubt that would make much difference now," Duo drawled. "I was moving around a lot earlier."

Dark eyes stared at him and he sighed. "Fine."

He leaned forward, smirking when his damp braid was tossed over his right shoulder. The end of it had fallen in the tub earlier, so it smacked and stuck to his damp stomach.

A little sigh passed his lips as Heero ripped the back of his shirt, the cool air now making itself apparent to him. It wasn't like he had a lot of clothing, but the shirt was definitely scrap now.

The dark-haired boy moved to crouch by his left side again, and Duo glanced over at Wufei. He sent his roommate a wide smile. "Hey, Wufei, wanna pull this off my arm for me?"

He wriggled the fingers of his right hand. "Since I can't move?"

Something about the way the boy asked it made Wufei's eyebrow twitch, and he scowled. "What's the point?"

"Because," Duo sniffed, looking down at the sleeve-covered arm. "I feel really stupid with it just hanging there like that. And I don't want Heero here to yell at me if I pull it off with my teeth."

A glance at Heero made Wufei smirk, and he nodded. "All right, then."

It only took a moment to get rid of the damp material, and Wufei resumed his seat on the edge of the tub, a bit closer to the two of them. Heero was peeling the shirt off Duo's injured shoulder and he leaned forward to see it better.

"Wow," said Duo, "you're pretty eager to see my skin, aren't you."

Wufei jerked back as if burned, and they could hear a light chuckle from the other room. The Chinese boy bristled. "Shut up, Trowa."

"Both of you be quiet," said Heero.

His voice was calm, but there was a certain curve to the edge of his lips when to glanced at Wufei's red face.

His smile disappeared when he caught Duo's gaze. "That goes for you, as well."

Duo raised an eyebrow, forgetting his shoulder as he leaned closer to the boy. "You don't know me very well, if you think I'll be quiet just because you tell me to."

Heero merely stared at him, that deadpan expression making him twitch. Silence held for nearly a minute before Duo gave in and sighed. "Just get on with it."

Without a word, Heero did just that, picking the cloth out of the wound and moving it back. The blood wasn't flowing much, having thickened around the torn area, but it started when he pulled the cloth out. And Duo groaned, his head tilted to look down at the mess.

"Yep," Duo whispered, his face flushing, "he twisted it. That's really going to hurt later. Glad he's right-handed."

"He's not," Heero commented.

He held Duo's shoulder still as he moved the boy's arm so he could wrap the bandage around it. "Your face is going to be purple by morning."


Using Duo's distraction, he pulled the bandages tight, only a vague wince passing the boy's outraged features.

"There," said Heero. "You'll want to pour alcohol on it once the bleeding stops and pick out any threads that might be stuck in the tear."

His hand moved, taking a small packet from his pocket. Then he held up a little capsule. "Here."

"What is it?" Duo frowned, his gaze very suspicious.

That didn't look like something you got from a normal pharmacy. "I don't take drugs."

"It's a pain reliever and an antibiotic," said Heero.

"Really, and what else?"

Dark blue eyes blinked at him, and Duo sniffed, rolling his own eyes. "Come on, if it's a mix, there's more to it than that."

Wufei frowned. "It won't hurt you. The worst it would do is make you groggy."

"Oh, is that all?" Duo smirked, shaking his head firmly. "I don't want it."

"We don't know what might have been on that knife," Heero said. His voice was cold, but firm. "And it's the only drug I have that will serve as an antibiotic."

The boy sniffed at him and turned his face away, folding his arms over his chest. It was the movement that annoyed Heero the most, not the refusal. He'd already told him not to shift his shoulders.

"You're not moving until you take it."

"Watch me," Duo glared.

He pushed the boy back, barely wincing when his shoulder pulled. But Heero didn't budge, strong hands catching his wrists.

Eyes darting to the side, Heero nodded. "Wufei, hold his arms."

Wufei winced himself, discomfort visible on his face. "You aren't going"

A sharp nod was his answer and he grimaced, not paying any mind to Duo's wide, confused eyes. He stood and took the boy's wrists, wincing again when Duo struggled despite his shoulder.

"You're going to hurt yourself," he mumbled, keeping his eyes off to the side as he took up position behind him.

"What do you think you're doing?!" asked Duo.

His voice was hard, but instinctively quiet so he wouldn't wake Quatre. "Let go."

The one in front of him didn't answer, and his eyes widened when Heero put the capsule in his own mouth.

"Oh, hell no!" Duo blurted. "Do it and die!"

Dark blue eyes glinted at him, and he growled, clenching his teeth.

Heero couldn't very well force the boy's mouth open without pressing on the swollen cheek, and Heero gave a sympathetic wince when those violet eyes closed sharply.

Wufei was being careful to look in the other direction, making him want to smirk at the boy. Did he really think this was in any way romantic? Hardly.

He moved his free hand to close Duo's nostrils as he pressed their mouths together. And the boy's eyes snapped open, promising death in one extremely dark violet glare.

Holding his breath, Duo pulled harder on his hands, the back of his tongue pressing tight to block his throat.

If he got knocked out by some damn drug, how was he going to talk to Quatre when the boy woke up? As upset as the blonde had been about the encounter at the table, Duo knew he was going to be traumatized now. And even if he were just groggy, that would be enough for him to slip up and say something that could end up hurting his friend even more.

That capsule was pushed to the back of his mouth, and he felt his face heat up at the invasion. Oh, Heero was so going to get it once they let go of him.

The stubborn American held out for nearly a minute before caving, and Wufei sighed when he heard the boy's rough breaths. He glanced back. Then he blushed and looked away quickly. Heero must have waited so Duo wouldn't inhale the pill instead of swallowing it.

The pull on those arms ended abruptly, followed by a slight 'hn' sound that told him it was over.

Moving back, Heero glared at the gray shadow his thumb had left in that dark bruise. "Trowa might have some lotion you can put on that so it won't hurt as much."

"Speaking of hurt," Duo hissed, jerking free of Wufei's lax grip, "you're going to wish you hadn't done that."

His right hand curled into a tight fist, and he looked the boy over. Where should he hit him first?

"Duo." Wufei shook his head, moving away from the two and catching the boy's angry gaze. "Nicholas is twisted, we already know that. I seriously doubt he'd keep his blade clean. If nothing else, this will keep your shoulder from getting infected."

"So you think that makes it okay?" Duo snorted, his glare latching back onto Heero's calm face.

"You plan to hit me?" asked Heero, raising an eyebrow at the wounded boy.

"Hell yes!"

Heero smirked. "Once only. If you attack me after that I'll immobilize you and claim self defense."

A slight flash went off in Duo's eyes, but he continued to smile at him.

Duo blinked when the boy dropped to a knee in front of him.

Heero was going to let him? What kind of revenge would it be if he let him do it?

He glowered at Heero, his right hand twitching tighter. But he still wanted to deck him. The guy had just drugged him, and non-sexual or not, he'd put his damn tongue in-

"Well?" Heero prompted.

His gaze was steady, but he raised an eyebrow when the longhaired boy abruptly flushed.

"Shut up and move," Duo muttered.

Pushing the boy aside, Duo promised himself to repay him later, some time when he wasn't expecting it.

He stalked from the room and over to sit on the edge of the free bed. Trowa accepted his glare calmly, and he sighed. Duo looked past the boy, his gaze falling on Quatre's nearly hidden face. He'd certainly wrapped him up.

"Can he breathe through all that?" Duo teased.

"Yes." Trowa answered the teasing with a completely serious look. "It would have been better to strip him before wrapping him up in wet clothing. But he would react badly if he were to wake up that way."

"Yeah," Duo frowned, "I'm sure he would."

"As long as he doesn't shiver," Trowa continued, "he's fine the way he is."

The longhaired boy gave a vague nod, and Trowa looked past him. Heero and Wufei had come to lean near the open doorway.

They didn't speak, but Heero did pull the packet from his pocket, giving a significant nod to Duo, and then looking back to Trowa. The American didn't catch the motions, and Trowa dropped his eyes in agreement.

Silence held them for nearly twenty minutes. No one spoke until Duo sagged on the bed and had to be carried back to his room. That was one less thing to worry Quatre about when the boy eventually woke.

- - -