Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Jewel of the Nile ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
30 July 2001

Yay! Two parts in two days!

Thanks: Sony_Mouse for the title... ack, who gave me the idea?
Warnings: yaoi, lime, lemon, angst, S&M, masturbation
Category: AU
Pairings: main 1x2, 3x4, 13x6; other less focused on 1xR, 13x2

Jewel of the Nile by Willow
Part 3

"You have my answer, no soldiers will be sent," Heero stated, glaring as the old man began to protest.

"No care for his country," Duo muttered to himself. He sat at the Pharaoh's feet on a pile of lavish cushions, watching the crowd of people seeking the Pharaoh's help, watching as the Pharaoh turned away man after man, watching the faces of Heero's people crumble in despair. "Show a little compassion, why don't you?" he hissed to no one, his voice naught but a whisper.

"Pharaoh, please reconsider," the old farmer pleaded. "Think of your people, Majesty. They rape our children, our women and steal from our homes.. they kill our livestock and destroy our lives."

Heero looked at the man and raised an arm to command his guards to remove the begging man. He stopped midmotion, though, upon hearing a small, almost imperceptable cough from his left. He shot a glance at the boy to find his slave glaring at him, his violet eyes fierce. The expression on the braided slave's face was commanding and Heero found himself relenting.

"Fine, I shall spare you a company," he told the old man. "Nothing more, nothing less."

A smile broke across the geezer's face and he practically tripped over himself to bow on his knees before his King. "Oh thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you ever so much! May the gods bless you for all time!"

Heero just nodded, casting another glance at the braided boy beside him. The boy was looking at the old man with a triumphant look on his face, the wide cobalt eyes dancing merrily as the man hurried out of the palace, telling everyone he passed just how benevolent the Pharaoh was.


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"Wha t is that /boy/ doing there?!" Relena hissed to her maid as she watched this afternoon's audience from behind the right wing curtains. She had been stung when Heero had commanded her not to attend today's audience, but being the woman that she was she had to find out the reason behind her husband's demand. She'd not been expecting to see the boy sitting at her King's feet, decked out in silks that made the foreign boy all the more exotic.

"I do not know, my Queen," her maid said. "The Pharaoh /did/ go out to the city yesterday and I am told he purchased a slave, but I was not told of what

grade. It seems he has chosen a toy to show off..."
Perhaps that was it. Just a token item, but then why did Relena have this haunting feeling that the boy was something more than he appeared.

She watched until the audience was over and waited behind the curtain as Heero left the audience chamber followed by the boy. She watched the braided child -- for that was what he was -- closely, noting the gliding steps of the young man. There was more than just natural grace in his stride, something instilled through training.

Only two classes of people were taught such grace: royalty and pleasure slaves.

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"What were you doing in there!?" Heero demanded once his chamber doors were firmly closed and bolted.

Duo blinked at him, surprised by the outburst, then his expression hardened and he all but glared at the Pharaoh. "Are you so philistine that you would allow these barbarians he spoke of to continue to attack your people?" He knew he was asking for a beating, slaves did /not/ talk like that to their masters -- especially if their master was the King of the country -- but he also knew that a good ruler took care of his people, was compassionate and caring. "Do you not care what happens to your country? Because people make up the country!"

Heero clamped down on his initial reaction -- which was to reach out and backhand the mouthy slave -- instead forcing himself to remain calm and speak to the boy. "And you know how to rule the people?"

"I know how people want to be treated," Duo told him, looking down at his feet. "How they want to be ruled."

"And how's that?" Heero asked. The boy was even more intriguning than he'd initially figured. First the amusing way he'd reacted to menial tasks and now knowledge of politics and government.

"Compassionately," Duo said quietly. "By a strong leader whom they know will do the right thing. That is a leader they can trust and will loyally follow through all the gods' wraths."

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"So he told you to get the people's trust and loyalty you have to be a strong compassionate leader?" Trowa asked, looking at his friend.

Heero nodded.

"He is right." Both men nearly jumped as Wufei detached himself from the rafters and joined them at the table. The obsidian eyed man just smirked and took a sip of the drink Trowa slid in front of him. "A good leader must be strong and compassionate... Where does this boy come from that he knows well what a government needs to aquire the loyalty and trust of its governed?"

"Greece," Quatre said, walking in and planting himself on Trowa's lap. "He's from Greece."

"That explains his palor and build," Heero murmured into his cup. The braided slave was getting under his skin, which was never a good thing for Heero... "But not his knowledge."

"Talk to him," Wufei stated.

"What?" Heero blinked at the golden skinned man. His guard master just nodded.

"Talk to him... get to know him... make him feel at ease and allow yourself to use the knowledge this young man brings with his beauty." The other three looked at him. "What? I am not blind, you know? I know beauty when I see it; and /that/ is a thing of true beauty."

Heero nodded and left.

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"Talk to him? Make him feel at ease? What am I supposed to say? 'Hey, Duo, join in with my friends and I, doesn't matter that you're a slave and I'm the Pharaoh!' Yeah, sure," Heero muttered to himself. He grumbled to himself for a bit, wandering around his secluded garden.

He paused as he came close to the window that looked in on the room adjoining his... the one meant for a royal concubine... the one he'd given to Duo. He stilled himself, hiding in the shadow of a tree as the inside light illuminated a figure pacing within. Stealthily Heero edged closer, watching as the slim figure walked around the room restlessly. A light whispering of the boy's tenor could be heard as he talked to himself as he paced, yet what he said Heero could not discern.

An idea struck him and Heero quickly left his shadows and headed back to his rooms.

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Inside his room, Duo cursed himself in all the languages he knew. After their little confrontation this afternoon, Duo'd decided to take a nap and calm himself... There was no need to let the Master get him all riled up. He'd felt like a cat with it's fur ruffled; the hair on the nape of his neck had even stood on end. Duo had hoped that sleep would calm his nerves...

But no. Sleep was against him also...

He'd paced about the room for a good ten minutes wondering why he let Heero get him all riled up and asking himself if he was a masochist since slaves did /not/ talk back to their masters, no matter what the circumstance... that was asking -- no, begging to be knocked into next week. When he'd finally worn himself out enough to sleep, he'd dreamed....

The Pharaoh's hands on him, touching him, making him moan and whimper in ecstasy, driving him to beg for more. Duo'd awoken sweaty and painfully hard. He'd whimpered as he realized that he had been dreaming about Heero... He'd known the man two days and that gorgeous body had begun invading his dreams.

"I cannot believe this!" He chided himself. "I /cannot/ be lusting after him! I cannot! It's not fair! How can this happen! I do /not/ lust after men, let alone that pompus ass Pharaoh Heero!"

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"Duo!" Heero called, standing by the bed dress only in a long white cloth similar to a loin cloth, but reaching his knees. He surpressed a smile as the slave-boy appeared in the door way. "Come to me."

The boy did as bade, coming to stand in front of the half-dressed King. "Yes, Majesty?" he querried, none of his earlier fight in his tone, just simple obedience.

"Let me look upon the beauty that I have bought," Heero drawled, stepping slightly closer to the boy and slowly walking around the silk clad body.

"You cannot buy beauty, Majesty," Duo stated, a crimson blush creeping up his neck and fair cheeks. It took all his will power not to become hard at the sight of the half naked Pharaoh.

"Ah, but I have. And here he stands before me, wrapped in such divine wrappings... the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. Beauty my Queen would envy if she laid her eyes upon it." Heero stopped, having walked full circle, and looked into Duo's eyes. "Perhaps I should unwrap my purchase and see the beauty in full?"

It wasn't a question, nor a command... simply a thought that carried a compelling force. Duo found himself carefully stripping off the silken garments before he was stopped by a strong hand.

"Let me," the Pharaoh said huskily in the boy's ear, smiling when a shiver shot through the boy and Duo dropped his hands to his sides.

Slowly, teasingly, Heero bared inch after inch of smooth, ivory skin until the boy stood before him naked as the day he was born. Then he moved to the hair, carefully removing the thong that held the long strands in their confining braid. He gently combed through the silky locks until the shining mass surrounded the ethereal boy before him.

Heero stood back and drank in every curve and shadow, every slope of the slim and willowy body before his eyes. "Beautiful... ever more so than I could imagine," he whispered, coming to stand in front of the braided young man. Smirking, he reached his hand between their bodies and asked "Do you want me?" before running a feather light touch over the boy's member. The limp flesh twitched, hardening as Heero continued to tease it until soon it stood erect, swollen and proud. Heero asked the boy again, "Do you want me?"

Duo nodded, bitting his lip as Heero wrapped his long, slightly calloused fingers around his straining arousal. He gasped as the Pharaoh ghosted his finger tips along the underside of his throbbing appendage, then the man's hand was gone. Duo blinked as Heero stepped away and removed his 'loincloth' and beconed for him to follow him toward the bed. "Come to me."

Every nerve in Duo's body begged for more of the Pharaoh's touch while his brain screamed at him that he was going to be used and tossed away just like the sex slaves in his father's court, only royal concubines were kept. But his body would not follow his brains commands and slowly glided toward the awaiting Pharaoh.

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Zechs smiled as he walked through the marketplace. He'd seen the token pet at the Pharaoh's feet this afternoon and he was sure his darling sister had too. Who could miss the beautiful boy sitting there glaring about the room? Or the smile that had appeared upon the boy's caramel lips when Pharaoh Heero'd changed his order and given the old man his request. Perhaps this toy was just what was needed to bring the Queen over to their side.

"Zechs," a sensuous voice called from a nearby cafe.

The blond man turned and smile. "Treize."

"How goes our plans?" The auburn haired man asked in Latin, taking a sip of red wine from his goblet.

"All goes well, Treize..."

"And your sister? Will she help us?"

Zechs frowned unpleasantly. "She declined my offer... but I have a feeling it is only a matter of time before she sees the light and joins our cause... A new pawn has entered the game."

Treize lifted one elegant eyebrow. "Oh? Tell me of this... pawn."

Zechs smiled, his icy blue eyes narrowing. "The Pharaoh brought a toy with him to the audience this eve... a young boy of exquisite beauty... Surely the Queen, my sweet sister Relena, will assume that this toy -- this sex slave as it is obvious that is what the boy is -- has taken her place in the Pharaoh's bed... She is a jealous woman... she knows the Pharaoh doesn't love her, but she is determined to at least remain his favourite toy... She enjoys the spotlight."

Treize nodded. "Very astute of you, Zechs..." The ginger haired man paused. "Describe that which will bring your sister to us... elaborate on this beauty."

"He's young, not of age," Zechs said. "Long golden brown hair and pale alabaster skin.. I could not get close enough to know more than that... His eyes were dark, but the color I could not ascertain." Zechs watched the Roman's face as he processed the information.

'Could it be?' Treize thought, an image of a certain boy floating about his head. Dark, laughing eyes in a pale heart-shaped face... Long, silken tresses that shined like gold and a body like a young goddess but endowed as only a god can be. [1] Could the 'toy' his cohort had spoken of be none other than his bethrothed? The little Grecian who...

"Once we commence, the pawn will have to be eliminated also... we cannot keep a token that is loyal to the Pharaoh unless it is broken." Treize said firmly. 'And my little Grecian is too strong willed and cannot be broken. Duo, I may see you again after all... and this time... you will bend to my will.'

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Heero ravished the boy with his eyes, taking in every centimeter of Duo's creamy flesh. When the boy came closer he reached out and pulled them against one another. Heero kissed the boy's neck, sucking on the smooth white skin until it was marked with red. The Pharaoh grinned and licked along the clenched jaw, nuzzling at the juncture of jaw, ear, and neck.

It took all of Duo's concentration not to succumb to the dark haired man's teasing. He took a deep breath and pushed the Pharaoh away. "Stop," he commanded.

Heero blinked at the boy, then his eyes narrowed. Who was this child to tell him what to do? But his expression softened when the boy added 'please.' "What? Why must I stop?"

"I want more than this..." Heero lent forward to kiss him, but again Duo stopped him. "No, I want to /be/ more than this... more than a sex slave... I have no want to be used and cast off..."

Heero set his jaw, he knew what the boy was asking... He was asking to be made a concubine.

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"You're what?!" Relena demanded.

"I'm taking a concubine whether you like it or not, Relena," Heero told her. "You are the one chosen to bear my heirs, but we grait on each others nerves after a while, do we not?"

She couldn't argue with that. They'd gotten into more than a few fights since their wedding and some had ended with more than bumps and bruises. They were not in love, they were just breeding stock. They had used to make love, but lately it was more of a quick go... perhaps hoping for a child from the joining.

"Fine," she said, looking at her husband.

Heero smiled at her, lifting a hand to cup her delicate cheek. "You should find someone, 'Lena... Maybe you'd be happier if you were to get a lover."

The blonde woman just shook her head. "You are astounding, my King."

"I know," he told her. She cast him a mock glare, swatting at him.

"And arrogant."

"Makes me all the more charming, no?" Heero asked, walking out of her chambers and dodging a pillow she hurled in his direction.

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End part 3

Author's notes:
[1] Yes, body of a young goddess... ie, he's slim and willowy, lovely. But he's definately a male. Ok?