Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Life Is Pain ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey there! It's me again, the raging rampant author who is supposed to be writing a paper for Spanish. This fic has a lot of Relena bashing, Hilde pain and general yaoi and yuri. (That's right boys and girls--boys making out with boys and girls making out with girls--possibly more than just making out... ^.~ Deal with it or leave.) General notes: I do not own them. I wish I did. Then I wouldn't have to bribe Duo into tying Wufei-kins up for me. ::ecchi grin::
Okay, here goes: 1x2, 2+5, 3x4, (In their dreams: 1xR, 2xH) ::gags:: Mega AU, OOC and OC. (Out of character and original character) Aaaand everyone is at *least* 19.
Life is Pain.
By Keiryn-neko

A/N: Yes, I *did* take the title from PRINCESS BRIDE, by William Goldman
*..* thoughts of GW boys
:..: thoughts of O.C.s
Duo sighed and watched the window of the latest safehouse. *Of all the times for Hee-chan to get insecure, it would have to be now,* he thought, musing on the latest fight he and Heero had had.

"Damn it, Heero, why can't you just tell miss Queen-high-hypocrite that you don't love her!" Duo yelled, loud enough to shake the walls.

"Why don't you tell the same thing to the German-chick who hangs off of you so much?!" Heero yelled back, utterly shocking Duo.

Duo reeled like he had been slapped. "Hee-chan--she loves you. I just want her to know that you've already been spoken for." He whispered seriously.

Heero's cobalt eyes flashed for a moment as lightning hit. "Am I? Somehow I thought that 'we' were not an item from the amount of ogling you do of women."

Duo was speechless for once.

Heero took it to mean that he was right and grabbed a parka. "I'm leaving. Don't wait up for me." He said, slamming the door as he went out into the rain.
~~End Flashback~~

Duo sighed again and shook his head. *Stupid baka. You knew it all the long--he doesn't love you--you're just a quick roll in the hay.*

Wufei stood in the doorway and watched as his comrade moped while watching the rain. "Maxwell, he won't come back until you've left the window, you know." He said simply, walking silently over to stand by him.

Duo said nothing but hugged himself tighter.
Heero stalked through the woods, ignorant of everything around him. *I can't tell Relena that I don't love her--it would kill her, and I swore never to do that.*

"You could just let her see that you don't love her," a distinctly feminine voice stated from behind him.

Heero turned, automatically pulling a gun on the figure. "Who the hell--?!"

The figure stepped into sight. She had long black hair, much like Wufei's, but much more of it, with brilliant green eyes that shone like there was fire in them. "I said, you could just let her see that you don't love her." She frowned and looked at the gun. "I can assure you that I mean you no harm." She pulled her hair forward and quickly plaited it, getting the soaked strands out of her face. She looked so much like a feminine version of Wufei that Heero blinked once to make sure she was real.

"Who the hell are you?" Heero asked brusquely.

She tsked and put her hands on her rather shapely hips. "You'd think that he'd have gotten some amount of charm over the years," she said to no one in particular. "You don't know me. Quite frankly, if you even remembered me it would be surprising."

Heero didn't put down the gun but eased his finger off the trigger. "What did you mean I should just show her?" he asked suspiciously.

She laughed. "You're none too bright though, for all that you've been tested." She scrutinized him, as if sizing him up. "Well, I mean demonstrate your love for Duo."

He looked at her as if she was completely alien. "I don't understand."

She snorted. "Obviously."

The rain started to let up, allowing the two in the rain to dry off slightly.

Heero turned around to see where he was, "How do you know Duo anyway?" he asked, turning back to where the woman stood.

But, she wasn't there.
Quatre stood at the opposite doorway, watching Duo carefully. "I wonder if Heero's actually going to come back this time?"

Trowa said nothing, but put his arm around the blonde's shoulder in a protective gesture. "He'll be back."

Duo, on the other hand, was watching the window intently. *When is he coming back? I must have really pissed him off this time--he's never been gone this long--*

Wufei sighed and placed a hand on the chatterbox's shoulder. "Come with me, Maxwell." He said quietly, gently. "I have something to show you."

Duo turned to look at the Chinese pilot when he spoke. "What?" he asked, not having heard.

"I said come with me, Maxwell. I have something that might help you." Wufei's voice was unusually gentle as he spoke, quite a change from the growl he typically used when talking to Duo.

Duo nodded silently and got up from his small seat on the windowsill. Wufei led him out of the room, resting a comforting hand on the smaller pilot's shoulder.

Quatre's eyes widened with surprise, but Trowa simply nodded. He'd seen this side of Wufei once. A long time ago, when it had either been 'share the pain or die from it.'

"My, my, Quatre, one would think that you've never seen Wufei do a person a kind deed," a feminine voice stated almost mockingly from behind.

Trowa whirled around, automatically going into protective mode, shielding Quatre.

A tall, tanned blonde with violet-fire eyes stood before them, looking for all the world like the cat that got the cream. "Of course, the last time he did something like that was for Trowa, wasn't it?"

Trowa mutely nodded, wondering what the woman was getting at.

She smiled and took a step towards them, revealing that she was very well endowed, but very fit as well. She didn't make a sound as she moved, not even the creaking of the leather pants she wore. "I think young Wufei and Duo have more in common than you two might think," she said simply.

Quatre, ever the host, stepped out from behind Trowa. "Would you mind explaining what you mean by that, miss?"

She laughed. "Oh no, *Master* Quatre. I don't intend on telling you my name this early in the game." Then her face turned serious as she regarded the two of them. "However, let me just say that often the best thing for pain is to share it, right Trowa?"

Trowa nodded, surprised.

She shrugged. "Then that's all you need to know right now. I'll be in touch," she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She started to run towards them, then stopped suddenly as Trowa moved to protect Quatre, flung something to the ground that exploded into a cloud of smoke.

Quatre coughed and doubled over, trying to get a decent, uncontaminated breath. A few seconds later, the smoke cleared, and the mysterious woman had vanished.
Wufei sat on his bed and motioned for Duo to sit in the chair opposite. "Maxwell, I understand the pain you're going through." He stated quietly, looking at his hands rather than at the young man facing him.

Duo didn't quite understand, but knew that he was going to learn more about his fellow pilot than he had counted on.

"You know that I was married before, correct?" Wufei said carefully, choosing his words with utmost precision.

Duo nodded. "I know that she was something of a macho-bat, yeah." He winced as soon as he said it, thinking about the disrespectfulness of it.

Wufei winced also. "Not to put too fine a point on it, yes. We didn't love each other--we had a very wary respect for each other, but not love. It was an arranged marriage, and neither of us were thrilled with the idea."

Duo felt his face go blank, inwardly wondering where this was going.

"A few weeks after we were married, we argued. She stormed off, refusing to tell anyone where she was going. I found her remains the next day. She was--" Wufei didn't shudder with the sorrow, but he swallowed a lump that formed in his throat. "She was brutally murdered by the same bastards that left me the last member of our combined clans. She was killed as a warning."

Duo felt himself start to cry and shook it off, knowing that showing pity or weakness now would defeat whatever purpose Wufei had in bringing him up there.

Wufei stood, his black eyes glistening with unshed tears. If one knew what to look for on the mainly impassive man's face, the sorrow was plain to see. "What I wanted to show you was this," he said, lifting a small parcel from his bedside table.

Duo took it from him and opened the silk wrapping. Inside was a perfectly carved figure of the Angel of Death out of obsidian, and on the reverse was an archangel out of white marble.

Wufei looked at Duo and smiled grimly. "Keep it. I have no need for death now."

Puzzled by the cryptic comment, Duo looked up at him. "Really?"

Wufei nodded. "Angel of Death and angel of life. I have had it since she died, hoping that it would bring retribution on those that did that to her, however, I never understood the angel on the reverse. I still don't. I think it would be better served with you."

*Is that all I am,* Duo thought as he walked out the door, *Death?*
Heero walked back into the house, rain dripping off of his hair. He silently walked up to the room that he had stayed in, rather than the one that Duo kept. *I don't want to talk to Duo right now,* he thought as he shut off any alarms he had on his room.

"Good thing I'm not Duo, eh?" the woman from before asked, sitting on his bed. Seeing his shock, she crossed her legs and laced her fingers together. "I figured that you would need someone to talk to. Ironic that the Angel of Death would seek out the Angel of Life, but they do say that opposites attract."

As she sat on his bed, he was acutely aware of the fact that she was wearing a very short skirt and very tall boots. "What are you doing here?" he managed to ask.

She laughed, a musical sound. "You needed someone to talk to, and I happened to be in the neighborhood."

"Who are you?" Heero asked, shutting the door behind him.

She laughed again. "No one of consequence."

He snorted. "Hn. Tell me another one. If you weren't of consequence, you would never have been able to sneak up on me in the woods or disappear like you were made of mist."

She stood up, and walked over to him. She was a little taller than he was. "I see why he likes you. I don't understand it, but hey, it's not my job to."

Heero frowned and looked at her. "Either tell me who you are or get the hell out."

She sighed. "You know who I am. You just have to figure it out."
Relena sat at her desk, reviewing documents. *Good. This will put the plan to monitor Heero into action, and this one will make it possible for me to wed him via proxy.* She thought happily, signing each with her own special signature. *Now if I could only get that loudmouthed idiot out of the way long enough for Haruka to get Heero here,* she thought while smoothing out her beige hair.

"You are unbelievable, you know." A dark and female voice said, startling Relena out of her thoughts. "Absolutely unbelievable."

"Who goes there?!" Relena said, panicking.

A tall blonde with darkly tanned skin stepped out of the shadows. "Remember me, Relena?"

Relena paled. "Dear god, not you--I thought you were--"

The blonde laughed and raised a perfectly formed eyebrow. "Dead? Heavens no. Stabbing me through the heart was a nice touch, though. Made it seem horribly convincing. Miss-Pacifist-Queen killing an unholy demon sent by god-only-knows-who to dismantle the Peacecraft nation in the name of peace. Oh yes, perfectly performed. You forgot one small thing, however," she said, stalking towards the young woman. "You can't kill something that isn't alive." She said, punctuating her statement with a slap.

Relena paled even more. "You were *supposed* to kill that loudmouth--Duo! Not suddenly decide that he was meant to live!" she shrieked.

The blonde laughed again, this time it was hollow, harsh. "Meaning that you wanted us to think he was inhuman, just like you wanted us to believe we were." She slapped the young Peacecraft again, this time hitting the other cheek. "You're lucky that only the five of us came back. There are many others who would love to get revenge for killing all those innocents in the name of the Sank Kingdom."

"F-five?" Relena stuttered, suddenly feeling a pit form in her stomach.
The blonde nodded again. "Five."
Enough for part one, ne? ^.^ R&R, onegai!