Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ Of Recollections and Of Realities ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I think I'm losing my inspiration to write this story. I spend minutes trying to rack up my mind for ideas and it's not clicking lightbulbs on top of my head like it used to... but then when I thought all hopes were gone, I suddenly thought of something and I have a little surprise....what if things are not what they seem???
Hint: Use the element of forshadowing....tell me what YOU think it is...(I'm really desperate for feedback, isn't it obvious?)
WARNING: I've been listening to disturbing songs while writing this this is going to be depressing and angsty (lots of Heero emotional torture) at your own risk...bring the flames on!!!
I'm also sorry that this took a little longer than I thought, they just can't give us a break and instead they make us suffer by making everything so hectic at the end of the schoolyear and plus that I have color guard auditions to worry about...
Magic - Chapter IV - Of Recollections and of Realities
The sky crumbled and the heavens grew darker. Rain was pouring down heavily and the wind blew violently. The weather was so turbulent that many accidents were reported in a matter of a few hours.
Heero watched the sadistic weather through his office window. He looked outside as the people walked and rushed through the crowded mob, in and out of subway entrances, and pushing through the bus stops.
"It happened on a day like today…" He whispered as he recalled the day when she died once again.
Heero Yuy was at his office, struggling to do work, when all he could really do was think of his wife. It all started the other day when he found and broke his wife's comb on his bedroom floor. He thought he had put her personal belongings all away in a box, for no one even him to see, but the comb somehow got away.
"It happened on a day like today…" He repeated louder as he traced the edge of the windowpane and threw his fist at the window, making a hole on the glass.
"What happened on a day like today?" A familiar voice called out.
It was the same old Duo leaning against the frame of his door. He was the same old braided baka that interrupted Heero during his most quiet and pondering moments. He had the same old idiotic grin plastered on his face and with all that, he had a son that who had the spitting image of him.
"Hn." He glared at him like the many thousand times he did so.
"I just thought that you would like it if my little buddy and I paid you a little visit. We were in the neighborhood, ya know what I'm saying?" He said as he patted on his son's head.
"So, buddy, I actually came here to invite you to my son's 5th birthday." Duo smiled humbly as he took out an invitation card, wrapped in a white envelope.
"Hilde and I would like it very much if you went to our little one's birthday."
Heero thought for a moment. He thought of saying that he won't make it, but a different set of words came from his mouth.
"Yes, I'll be there."
Duo was almost astonished when he heard that. He knew Heero would say nothing, and wouldn't show up, but this time, he said he would go. It was remarkable how he actually consented to go.
"So, buddy, what happened on a day like today?" Duo suddenly asked.
Heero gave him a glare which made Duo look away. Heero didn't even bother to reply such a question. Of course Duo knew, but was just too stupid to remember it. All three of them stood in silence and only the sound of rain pouring and thunder clashing was heard.
"Umm I think we should go now. I'm getting hungry."
And with that final exchange of words or uttered sounds, Duo left with his son without Heero even knowing, or probably not even caring. His thoughts drifted back to that fateful day, the day she died. He took that emotional blow so hard, he hasn't even recovered from it yet. It's been three years, and yet he hasn't found a reason to move on yet. He wondered why he was still living in that cruel world. Or why the world was even turning. He could just kill himself right at the very moment and he could do that easily by jumping off the window or shooting himself. Maybe the world wasn't cruel, it was just oblivious of what he really felt. But then, world had other troubles to mind, and Heero was just one of the billions who had the troubles of his own.
He walked to the door hastily and shut the door abruptly, because he didn't want any more disruptions. Why was it that people kept on popping out of nowhere just when he was contented with his recollections? Why couldn't just leave him alone, what do they know or care about him anyway? Just when he was thinking of glorious days in bliss, distractions just appear out of thin air. First it was his meddling secretary who thought of him as an eccentric who could do anything but crack a smile, and then it was that braided baka Duo who had a son who Heero bet would end up being exactly like Duo. And who was next?
He shook his head in disappointment. Why, Relena wouldn't just pop out from the grave after three years.
"You wish..."
"You let her die you bastard! How could you?" Raspy voices that sounded like his own emerged in his head as he shook his head as if he was going insane.
"Stop...Stop!" He clutched his head tightly as if he was trying to crack his head open like a chestnut.
He fell to the floor as the thunder crumbled violently. Was he really going insane?
A few moments later, he heard a knock on the door.
"Sir, is everything alright?"
"Yes, go away." He managed to speak quietly but threateningly. He clutched his head with a certain grip as reality suddenly subsided and Heero Yuy experienced a mental breakdown.
Relena Yuy hurriedly exited the bathroom wrapped around in a white towel. It was certainly a grim day and she didn't like it one bit. First of all, she overslept and she even forgot to check over papers regarding her job. Surely being a Vice Foreign Minister (A/N: did I get that right? Please tell me on your review!) wasn't the easiest job in the world but somebody had to do it. Second, it was raining cats and dogs outside and that wouldn't help her a bit.
She turned back as she felt eyes on her back.Yes, those eyes that used to drill holes through her.
"I thought I was supposed to be the one who had to sneak out and leave while you were sleeping naked."
She stifled a laugh, trying to concentrate on trying to find something to wear. She stared at her closet which was full of clothes, clothes fit for a queen. Then, she realized that if she didn't leave by now, she would never make it on time for the conference. She grabbed a suit in random and struggled to get dressed in a matter of thirty seconds. She grabbed the papers and straightened them out before placing it on her briefcase, she didn't even know if those papers were the right ones. Oh, well she would figure it out later.
Just as when she was leaving, she felt a strong set of hands that carried her off her feet and took her down on the bed. He too sat down on the bed as he kissed her.
"Stay for five minutes more." He breathed in her ear emotionlessly as he kissed her neck.
"No, Heero, as much as I want to, I can't." She abruptly pushed him away and she could feel a hurt Heero looking at her.
She stood up and almost ran to the door, as she opened the door, she heard him say something that gave her goosebumps.
"I'll wait for you koishii. I love you." He said it so emotionlessly but he coulnd't help it, the words came out of his mouth like it would be the last time he would say that to anyone ever again.
A cold shiver ran up her spine as he said those words. It felt as if it was the last time she would hear those words from him.
She halted in her tracks and then hesitantly opened the door and left without replying to what he said. Later that day, she would have wished she stayed for at least five minutes more.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~
Relena Yuy gazed on her goldtone watch as she hurried down across the street on a rainy day.
"I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late. With all the traffic, Pagan couldn't manage through at all, at least I decided to get off the car and walk."
She clutched her black leather suitcase tightly trying to use it to cover herself from the rain. She looked hesitantly at the "Don't Walk" sign as it flashed before she could walk to the other side of the street. She was a bit skeptical about taking the risk of walking across the street, but then again, she was already late and there were no visible cars on the road. She ran across the street, annoyed that she decided to wear shoes that were not good for running, especially for a violently rainy day on a slippery aspahlt road.
The shoes, the road, and the rain would decide her fate.
She slipped, and violently hit the soaked floor, so violently that she hit her head and took a few seconds to recover. Nobody was there to help her, since they were on the safe side of the street. The "Don't Walk" sign was still flashing, and to Relena's despair, a speeding truck came speeding through the slippery road. It came by so fast, and nothing could be done, she struggled to get up and run before the truck coyld hit her, but the truck already saw her and desperately tried to stop. The desperate attempt of trying to stop the truck only made it worse. The slippery road and the breaks made no friction. No friction meant no hope for Relena Yuy.
*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~ *~*~*
Mwhahaaha! I'm soooo evil! I left a cliffhanger! Well you can send me your flames, complaints and *gulp* death threats on the little review box over there down at the bottom...Thannkkks! :D