Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Magic (Pending Title)
Genre: Magic, Comedy, language, maybe some angst, romance, drama, cuteness, self insertion, violence, snobby people-bashing (Relena included), teacher-bashing, wow this list is long-ness……
Rating: Possible R-ness. I haven't decided.
Summary: This is kind of like a Harry Potter crossover, but its not. The boys are attending a magical school full of wacky teachers and rooms.
Pairing: eventual (takes forever) 1x2, 3x4, 5x6, 13xOC, SxOC, Helen x G, I'll think of more when the time arises.
Bombayoni: O_O;;;
Chapter 4:
Heero placed Wing Zero on the ground so that he could remove the offered wand from the box. The small animal whined in protest at first but trotted after his master.
The wand Trowa gave Heero looked simple enough. It was a straight silver rod with a barely noticeable ball at the end. The hint of pale feather down stuck out from the end of the stick.
“I thought wands were made from wood.” Heero asked as inspected the rod.
Trowa stopped and looked at him. What he did next took the Japanese teen by surprise. He started to laugh. Once he got the hiccupping chuckles under control he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a wooden wand. It had stubble of a branch with a single green leaf.
“It depends on what your element is. Mine is plants and animals so my wand is made from wood. Yours is light so your wand is made from silver Gundanium.” He paused and frowned slightly. “Also, whoever gets to a certain level in their element range gets to have a Gundanium wand. Mainly graduating seniors but you have the occasional odd ball.”
Heero nodded as the teen turned and resumed walking.
When they reached the front desk again, Keumi was waving around a golden wand similar to Heero's. Above her head, floated a slowly materializing image of what looked to be an elephant.
“Oh, Heero, dear, what wand did you find?” Keumi called as she let her wand drop. Just then the elephant evaporated.
“His element is light, level 01.” Trowa informed them. Odin looked proudly at his offspring. Keumi squealed and clapped her hands together.
Heero blushed humbly and scratched the back of his head. He hadn't done anything to deserve the praise, not that it wasn't welcome. “Otousan, what wand do you have?”
“Sun Pheonix, level 02.” The young mother answered with self pride. “Your father has the Moon Pheonix, level 01” Odin held up a pale colored wand. Faint blue spirals decorated the sides and tip.
“How much do we owe you for the wands?” Odin asked. Amira looked thoughtful before grinning mischievously.
“I want to see Heero take his first try with his wand.” Everyone nodded in agreement.
“Alright, Heero, try this spell: Nos hamiltin!” Odin waved his wand towards Wing Zero. The two headed pet yelped in fear as it began to float off the ground. His ears pressed back and his tail hooked between his legs.
Odin moved his wand and the small being followed until he was placed in Keumi's waiting arms. There the Japanese woman soothed and comforted Wing Zero until he was fast asleep.
“Nos” Heero pointed his wand warily at a small stone. A large cloud of smoke and dust kicked up followed by a strong gust of wind. Once it cleared, there was only small white scorpion snapping angrily at the trespassers.
“Good enough.” Amira said with a shrug of her shoulders. S looked more intrigued.
“You created a small life your first try. Only second year attendants are able to do that.” The elderly sales clerk explained. “You have great potential, Heero.”
“Yes he does.” Odin said smugly. “Well, if you'll excuse us; Heero still needs a flyer.”
“Of course! Keep in touch, okay?” Amira exclaimed and hugged the British American. Odin returned the hug.
“I hope to see you in school.” Trowa said quietly and stuck out hand. Heero nodded and took the offered hand. They shook on it.
“Come on! Helen's shop is next. She owns the flyers' shop!”
The final shop looked more like a surf board store. Boards of all sizes and colors hung on hooks along three of the walls. In the middle were some old fashioned broom sticks. On the fourth wall were roller blades and skateboards.
“Hello!” Keumi made a short dash to the front counter. Her shoes made tight taps against the finely polished wooden floor. “Helen, it's me!” She stared in anticipation at the small curtain/door that lead further back into the store.
A/N: Oh the surprises I have in store! Review and I'll update as fast as I can!