Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Only Time Will Tell ❯ I love to love you baby ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three: I love to love you baby

Needless to say, the next morning was smothered with an awkward air.
Both Heero and Relena ate in silence, fearing conversation. Soon
though, Relena couldn't take it any more. "I'll be on L-1 today." She

"Hum." Heero grunted in acknowledgement.

"I'll be gone for three days."

Heero didn't respond this time, the tension in the air intensified.

"I don't want to leave on bad terms."

"We aren't on bad terms."

"Heero, I feel absolutely terrible about last night."

The subject was getting stale to Heero, "Don't worry about it."

"I never should have said that."


"Do you forgive me?"

"Only if you don't bring it up ever again." He replied bitterly.

Relena didn't know if she should be happy for his forgiveness, or
upset about his comment. Before she could utter another word, though,
Heero stood. He mumbled about how he had to go to work, and that she
had a good trip.

For the entire time Relena was on colony L-1C285 at the general colony
summit she couldn't get her mind off of Heero. She could barely
concentrate on her speech, and stammered through the whole thing. She
didn't even bother paying attention to the other speakers and topics.
She drifted around the three long days in a daze. They were the
longest, hardest three days of her life.

/It's good I'm thinking about this. If I'm spending so much time on
the subject then Heero must be too. Yes! Then when I return he will
tell me how sorry he is. Oh, then everything will be fine again./

She sighed sadly, /Stop being so optimistic. Heero is going to be in
the same selfish mood he's always in. He's probably glad you are gone.
I bet he's having that- that little tramp over every night. What did I
ever see in that bastard? Some way to bring someone who doesn't care
about you into your life, real smart Relena./

The internal battle evolved and moved in that pattern. She went back
and forth like a ping-pong ball the whole time. If Heero and her were
closer she would of called. She promised not to bring it up again, and
she thought that maybe, just maybe she needed some time away from him-
the reluctant father of their unborn child.

She just happened to return in the latter of the moods. The flight was
horrible, the trip was a disaster, and all she wanted was to be
pampered and held. She trudged into the house, her chauffer bringing
in her luggage behind her. She went into Heero's room and collapsed on
his bed.

Heero didn't look up from the computer program he was designing. "How
was the trip?"

"Awful." She replied and waited for him to ask why, or at least offer
some sympathy.

She sat up and looked over to him, "No, `Sorry the trip went bad.' or
`Why don't you go rest.'?"

Heero glanced over to her, "What's your problem?"

She laughed, and smiled malignantly, "Oh how did I know you would be
like this?"

"Hey don't go taking your problems out on me, I didn't do anything."



"Just get out."


"You heard me, get out. Out of my home, out of my country, out of my
life. I can't stand you right now."

"You're kicking me out?"

"Damn right I am." She stood and went over to the door, "I want you

Heero grabbed his jacket and left without fighting her decision.

Relena laughed bitterly. "Good."

Heero turned back, confused.

"You son of a bitch! I can't believe I haven't done this yet. Good
riddance is what I say. Good riddance!"

Heero turned away; he walked down the stairs with Relena's cynical
laughing ringing in his ears.

A shower of his new clothes flowed when he reached the hall. He
noticed that none of his old clothes made it to the floor, nor did he
bother to ask for them. He was luckily able to catch his laptop, which
she also threw down, and his cell phone before they broke on the hard
marble floor.

With all his positions in his arms he grabbed his keys and left,
slamming the door behind him.

Where should he go? Heero asked his self again and again as he drove
around aimlessly. Shayn's was out of the question. He didn't want to
explain why Relena had booted him, or worst, why he was living there
in the first place. Duo's was out as well, he didn't need Duo's
childish suggestions. He needed some one who could understand, who
knew what it was like. He dare not go to Zechs and Noin's. Never would
he confess his defeat to Zechs, nor was he prepared to take the
beating that undoubtfully waited there for him. He suddenly realized
the perfect solution. He made a U turn and headed for the Newport

Heero was surprised to see Quatre answer his own door. Quatre was
surprised to see Heero standing at it at two in the morning.

"Since when do you answer your own door?"

"I didn't want to wake the butler. Come in."

Heero entered and sat in the parlor. "Sorry for waking you."

"We were already awake."

Dorothy came down stairs in her velvet bathrobe. "Heero Yuy, I thought
I heard your voice."

"Hi Dorothy."

"I absolutely must here this, but first, could I get you something to
drink? Some tea perhaps"

"Got any coke?"

"Um... I don't know. Let me check." She looked over to Quatre, "Tea?"

"Yes please, if you don't mind.

"I don't." She left the parlor and headed for the kitchen.

Quatre look a seat in the large, over stuffed, swade armchair across
from the couch. "This must be important if you are here at this hour."

"Relena kicked me out." Heero said quietly, looked down at the floor.

"I never thought I would hear those words come fro you."

"She got all mad at me for no reason, called me a bastard and a son of
a bitch and kicked me out." Heero said. He too was astonished about
what happened.

"I can't blame her."

Heero looked up at him.

"Hear me out. She's pregnant Heero. Her emotions are up ten fold." She
looked up, Dorothy was still getting Heero's drink. He leaned forward
and lowered his voice, "When Dorothy was pregnant with the twins she
nearly bit my head off one night after I worked late. She screamed at
me for almost a full hour, she accused me of having an affair and all
sorts of unfounded claims."

"What happened?"

"She kicked me out, I had to spend the night in a hotel."

"You aren't telling that old story are you?" Dorothy asked. She handed
Heero his coke in a crystal glass and a cup of steaming tea to Quatre.
She held the other cup in her hand, sipping the fragment herbal tea.

Quatre smiled sheepishly, "You caught me."

"You know I hate it when you tell that story." She said sitting on the
arm of his chair.

"It's a perfect example of how awful you women can be when you are

"Well, I guess it's to late now." She turned to Heero, "I did get a
new Tiffany's necklace out of the deal, so I'm not complaining."

"I doubt jewelry will change Relena's mind."

"Oh you our thing, she kicked you out didn't she?"

Heero nodded.

Dorothy went over and sat down beside Heero. "Tomorrow she will be
begging you to come back."

"Doubt it."

"Don't beat yourself up, come now, I'll fix you a room."

"That's not necessary."

"No need to stay in a hotel when we have room here. I'll go prepare a
room right now."

"She's changed." Heero remarked after she climbed the stairs.

"She's still the same lovable Dorothy she's always been." Quatre said
with a smile.

His smile bent into a more serious expression, "Right now Relena needs
love. She is confused and upset. She needs to know that there is
someone there to care for her. Unfortunately for you, you are that
person Heero."

"I don't love her. She knows I don't love her."

"Even so, you have to make her think that you love her, or at least
that you are there for support."

Heero rested his forehead in his palms and stared at the Persian rug
beneath his feet, "What have I gotten myself into?" He asked his self
out loud.

Heero gave Relena two days to calm down- and two days to prepare his
self for what lay ahead. Heero wasn't much for kids, but Quatre's
children didn't care about that. "Mr. Heewo pay with us!" The
three-year-old twins, Sylvia and Rasid chanted as they jumped on his

Heero stared at his computer, and tried to ignore the shaking they
were causing as he sat on the bed, trying to get some work done.

Dorothy came to his door caring Maria, the baby. She giggled, "Looks
like someone's popular."

"Mommy!" Sylvia called. Her brother and her jumped off the bed and ran
to her, "Mommy make Mr. Heewo pay with us." They pleaded.

"I can't /make/ him play with you." She told them as they clung to her

"Alright, I'll play with you." Heero closed his laptop.

"Yea!" The two toddlers ran over to him.

"I wanna pay hide-n-go-sink." Sylvia said, her two blond pig-tales
bounced as she jumped up in front of Heero.

"No, pay hungy hippos."


"Hungy hippos!" The children fought back and forth.

Heero looked up at Dorothy for an idea of what to do.

Dorothy shrugged, "Sorry, but you can use the practice."

She turned her attention to the toddlers who were now hanging on his
arms. "Sylvia, Rasid, play nice."

"Okay mommy." Hey said in unison.

She mouthed, "Thank you," to Heero and walked out of the room.

If it weren't for Quatre and Dorothy's rambunctious offspring, he
probably would of stayed longer. After a weekend filled with tag,
candy land, and dozens of other games, Heero couldn't take it any
more. After one last set of piggyback rides around the house, he
thanked Quatre and Dorothy and left, dreading what lay ahead.

The first thing Heero did when he arrived back on earth was find a
florist. He bought every white rose with pink tips there were and
headed back to Relena's. Once there he stood on the front step,
holding the three-dozen roses, and though about what he was going to
say. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

Relena answered. She looked surprised to see him. "Heero." She

"Relena..." He started again after a short pause, "I'm... sorry. I'm
sorry for being such an asshole." He handed her the roses.

She smiled and moved away from the doorway, giving him room to pass.

"Mail call!" The manager of the circus called out. He started picking
up the letters and packages, reading the names. Catherine wasn't even
paying attention. She lost her family when she was a child, and had
hardly any friends outside the circus. She continued to feed the
animals as everyone received their mail.

Trowa walked over to her in his street clothes. There was an envelope
in his hand, "Cathy, you got some mail."

She looked up, "Really?"


She stood, "Who could it be from?" She snatched the letter from his
hands and looked at it, "It's from Relena Dorlian." She said
astonished, "What would the Vise Foreign Minister be writing to me

Trowa shrugged his shoulders.

She opened the letter and gasped, "Oh my God!"


She looked at Trowa, "It's an invitation for a baby shower."

"A baby shower?"

"Care to guess the last name of the baby?" She said with a sly smile.

Sally entered the apartment she shared with Wu Fei on the Perventer
base in Eastern Asia. Wu Fei was already eating dinner at the table.
He looked up, "You know I hate making dinner."

"Oh don't whine. Une had the biggest fit about some technicality."

"Sounds like her."

She served herself a plate of macaroni and cheese and sat at the
table. "I wouldn't exactly call this making dinner." She said.

"I told you; I hate making dinner."

"Yeah, yeah." She mumbled as she looked through the mail. Bill, bill,
junk, bill, Preventer newsletter, - "Hello." She said.


"I got a letter from Relena. We haven't spoken in over a year."

"We saw her at that party seven or eight months back."

"I forgot about that." She opened the card. A fifty-dollar bill fell
out. She picked up the bill and read the card out loud. `You are
invited to attend Miss. Relena Dorlian and baby boy's baby shower.'"
She exclaimed and looked up at Wu Fei.

"Let me see that." Wu Fei reached across the table, grabbing the card.

"'PS: Wu Fei, looks like you won our bet. Heero.' That son of a
bitch!" He said.


He looked at Sally, "He knocked up Relena, so hand over my money

Quatre came down the stairs. He went over to Dorothy who was sitting
in a chair in the parlor. He stood behind the chair and wrapped his
arms around her. "The kids are asleep." He said.


He started kissing her shoulder, "I said the kids are asleep."

"Hold on, I'm reading this."

"Have I ever told you how much I love your shoulders?"

"Hum, it's a baby shower invitation from Relena. Wow, she's having it

"She is isn't she? I hear that Trowa is going along with Catharine."

"Doesn't he know that only women are invited to baby showers?"

"He just wants to see it with his own eyes, I don't blame him. Maybe
I'll make an appearance as well."

"You know that you boys can't stay."

"I know, we'll entertain Heero while you girls play those silly

"Make sure you ask Relena if it's okay."

"I'll do that tomorrow." He said in between kisses. He moved from her
shoulder up to her neck.

She giggled. "Oh that tickles. I know what you want, and your too
late, you're already getting it." She said playfully.

He stopped and went around the chair. He knelt by the arm, "You mean-"

She looked at him, "Ready for number four?"

He smiled and kissed her, "I love you." He kissed her stomach, "And
you too."

She laughed.

"This is defiantly reason for celebration." He scooped her up in his
arms and carried her upstairs, laughing all the way. "Break out the
Perrier Winston we're having a baby!" He said to the butler as he spun
Dorothy around in his arms.

"Relena called me today." Hilde said while Duo and her were making

"Yeah? What about?" Duo said over the sound of the knife hitting the

"She said that some of the guys want to come to the shower."

"Who are some?"

"You know; Trowa, Quatre, and Wu Fei."

"Oh, that some. Gunna let them come?"

"I'm not going to tell them they can't."

"I'm catching your drift."

"You are?"

"Sure: go out with the guys for a few hours while the shower's

"Pretty sharp."

Due twirled the knife around in his hand and gave the carrots one last
chop, "I'm the God of sharp."

"Sharp objects you mean, your going to cut yourself one day." She said
shaking her head.

Duo pretended like he didn't hear her, he threw the knife in the air
and caught it. He looked over to Hilde, "Veggies are ready."

The guests were still arriving for the baby shower. Duo and Heero
stood back in the corner, waiting for the other pilots to come.
"Thought you weren't going to wear those clothes." Duo said, realizing
that Heero was still in the department store clothes.

"Relena burned my others."

"She did what!?"

"After she kicked me out, she got so mad at me that she burned them."

"Ouch that's harsh."

"Tell me about it."

Relena came over to them in her maternity dress. She took a hold of
Heero's hand, "Come greet the guests with me."


"No excuses." She teased, dragging him over to the door.

They got to the door just in time to greet Wu Fei and Sally. Wu Fei's
eyes went wide when he saw Heero and Relena standing there. Sally and
Relena began talking. Wu Fei put his hand on Heero's shoulder, "You've
really done it this time Yuy." He spotted Duo in the corner and
retreated there.

Trowa was the next pilot to come. He too headed to the back corner of
Hilde's place. They watched silently at the flood of women coming in,
and poor Heero stuck in the middle of it.

Ten minutes or so later Quatre and Dorothy showed up, causing a big
commotion. Relena was the first in a long line to hug Dorothy,
"Congratulations Dorothy, I'm so happy for you!" She squealed.

"What's with Dorothy?" Wu Fei asked.

"She's pregnant." Trowa said.

"Wha-again!?" Duo exclaimed.

"Yeah." Trowa looked at Quatre who was standing proudly beside
Dorothy, "Quatre's really happy."

"I would be too if I got that much action."

Wu Fei and Trowa laughed at Duo's comment. Quatre looked over and
headed for the bunch.

"Well since everyone's here, we better the get party under way. All
this estrogen's making me sick." Duo said, rubbing his hands together.

The three met Quatre half way across the living room. After a round of
back pats and way-to-goes they grabbed Heero and made a break for it.

"Go! Go!"

"No! No!"

The boys yelled over each other as they watched the football game on
one of the many TVs in the bar.

"Yes!" Duo yelled, high-fiving Wu Fei.

Heero, Quatre, and Trowa moaned and booed as Duo and Wu Fei's team did
their victory dance in the end zone.

Heero's phone rang. He could hardly hear it over Duo and Wu Fei's
celebration. He motioned for everyone to quiet down as he answered the
call. They didn't see him, but quieted down anyways, to watch the

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Heero? It's Sally."

"Sally? What's wrong?"

The boys stopped watching the game and looked over at Heero.

"Relena started to have contractions. They are still far a part, but
are getting closer. It's probably just false labor, but she's still
asking for you."

"I'll be right there." He closed his phone and put it back in his back

He could feel his friend's eyes boring into him. He looked up at them,
"Relena's going into labor." He said quietly. Without another word he
left the table.

The boys looked at each other, "Wooo! Way to go Heero!" Duo called.

"Right on man." Wu Fei added.

"Good luck." Quatre mumbled.

Trowa looked up at the game, his eyes grew wide as the team made it
closer to the end zone, "Yes... Yes!"

Quatre looked up, "Go! Go!" And the cycle of calls continued.

Hilde answered the door. "Heero, thank God you're here."

"What's wrong? Is she okay?"

Hilde shook her head, "Her water broke about five minutes ago, and the
contractions are getting stronger." She started to lead him into the

Heero stopped, "It's to early, she's still a month early."

She gave a little laugh, "Tell that to the baby."

They continued to the den. Relena was lying on the couch with Dorothy,
Noin, and Sally to comfort her. She looked up, "Heero." She panted.

"Relena, what are you still doing here? We need to get you to the

"She wouldn't leave until you came." Sally said.

"I'm here, let's go."

She grimaced.

Dorothy winced as Relena squeezed her hand. She turned to Heero,
"Contraction." She mouthed.

For the first time since Heero had moved in with Relena he was able to
drive fast, and recklessly. The wheels of the large Mercedes squealed
as he took the turn at 87 miles per hour. He had a mission: to get to
the hospital. He weaved in and out of traffic. He cut off an
Expedition, accelerated past a Nissan before cutting it off, and flew
across to the other lane, nearly clipping a Mustang. He was very
accurate in his movements however, and never once got so much as a
ding or scratch on the polished, white sheet metal.

Heero pulled the car in front of the hospital. After it squealed to a
stop, he cut the engine, and helped Dorothy walk Relena inside, too
the nearest wheel chair.

Heero stared at the diagrams in the hospital room anxiously. Relena
was on the bed with Dorothy sitting at her side. They had been there
for a few hours already. It seemed like he didn't want to be there.

A doctor came in to check on Relena. On his way out Heero pulled him a
side, "How much longer?"

"Still a few more hours Mr. Yuy."

Heero looked up at Relena, "I'll be back." He said as he left the

"Where's he going? He can't go! He's not supposed to go. Stop him from
going." Relena rambled.

Dorothy got up, out of the plastic hospital chair, and followed him
out of the room. "Heero!" She called out.

Heero stopped and turned.

"You better have a good reason for leaving Relena like this."

"I have to do something."

"I need to tell Relena something, and I doubt that will cut it."

"Tell her I'll be back." He turned and headed for the stairs.

He did return. An hour later he reappeared in the hospital room.
Dorothy let out an audible sigh of relief.

Relena looked wearily to him, "Where did you go?"

"I had to do something."

"You weren't supposed to go."

"I didn't miss anything did I?"

"Not the main advent."

"So no harm done."

"Don't do it again okay?"


He was silent for a moment. Relena could tell that he wanted to say
something though, and didn't push it. "Um... I've got something to ask
you." He mumbled.

Relena grimaced, "Contraction! Contraction!" She yelled before Heero
could get out his question.

Heero went over to her and took her hand. She squeezed it hard and
long as Heero looked on helplessly. "Shouldn't they give you something
for that?"

"Already did."

"How much longer?"

Before Relena could answer another contraction came.

The nurse in the room came over and checked on her. "This baby is
coming now." She told them. She ran out to get the doctor.

Heero looked at Relena, and Relena at him. The room became a bustle of
confusion; at least that is how Heero saw it.

"Alright, I need you to push." The doctor said.

Relena pushed. She looked up at Heero with an angered look, "You
bastard, how could you do this to me!?" She yelled at him.

"Alright another push."

"Come on Relena push." Heero instructed. He hardly flinched at how
hard she squeezed his hand, and continued to try and help.

"They should castrate you, you fucking bastard!" She screamed at the
top of her lungs.

Dorothy was still in the room, on the other side of Relena. She
laughed, "I'll have to remember that one for the next time around."

Heero looked at her. His look yelled, "You just had to say something
didn't you?" He looked down at Relena, not letting her insults get to
him, "Come on, your doing fine." He said, not sounding too convincing.

The doctor looked up, "The head is out. Only one more push."

"One more." Heero said as Relena squinted and pushed. She panted and
laid back as the sounds of a crying baby filled the room.

"You did it Miss. Relena!" Dorothy exclaimed.

Heero was staring, wide eyed, at the slimy baby in the doctor's hands.
He was unable to say anything about the miracle he had just witnessed.

The doctor brought the infant, bundled in a soft blue blanket over to
Relena, "Congratulations, he's a beautiful baby boy."

It took Heero a while to regain his voice. For a few minutes he could
do nothing but watch Relena lovingly hold the child in her arms.
"Dorothy could you please give us some time alone?" He asked.

"Certainly." She winked at Heero and left the room with her graceful

"I um... I have to ask you something." He stammered.

Relena looked up, "Yes?"

He pulled a small velvet covered box out of his back pocket.

"You're going to ask Shayn to marry you." Relena said, almost sadly,
"If you are asking me if it's okay, it is. I can raise him on my own.
I only-"

"I called her when I left-"

"So you all ready asked her? Oh Heero congrad-"

Heero bent over and kissed Relena, cutting her off again. She didn't
refuse the kiss, although she was greatly surprised. Heero pulled
back, "I called her when I left to break up with her. The ring is for

Relena gasped. Her eyes glistened with moisture, "Heero, are you sure
you want to do this? I mean, I thought you didn't think this would

"I have never been happier then the past months I've been with you."

"Oh Heero." A tear rolled down her sweat-slicked face.

Heero swept it away with his hand, "Is that a yes?"

She nodded, "That's a yes."

He smiled as he brushed a wet strand of hair from her face. He leaned
and kissed her again.

A nurse with a clipboard came over to them, "Do you have a name?" She
asked cheerily.

Heero straightened and faced her, "Yeah. First name Xavi-"


Heero turned to face Relena. "No, his name is Odin Xavier Yuy." She
looked up at Heero with a smile, "After his grandfather." She said,
choked with emotion.

He smiled warmly. He got on his knee by her bed and took the diamond
ring out of the box and slipped it on to her finger. Over the gurgling
of his new infant he allowed the dreaded words to flow from his mouth,
almost as if they were natural to him.

"I love you... both of you."

Needless to say, the next morning was smothered with an awkward air.
Both Heero and Relena ate in silence, fearing conversation. Soon
though, Relena couldn't take it any more. "I'll be on L-1 today." She

"Hum." Heero grunted in acknowledgement.

"I'll be gone for three days."

Heero didn't respond this time, the tension in the air intensified.

"I don't want to leave on bad terms."

"We aren't on bad terms."

"Heero, I feel absolutely terrible about last night."

The subject was getting stale to Heero, "Don't worry about it."

"I never should have said that."


"Do you forgive me?"

"Only if you don't bring it up ever again." He replied bitterly.

Relena didn't know if she should be happy for his forgiveness, or
upset about his comment. Before she could utter another word, though,
Heero stood. He mumbled about how he had to go to work, and that she
had a good trip.

For the entire time Relena was on colony L-1C285 at the general colony
summit she couldn't get her mind off of Heero. She could barely
concentrate on her speech, and stammered through the whole thing. She
didn't even bother paying attention to the other speakers and topics.
She drifted around the three long days in a daze. They were the
longest, hardest three days of her life.

/It's good I'm thinking about this. If I'm spending so much time on
the subject then Heero must be too. Yes! Then when I return he will
tell me how sorry he is. Oh, then everything will be fine again./

She sighed sadly, /Stop being so optimistic. Heero is going to be in
the same selfish mood he's always in. He's probably glad you are gone.
I bet he's having that- that little tramp over every night. What did I
ever see in that bastard? Some way to bring someone who doesn't care
about you into your life, real smart Relena./

The internal battle evolved and moved in that pattern. She went back
and forth like a ping-pong ball the whole time. If Heero and her were
closer she would of called. She promised not to bring it up again, and
she thought that maybe, just maybe she needed some time away from him-
the reluctant father of their unborn child.

She just happened to return in the latter of the moods. The flight was
horrible, the trip was a disaster, and all she wanted was to be
pampered and held. She trudged into the house, her chauffer bringing
in her luggage behind her. She went into Heero's room and collapsed on
his bed.

Heero didn't look up from the computer program he was designing. "How
was the trip?"

"Awful." She replied and waited for him to ask why, or at least offer
some sympathy.

She sat up and looked over to him, "No, `Sorry the trip went bad.' or
`Why don't you go rest.'?"

Heero glanced over to her, "What's your problem?"

She laughed, and smiled malignantly, "Oh how did I know you would be
like this?"

"Hey don't go taking your problems out on me, I didn't do anything."



"Just get out."


"You heard me, get out. Out of my home, out of my country, out of my
life. I can't stand you right now."

"You're kicking me out?"

"Damn right I am." She stood and went over to the door, "I want you

Heero grabbed his jacket and left without fighting her decision.

Relena laughed bitterly. "Good."

Heero turned back, confused.

"You son of a bitch! I can't believe I haven't done this yet. Good
riddance is what I say. Good riddance!"

Heero turned away; he walked down the stairs with Relena's cynical
laughing ringing in his ears.

A shower of his new clothes flowed when he reached the hall. He
noticed that none of his old clothes made it to the floor, nor did he
bother to ask for them. He was luckily able to catch his laptop, which
she also threw down, and his cell phone before they broke on the hard
marble floor.

With all his positions in his arms he grabbed his keys and left,
slamming the door behind him.

Where should he go? Heero asked his self again and again as he drove
around aimlessly. Shayn's was out of the question. He didn't want to
explain why Relena had booted him, or worst, why he was living there
in the first place. Duo's was out as well, he didn't need Duo's
childish suggestions. He needed some one who could understand, who
knew what it was like. He dare not go to Zechs and Noin's. Never would
he confess his defeat to Zechs, nor was he prepared to take the
beating that undoubtfully waited there for him. He suddenly realized
the perfect solution. He made a U turn and headed for the Newport

Heero was surprised to see Quatre answer his own door. Quatre was
surprised to see Heero standing at it at two in the morning.

"Since when do you answer your own door?"

"I didn't want to wake the butler. Come in."

Heero entered and sat in the parlor. "Sorry for waking you."

"We were already awake."

Dorothy came down stairs in her velvet bathrobe. "Heero Yuy, I thought
I heard your voice."

"Hi Dorothy."

"I absolutely must here this, but first, could I get you something to
drink? Some tea perhaps"

"Got any coke?"

"Um... I don't know. Let me check." She looked over to Quatre, "Tea?"

"Yes please, if you don't mind.

"I don't." She left the parlor and headed for the kitchen.

Quatre look a seat in the large, over stuffed, swade armchair across
from the couch. "This must be important if you are here at this hour."

"Relena kicked me out." Heero said quietly, looked down at the floor.

"I never thought I would hear those words come fro you."

"She got all mad at me for no reason, called me a bastard and a son of
a bitch and kicked me out." Heero said. He too was astonished about
what happened.

"I can't blame her."

Heero looked up at him.

"Hear me out. She's pregnant Heero. Her emotions are up ten fold." She
looked up, Dorothy was still getting Heero's drink. He leaned forward
and lowered his voice, "When Dorothy was pregnant with the twins she
nearly bit my head off one night after I worked late. She screamed at
me for almost a full hour, she accused me of having an affair and all
sorts of unfounded claims."

"What happened?"

"She kicked me out, I had to spend the night in a hotel."

"You aren't telling that old story are you?" Dorothy asked. She handed
Heero his coke in a crystal glass and a cup of steaming tea to Quatre.
She held the other cup in her hand, sipping the fragment herbal tea.

Quatre smiled sheepishly, "You caught me."

"You know I hate it when you tell that story." She said sitting on the
arm of his chair.

"It's a perfect example of how awful you women can be when you are

"Well, I guess it's to late now." She turned to Heero, "I did get a
new Tiffany's necklace out of the deal, so I'm not complaining."

"I doubt jewelry will change Relena's mind."

"Oh you our thing, she kicked you out didn't she?"

Heero nodded.

Dorothy went over and sat down beside Heero. "Tomorrow she will be
begging you to come back."

"Doubt it."

"Don't beat yourself up, come now, I'll fix you a room."

"That's not necessary."

"No need to stay in a hotel when we have room here. I'll go prepare a
room right now."

"She's changed." Heero remarked after she climbed the stairs.

"She's still the same lovable Dorothy she's always been." Quatre said
with a smile.

His smile bent into a more serious expression, "Right now Relena needs
love. She is confused and upset. She needs to know that there is
someone there to care for her. Unfortunately for you, you are that
person Heero."

"I don't love her. She knows I don't love her."

"Even so, you have to make her think that you love her, or at least
that you are there for support."

Heero rested his forehead in his palms and stared at the Persian rug
beneath his feet, "What have I gotten myself into?" He asked his self
out loud.

Heero gave Relena two days to calm down- and two days to prepare his
self for what lay ahead. Heero wasn't much for kids, but Quatre's
children didn't care about that. "Mr. Heewo pay with us!" The
three-year-old twins, Sylvia and Rasid chanted as they jumped on his

Heero stared at his computer, and tried to ignore the shaking they
were causing as he sat on the bed, trying to get some work done.

Dorothy came to his door caring Maria, the baby. She giggled, "Looks
like someone's popular."

"Mommy!" Sylvia called. Her brother and her jumped off the bed and ran
to her, "Mommy make Mr. Heewo pay with us." They pleaded.

"I can't /make/ him play with you." She told them as they clung to her

"Alright, I'll play with you." Heero closed his laptop.

"Yea!" The two toddlers ran over to him.

"I wanna pay hide-n-go-sink." Sylvia said, her two blond pig-tales
bounced as she jumped up in front of Heero.

"No, pay hungy hippos."


"Hungy hippos!" The children fought back and forth.

Heero looked up at Dorothy for an idea of what to do.

Dorothy shrugged, "Sorry, but you can use the practice."

She turned her attention to the toddlers who were now hanging on his
arms. "Sylvia, Rasid, play nice."

"Okay mommy." Hey said in unison.

She mouthed, "Thank you," to Heero and walked out of the room.

If it weren't for Quatre and Dorothy's rambunctious offspring, he
probably would of stayed longer. After a weekend filled with tag,
candy land, and dozens of other games, Heero couldn't take it any
more. After one last set of piggyback rides around the house, he
thanked Quatre and Dorothy and left, dreading what lay ahead.

The first thing Heero did when he arrived back on earth was find a
florist. He bought every white rose with pink tips there were and
headed back to Relena's. Once there he stood on the front step,
holding the three-dozen roses, and though about what he was going to
say. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

Relena answered. She looked surprised to see him. "Heero." She

"Relena..." He started again after a short pause, "I'm... sorry. I'm
sorry for being such an asshole." He handed her the roses.

She smiled and moved away from the doorway, giving him room to pass.

"Mail call!" The manager of the circus called out. He started picking
up the letters and packages, reading the names. Catherine wasn't even
paying attention. She lost her family when she was a child, and had
hardly any friends outside the circus. She continued to feed the
animals as everyone received their mail.

Trowa walked over to her in his street clothes. There was an envelope
in his hand, "Cathy, you got some mail."

She looked up, "Really?"


She stood, "Who could it be from?" She snatched the letter from his
hands and looked at it, "It's from Relena Dorlian." She said
astonished, "What would the Vise Foreign Minister be writing to me

Trowa shrugged his shoulders.

She opened the letter and gasped, "Oh my God!"


She looked at Trowa, "It's an invitation for a baby shower."

"A baby shower?"

"Care to guess the last name of the baby?" She said with a sly smile.

Sally entered the apartment she shared with Wu Fei on the Perventer
base in Eastern Asia. Wu Fei was already eating dinner at the table.
He looked up, "You know I hate making dinner."

"Oh don't whine. Une had the biggest fit about some technicality."

"Sounds like her."

She served herself a plate of macaroni and cheese and sat at the
table. "I wouldn't exactly call this making dinner." She said.

"I told you; I hate making dinner."

"Yeah, yeah." She mumbled as she looked through the mail. Bill, bill,
junk, bill, Preventer newsletter, - "Hello." She said.


"I got a letter from Relena. We haven't spoken in over a year."

"We saw her at that party seven or eight months back."

"I forgot about that." She opened the card. A fifty-dollar bill fell
out. She picked up the bill and read the card out loud. `You are
invited to attend Miss. Relena Dorlian and baby boy's baby shower.'"
She exclaimed and looked up at Wu Fei.

"Let me see that." Wu Fei reached across the table, grabbing the card.

"'PS: Wu Fei, looks like you won our bet. Heero.' That son of a
bitch!" He said.


He looked at Sally, "He knocked up Relena, so hand over my money

Quatre came down the stairs. He went over to Dorothy who was sitting
in a chair in the parlor. He stood behind the chair and wrapped his
arms around her. "The kids are asleep." He said.


He started kissing her shoulder, "I said the kids are asleep."

"Hold on, I'm reading this."

"Have I ever told you how much I love your shoulders?"

"Hum, it's a baby shower invitation from Relena. Wow, she's having it

"She is isn't she? I hear that Trowa is going along with Catharine."

"Doesn't he know that only women are invited to baby showers?"

"He just wants to see it with his own eyes, I don't blame him. Maybe
I'll make an appearance as well."

"You know that you boys can't stay."

"I know, we'll entertain Heero while you girls play those silly

"Make sure you ask Relena if it's okay."

"I'll do that tomorrow." He said in between kisses. He moved from her
shoulder up to her neck.

She giggled. "Oh that tickles. I know what you want, and your too
late, you're already getting it." She said playfully.

He stopped and went around the chair. He knelt by the arm, "You mean-"

She looked at him, "Ready for number four?"

He smiled and kissed her, "I love you." He kissed her stomach, "And
you too."

She laughed.

"This is defiantly reason for celebration." He scooped her up in his
arms and carried her upstairs, laughing all the way. "Break out the
Perrier Winston we're having a baby!" He said to the butler as he spun
Dorothy around in his arms.

"Relena called me today." Hilde said while Duo and her were making

"Yeah? What about?" Duo said over the sound of the knife hitting the

"She said that some of the guys want to come to the shower."

"Who are some?"

"You know; Trowa, Quatre, and Wu Fei."

"Oh, that some. Gunna let them come?"

"I'm not going to tell them they can't."

"I'm catching your drift."

"You are?"

"Sure: go out with the guys for a few hours while the shower's

"Pretty sharp."

Due twirled the knife around in his hand and gave the carrots one last
chop, "I'm the God of sharp."

"Sharp objects you mean, your going to cut yourself one day." She said
shaking her head.

Duo pretended like he didn't hear her, he threw the knife in the air
and caught it. He looked over to Hilde, "Veggies are ready."

The guests were still arriving for the baby shower. Duo and Heero
stood back in the corner, waiting for the other pilots to come.
"Thought you weren't going to wear those clothes." Duo said, realizing
that Heero was still in the department store clothes.

"Relena burned my others."

"She did what!?"

"After she kicked me out, she got so mad at me that she burned them."

"Ouch that's harsh."

"Tell me about it."

Relena came over to them in her maternity dress. She took a hold of
Heero's hand, "Come greet the guests with me."


"No excuses." She teased, dragging him over to the door.

They got to the door just in time to greet Wu Fei and Sally. Wu Fei's
eyes went wide when he saw Heero and Relena standing there. Sally and
Relena began talking. Wu Fei put his hand on Heero's shoulder, "You've
really done it this time Yuy." He spotted Duo in the corner and
retreated there.

Trowa was the next pilot to come. He too headed to the back corner of
Hilde's place. They watched silently at the flood of women coming in,
and poor Heero stuck in the middle of it.

Ten minutes or so later Quatre, Dorothy, and family showed up, causing
a big commotion. Relena was the first in a long line to hug Dorothy,
"Congratulations Dorothy, I'm so happy for you!" She squealed.

"What's with Dorothy?" Wu Fei asked.

"She's pregnant." Trowa said.

"Wha-again!?" Duo exclaimed.

"Yeah." Trowa looked at Quatre who was standing proudly beside
Dorothy, "Quatre's really happy."

"I would be too if I got that much action."

The twins pulled on Heero's arms, "Mr. Heewo can we have piggy-back
wides?" Rasid asked.

"Yes, Mr. Heewo I wanna piggy-back wide!" Silvia chimed in.

Quatre looked down at them, "Kids, stop bothering Mr. Heero."

"Sorry father." They said in unison.

Quatre looked up at Heero, "Sorry about that."

Heero shrugged.

Rasid pointed over to the corner, "Look! It's Mr. Duo!" They ran over
to Duo.

"Oh no, here comes trouble." Duo said as the twins ran over to him,
with little Maria trying to keep up behind them. He put on his biggest
smile and reached down and scooped up the toddlers, "How's my favorite

"Can we have a pane wide Mr. Duo?" Silvia asked.

Duo scooped up Maria who had her arms up. "Alright, but it looks like
it's going to be a full flight."

"Yeah!" Rasid and Siliva cheered, Maria clapped her hands and laughed.

Duo put Rasid on his back and held the girls in his hands. "Here we
go." He said and started making plane sounds, spinning around in
circles. The children cheered and laughed as the room spun n a blur
around them.

Quatre looked over and headed for the bunch.

Duo stopped spinning when Quatre reached them.

"Again! Again!" They chanted.

"Sorry kidos but I have to go now." He put the kids on the floor; they
scurried off to their mother.

He looked up at Quatre, "There's everyone's favorite baby maker.
Congrats man."

Quatre blushed, "Thank you."

Quatre got a full round of back pats and congratulations from the

"Well since everyone's here, we better the get party under way. All
this estrogen's making me sick." Duo said, rubbing his hands together.
They grabbed Heero and made a brake for it.

"Go! Go!"

"No! No!"

The boys yelled over each other as they watched the football game on
one of the many TVs in the bar.

"Yes!" Duo yelled, high-fiving Wu Fei.

Heero, Quatre, and Trowa moaned and booed as Duo and Wu Fei's team did
their victory dance in the end zone.

Heero's phone rang. He could hardly hear it over Duo and Wu Fei's
celebration. He motioned for everyone to quiet down as he answered the
call. They didn't see him, but quieted down anyways, to watch the

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Heero? It's Sally."

"Sally? What's wrong?"

The boys stopped watching the game and looked over at Heero.

"Relena started to have contractions. They are still far a part, but
are getting closer. It's probably just false labor, but she's still
asking for you."

"I'll be right there." He closed his phone and put it back in his back

He could feel his friend's eyes boring into him. He looked up at them,
"Relena's going into labor." He said quietly. Without another word he
left the table.

The boys looked at each other, "Wooo! Way to go Heero!" Duo called.

"Right on man." Wu Fei added.

"Good luck." Quatre mumbled.

Trowa looked up at the game, his eyes grew wide as the team made it
closer to the end zone, "Yes... Yes!"

Quatre looked up, "Go! Go!" And the cycle of calls continued.

Hilde answered the door. "Heero, thank God you're here."

"What's wrong? Is she okay?"

Hilde shook her head, "Her water broke about five minutes ago, and the
contractions are getting stronger." She started to lead him into the

Heero stopped, "It's to early, she's still a month early."

She gave a little laugh, "Tell that to the baby."

They continued to the den. Relena was lying on the couch with Dorothy,
Noin, and Sally to comfort her. She looked up, "Heero." She panted.

"Relena, what are you still doing here? We need to get you to the

"She wouldn't leave until you came." Sally said.

"I'm here, let's go."

She grimaced.

Dorothy winced as Relena squeezed her hand. She turned to Heero,
"Contraction." She mouthed.

For the first time since Heero had moved in with Relena he was able to
drive fast, and recklessly. The wheels of the large Mercedes squealed
as he took the turn at 87 miles per hour. He had a mission: to get to
the hospital. He weaved in and out of traffic. He cut off an
Expedition, accelerated past a Nissan before cutting it off, and flew
across to the other lane, nearly clipping a Mustang. He was very
accurate in his movements however, and never once got so much as a
ding or scratch on the polished, white sheet metal.

Heero pulled the car in front of the hospital. After it squealed to a
stop, he cut the engine, and helped Dorothy walk Relena inside, too
the nearest wheel chair.

Heero stared at the diagrams in the hospital room anxiously. Relena
was on the bed with Dorothy sitting at her side. They had been there
for a few hours already. It seemed like he didn't want to be there.

A doctor came in to check on Relena. On his way out Heero pulled him a
side, "How much longer?"

"Still a few more hours Mr. Yuy."

Heero looked up at Relena, "I'll be back." He said as he left the

"Where's he going? He can't go! He's not supposed to go. Stop him from
going." Relena rambled.

Dorothy got up, out of the plastic hospital chair, and followed him
out of the room. "Heero!" She called out.

Heero stopped and turned.

"You better have a good reason for leaving Relena like this."

"I have to do something."

"I need to tell Relena something, and I doubt that will cut it."

"Tell her I'll be back." He turned and headed for the stairs.

He did return. An hour later he reappeared in the hospital room.
Dorothy let out an audible sigh of relief.

Relena looked wearily to him, "Where did you go?"

"I had to do something."

"You weren't supposed to go."

"I didn't miss anything did I?"

"Not the main advent."

"So no harm done."

"Don't do it again okay?"


He was silent for a moment. Relena could tell that he wanted to say
something though, and didn't push it. "Um... I've got something to ask
you." He mumbled.

Relena grimaced, "Contraction! Contraction!" She yelled before Heero
could get out his question.

Heero went over to her and took her hand. She squeezed it hard and
long as Heero looked on helplessly. "Shouldn't they give you something
for that?"

"Already did."

"How much longer?"

Before Relena could answer another contraction came.

The nurse in the room came over and checked on her. "This baby is
coming now." She told them. She ran out to get the doctor.

Heero looked at Relena, and Relena at him. The room became a bustle of
confusion; at least that is how Heero saw it.

"Alright, I need you to push." The doctor said.

Relena pushed. She looked up at Heero with an angered look, "You
bastard, how could you do this to me!?" She yelled at him.

"Alright another push."

"Come on Relena push." Heero instructed. He hardly flinched at how
hard she squeezed his hand, and continued to try and help.

"They should castrate you, you fucking bastard!" She screamed at the
top of her lungs.

Dorothy was still in the room, on the other side of Relena. She
laughed, "I'll have to remember that one for the next time around."

Heero looked at her. His look yelled, "You just had to say something
didn't you?" He looked down at Relena, not letting her insults get to
him, "Come on, your doing fine." He said, not sounding too convincing.

The doctor looked up, "The head is out. Only one more push."

"One more." Heero said as Relena squinted and pushed. She panted and
laid back as the sounds of a crying baby filled the room.

"You did it Miss. Relena!" Dorothy exclaimed.

Heero was staring, wide eyed, at the slimy baby in the doctor's hands.
He was unable to say anything about the miracle he had just witnessed.

The doctor brought the infant, bundled in a soft blue blanket over to
Relena, "Congratulations, he's a beautiful baby boy."

It took Heero a while to regain his voice. For a few minutes he could
do nothing but watch Relena lovingly hold the child in her arms.
"Dorothy could you please give us some time alone?" He asked.

"Certainly." She winked at Heero and left the room with her graceful

"I um... I have to ask you something." He stammered.

Relena looked up, "Yes?"

He pulled a small velvet covered box out of his back pocket.

"You're going to ask Shayn to marry you." Relena said, almost sadly,
"If you are asking me if it's okay, it is. I can raise him on my own.
I only-"

"I called her when I left-"

"So you all ready asked her? Oh Heero congrad-"

Heero bent over and kissed Relena, cutting her off again. She didn't
refuse the kiss, although she was greatly surprised. Heero pulled
back, "I called her when I left to break up with her. The ring is for

Relena gasped. Her eyes glistened with moisture, "Heero, are you sure
you want to do this? I mean, I thought you didn't think this would

"I have never been happier then the past months I've been with you."

"Oh Heero." A tear rolled down her sweat-slicked face.

Heero swept it away with his hand, "Is that a yes?"

She nodded, "That's a yes."

He smiled as he brushed a wet strand of hair from her face. He leaned
and kissed her again.

A nurse with a clipboard came over to them, "Do you have a name?" She
asked cheerily.

Heero straightened and faced her, "Yeah. First name Xavi-"


Heero turned to face Relena. "No, his name is Odin Xavier Yuy." She
looked up at Heero with a smile, "After his grandfather." She said,
choked with emotion.

He smiled warmly. He got on his knee by her bed and took the diamond
ring out of the box and slipped it on to her finger. Over the gurgling
of his new infant he allowed the dreaded words to flow from his mouth,
almost as if they were natural to him.

"I love you... both of you."