Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Plight of the Unicorn ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Plight of the Unicorn

Chapter Six

His mind struggled through the thick haze of sleep, striving to reach consciousness. He pulled even closer to the figure curled around him, basking in the warmth of the other body. Duo was kind of surprised that Heero was still in bed. His lover usually woke several hours before him.

`This is a lovely thing to wake up to for once,' he thought lazily as he rubbed his body against the other boy's. Duo moaned faintly when he realized his common morning "ailment".

The brunette grinned and continued his earlier actions, hoping the friction would stir his lover as well. He slid his hand up to run fingers through the chocolate brown locks of hair.

Duo paused suddenly, a frown appearing on his face. His hair seems softer than usual. Did he do something to it? The sorcerer pressed against the body again, his hand stroking the tender flesh of Heero's back.

`Has he lost weight? He seems smaller than usual.' The boy in his arms moaned slightly, completely shattering the illusion.

Duo's violet eyes shot open, taking in the blond hair and petite frame of his newest charge. `Quatre, not Heero, Quatre,' he repeated to himself.

He carefully shifted away from the younger boy, praying to the heavens that he didn't wake up. Quatre sighed contently, nuzzling his head against the brunette's strong chest.

Duo smiled as he brushed his charge's left cheek with his fingertips. `Would it really be such a bad thing to fall for him? It's been a whole year since Heero left. Maybe it's time to move on?' He wondered his gaze traveling over the slender blonde.

"You're too adorable for your own good. Do you know that?" the brunette whispered.

Duo's hand continued its rise upward, his hands running through silky soft strands of golden hair. He stilled suddenly when the boy beside him yawned. He quickly dropped the appendage and closed his eyes, hoping to fake slumber.

Quatre's baby blue eyes fluttered open, a confused look present on his face until he remembered where he was. He smiled sweetly at the brunette beside him.

"Are you awake Duo?" he asked quietly.

The sorcerer remained silent as he felt the boy's hand on his shoulder.

"You're the first person who has ever really cared about me. I know father is paying you, but at least you're nice and believe in me," the blonde murmured.

Duo felt a faint brush against his cheek, the touch so soft he had to wonder if it had even happened.

"Thank you for your kindness, Duo," Quatre breathed before he pulled away.

The bed shifted as the slender body rose from the bed, entering the bathroom across from him. Duo waited for the door to click shut, his eyes flashing opened.

`I know he likes me. He would make a wonderful boyfriend,' Duo thought. His gaze focused on the shut door for several moments before he sighed. `My mind says yes, so why is it that deep down inside my heart says the opposite?'


The sun had just begun to rise in the sky, casting a glittering effect on the morning dew that littered the grass and trees. The forest was silent save for several birds and insects. The untouched environment was broken as two figures and one creature entered the surrounding area.

Wufei frowned as his mind once again went over the current situation. His dark brown eyes flickered over to his lover, who had remained quiet and withdrawn since they had been told who had orchestrated Heero's kidnapping.

The young Chinese man was the only one who knew why Zechs had run away from home several years back. The blonde had gone so far as to change his name, cutting off all links to his family. To have them suddenly flung back into his life preyed heavily on the older man's mind.

Wufei gently squeezed the hand he was holding, trying to offer comfort. He didn't care much for public displays of affection, but knew that his lover needed the support right now. He wondered idly if Zechs would tell Heero that Relena was his sister. His lover hoped to keep his past a secret from everyone, but Heero had a right to know the connection. To know that one of the four things he needed to return to normal was behind him.

The three continued through the dust-covered path, the unicorn ever alert for any noise that would indicate trouble for them. The black haired adolescent knew Heero was right to worry, although they had yet to run into anyone there was always the possibility that someone would try and take the mystical creature. Wufei was sure that Mistress Dorothy wouldn't give up that easily. He had heard many stories about her and her actions of cruelty in getting what she desired. Heero had mentioned another group of men after him but had admitted that he didn't have any idea who commanded them.

`There are quite a few Lords, Dukes, and other royal or wealthy men and women who would go the distance to acquire a unicorn,' Wufei thought as he gazed at the splendor of the landscape.

<Look's like we have trouble. Quick! Behind the trees!> Heero ordered. The huge animal bolted off the dirt road, into the shrubbery around it. The two men quickly followed suit, coming up beside the unicorn.

"Is it Dorothy's men?" Zechs asked, speaking softly.

<No. It's the other group of men that were after me,> the creature answered.

Wufei carefully crawled through the underbrush, glancing between the branches and leaves of a large bush. He stared at the men and horses standing on the side of the road for several seconds before returning to his companions.

"I can't see the emblems on the saddles from here. I would need to get closer to see if I recognized it or not," the Chinese man stated.

<What should we do? Backtracking would take too long,> Heero remarked.

"Well we'll just have to try and find some way to sneak past them," Wufei announced.

<But how? I would think they would notice the horn on my head you know.>

Zechs remained silent through the exchange, struggling to form a plan of action. His ice blue eyes landed on the unicorn. He could almost pass for a horse, although those men might have already considered that and were searching for any creature that was white and sporting something on it's head.

"Wufei, how many men are over there?" he suddenly asked.

"Just two men with horses. They do have guns, however, so I'm sure they're looking for Heero," his lover answered.

The blonde nodded, internally arguing with himself about whether or not he had the ability to pull of his idea.

"I have an idea. I'm just not sure if I can pull it off or not," he finally said aloud.

<What is it?> Heero inquired.

"Well as you know I have some magical abilities. I have in the past been able to alter the appearance of something, such as make it look like a beer bottle is gone when its really still in it's original place. I may… hopefully be able to change your coloring and make it look like the horn isn't there," Zechs stated.

Wufei glanced at his lover, surprise and shock in his dark eyes. "Heero's a horse. That's a huge amount of area you'll have to alter. I don't know if you have the strength to do it," he protested.

"If I have total concentration I should be able to. I'll have to be riding you, Heero, though. In order to camouflage a creature as big as you are; I'll need the physical contact," the bartender explained.

<As much as I hate the notion of acting like a common animal it sounds like the best shot we have at getting past them. What if they speak to you? You'll have to answer and that might throw your focus off,> Heero pointed out.

"If Zechs keeps his head down and against your neck we can fake that he's ill. That will give us an excuse to leave them quickly," Wufei suggested.

<Before we speculate further we should probably check to see if he can even do it.>

Zechs nodded in agreement. They went deeper into the forest, away from the road. The platinum haired man spotted a fallen log and climbed onto it, motioning for Heero to come forward. The horse did so and he threw his left leg over the horse, using the white mane to right himself.

<I feel like such a tool,> Heero muttered.

The rider ignored the comment, dropping his head to lay flush against the creature's neck. His eyes slid shut as he cleared his mind, focusing fully at the task at hand.

Wufei watched the scene quietly, knowing not to interrupt his lover when a spell with such difficulty was being done. His eyes widened as the horn seemingly vanished from the unicorn's head. Spots of chocolate brown began to form on the animal, giving the creature a painted appearance.

"If you can keep it like that, love, it should be fine. You don't have to change his color all the way. He can pass as a pinto horse now," Wufei said quietly as he stepped over to them both.

<Well I'll be. It really did work. It's amazing how much power Zechs has. I'm surprised I never realized it until now.>

"How are you doing?" Wufei asked tenderly as he touched the sorcerer's leg.

"It takes a lot of strength to hold this. I won't be able to do it for long," Zechs murmured as the illusion dropped suddenly.

His boyfriend nodded in understanding. "If you feel yourself slipping, when we're over there, just moan and I'll get us away from them quickly," he promised.

<Should we do this now or does he need a moment to catch his breath?> Heero questioned.

The blonde steadied himself before answering, "I'll be fine. I think we should do this now since I know the image I have to keep."

They walked over, standing as close to the road and they could without being seen. Wufei nodded, indicating that his lover should begin. Icy blue eyes closed once more and the illusion of a normal pinto horse was presented to any that cared to look. Both stepped out into the road walking as fast as they could, without it looking like they were rushed, towards the two men.

"Good day," Wufei said politely to the men.

"Hello traveler. Is something wrong with your friend up there?" One asked as he glanced at the horse and rider.

"Yes, I'm afraid my comrade is quite ill. So I'm sorry if he doesn't speak to you," Wufei answered.

"Well that's a shame. I hope he feels better soon," the other guard remarked, "I heard something was going around several towns. He probably has that."

"So what are you gentlemen doing out here? Is one of our lords or ladies coming through here?" Wufei asked.

The guard's glanced at each other before answering. "One of the Duke's animals has escaped its cage. We've been sent to find it," one said neutrally.

"Nothing dangerous I hope," the Chinese man exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it. The creature usually hides from humans."

Zechs moaned softly from the unicorn's back, a light film of sweat covering his face.

"Gentlemen, I really must be going. My comrade needs to see a doctor badly," Wufei announced.

"Of course. There is a town only several miles away that you can take him to. Just follow this path," one of the men informed.

"Thank you very much. Good-bye now." With those last words, Heero and Wufei left the men. When they were outside of earshot the Chinese adolescent turned towards the blonde.

"Hold on a little bit longer love. We're almost to a bend in the road. Then you can stop. You're doing so well. Just a little more," Wufei breathed the heartfelt words of encouragement.

The illusion flickered faintly as the sorcerer struggled to keep it up. He sighed as soon as the bend was passed, releasing his hold. The spots vanished from the unicorn and the horn appeared instantly.

"I don't think I can get off. I'll fall if I try," the blonde whispered.

Heero carefully bent his knees, dropping his body to the ground. Wufei pulled his lover from the horse, wrapping his arms around the exhausted man.

"You did wonderful. I'm very proud of you," he murmured as his pressed his lips against his lover's.

<That was great Zechs. You really saved us all back there and you deserve rest but we need to get out of the road,> Heero announced as he rose from the ground.

Wufei helped the tired man to stand, supporting him as they once again went off the main road and into the forested area that surrounded it. The unicorn took the lead, searching until he located a secluded section of the woods.

<We'll rest here,> he stated.

The Chinese young man said nothing as he tenderly set his lover down and slipped beside him, setting the blonde's head on his lap. Zechs was asleep before the contact was even made.

"I discovered out who else is after you," Wufei whispered.


"Duke Treize. We'll have to be very discreet. That is one man that no one will dare try and trifle with. He will go to all lengths to get what he wants and nothing will stand in his way."