Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Saviour's Kiss ❯ Saviour's Kiss ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN Well something new and my first real 1x4x1 fic, please R&R
Disclaimer: -Sings- Don't own, don't own, don't own, don't own, don't own, don't own, don't own. Get the message?
Rating: PG
Summary: Quatre has been captured but his Angel has come to save him. 1x4x1 Please R&R
Saviour's Kiss
“And if you don't say something the next time we see you, you little piece of shit, we'll have to come up with more interesting ways of making you talk.” The man leered at the blonde pilot for a few seconds before smirking and leaving the cell, not before delivering a final kick to the ribs though.
“Quatre?” The hesitant whisper made the former-gundam pilot's head rise to look at his husband, who was watching him worriedly through the bars separating them.
“'M'ok Heero, I`ve had worse.”
That didn't seem to reassure the other man whose eyes darkened furiously even as he reached out a hand tentatively to stroke Quatre's cheek so softly he might not have been there at all.
Quatre leaned into the phantom touch as far as he was able and then, as if gaining strength from the gentle caress, forced his crushed body into a sitting position.
Heero just looked angrier. “I'll kill them for hurting you like this you know.”
“I know.” Quatre smiled reassuringly then winced as he caught some of the wounds.
“You'll be okay Q, you'll get out of here, I promise.”
“I want to stay with you.”
“You can't, not this time.”
“I can, I've got nothing Heero, not if I don't have you, please.”
Heero hesitated then softened, he'd never been able to say no to the blonde.
“Ok, just close your eyes and go to sleep, I'll see you when you wake up.”
“That's all?”
Heero was beside him all of a sudden, dropping a ghostly kiss on bloodied lips, “just trust me Quatre.”
“I do, I love you Heero.”
“Love you too.”
“Blondie's finally cracked, who the hell does he think he's talking to anyway?” The second guard looked up from his paper to eye the man next to him, the one who was currently studying the camera's they had focussed on the Preventer agent's cell.
“Someone called Heero…” He looked worried suddenly, “there's no way he could have smuggled a transmitter in or something is there, I mean, he's not actually talking to someone, is he?”
“No,” Both turned to look at the newcomer, the same man who they had been watching threatening the blonde scant seconds ago. “He's not talking into any form of communication device.”
“So who's Heero?” The second guard pressed anxiously.
“I'm assuming he means Heero Yuy, the bastard's husband.”
“And there's no way he could be talking to him?”
“Not really, after all, Yuy died six months ago….”
AN Well? Expecting the end? Please tell me.