Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Scurvy, Jolly Rogers and a Whole Lotta Booty ❯ The Hear of, Well, You Know ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Heart of, Well, You Know

Voodoo Priestess Relena sat in her little grass hut fashioning a new bone necklace. They were apparently the new trend, and Relena wasn't one to let a trend pass without trying it out first. She sat by the light of the fire meticulously tying the bits of bone and string together. This would be the greatest necklace ever, she thought, and smiled at her own handy work.

* * *

Each crew member of The Zero Star was trying desperately to get some sleep, but none came. It wasn't that they weren't tired, but something was hanging in the air. Something was waiting to happen, and that anticipation kept them all awake. The pounding sound was all around them, inside them, or maybe that was just their own hearts beating. Who could tell? Not one of them was ready to admit how terrified they were to be stranded on an island, weaponless, and haunted by a mysterious drumming. Besides, pirates don't fear anything, pirates create fear.

Finally, Duo sat up from his sandy bed and looked at his comrades. Quatre was curled up into the smallest ball he could force his body into, while the rest lied sprawled in various directions.

"I can't take it anymore," he said breaking the silence.

They all opened their eyes and looked at him, but no one spoke. "I gotta find out what the hell that drumming is," Duo said rising to his feet.

To his surprise Trowa jumped up to stop him. "But we have no idea what it could be," he started, "what if it's a cannibalistic tribe? Or crazy flesh eating monkeys? Or something even worse!"

Quatre sat up, his eyes wide with fear. "What could be worse than crazy flesh eating monkeys?"

Captain Heero looked at him, "Oh, there are somethings much worse." And Quatre wasn't sure if it was the small fire casting shadows, or if Captain Heero had just smiled.

Wu Fei finally sat up to join the conversation. "If it's monkeys we can lure them in with bananas, then beat them over the head with clubs."

Trowa shook his head, "no, don't you get it Wu Fei? If they're flesh eating monkeys they won't respond to bananas. They'll want flesh. Fresh, meaty flesh!"

Duo grabbed a large branch and lit it in the fire. "Well, whatever is out there, monkeys or not, I'm going to find out!" And with that he began to trek into the abysmal jungle.

Since pirates are naturally adventuresome none of them could give up this chance. Or let Duo hog all the glory, so they all made torches and followed suit. Even Quatre tagged along, gripping tightly onto Trowa's shirt and trying not to imagine being eaten alive by insane monkeys.

* * *

Mr. Winner hated Haiti. It was too shabby and no chic. But when things had to be done he was the only man for the job. And Haiti was were it had to happen. He smiled to himself as he moved closer to his destination. Yes, this was business, and how good it felt to be back.

* * *

The high pitched screeches were fraying everyone's nerves. No one knew what kind of dastardly new villain hid in the surrounding jungle, and all the pirates had were makeshift torches and their own wit to use against it. Lucky for them pirates come with an extra heap of wit.

Captain Heero had taken the lead, and no one felt bad about it in the least, even Duo. If anything jumped out in front of them the Captain would go down first, and give the rest of them a reasonably good chance of getting away. Of course, no one would admit they were thinking about that. It was extremely unpiratelike to abandon ones captain.

Captain Heero knew he should be headed in the direction of the pounding, but he couldn't figure out which direction it was coming from. At one moment it seemed the left, the next the right, but he trudged forward anyway. They would find something, and he knew it wouldn't be pleasant.

The torches were casting unnatural shadows around the surrounding jungle, and making it appear more menacing. If that was possible. Quatre's nails were digging deeper into Trowa's shirt. He couldn't help it, he was so frightened of the flesh eating primates that he wasn't paying attention to how hard he was pulling, and then he heard a rip. Oh no, he thought as the pirate turned around. He squinted his eyes shut and prepared for the blow, but nothing happened.

As he slowly opened his eyes again he noticed Trowa was smiling at him. "It's all right, Quatre. I can always get another shirt," he said reassuringly. Quatre nodded and looked at the rip in the shirt. He never knew his own strength, he thought, and smiled.

Wu Fei noticed the little moment Trowa and the blondie were having and rolled his dark eyes. "Now isn't the time or the place for that kind of thing," he whispered loudly and moved forward. He glanced back just in time to see Quatre blush, but tripped on a root that was sticking out of the ground.

Duo turned around and burst into laughter. "Hey, Wu Wu. Have a nice trip?"

Wu Fei mumbled a Chinese expletive under his breath, and pulled Duo off his feet. Duo hit the ground hard, and Wu Fei let a laugh escape his lips. "How did you enjoy yours, Duo?"

Duo was busy untangling himself from a vine when he and Wu Fei noticed Captain Heero had turned to look at them. If one could tell the slightest nuance in his composer they would know he was not pleased. "Would you two stop fooling around. This is serious, I have a bad feeling. . . ."

He stopped his sentence short because he noticed something looking out from the wild. Eyes. Countless sets of cold, inhuman eyes.