Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Tank Police Division 195 ❯ Dealings in the Shadows ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tank Police Division 195
Chapter Seventeen: Dealings in the Shadows

He's going to do something stupid. Faline growled, anger shining in her gray eyes. He always does something stupid when he feels betrayed only this time he could get himself killed!

Peter Colwell, Faline's older brother, had been the sender of the package containing the video disc Chief Une received earlier. On it was a message for Faline

Hey there, little sister. I'm glad you're safe, we were worried when you didn't come home. Then again, it's a good thing you didn't or you'd be neck deep in shit like the rest of us. The big boss doesn't like us anymore; says we're 'an inconvenience', 'loose ends that need tying up' and shit like that. He sent a couple of his goons to the hideout and had them do some redecorating. Hash and Leo didn't survive the renovations I'm afraid. Cagey, Tyke, Nicky, and Sam are in rough shape. All bets are off now. They decided to play nasty and try to rub us out so it doesn't matter if we blow the lid off of their little party.

I don't know all the little details but the guy we were working for calls himself Mesor (1); he's the front man for the kingpin of this little operation. He's the one who asked us to shake down the old man; he paid up front in cash. Anyway, when the old guy didn't go to the boss on his own we were told to take him there. I don't know what they wanted with him, but I do know where they took him: there's an abandoned building outside the city limits that used to be a pharmaceuticals factory. Me and the rest of the guys that are still healthy are going to check it out and get some revenge. But whatever happens, Faline, I want you to stay put. You should be safe with the tank police; I doubt they'd throw a nice girl like you out on account of her delinquent brother. Take care of yourself, kiddo. By the way, if any of you cops are watching, if I don't make it out of this alive, keep my sister safe.

We don't know when the message was recorded. Une said. The timestamp was deactivated. I'm going to send some officers down to the pharmaceutical plant to check things out. Hopefully, your brother hasn't done anything yet.

I'm going as well. Faline stated.

No you're not.

Look, you, my brother may be out there! He's al I've got left in the world and I'm not going to sit around here and twiddle my thumbs when there may be a chance I can stop him!

Then don't twiddle your thumbs. Faline opened her mouth to protest but Une cut her off. I know how you feel, but you are still in police custody as a witness and we can't put you at risk by letting you muck about at a possible crime scene. Besides, didn't your big brother tell you to stay here?

I just Faline's throat hitched, and the rest of the words came out in sobs. I don't want him to die!

In the slums of the city there is a place called the Undebelly where a lot of shady business is done, and when people scream nobody seems to hear it. Its existence is perpetuated on the rule that its exact location is never to be revealed to people outside of the major syndicates and local gangs; penalty for breaking this rule is death to the informant and to the outsider. Two members of this society were currently waiting for a third to arrive.

He's late. The first complained, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.

Neil is always late. The second replied calmly. If he was on-time I'd be worried. Just relax Fred, it ain't healthy to be so wound up all the time.

I am not 'wound up' Travis. This deal is our ticket to easy street and the last thing we need is Neil screwing things up by being late. Fred growled. He shuffled his feet in annoyance.

If it's any consolation, our contacts are late too. Travis stated, mildly amused by his cohort's agitation. A black sedan pulled up, illuminating the two men. Five men stepped out, the most notable were a paunchy man in a three-piece suit and a tall man in a trenchcoat. Both their faces were obscured by the shadows. The rest of the new arrivals were unremarkable looking men with the exception that they were all carrying hand lasers.

I've been told that you are interested in taking on a job for us. I'd begin, but it seems we are missing someone. There were supposed to be three of you. One of the men spoke; Neil and Travis couldn't tell who the speaker was.

He'll be along soon. Travis said, calmly. Whole we're waiting for him, why don't you tell us what you want us to do.

Very well. A picture was flicked at Neil, who caught it clumsily. Her name is Faline Colwell, she's currently being held at the Tank Police in the 195th. She's become somewhat of a loose end and my associate and I can't stand loose ends. We can't afford to have her disposal linked to us, which is why we are hiring you.

Well everyone is outsourcing these days. Neil smirked. Why get your hands dirty when others are more than happy to do it for you if the price is right.

And we're paying you quite a lot, so don't screw up.

Relax. We're not known for failure.

There's a first time for everything. You'd better make sure that this doesn't turn into one of them.

Elsewhere, Dorothy, Catherine, and Hilde were making their way back to he 181st when a young man staggered into the street in front of them and collapsed. The girls brought their motorcycles to a screeching halt.

Hey! What's the big idea! Dorothy yelled, annoyed that she was being delayed from going off-duty. Catherine and Hilde rolled their eyes as they got off their motorcycles to check on the guy.

Hey you, are you all right? Hilde asked as she rolled the man over. It was then that they saw the blood soaking his shirt and the bullet holes in his torso. Catherine didn't waste a second.

This is Officer Bloom of the 181st Motorcycle Division. I need an ambulance ASAP at the corner of 132nd Street and Magnnolia Avenue. We have a young man here, mid-twenties with multiple bullet wounds with no visible exit wounds.

195thFaline. The man croaked, clutching at Hilde's bullet-proof vest.

Don't talk. Hilde said. Just relax, an ambulance will be here soon.

No. Warn, Faline. Trouble. They knowknow she's with them.

Faline? Dorothy wrinkled her nose. Isn't that the leggy girl in Tank Police custody?

What do you mean 'they know she's with them'??? Who are 'they'? Catherine asked. The young man tried to answer but fell unconscious before he could get a word out.

Why do I get the feeling that we're going to be on-duty for at least another hour filing a report on this? Dorothy grumbled. Sometimes police work sucks.

Oh manscenes like this should only be in bad sci-fi movies. Duo muttered.

Upon reaching the abandoned pharmaceutical plant, Duo had been struck with a nasty case of the creeps well warranted by the foreboding exterior of the building and the odd shadows the bacterial cloud cast on it as it filtered the moonlight. However, once inside the affliction became contagious.

It was like walking through that set Space Truckers (2) right after they shot the opening scenes. Mutilated bodies littered the floor, all of which wee missing appendages or a head, or had holes burned right through them; fatal wounds only laser rifles could inflict. The entire room reeked of burnt flesh and ozone.

We're too late. Noin sighed.

Call for the Body Squad and tell them to come and collect the corpses. Captain Scot said. While we're waiting for them, continue the search of the premises and see if you can find any leads.

Three hours later, the homicide team having arrived in the first hour, the tank police had searched the entire building and come across a plethora of encoded discs, odd bits of machinery, a few control circuits, and some barrels of chemicals they couldn't identify on sight.

What the hell were they doing in here? Wufei wondered aloud as he examined a microchip.

Let's just hope we never find out. Heero said. They left in a hurry so I'm assuming they only took the vital stuff. Whatever's left over was either here when they took over the building or didn't matter enough for them to take it. However, I think it's safe to say that we can figure out most of their plans from what they left behind.

Thank goodness for that. I guess those guys did us a small favor by coming here to settle the score. Captain Scot said.

You realize that Faline will have to identify the bodies. Duo noted quietly. A chill filled the room as everyone fell silent. No one spoke again until the ambulances came to take the bodies to the morgue.

On a small hill overlooking the pharmaceutical plant, a figure observed the unfolding scene through a pair of night vision binoculars. This will simply not do. Having said that, he tucked the binoculars into his jacket and walked away unnoticed by those below. This will not do at all

1) Mesor is a character from the book Dragonworld. He's your typical political toady, grubbing for power at the princess' feet and helping
spread political dissent. He gets his later though as all sniveling worms do.

2) Space Truckers (1997) is one of those movies that could have
been great but somehow only ends up being watchable. The title tells you
exactly what to expect: it's a movie about trucking in space. It's a good,
cheesy sci-fi flick that you watch if you have nothing better to do and don't
really feel like thinking .