Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Guests ( 2oo4) ❯ The Guests ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: The Guests

Author: Vega-Lume aka little chibi demon

Disclaimers: This story was collected by Alvin Schwartz and is retold by me. I do not claim

to own this story, for it has been handed down for many years. And changes with each telling.

The copy that Mr. Schwartz has collected can be found in one of these three books.

"Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark"

"More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark"

And; "Scary Stories 3, More Tales to Chill Your Bones"

Pairings or players: Heero, J, Duo

status: complete


thanx hon!

The Guests

Retold by Vel

Heero and Duo, a young newlywed couple, were on their honey moon. They had planned

to be at their destination in time for supper,but due to their late start, it was now
getting dark.

They decided to look for a place to stay over might and start out again in the morning.

Just off the road, they saw a small house in the woods.

"Maybe they rent rooms." Heero said. So they stopped to ask.

A young Chinese couple came to the door. They didn't rent rooms but they said that they
would be glad to have them stay over night as their guests. They had plenty of room and
would enjoy the company.

The young woman, Sally, made coffee and brought out some cake. The four of them talked

for a while and then Heero and Duo were taken to their room.

They explained to Sally and her husband, Wufei, that they wanted to pay for the room,

but Wufei would not accept any money.

The next morning,Duo and Heero got up early, before their hosts had awakened. On a table
near the front door, they left an envelope with some money and a letter thanking them
for their hospitality.

The couple left silently and continued their journey. Later on, they stopped at a
restaruant for

breakfast. When they told the owner where they had stayed the night before,
he was shocked.

"That can't be!" He said, " That house burned to the ground and the Chang's who lived
there died in the fire."

Heero and Duo did not believe him, so they went back to the house,
only now, there *was* no house. All they found was a burned out shell.

They stood, staring at the ruins trying to understand what had happened.

Duo eep'ed, in the rubble was a badly burned table, like the one they had
seen by the door.

On the charred table top sat the crisp white envelope they had left that morning.

~ owari ~

*cue twilight zone music*

(do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do!)