Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Love Of My Life ❯ The Beginning ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I am here to tell you my story of how I met the colonies five greatest heroes, along with Earth and all of what I went through to help bring peace no matter how small my help might have helped.


We lived in the colony L6. It was a nice hidden colony. I mean lots knew about it, but it came by hard to spot the small colony out in the deep reaches of space. About three thousand people lived on this colony and had lived on this colony for years.

"Kaci?" Someone yelled my name from around the corner of our apartments.

I looked up as my little brother came around and had on a wide smile like something wonderful had given him a hundred watt charge to the face.

"What is it, Matt?" I smiled gently to him as I wiped a strand of my loose long blonde hair from my view. It about went to the middle of my back now and I was quite proud of the silky bunch that graced my view.

He ran over and tugged my shirt relentlessly, green eyes sparkling like the first mornings dew. "You must come and see, come and see for yourself sister!" He laughed and pulled on my shirt more, finally I got to moving and followed him. I had to break into a run after that because he was so happy. I didn't know what could get him so excited, but I was soon to see what.

As I rounded the corner I felt a slight shake in the ground and looked down but kept walking and then I stopped as my brother stopped. I looked up as he pointed a little grubby finger toward what brightened him so. My face slowly looked up, following his happy gaze..and then I saw it. Off in the distance, a bright red light exploded and the ground shook once more, but my brother was delighted.

I gasped and it came out like a long mislead whisper of horror. More bright red lights exploded, shaking the ground again.

My brother jumped around me happily. "This is the coolest light show I've ever seen, Kaci!" He exclaimed with the same joyous happiness.

Another gasp escaped my pale white lips, but it was more choked. Another light erupted and I heard a loud high pitched scream as those that were inside came out and saw the explosive lights.

My brother's smile disappeared when panicked yells of death and war seeped into his ears. "Sister, sister, what do they mean?!" He said with worry to me, hugging onto my pant leg as people came up the walk behind us and pushed there way through to some safe spot that might save them. My brother had never really learned about war cause we here thought it would never be necessary to learn of such cruelty.

"It's ok, Matt, just a light show." I hugged onto him as another yet more forceful blast shook the ground. I picked him up now, he had a flow of tears streaming down his plum and innocent face. I hugged him close to me and patted his back gently. "It's ok, just..a light show." I closed my eyes and my own tears fell upon my slightly rosy cheeks. How could I tell him the truth? We were being attacked by Oz. I don't know how I stayed so calm and how I might of known this would happen one day, but it had slipped my mind with the beautiful peace that filled our hearts.

I was brought back to reality again as the ground shook dreadfully and I heard my father and mother scream.

I looked in there direction, but the ground had cracked and pulled apart from them and I wasn't able to jump the gap with my brother in my arms and surely he was way to scared and weak to jump it himself.

"I love you Mum, Dad!" I yelled out suddenly as a deep churning feeling resided in my stomach and heart. I had the foreboding feeling that I would never see them again. They screamed to me once more but I couldn't see them, the smoke had grown heavy and I myself was coughing.

My brother hung onto me tightly now. I didn't know what to do, I had never prepared for such a thing as this and….I never, ever, thought it would happen.

I ran my fingers through his soft short dark gray hair. He had inherited it from his father, but I had inherited my blonde hair from my grandmother, it was odd for my mother had the same dark gray hair, but more lightened. I mentally kicked and punched myself as I again came back to reality. I was totally lost and all I could do was try to get my mind off the horrifying screams that echoed all around me. I could see nothing now, just deathly smoke. The only feeling was the burning in my lungs, my watering eyes, and my shaking feet as the ground groaned and rumbled beneath me at every painful blow that struck it from the fleet of space crafts that flew above us.

Then the most unbearable thing happened as a large blast bloomed right next to me and I went flying to the side, my most precious object slipping from my hands and flying off in another direction. The last thing that I heard was his terrified scream and then my head must of struck something for my vision went out all around me and dark blackness shielded my view.


Please Review. Lee-Chan a.k.a. KaciGirl