Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wake the Dead ❯ The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wake the Dead

Summary: Nine years since the final war everyone involved has a new life. But were the choices they made the right ones? And, if not, how can they live with the consequences? Drama, angst. 1xR, 1x2, 4x3x4, more to be announced. Song fic, shonen ai.

A/N: First, I would like to thank those who gave me reviews. Dark Kaizer Ken-Wolf, yeah it's gonna be 1x2 later! lolly sister, ahanchan thanks for your interest : ) Aishi-Cc, I don't really like 1xR either, but I've never written one so I decided to give it a shot. Arabian, you'll see who Heero's picking up in the next chapter. Thanks a lot for taking time to read and review. It means a lot to me! Please enjoy this chapter!

Also, this is another My Chemical Romance song from their Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge album. The title is the same as the song title.

Disclaimer: oops, I forgot to add this is the last chapter. But I think everyone knows I don't own Gundam Wing, right?

The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You

Gaze into her killing jar I'd sometimes stare for hours.
She even poked the holes so I can breathe.

He was doing it again. He was standing in front of the mirror, half dressed, staring at his own reflection, but not really. He was staring past his reflection. Lost. He really should finish getting dressed. There was a good chance they were waiting for him. But it was hard sometimes. And it seemed to be getting harder.

He took a deep breath and stopped thinking about the nothing he got caught up in and started to button up his pale blue shirt. Quatre claimed he looked good in blue, so he wore it. He was always better at those kind of things then Trowa was. In fact, Quatre had brought the new suit home to him a week ago with a big smile on his face. It fit perfectly, but why wouldn't it? All the best tailors knew Trowa's measurements.

Trowa thought about tying the tie himself, but just put it in position instead. There was a good chance Quatre would want to fix it and end up retying it anyway. He was like that, and Trowa didn't mind. Not really.

After another moment there was a small knock at the door. He was doing it again, and he hadn't even realized it.

"Yes?" he asked quietly and looked at the door.

The door creaked open and a woman with red ringlets stuck her head in. "Are you decent?"

Trowa nodded and gave her a slight smile. "Yes, Cathy. But you looked before I even answered."

She gave a small shrug and walked into the room. "You haven't got anything I haven't seen before," she teased and stood beside him.

Standing next to Trowa made the slender redhead look petite when she really wasn't that small. She was wearing a pretty formal dress in a deep cranberry red that made her pale skin stand out even more. She'd kept her hair down, but that didn't surprise Trowa. She rarely wore it back. She looked much different from the first time they'd meet. She had lines around her eyes and mouth now. He knew he was getting the same kind of lines around his eyes. And Quatre was getting slight bags. He never mentioned it, but Trowa noticed the sudden arrival of several different eye creams appear over the past year.

He reached out and placed a gentle hand on Cathy's bare shoulder. "You're going to get cold."

"No I'm not," she said. "I have a jacket that matches this dress."

"Did you go shopping with Quatre?" he asked and studied her face in the mirror.

She shook her head and the curls bounced from side to side. "No, he just gave me a card."

Trowa nodded. He knew Quatre had been busy lately. He didn't blame him. He was an important member of society. He had meetings and responsibilities that Trowa would never have. He only had to be prepared for the next show. He only had to put on the mask and not move, or fly and not fall.

"Are you going to tie that?" Cathy asked and pointed at the loose black tie hanging around Trowa's neck.

"Oh," he said, "yes. Is Quatre home yet?"

Cathy shook her head. "He called while you were in the shower. He's got some work to finish up involving those new colonies. He needed to get the paperwork done tonight so they could approve the life support system."

Trowa nodded. "Yes, that's important."

"He's so generous," Cathy said and slipped her hand around his waist.

"I know. He's been like that as long as I've known him."

Cathy nodded and kissed Trowa's cheek lightly. "He said he'd just go straight to the party from the office."

Trowa nodded and patted her on the back. "That's fine. I'll finished getting ready."

Cathy smiled and walked out of the door. "It starts at seven you know. So, you'll have to hurry if you want to be there on time."

Trowa only nodded and waited for her to close the door. It looked like he would have to tie the tie himself.

She bought the last line.
I'm just the worst kind.
Of guy to argue.
With what you might find.
And for the last night that I lie.
Could I lie with you?
Give up.
Get down.
It's just the hardest part of living.
She wants.
It all to come down this time.

After he was mostly dressed and the tie was tucked neatly into his buttoned up suit jacket, he decided to start with his hair. Quatre had convinced him to get his bangs trimmed so they now only fell a bit past his nose. But he keep them over one eye. It was like a security blanket or something. He didn't know why. He just liked it that way. He put some of the stuff Quatre had got for him on his hands and ran it threw his hair the way the girl at the saloon had showed him. It gave him the desired effect and he washed the rest off of his hands and dried them off on the perfectly white towels in the bathroom.

It was only six. He had a whole hour before the party started. They would have to leave at six thirty to get there on time, but that gave him a good thirty minutes. And, it wouldn't take him thirty minutes to put on his shoes.

Trowa stood in the bedroom for a moment. He took a seat on the bed. It was a nice bed. Soft and fluffy with a beautiful down comforter and lots of pillows. It was nothing like the cots and hard ground Trowa had grown up sleeping on. But it was nice.

He looked at the night stand and the book he was reading. It was a book of Chinese poems Wu Fei had highly recommended. It was good so far. There were a lot of poems about nature and the seasons. He liked it, and thought about picking it up and reading for a few minutes. But he didn't.

He looked over at Quatre's night stand and saw the mystery novel he'd been reading. It must have been good because he was almost done with it. Trowa thought about reading it for a few minutes as well. But he didn't.

The phone was sitting on Quatre's night stand, too. He picked it up and dialed the familiar number and waited as it rang.

"Hey," the voice said on the other end. He sounded weary, but he was trying to hide it.

"Hello. How's the work?" Trowa asked.

"Oh, it's coming along. I really wish someone else could have gotten this done," Quatre said and Trowa pictured him leaning back in his black chair and rubbing the bridge of his nose under his reading glasses.

"You let them all off early for the holidays," Trowa reminded him gently.

A slight chuckle. "I know."

"Are you ready yet?"

"Almost," Quatre said and Trowa heard a the sound of computer keys. "I just have to get dressed. I can fix my hair in the limo."

"Have you washed your face yet?" Trowa asked and leaned back on the bed. "That always wakes you up."

"No, I'm going to before I leave. Are you ready yet?" Quatre asked and Trowa heard the keys stop clicking.

"Yes. I just have to put my shoes on," Trowa said and looked down at his suit. It was probably going to get a bit wrinkled from lying down. "I don't know if my tie is nice enough though."

Quatre laughed again. "Well, I can fix it in the bathroom after we get there. When are you going to leave?"

"Six-thirty," Trowa said and glanced at the clock. There was only ten more minutes before they had to go. "How about you?"

"As soon as I finish this," Quatre said and the sound of computer keys started again. "I should be done in about twenty to thirty minutes, so you'll be there first."

"Yes," Trowa said and listened to Quatre continue with his work. "I should get going," he said after a few minutes."

"Yes, you should. I love you," Quatre said.

"I love you, too," Trowa said and heard the phone click. He looked at it for a minute before setting it back down.

Lost in the prescription she's got something else in mind.
Check into the hotel Bella Muerte.
It gives the weak flight.
It gives the blind sight.
Until the cops come.
Or by the last light.
And for the last night I lie.
Could I lie next to you?
Give up.
Get down.
It's just the hardest part of living.
She wants.
It all to come down this time.

Trowa got up off of the bed and heard Cathy coming toward the door.

"Are you ready, Trowa?"

"Almost," he said and went into the closet to get his shoes. He picked out the pair of black dress shoes and shined them the way Quatre taught him. Then he slid them on and tied them.

When he stepped out of the closet Cathy was waiting for him with her jacket around her shoulders. "You got it wrinkled," she said and smiled while trying to pull the wrinkles out.

"Does it look bad?"

"No," she said, "I don't think most people will even notice."

"Quatre will," Trowa reminded her and started walking toward the bedroom door.

She laughed. "Yes, and I bet Relena will too."

Trowa nodded and smiled slightly. She always had a much better sense of humor than he did.

"Do you want to drive or shall I?" she asked and walked toward the front of the house.

"I'll drive," Trowa offered and held the door open as she walked past him.

He locked up the house and went toward the car parked in the large driveway. It was the SUV Quatre had given Trowa as a present. Top of the line, nothing was too good for him. And Trowa liked it. He clicked the key in his pocket and the doors unlocked so he and Cathy could climb in. It had a full entertainment system and heated seats for cold nights like this. He started the car and backed out of the driveway, then headed toward the party.

Pull the plug.
But I'd like to learn your name.
And holding on.
Well I hope you do the same.

Give up.
Get down.
It's just the hardest part of living.
She wants.
It all to come down this time.

"Are you excited about seeing everyone again?" Cathy asked after they had been in the car for a few minutes.

Trowa thought about her question for a moment. Was he excited? He saw Wu Fei on a regular basis. They usually met for lunch about once a month. Heero had been busy with some secret missions recently, but Trowa had seen him a few months ago. Duo, well, it had been a while since he'd seen Duo. It had been a while since anyone had seen Duo. He didn't get down to earth very often, from what Trowa knew. Quatre saw him when he made trips to the colonies. The last time Trowa had seen him was a few years before when the circus was touring the colonies.

"It will be nice to see Duo," Trowa said finally. "And Noin. I haven't seen her in about a year."

"Yeah," Cathy said. "Are you sure you are going to be okay?"

"Yes," Trowa answered and glanced at the woman next to him. She was chewing on her bottom lip the way she did when she was worried.

"Because we don't have to go if you don't want to," she said quickly and looked back at him.

"I want to," Trowa said and looked back at the road.

"Quatre's been worried about you lately, and so have I."

Trowa sighed lightly, but didn't say anything.

"Quatre told me you'd been having those dreams again," Cathy said and stared at him.

"I don't remember," he said truthfully. He rarely remembered his dreams at all.

"Well, do you think going there will make it worse?"

"You can't protect me from something that happened ten years ago, Cathy," he said, not unkindly. "Plus, we are driving there right now. If you didn't want to go you should have mentioned it before we left."

"Fine," Cathy said softly and stared out of the window again.

Trowa glanced at her and then back at the road. He saw the reflection of a skeleton in the window and took a deep breath. He knew it was just him. It was happening again. And he hated it.

Slip into this tragedy you've spun this this chamber day.
Give up.
Get down.
It's just the hardest part of living.
She wants.
It all to come down this time.

The driveway was packed when they arrived. A number of valets were running around trying to get people out of their cars and into the party quickly. Trowa pulled up slowly and waited for one to come and take his keys.

"How many people did she invite?" Cathy asked. It was the first thing she'd said since their earlier conversation.

Trowa shrugged and watched the finely dressed party attendees hurry out of the cold and into the warmth of the house. Everything outside was covered with meticulously placed fairy lights. He could only imagine that the inside was equally splendid.

"We're a little late," Trowa said when he looked at the clock. It was about seven twenty, but there had been a bit of traffic.

"I don't think anyone will mind," she said. "Do you think Quatre's here yet?"

"No," Trowa said and watched a valet come to the door of his car. He climbed out and gave the young man the keys and waited for Cathy to get out as well.

As the young man drove away in his car Cathy pointed at someone leaving from the front doors. "Look, it's Heero."

Trowa watched him walk past and nodded his head slightly but didn't say anything. He was in a hurry, and Trowa knew better than to disturb Heero if he had something to accomplish.

Cathy watched him go, but didn't say anything either. She smiled up at Trowa, wrapped her arm in his and began walking toward the front door. "Let's get this over with."

Trowa nodded and walked with her into the house.