Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wake the Dead ❯ Cemetery Drive ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wake the Dead

Summary: Nine years since the final war everyone involved has a new life. But were the choices they made the right ones? And, if not, how can they live with the consequences? Drama, angst. 1xRx1, 1x2x1, 4x3x4, more to be announced. Song fic, shonen ai.

A/N: First, I would like to thank those who gave me reviews. lolly sister, I’m glad you’re still interested. camillian, I’m glad you it like too! ahanchan, Heero and Duo have quite a history together, hehe. Calico Magick, do you mind me asking what made you wince? I’m glad you enjoy it though! Thanks a lot for taking time to read and review. It means a lot to me! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Also, this is another My Chemical Romance song from their Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge album. The title is the same as the song title. Oh, and they were on TRL this week if anyone saw them. They rock!

Disclaimer: Blah, blah. I don’t own Gundam Wing. I guess I should also add I don’t own the songs. They belong to that talented group of guys, My Chemical Romance.

Cemetery Drive

This night.
Walk the dead.
In a solitary style and crash the cemetery gates.
In the dress your husband hates.

Wu Fei was late. It was nearly 7:30 and he was still a good ten minutes away from the party. It had been a hectic day. He’d told Sally to go home early so she could get ready and then, five minutes later, he was given an extra load of paperwork. After sorting through it and finishing only the most urgent ones, he’d been able to get to his apartment, shower, get dressed and race toward the party. The traffic hadn’t helped either, and he’d found himself shouting Chinese curses at anyone who got in his way. Wu Fei really didn’t like being late.

At the third red light in a row he took a deep, calming breath and pushed a loose piece of hair behind his ear. He glanced at the passenger seat and the present he had sitting there. It was for her. He hoped she liked it. It wasn’t much really. Just a little thank you for being a good friend. At least, that’s what he told himself.

When the light changed he pressed the accelerator a little bit more than was necessary and sped down the street. He was driving toward the house a few minutes later. He’d never seen it looking so beautiful before. The glow could be seen from down the street and there was still quite a bit of hubbub going on outside. Relena had even gotten valets. He figured she would. It was easier, and it helped the economy. She was a smart woman, and Wu Fei admired her for that.

He pulled his car to a stop and rolled down the window to wait for a valet. As he was waiting he meticulously fixed his tie and smoothed his suit down. It was a standard suit he’d gotten for events such as these. It was plain black with a white shirt. It wasn’t the most expensive suit they had, but then he’d had to buy it on his Preventer’s paycheck which was quite reasonable, but not extravagant. However, for this occasion he bought a new tie. It was dark blue and silk, and it matched the handkerchief in his pocket.

“Sir?” a valet asked and opened the door for him.

“Here you are,” Wu Fei said and handed the young man his keys before taking the present off of the passenger seat and climbing out.

“Thank you,” the valet said and climbed in his car. Wu Fei only nodded, took a deep breath and walked inside.

It was even more beautiful inside than it had been outside. The entire house was lit up by small sparkly lights and well placed decorations. Wu Fei admired it as he walked in the entry way and searched the crowd. He saw many faces he knew, and some he worked with. All seemed to be enjoying themselves.

As he looked around he became a little bit nervous about the small box in his hand and slowly tucked it into the inner pocket of his suit jacket. No need for everyone there to know he had a present for someone.

“Now, for whom is that intended, Mr. Chang?” a woman’s voice laced with a slight mocking kindness asked from somewhere close behind him.

Wu Fei turned slowly and nodded his head. “Hello, Ms. Catalonia. How is the party so far?”

Dorothy put on a big smile. “Oh, it’s been quite interesting. But I think things will get better now that’d you’ve arrived.”

Wu Fei gave the blonde a tight smile. “Thank you. What have you been up to lately?” he asked for politeness sake. Wu Fei had become quiet good at being diplomatic over the years. He had Quatre and Relena to thank for that. Plus, his partnership with Sally Po didn’t hurt either.

“Oh, this and that. I’ve just been helping out Relena as much as I can. She’s been so busy putting this thing together. Plus, with all of her other responsibilities.”

“She’s done a lovely job,” Wu Fei said neutrally.

Dorothy smirked and nodded. “Of course she has. How have you been doing? I hear you’re making quite a name for yourself not only as an ex-Gundam pilot, but also as a Preventer. Could there be a promotion in your future?”

Wu Fei shrugged. “Thank you, but I think you would know more about that than I would. If you’ll excuse me?” he said and walked away before she could answer. Something about that woman unnerved him, and he needed to get away from her. He had no intention of loosing his temper and ruining Relena’s party. Diplomacy can only go so far.

Way down.
Mark the grave.
Where the searchlights find us drinking by the mausoleum door.
And they found you on the bathroom floor.

He slowly made his way down the hall and into the ballroom. It was lined with buffet tables and a number of waiters and waitresses floated amongst the crowd with trays of drinks. He went to one of the tables and loaded up a modest amount of food on a plate, a few crab cakes and some other offerings. Then he grabbed a glass of Champagne off of one of the trays and retreated into a corner.

“You sure look sharp,” Sally said and stood next to him.

He smiled and nodded. “You look nice too.”

“Oh, this old thing?” she said and laughed. “I really feel a bit out of place here. I mean, compared to some of these other women. The only ones I can really relate to are Noin and Une.”

“Yes,” Wu Fei agreed and took a sip of his drink. “Have they both arrived yet?”

“Noin and Milliardo arrived a bit after I did, and I’m not sure if Une has yet. I haven’t seen her,” she said and took a bite of some food on her plate.

Wu Fei hastily finished his drink and set it on the floor so he could start on the food. It was very difficult to hold the glass and plate while trying to eat.

Sally laughed at her partner. “Hungry? You should’ve eaten lunch today.”

Wu Fei sighed and finished chewing a crab cake. “I didn’t have time. Are you wondering why I’m late as it is?”

“Oh, yeah I was wondering. I suppose you’ll enlighten me?” she said and grinned.

Wu Fei rolled his eyes. “I got bogged down with paperwork right after you left.”

Sally shook her head. “You know, I bet you weren’t the only one who could have done that paperwork. Am I right?”

He took a bite of some type of spread on a piece of toasted bread and shook his head. “No, you’re not.”

“Perfectionist,” she said and handed him a napkin.

He grabbed it and dabbed his mouth. “Maybe you should get a boyfriend, Sally. Then you would stop doting on me.”

Sally laughed. “Believe me, I know that. But, if you had a girlfriend I wouldn’t have to.”

Wu Fei just sighed. It was the same conversation that they had once a week. It always ended with the same line. “I’m too busy,” he said and gave Sally a small smile.

“I know,” she said. “Have you seen Mariemaia yet?”


“She really is growing into quite a beautiful young lady,” Sally said casually.

“That’s nice,” Wu Fei said and looked at her. “But I think she’s a bit too young for me.”

“I thought men liked younger women,” Sally said and gave him a wicked grin.

“I suppose some do, but I would prefer one my own age,” he said and popped the last crab cake in his mouth.

“There’s always Dorothy. She’s closer to your age than anyone else here,” Sally suggested with faked innocence.

Wu Fei stared at her for a good minute while he slowly chewed the rest of his food. “I hope that was a joke, Po.”

Sally just shrugged. “I’d better go mingle with some other people. I have to see you everyday, after all.”

As she walked away Wu Fei scanned the crowd again. He saw more faces there now. A grand sea of people all decked out in their finery. It was a far cry from what the world had been like twelve years before, at least for him. He watched them flirt and laugh and make polite small talk with one another. This was the peace they worked so hard to earn. This was it. Most of the people there hadn’t been directly involved. Not the way he had. Not the way the others had. But, this was it.

Wu Fei sighed as he maneuvered his way into the sea. He needed something to drink because his mouth had all of a sudden gotten very dry.

I miss you.
I miss you.
So far.
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard.

He spotted Relena across the room talking with some dignitaries he didn’t know and began to casually make his was toward her. But, as he was getting close he felt a hand touch his arm.

“Finally, someone I know,” Cathy said.

Wu Fei was momentarily surprised but shook it off. “Hello,” he said, “where’s Trowa?”

Cathy frowned and pointed. “He’s in the downstairs bathroom around the hall. Will you go talk to him. I think he needs to see a friendly face.”

Wu Fei sighed and nodded. He’d always liked Trowa. He never felt the need to say meaningless things. Plus, he and Wu Fei had very similar tactics. They seemed to understand each other without needing to explain anything.

He pulled his arm away from Cathy’s grip. “Sally’s around here somewhere, and Relena is over there, if you wanted to see someone else you know.”

“Thanks,” she said and they both began to move in opposite directions.

After Wu Fei had apologized his way out of the ballroom he walked down a corridor with a few party stragglers and knocked on the bathroom door.

“It’s occupied,” he heard Trowa say in a distant voice.

Wu Fei pushed open the door. “I know,” he said and stepped in.

Trowa was standing in front of the mirror. His face was blank, but that wasn’t unusual. “Wu Fei?” he asked.

Wu Fei just nodded. “What are you doing in here?”

“It’s my tie,” Trowa said, “Quatre’s supposed to help me tie it when he gets here.”

Wu Fei raised an eyebrow. “It looks fine as it is.”

Trowa looked down at his tie and pulled it out of the suit jacket slowly. He examined for a moment without saying a word. “Does it?”

“Yes. Plus, how will you know when Quatre gets here if your in the bathroom?” Wu Fei asked his friend.

“You’re right,” Trowa said and turned to look at him. “I hate parties.”

Wu Fei nodded and gave a small smile. “I do too.”

“It’s just all those people. They just don’t. . . .” Trowa didn’t finish the sentence. He didn’t have to. Wu Fei knew exactly what he meant.

Back home.
Off the run.
Singing songs that make you slit your wrists.
It isn’t that much fun.
Staring down a loaded gun.

They both stood there for a few minutes in silence before they were interrupted by a load banging on the door.

Trowa leaned over and opened it. “I’m done,” he told the waiting man and walked past him. Wu Fei did the same and the man watched them walk away with a look of utter disgust on his face.

“Well, guess what whirlwind of rumors your going to start now, Barton.”

Trowa looked down at him. “I thought a lot of people already thought you were gay because you don’t have a girlfriend.”

Wu Fei sighed. “They probably do,” he agreed and followed Trowa back inside the ballroom.

“You could always go out with Cathy,” Trowa suggested as they made their way to one of the buffet tables.

Wu Fei smiled. “No, she has her hands full enough as it is.”

Trowa only nodded in agreement.

They both filled up new plates and Wu Fei grabbed another glass of Champagne. “When is that boyfriend of yours going to arrive?”

Trowa shrugged. “He should be here soon. It’s almost eight thirty.”

Wu Fei nodded. “I’m sure he’ll be here any minute.”

After they had their food they stood on the outskirts of the crowd and ate in silence, watching the people around them. Wu Fei had the sense that Trowa was looking for Quatre, but he didn’t ask. He kept an eye out for the blonde too.

When he finished his last piece of food he wiped his mouth and glanced at the man beside him. He was staring off into the crowd, yet Wu Fei doubted he really saw it.

When Wu Fei looked back at the crowd once again, he saw Relena and felt he should go say something to her. He gently patted Trowa on the arm.

“I’m going to go say hello,” he said and pointed.

Trowa nodded. “I’ll be all right.”

Wu Fei said nothing and melted into the crowd.

So I won’t stop dying.
Won’t stop lying.
If you want I’ll keep on crying.
Did you get what you deserve?
Is this what you always want me for?

When Wu Fei approached her, Relena’s pink lips where smiling politely at a man telling a very uninteresting story. Wu Fei really had no qualms interrupting them.

“Relena,” he said and stood behind her.

“Oh, excuse me for a moment,” she said and turned around. Her face lit up when she saw him. “I’m so glad you could make it, Wu Fei.”

He nodded and pulled her into a friendly hug. “Me too.”

The man with the uninteresting story had apparently lost interest in them and turned to someone else. Wu Fei smiled slightly and pulled Relena farther away from the crowd.

“How are things?” he asked automatically.

“Well, the planning for this party was hectic. Heero’s been busy and gone for days at a time the last few months,” she sighed. “Plus, I’ve been trying to continue my work with the dignitaries and the new colonies. So, I’ve been really busy too.”

Wu Fei nodded. “But you do so much that’s important.”

“Thank you,” she said and smiled. “How’s work been with you?”

Wu Fei shook his head. “The same. Every time a new colony is built there seem to be problems arising in the old ones. Plus, there are always those that don’t agree with our ideal. We are constantly putting out small fires here and there.”

Relena nodded. “Same as Heero.”

Wu Fei stared at her for a moment and nodded slowly. “Yes, similar.”

They both stood in silence for a moment. Wu Fei knew she looked at him a couple times and he looked at her, but neither of them said a word to each other.

Finally, Relena broke the silence. “So, this is peace.”

Wu Fei nodded. “I was thinking the same thing.”

I miss you.
I miss you.
So far.
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard.
Way down.

Wu Fei spotted Lady Une and Mariemaia on the other side of the room. Sally was right, she had grown into a beautiful young woman.

“She’s grown up quite well,” Relena said and smiled.

Wu Fei nodded. “Yes, she has. Thanks to the influence of you and the others.”

“Thank you, but I don’t think I did very much. She made a lot of her own decisions. She wanted to atone for what she did.”

“We all have a lot to atone for,” Wu Fei said, but gave Relena a smile when she looked at him.

“It’s getting stuffy in here,” she said and took his hand. “Do you want to get some fresh air?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” he said and they slipped into the shadows like spies.