Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Plight of the Unicorn ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Plight of the Unicorn

Chapter 12

The blonde sighed in contentment as he watched the scenery slowly go past him. He still couldn't believe how comfortable he was on the horse. He hadn't felt this safe in a long time and he had one person to thank. `I love the feeling of him against me. I wish we could stay like this forever.' Quatre had lost track of how long they'd been riding but frankly he didn't mind. He was having a great time with Trowa.

"I'm having a nice time too, little one," the brunette murmured, his mouth only an inch from the slender boy's ear.

The blonde shivered at the tender action. `When he does things like this I always feel weak in the knees. Could he really care about someone like me however? I really want to believe but it's so hard.'

Trowa sighed inwardly as he listened to the blonde's thoughts. `Trust me little one, I'll prove to you that you are worth it. You deserve love and I'll gladly give it to you if you'll let me.'

The path they followed suddenly took a turn that led them into the outskirts of a small town. The blonde glanced around at the few houses that were in front of him. All were relatively small in size except for the one two-story house that was located to the left of the path.

"You haven't said anything but I know you miss your younger brother and sisters. Since I can't bring them I thought I would try the next best thing," Trowa announced, as he led the horse towards the one bigger structure.

The door slammed open as several small children raced out, all heading towards the two figures.

"Trowa is here! Miss Noin! Miss Hilde! Trowa is here!" one of the girls yelled out.

Quatre's eyes widened as he took in the five children all gathered around the horse, smiling brightly. He looked back at the brunette, completely lost.

"I'll explain to you later. I thought you would enjoy keeping them company. Hello children. How are you all doing today?" Trowa inquired.

"Good! Megan and I played house and Derek was the baby. It was fun," one curly-haired blonde exclaimed.

"I hate playing the baby," the three-year old brunette said with a pout.

"But you make such a good baby," Megan pointed out.

"Bobby and I played tag cause it's a boy's game. House is stupid!" one blond boy remarked.

"Is not!" the blonde girl protested.

"Now children, behave yourselves. Don't smother poor Trowa," the blue haired woman instructed as she stepped outside, "And you still need to introduce your friend."

"Nice to see you again Noin. Where are my manners? Everyone this is Quatre."

"Hi Quatre!" a chorus of voices called out.

With that said Trowa dropped down from the horse. "Ok now little one, turn around and slip down. I'll catch you," the brunette instructed.

The smaller figure nodded as he shifted on the creature. Noin watched the interaction with a smile on her face.

"And what do we have here? It seems our dear Trowa is smitten," a voice softly whispered from behind the woman. Noin turned back to stare at the short-haired brunette who stood behind her.

"I can see why too. He's definitely a cutie," Noin added back. She laughed at the frown on the other female's face, "Don't you worry, dear. You know I only go for women."

"Are you two done yet?" Trowa interrupted.

"But of course. Now why don't you two come on inside and we can have a little chat?" Hilde suggested. She then instructed one of the older children to take care of the horse before leading the two young men inside.


The telepath couldn't help but smile as he gazed through the window. Quatre was sitting on the grass under a tall oak tree with six girls surrounding him. They were all working on making flower crowns, the blonde helping out if there were any problems.

"He sure is good with the girls," Noin pointed out, sipping at the tea she held in her hand.

Trowa nodded at the comment, keeping his eyes focused on the blonde. "He has several younger sisters so he's used to this."

The short-haired brunette laughed at the male's actions. "I swear you are so far gone, Trowa. You can't even stand to turn away from him."

The young man shifted back to glare at them both.

"You, give it up already. Where did you find the cutie?" Noin inquired.

"The two wolves found him in the woods, unconscious and freezing. He was apparently with a group before but considered himself too worthless to stay with them so he ran away. It's a really long story."

"We've got time. Quatre's pretty good about occupying those kids," Hilde exclaimed.

Trowa sighed before telling the two all about Duo, the unicorn, the men after them, and the heartless action's of his father. When he was finished he gave the two several minutes to gather their thoughts.

"That's about it in a nut shell. I've been with Quatre ever since trying to convince him he is special," Trowa finished.

"Hey Trowa, are you going to help Duo and them? You said they needed a telepath," Hilde pointed out.

"I probably will eventually. I don't want Quatre back there until he's more comfortable with himself. He'll just think he's in the way if he goes back now," the brunette explained.

All three froze when they heard a scream from outside. Eyes widened as they bolted up from their chairs, running towards the door. When they reached the outside they noticed Quatre and the children all circled around the oak tree.

"I want down now!" one girl yelled from above everyone.

"Climb down, Keissa. You got up, you can get down," Megan exclaimed from the ground.

"I can't! Too scared," she whined.

Noin observed the situation before turning to Trowa. "Think you can climb up there and get her?"

The brunette said nothing as he watched Quatre step closer to the tree. He indicated the blonde, motioning for the two women to wait.

"Keissa? Listen to me. It's going to be ok. Take several breaths. Can you do that honey?" the blonde requested in a soothing voice.

The child nodded, doing as the teen asked.

"Good girl. Now I know it's scary but you'll be fine. Now turn around and reach your leg down until you hit the branch below you. You can do this honey, I know you can," the blonde exclaimed softly.

"I'll be ok?" she murmured.

"You'll be ok. Trust me, I won't let you fall. Now one foot at a time, only continue when you're comfortable," Quatre said in the same tone as before.

Everyone watched in fascination as the blonde continued to coach the little girl down from the tree. All the children squealed when she was finally down, surrounding Quatre and Keissa.

"It was like I couldn't disagree with Quatre. His voice just called to me," the girl remarked.

"He used magic," Hilde whispered to Noin and Trowa.

"Charm spells are the only things he can really do. I'm sure he's repressing the rest of his abilities for some reason, I'm just not sure why. He's really good with convincing animals to follow him as well," Trowa added.

"Do you know any way to unblock it?" Noin asked.

"I'm not sure. I think I might ask if I can dig around his mind. Will it help him however to remember something that was so bad he repressed it in the first place?" Trowa pointed out.

"He hates himself for not being able to do magic. If that can help him it might be worth the pain," Noin stated.

"He also has you to get him through it," Hilde added.

The brunette nodded in agreement, his gaze focusing back to the small figure. `I don't want to hurt him. I know it will help but… I just don't know.'

"He's gone again," Hilde said with a laugh.

"Just let him think, dear. Something tells me he's going to be making a tough decision soon. We should get back to the kids and leave Trowa alone for a few," Noin suggested before leading the other woman away.


The platinum haired individual sighed as he pulled his long hair back into a ponytail.

<Something wrong Zechs?>

The blonde smiled faintly as he glanced up at the unicorn standing beside him. `Make that horse. It's amazing how much power Duo has. I'm tired keeping Heero's horn hidden after ten minutes. Duo can not only hide the horn, but turn Heero black as well for several hours. He's definitely way more powerful than I am. Although do I really want that much power? It's not like I actually want to use magic. It just brings up too many memories I would rather forget.'

"Just envious I suppose. Duo's really good at magic," Zechs exclaimed.

<Well Duo practices constantly. I didn't even know you knew magic until recently. That alone tells me you don't use it very often and are therefore out of practice.> the unicorn said to the blonde's mind.

"I don't like using it. I want to forget the past," Zechs murmured.

Heero nudged him with his nose as a sign of concern before saying, <You want to talk about it?>

"Just give me some time. When I'm ready I'll tell Duo and you about it," the blonde promised.

<I'll be waiting.> Heero added before glancing around the small town they were currently in. He snorted before turning back to the sorcerer.

<What the heck is taking them so long?>

The blonde laughed. "Well you know they wanted to check the inn for Quatre. Then they have to get supplies. That can take time."

<I know. I just don't feel comfortable in a town. We're too out in the open.>

"I wouldn't worry. It's not like you look like a unicorn right now," Zechs pointed out. The blonde then frowned when he heard a faint sound of metal clanging together. "What is…?"

Heero neighed suddenly, rearing up on his hind legs.

"What's wrong?" the blonde yelped in pain as something pricked his neck. He quickly reached back, pulling out the small object that had struck him.

"A dart? Damn it! Heero, can you get away?"

The unicorn said nothing as he collapsed to the ground, the illusion vanishing as he lost consciousness.

"I knew I recognized that platinum hair. Lord Treize will be pleased we captured the unicorn," one of the men who had attacked said.

"Make sure most of the men are distracting the other two. The unicorn is the one we wanted," the leader instructed.

Zechs rubbed his head as the drugs began to kick in. He dropped to the ground, struggling to stay awake.

"What about him?" one man inquired.

"He looks like someone Lord Treize would like to get to know if you know what I mean," the man in charge said with a snicker, "Take him with us."

The blonde's vision blurred as the figures came towards him. `I'm sorry Heero,' he thought before fainting into nothingness.


"Damn it!" Duo screamed as he tossed a fireball at one of the men who had rushed towards him, "We have to get to Heero and Zechs!"

Wufei's fist clenched in rage as he kicked another man in the stomach, dropping him to the ground. He then shifted his weight onto the other foot, punching another individual. `I'm so confused. One second everything is going fine and then Duo yells out that something happened to Heero and Zechs. Next thing you know about twenty men have surrounded as us we tried to get to them.'

"What is going on Duo? I know you said something is wrong but what happened?" Wufei questioned as he attacked another figure.

"Heero's camouflage is gone. He's been knocked unconscious and I'm sure Zechs was attacked as well since they were together. We have to get to them before they're taken away!" Duo called out as he shot a magic missile at several men.

Wufei almost growled as he nailed another individual. `They better not hurt him. If anything happens to Zechs I swear heads will roll. He's had enough problems in his life to have to deal with something like this.'

"This is taking too long!" Duo yelled as threw several fireball in quick succession.

"What is going on here? How dare you fight in this quiet town," a strong voice said from behind the conflict.

Everyone froze as they gazed over at the tall figure who was covered in armor and sat atop a jet black horse that bore the royal crest.

"Its one the King's knights! Every run for it!" one of the attackers exclaimed as they all bolted away from the man.

"We have to follow them! They'll lead us to Heero and Zechs!" Duo remarked, as he attempted to catch them. He was quickly stopped by Wufei.

"They're probably smart enough not to go back to where the others are hidden," the black haired figure sighed, "I don't know what to do."

"Well if you care to explain I might be able to help you," the knight asked as he slipped from his horse. The man pulled off his helmet, flipping his long dirty blonde hair from his face. Bright blue eyes gazed at them as he patted the horse's neck. "I'm sensing you were not the cause of that conflict."

"We weren't. Lord Treize's men took two of our comrades," Wufei informed.

The Knight sighed as he rubbed his head. "The King has been getting a lot of complains about Treize. He's been afraid to do something about it however cause the man is just so darn powerful. Kidnapping though is a high crime. I know where Treize's manor is. I'll give you all the help that I can in saving them."

"Thank you very much. My name is Duo Maxwell and my half brother there is Wufei Chang. We'd be grateful for any help you can give us," the brunette added.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. My name's Nasir Winner."


~giggles~ Quatre's brother, Quatre's brother! ~spins in a circle~ Just couldn't help myself.

Nagi: O.o Well…I wasn't expecting THAT!