Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Hamtaro: The Beast-Ham Story ❯ Episode 3 - Love Hurts... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Episode 3
Love Hurts...
by Beast-Ham

[Author's Note] Before reading, you might want to look out for these symbols...
[ ] = Thought " " = Chat
= Action

[Also Note] This episode has alot of blood, swareing, and ALOT of adult themes, I rate this episode 18+ only.
[AGAIN more Note] The reason im putting these in sceens is cuz this is going to be the basis of a comic im writing.

[Recalling from the last episode, Boss is on the verge of dying, Beast-Ham is out of it, and Bijou is running home. Will Boss end up dying? Will Bijou make it home unharmed and on time? What about the other hams, what are they up to? All to unfold on this episode!]

.:|Sceen 1 ~ Awakening|:.

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "Uhg... ohh.... wha... what happend?" Asks Beast-Ham as he awakes from passing out a couple hours earlier. "Must have worn myself out..." At this time, Beast-Ham has returned to normal from his transformation. "Oh my GOD! BOSS! Ahh, uh *gasp* I GOTTA HELP HIM!" ...he worries as he rushes off back to the woods.

.:|Sceen 1 ~ [END]|:.

.:|Sceen 2 ~ How is Bijou?|:.

Meanwhile at Bijou's house...

.:|Bijou|:. - "*Yawn* Uhh.... Morning already?" Bijou walks over to her jewlery box, gets a pair of blue ribbons and walks over to her mirror. [Hmm, what was that thing?] Flashes back to Beast-Ham chasing the wolf that was headed towards her. [That one wolf... was it... protecting me?] She fixes her fur and walks over to the edge of the cage to see if Maria was gone... [Nope, still sleeping... Oh Beast-Ham. Where are you?]

She sits at her mirror day dreaming of what they'd do today.

.:|Sceen 2 ~ [END]|:.

.:|Sceen 3 ~ The Missing Hamster!|:.

Over at Hamtaro's place, a big problem is happining...

.:|Laura|:. - "HAMTARO? ... HAMTARO!? ... WHERE ARE YOU!?"

Laura's Mom comes up, wondering why Laura's screeming.

.:|Mom|:. - Notices that Laura is crying and looking around her room. "Laura dear, whats wrong?"

.:|Laura|:. - "You won't beleave it, Mom... Hamtaro got out of his cage again, but I cant find him ANYWHERE!"

.:|Mom|:. - "Relax baby, we'll find him.

They start looking around her room for ANY sign of Hamtaro... meanwhile...

.:|Sceen 3 ~ [END]|:.

.:|Sceen 4 ~ Dont you die on me...|:.

Beast-Ham has returned to the spot Boss passed out.

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "Oh God, hes not breathing!" Beast-Ham picks up Boss, noticeing how much blood he lost, which was quite a bit. "Hang in there, Boss... Im not letting you die!" ...He says as he runs towards the clubhouse.

.:|Boss|:. - "..." Boss's heart stops all of a sudden... which causes Beast-Ham to start running faster

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "Oh shit! COME ON!! DON'T YOU FUCKIN' DIE ON ME!" He shouts at Boss.

Beast-Ham enters the clubhouse and heads for Boss's Room. As he enters, he lays Boss on his bed and gets some bandages. He then raps up the wound tightly, slowing its bleeding process.

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - Come on, Boss! You can't leave us yet... I haven't gotten a chance to get to know you..."

.:|Boss|:. - "..." No responce...

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - Begins to cry a little... "Aww man, please don't go... the others won't forgive me for this..." He then lays his head on Boss's Chest to check for a heart beat... its not beating... "HELL NO! YOU AINT LEAVING ME!" Beast-Ham starts pushing on his chest, pauseing every so often to check for a beat... "COME ON! LIVE MAN!! LIVE!!" He starts crying hardly now... "COME THE FUCK ON!! LIIIIVVVVEE!!!!

Beast-Ham notices Boss start to move a little.

.:|Boss|:. - "...Man... you got... some problems dont you..."

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "BOSS!? Oh my GOD, thank goodness! I was sure you were gone!"

.:|Boss|:. - "Ahh dont worry about.... IT....GAAHH.....!" ...he yells in agony.

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "Damn, that looks bad... I tried warning you! Hold right there, im going to get some help..."

.:|Boss|:. - "Like that would.... AHH!..... Be... a problem..."

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "In pain, and yet being a comedian... be right back."

.:|Boss|:. - "A'ight, hurry back..." Remebers he doesn't know his name "HEY WAIT!!"

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "Yea?"

.:|Boss|:. - "Whats your name?"

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "Call me Beast-Ham."

Beast-Ham leaves the clubhouse in search for some help... Boss starts to move around more...

.:|Boss|:. - Sits up, with his paw on his side where the wound was bandaged. "H...Hmm... Cant beleave I hated.... that guy." Boss then notices something sticky on his paw, which was sitting on the bed. Wondering what it was he smells the gunk... smells like... something odd...? "What the... hell!?"

.:|Sceen 4 ~ [END]|:.

.:|Sceen 5 ~ Ooh Maxy!|:.

While all this drama is unleashing, love is unfolding over at Sandy's!

.:|Maxwell|:. - "Ooh Saaannddy!" He calls from outside Sandy's window.

.:|Sandy|:. - Pushes herself out of her cage and goes to the window... "Yes? OH! Hiya Maxy! Come in."

Maxwell hops to the window ledge with flowers in a bundle.

.:|Maxwell|:. - "I br...br.. braught these for you! They are your favorate, right? I also came to ask you if..." ...is all he could say as Sandy cuts him out and says...

.:|Sandy|:. - "OOOOH MAXWELL! THEY ARE PERFECT! I love them!" She sets them down and starts to get close to Maxwell, looking at him seductively. "So, while your here, want to have some fun? She says in a sexual tone. She starts to run her paw around his chest in a circular motion.

.:|Maxwell|:. - "*Gulp* Umm... w...wha... what do you meen ba... by f... fun?" He studders as he begins to sweat.

.:|Sandy|:. - "Ohh, you should know what I meen Maxy!" She whispers seductively and moves her paw lower... "I know your smarter than that!"

.:|Maxwell|:. - As Sandy moves her paw, Maxwell's cock was growing, and he knew what she was doing. "A... Are you s... sure you want to do.... you know....... THAT!?"

.:|Sandy|:. - "Ohh Maxwell, lets try not to worry much..." She grabs his paw and starts moving towards her cage. She lifts up the door... "Go on in! I promise I wont bite!"

Maxwell was getting hornier every moment he steped towards the cage. He wanted this sooo badly, but he wasn't sure he was ready... He read books on this type of thing, counting the diseases you could get from doing this. Unfortunatly, his body was calling her, and he couldn't keep it from shutting up... so he continued into the cage.

.:|Sandy|:. - "So... whos going to be first?" She mumbles sexually, as she runs her paw down Maxwell's thigh.

.:|Maxwell|:. - Gained pleasure as Sandy continued. The more she touched him, the more pleasure he got. His cock was getting bigger, and his face was beating red from embarissment. [OH MY GOD, SHES GOING TO TOUCH 'IT'!]

.:|Sandy|:. - Moved her finger closer and closer to his member, which continuely gave him pleasure. She watched as he got nervous from her paw's movements and assured him... "Dont worry, Maxy! I wont hurt you! Trust me, you will like what I do." She then got down on her legs and started strokeing Maxwell's cock.

.:|Maxwell|:. - Now completely red-faced and blushing stood there in awe. He couldn't beleave such a sweet ham-ham could act with such sin. Fortunatly for his body, he couldn't stop her. This was bringing him so much pleasure, and his body loved it. But for him, he wasn't ready for what she started to do next...

.:|Sandy|:. - After noticeing that his cock was really hard, she got an idea to get Maxwell completely ready. Sandy lifted up Maxwell's member and started to suck it. Doing so, she watched his body become tense with nervousness.

Maxwell could'nt help it. His body was in control now, and it was matter over mind.

.:|Maxwell|:. - Let his body run him, and told Sandy... "Alright tiger baby, I think Im ready." And with that, he spun Sandy around and pushed his now wet and hard member into her virgin pussy. Blood splattered across the bedding and Maxwell's fur. He saw Sandy in pain from her hymen breaking, and cooed her... "Dont worry, Sandy. Ive read up on this... the pain will go away soon, and we will have some REAL fun!" After that, he started. Slowly Maxwell eased in and out of her, making sure he doesn't start too quickly too early! As he saw Sandy's pain turn to pleasure, he sped up.

.:|Sandy|:. - "Ooh Maxy! Keep going!"

.:|Maxwell|:. - After a couple seconds began speeding up faster and faster. He saw that Sandy enjoyed this very much! ...

.:|Sandy|:. - "OOOOOHH MAXWELL! OOOOHH YES! YES!" She shouted in esctecy, as Maxwell kept pushing in and out of her pussy.

Meanwhile, at Bijou's House.

.:|Sceen 5 ~ [END|:.

.:|Sceen 6 ~ The Pill|:.

Beast-Ham finds Bijou's House from the details she gave him before leaving the room yesterday.

Flash Back - "My place is not so far away from zee clubhouse, just keep heading straight after you leave and follow the sidewalk. My house is zee one with a big tree in front of it. To visit me, climb the tree and the branch that stretches to the top window. Come over sometime!..."

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - [This must be it...] He ponders as he climbs the tree. At the window, which is slightly open, he yells inside... "BIJOU! Are you there? I need your help!"

.:|Bijou|:. - Hears Beast-Ham and rushes out of her cage to the window. "Ooh! Its you, Beast-Ham! Whats the matter?"

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - Hops to the window ledge and speeks to Bijou through the window. "Hey, It's great to see your unharmed... Listen... Boss is in trouble, and I was wondering if you had anything I could give him for pain?"

.:|Bijou|:. - "I have the perfect cure! Wait right here..." Bijou runs off. She returns after about 5 minutes. "Here, take this and feed it to Boss!" She slides a pill through the slit below the window.

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "Thanks! Love you and Ill see you soon!" He says affectionatly. As he leaves, Beast-Ham blows Bijou a kiss.

.:|Bijou|:. - Blushes at the sight of this and thinks to herself... [I love you to, Beast-Ham... come back soon!]

.:|Sceen 6 ~ [END]|:.

.:|Sceen 7 ~ Kitty Kat Tango|:.

Hamtaro finds himself facing off against an enraged cat... where will this lead?

.:|Hamtaro|:. - "Stay back! ... Please? ..." Hamtaro asks the cat, but of course the cat keeps pouncing near him, trying to catch him.

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - Sees Hamtaro battleing the cat and runs over to help out... "HAMTARO! WAIT RIGHT THERE!!" Beast-Ham spots a high branch above the cat... he then gets a great idea! "Hamtaro! Hold the cat below this branch..." He shouts as he begins to climb the tree.

.:|Hamtaro|:. - "ILL TRY!!" Replys Hamtaro, running around in circles below the branch.

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - Gets on the edge of the branch, waiting for a good time to jump... [Wait for it... Wait for it....... NOW!] With that, he hops onto the cats head. "RUN HAMTARO! I GOT THIS!"

.:|Hamtaro|:. - "Ok! Be safe, buddy!" Hamtaro says, as he runs towards his house.

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "AAAHH *CRUMP!*" Beast-Ham bites into the cats ear, causeing the cat to jump wildly around. Beast-Ham keeps biting until the cat cannot handle it anymore... which causes it to run away in pain. He then hops of the cat and starts heading to the clubhouse...

.:|Sceen 7 ~ [END]|:.

.:|Sceen 8 ~ Ooh Maxy! Part 2|:.

Back to the sexy couple, Maxwell and Sandy!

.:|Sandy|:. - "OOOOOOHHH MAXWELL! KEEP GOING!! AWW YESS! MORE!! MORE!!!!" She screams in ecstecy as she feels a rush of orgasmic fealing through her body...

.:|Maxwell|:. - "AHH! YES.... YES!" Maxwell shouts in pleasure, nearing his release. Seeing that she was getting tired, he sped up the fucking process, which to Sandy felt like a jackhammer bashing against her clit.

.:|Sandy|:. - "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH MAXY!" She shouted as her orgasm burst out of her, all over Maxwell, and partially her leg fur.

.:|Maxwell|:. - Seeing her finish, he desided it was time so with one final push, he rammed his cock to the back of Sandy's pussy, letting his cum spray out inside her. "OOOOOOOOOOOHHH! *Pant...*"

To tired to speek or move, the loving couple fell sleep on eachother... happy with their experiance!

.:|Sceen 8 ~ [END]|:.

.:|Sceen 9 ~ Hidden Jellousy|:.

With the pill Bijou gave him, Beast-Ham returns to Boss. Unfortunatly, Boss isn't going to be very happy with him...

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - Enters Boss's room, seeing him sitting up. "Boss man, you shouldn't be sitting up. You should be resting."

.:|Boss|:. - Boss knew what that stuff on his bed was, and he was sure of 'WHOS' it was! For an extra 'just to be on the safe side' test, he asked Beast-Ham... "Hey... Be..Beast-Ham?"

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "Yea Boss?"

.:|Boss|:. - "Do you have a.... special feeling for someone?"

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - "What do you me... OH! OOOOH! You mean 'love'?

.:|Boss|:. "Yea... do you have a 'special someone' your with?"

.:|Beast-Ham|:. - Didnt know that Boss liked Bijou, and so answered... "Well, kinda.... you know that one girl that comes here, right? The one named Bijou?"

.:|Boss|:. - Knew it! He was enraged with fury as soon as her name popped out of Beast-Ham's mouth. His heart stopped with jellousy and rage. In his mind, everything connected... Bijou's nervousness when she came out of the room, the cum on the bed... and this confession...... Boss knew that Beast-Ham fucked Bijou... and he was now ready to kill Beast-ham for doing it...

.:|Sceen 9 ~ [END]|:.

Conclusion - Love hurts when you find out that someone you love is fucking someone you hate... BADLY! What will Boss do now that he knows what Beast-Ham did? Will Hamtaro make it home before something serious goes down? What about Maxwell and Sandy... if Maxwell wasn't at her house for sex, what was he there for? Find out in 'Episode 4 - The Fight for Bijou, Who Will Win?'.