Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Psych Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Drink The Skele-Gro ❯ 94. Last Hope ( Chapter 96 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

So, I'm going to aim to finish this by the end of January. Not sure if I'll make the deadline, though.
Dumbledore's eyes gleamed less brightly than usual as he stared at the two Americans on the other side of his desk.
Shawn helped himself to a lemon drop and stared back at the headmaster with unusual attention. “You're sure that's the only way?”
The old man nodded. “If only the spell you used hadn't attached you to the grounds, this could have been cleared up long ago. This ritual is your last hope.”
Clearing his throat, Gus finally managed a question. “What happens if it doesn't work?”
“Then, I'm afraid, you would be forced to stay here forever.”
The psychic tilted his head to the side in thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and ingesting another candy. “I'd be fine with that.”
If and when they got home, Gus decided, he was going to burn that stupid spell book that started all this.