Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos In The Form Of Women ❯ Practice ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Trezlana woke up early the next morning to find Keiza in her cowboy pajamas and bunny slipper's jumping on her bed chanting “IT'S MORNING HORRAY!!!!! GET UP TODAY!!!” Trezlana rolled off the bed onto the hard wood floor. Keiza cackled evilly and jumped off the bed she swung from the curtains to floor.
“Lets go get breakfast at the great hall.” Keiza smiled pulling on her schools uniform skirt and putting on her converse instead of the regulated school shoes.
“You didn't change your shirt.” Trezlana pointed out as she checked her watch. “6:37 ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!”
“What I've was up very early.” Keiza smiled as she helped Trezlana up off the floor.
“I know, I felt you stuff pipe cleaners up my nose.” Trezlana growled as she put on her uniform and her Skater shoes. Keiza just giggled and skipped out the door and down the stairs into there common room. Trezlana bitterly followed as she struggled to finish pulling on her shirt. They didn't actually go to breakfast until 8:00. Trezlana had insisted the only creature that would be there at 6:40 was house elves. Once they arrived Keiza ran off to great Draco in a way that she had practiced many times and hoped would be very embarrassing for him in front of pig-pug ugly chick that was named Pansy. Trezlana froze. Part of her wanted to follow Keiza; however she wanted to go to see Harry again. She walked to the table and sat next to Seamus Finnegan. Harry was reading some magazine about quittich. Trezlana wanted to eat plenty before practice today they did have a game for a while, but Trezlana had bragged about her skill to Harry and she needed to beat him.
Keiza had ran up to Malfoy in the most disturbing way and squealed “Oh little drakkky-poo getting so big and old, but he's just my little cousin. Malfoy went beat red as Blaise roared with laughter. Keiza eyed Blaise bitterly and refocused on Draco. She continued to ruin Draco's first breakfast at Hogwarts until Trezlana came to aware her that they needed to practice.
“Yah, you are gonna need to practice to beat me Trezzzlana.” Draco shouted. Keiza froze and waited for Trezlana to turn around and murder Draco. Trezlana turned on her heal and approached the ferret boy. She grabbed Draco by the color and ripped him to his feet this gathered all the attention of the room.
“Listen, Draco my name is Tre...la…na” With that Trezlana threw Draco onto the table and got his robe nice and covered in eggs. “And Draco your not going to beat us because I'm twice the seeker you even pretend you are.” With Keiza and Trezlana stormed out of the great hall and toward the pitch.
Keiza pulled on her gear and tried to stay calm and as she watched about 400 students file into the stadium eager to watch the new team. Trezlana was sitting cross-legged on the ground doing breathing exercises trying to stay calm. She stood up after and minute and together they walked onto the pitch. Draco and his lot booed and hissed rudely.
“Use your best moves we will shut them up.” Keiza smirked as she sat on her broom and took off. Trezlana followed suit. She passed Harry as she did and lap and rested her self as the center goal post on the left side. He was sitting with Hermione and Ron. Trezlana chest felt tight she didn't know if it was the cold are or something else so she just did her best to show off. Keiza was sitting on her broom with her legs up on the brooms bristles and she smiled and waved at the crowd. Trezlana needed to show off big time. She gripped her broom tight and stood up. She zoomed about the field many times smiling at the Slytherin's every time she passed. Dumbledore announced on the microphone.
“The school Haunted is going to show off its best moves for us today. We will all be a good crowd.” He thundered happily. The team huddled in the center and went over a couple moves. They broke up and Keiza flew around in the same pose but appeared to not see the other to chasers as the approached Jareth grabbed her arms and Pavon grabbed her legs and threw her across the stadium Trezlana flew over and grabbed her broom. She held it like a spear and shot it across the stadium at Keiza. It zipped under Keiza and caught her. Trezlana smiled that was a tough move she had speared Keiza in the back, neck, and head several times and Pavon had to catch her. Not that he minded at all.
Trezlana sped up behind Jareth she stood up on her broom and pushed off she went over his head and her broom went under. Before she hit her broom Jareth grabbed her ass. Trezlana turned around and booted Jareth hard in the stomach he fell off his broom and no one was going to save him. Jareth pulled out his wand and screamed Accio at his broom it shot at him and at the last second he grabbed the tail of his broom. He was flailing behind his broom screaming like a little girl. Across the stadium Harry spoke to Ron. “Trezlana has a bad attitude don't you think.” Ron looked at him. “Yah, but she's hot and so is her friend Keiza.” Hermione gasped at that notion. Three hours later and three-hundred well executed stunts later Trezlana and Keiza were panting in the change room as the put on their school robes and chatting.
“Malfoy is an ass.” Trezlana snapped as she pulled on her skater shoes.
“I know it's just so sad.” Keiza laughed.
The girls returned to the great hall the Pavon who had happily agreed to give Keiza a piggy back ride as she shouted “FASTER HORSEY” and spanked his butt.
Trezlana laughed so hard she had to lay in the grass. The students filed into the great hall for something that gave the girls a clog in their throats.
Dumbledore announced “We are sorting our guest into houses. He smiled. Slowly Pavon and Jareth were in Ravenclaw the grunts were sent to Hufflepuff and Keiza sat on the chair is moved as soon as the hat touched her head it gasped. Gryffindor was your father's house, but Slytherin is where your blood resides. “RAVENCLAW”. Trezlana took her seat and as soon as the hat touched her head is started freaking out “IT'S THE OTHER ONE SHE'S ALIVE .” Dumbledore pulled the hat off her head and just as it was taken out of the room the hat shouted. “GRYFFINDOR.” Trezlana scooted next to Seamus and smiled. She felt at home.