Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Pranking has never been so sweet ❯ Welcome to Hogwarts! ( Chapter 1 )

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"Gryffindor!!!" Yelled the sorting hat as cheers erupted from said table.
Isabella quickly ran over to the table and sat down.
Isabella, also known as Izzy, is 11 years old, an orphan, has long black wavy hair with red tips, blue eyes, slender but well shaped body, and a witch, or so she has been told.
She smiled as Fred Weasley was called up to be sorted.
She had met Fred and George Weasley on the Hogwarts Express and had become instant friends with the both of them.
As the Hogwarts Express started to move away two twin boys had entered Izzy's compartment and didn't even notice her until one of them tried to sit down on her.
"Hey!!! Watch it!!!" She yelled as she dropped the book she had been reading to the floor.
"I'm so sorry." Said the one who had sat on her as he bent down to pick up the book she had dropped but stopped short when he noticed what the book cover said.
"Are you serious?" He asked with a huge smile upon his face.
"Serious about what?"
"The Greatest 1000 Pranks Ever Pulled in History."
"Yeah and your point is what?"
"Nothing I just never knew a girl who liked to pull pranks."
"Do it all the time. Back at the orphanage I was known as the ultimate prank master.”
"Well here in the magical world Fred and I are the prank masters."
"Really now? That won't last for long, Mr...?" She said realizing she had no clue what his name was.
"Weasley, George Weasly."
"And you'll never out prank us!" Fred cut in at last.
Izzy started laughing because when they both were talking they were so funny.
"The name is Izzy and don't forget it because I will become the next prank master and you'll never stop me."
"We'll see..."Said the twins at the same time.
Izzy smiled as the sorting hat had just realized that he was really evaluating George's head and not his brother Fred's.
It wasn't just the sorting hat that had got angry but also Professor McGonagall who was taking a liking at yelling at him in front of the whole school.
Izzy smiled even more when both George and Fred had both been put into Gryffindor and George had sat beside her and started a conversation about what kinds of pranks all three of them could pull for their first year at Hogwarts.