InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Laundry ❯ Broken ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Okay, so your authoress is a lazy-ass…but I'm (still) in the middle of a hellacious move and hunt for a second part-time job. If anyone is interested in the statuses of my other stories, I'll talk about that in the ending AN so be sure to read it! This is something that I've wanted to get started for a while now and have only recently decided on a beginning couple. For anyone interested in Naruto/Inuyasha fanfiction, you should give o0KittyBlue0o's series NinjaMiko Love a read! That's where the idea for this came from :)

The way this is going to work is like this:
-Each chapter is going to be a Kagome/Bleach character one-shot.
-Ratings will vary and be listed at the beginning of the chapter.
-Lengths will vary from short, drabble lengths to full chapter or normal one-shot lengths.

That's about it! Here's the first chapter, so let's see how this goes :) Enjoy and let me know what you think! Also, I almost hit myself when I thought of this title but I needed one! If anyone can think of anything more fitting (or not as stupid), PLEASE let me know!! Thanks!


Chapter 1: Broken
Pairing: Kagome/Isshin
Rating: T


He was a Captain.

She was a Third Seat.

He loved her.

She loved him.

He didn't trust Aizen.

She gave everyone the benefit-of-the-doubt.

He asked her not to go, said that he had a bad feeling.

She said that her Captain had asked her to lead a team to take care of a tricky Hollow; she had to go.

He watched her wave goodbye with a heavy heart and a feeling of dread.

She never came back.


Kagome was glad when she saw her destination come into view. The orange-haired boy draped over her shoulder was starting to get heavy. He needed the training, but pushing yourself to the point of passing out from exhaustion wasn't good for a person's mind or body. `What are you having this boy do, Shinji?' She thought as she landed on Ichigo's windowsill before jumping soundlessly to the floor.

She looked around, surveying the dark room, and smiled. She was sure that her little brother's room probably looked similar by now.

Facing the bed, Kagome gently lowered Ichigo back into the body sleeping soundly and caught the small, green ball that the mod-soul resided in as it popped out of his mouth. She quickly tucked it into the mouth of the stuffed lion lying on the adjacent desk. As Kon came to life once more, Kagome covered his mouth with one hand as she pressed a slender finger to the mouth of her vizard mask. When the tiny avatar became frightened, she merely pointed to the sleeping form of Ichigo before retracting her hand.

Kon nodded that he understood before turning back to her and asking in a serious whisper, “Who are you?”

“I'm one of the vizard that live in this town.”

Not happy with her vagueness, Kon tried again. “I've never seen you around here before.”

“I try not to get mixed up in the invisible wars and battles. I've seen enough of that. Now I just want to live my life as peacefully as possible. Every now and then Shinji will ask a small favor and I'll help him. He's done a lot for me as well as your friend here.” With her answer given, she made her way to the bedroom door but stopped when she was called.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Kon demanded.

“Shinji also asked if I would check on Ichigo's family to make sure that they were okay while he was away training.” And with that she walked into the hall to make her rounds.

She followed the different presences that she felt and found two young girls. One with dark blonde hair seemed to be sleeping deeply while surrounded by a multitude of stuffed animals. But the other black-haired girl seemed to be having a nightmare. Kagome settled on the edge of the bed and lifted her mask before allowing her hand to glow a faint blue. She ran her hand across the girl's forehead, temple to temple, then over her eyes and smiled when the girl settled into a calm, dreamless sleep.

Kagome lowered her mask once more as she stood and moved onto the last occupant of the house that she could sense.

She pushed open the slightly ajar door and entered what had to be the master bedroom of the house. Making her way over to the bed, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She took in the face of the man that was illuminated by the moonlight streaming in through a window; black and naturally spiky hair, defined and masculine jaw line accentuated by a light and scruffy beard, straight nose, lightly tanned skin.

Now standing beside the bed, Kagome reached out a slightly trembling hand as she felt tears well up in her currently black and yellow eyes. “Isshin,” she whispered almost as a question. But as soon as the name left her lips, she found herself pinned with her chest against a wall with her arms firmly behind her back.

“You will tell me what you are doing in this house, monster.” A deep, rough voice commanded behind her head, causing shivers to run down her spine.

“I was bringing your son home safely,” she answered as her heart broke realizing what Ichigo and his sisters represented. Isshin had moved on.

“You will stay away from my son, do you understand? If I find you anywhere near him or my two daughters again, I won't give you a second chance,” Isshin instructed as he pulled her towards the window and opened it. “Leave now. I'm only letting you go because I know that you were a shinigami at some point before you were turned, like my son.”

Kagome readied herself to leave before pausing in the window. She would likely never see him again and with his heart likely belonging to another she probably wouldn't be able to stand it if she did. She had to take this as her last chance. “I'm sorry,” she mumbled brokenly.

“What?” She could hear the confusion clearly in his voice.

“I'm sorry that I never came back. I'm sorry that I left when you asked me not to go. I'm sorry that I didn't listen.” She could now feel the tears running down the inside of her mask only to drip onto her knee.

Isshin watched her suspiciously for a moment before asking, “Who did you used to be?”

Her heart clenched tightly at the way he worded his question. It was like she didn't exist anymore. Even if he knew, he likely wouldn't acknowledge that she was still who she used to be. It sounded like he even had a hard time accepting what Ichigo was now. But she owed it to him. She had no idea what they told him about what happened to her, but he deserved to know the truth.

So, lifting her mask as her heart pounded in her chest, she apologized once more. “I'm sorry I left you alone.”

She could see the emotions running across his face and through his eyes; disbelief, confusion, hurt, anger, relief. But it was her turn to feel surprised when just as quickly as she'd been pushed against the wall, she was pulled against his strong chest.

“They said that you had died on that mission,” his voice was firm with obvious betrayal.

“They weren't entirely wrong. At least, it felt like I was dying. The next thing I knew I had to run away from Soul Society. Shinji and the others found me and helped train me in these new powers. I've been living here, avoiding all of the fighting, ever since.” She could tell that he was still trying to take everything in, but one question was weighing on her heart and mind heavier than anything else. Not sure how to ask, she prodded gently by asking “You have children now?”

A deep, watery laugh was her first reply. “Yeah…Ichigo, Yuzu, and Karin.”

The situation surrounding their reunion felt awkward at best. So she continued with their strained conversation. “I always told you that you would make a good father.” She paused. “What about their mother?”

Isshin became very quiet before answering in a soft, longing voice, “She was human. She died trying to protect Ichigo from a Hollow several years ago.”

Kagome pushed away from his embrace and looked into Isshin's eyes. They were sad but accepting. While he missed this woman deeply, he had obviously come to terms with her death some time ago. “I'm sorry you lost her.”

In the seriousness of the moment the last thing Kagome expected was the light smack she felt on the top of her head. “That was always your problem back then too,” she gave him a confused look as a small smile made its way to his face. “You apologize too much for things you can't control.”

Kagome stayed at the Kurosaki home for several more hours before making her way to the window once again. Neither one was sure where to go from here. Should they try to pick up where they left off? Should they agree to part as friends? Would it be best to just pretend that they had never seen each other? Looking back at the man that she once loved—still loved—she saw him give her a small smile and a wave.

Smiling back, Kagome left not knowing what the future would hold for the two of them. But she was sure that they would have a future.


AN: Oh, the cheesiness of it all! I couldn't help myself though. I've NEVER seen a Kagome/Isshin pairing, so decided that it would be good to start off with. I like Ichigo's dad :) The title came from the song Broken because I was listening to Seether when I got the idea.

Remember to let me know what you think and let me know if there are any pairings you want to see! Thanks for reading!