InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A School Year To Remember ❯ Well? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: A School Year to Remember
Author: Azn_angel0788
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own anything, but this fic.
Pairings: Lots

As the trees blossomed during the spring, and new lives were being born everyday, the Earth and everything living on it, was growing older; including the sun that rose and set, and the moon that shined in the midnight sky; even Rei, Usagi, Kikyou, Ami, Kagome, Sango, Mina, and Makoto.

The girls had finished High school, and now were attending college. It was going to be a new year, of making friends, getting jobs, and starting a new life. They were all excited, but very nervous as well. They bought all the materials needed for the new school year. Even new clothes.

"Did you get them?" Usagi asked while she was biting on her nails.

"Get what?" Rei replied as she entered the room calmly.

"You know. The paper's that show us who we're going to be dorming with." Makoto said.

"Oh." Rei said as she sat on Usagi's bed. "Maybe." She replied.

"Rei you better not hav-"

"There right here." Ami cut Minako off, as she pulled the paper work form Rei's bag.

"Where's mine?" Usagi asked with stars in her eyes.

"Why do you care?" Rei asked.

"Because I want to know if I'm going to be sharing one with Mamrou." She said with anime hearts in her eyes. “My Mammy. My Mamroukou, my Mamrookiepoo.” She said.

"You gross me out." Makoto said.

"Me too." Rei replied with a disgusted face.

"Bet you won't be saying that when you actually have a boyfriend." Minako said.

"Really?" Rei asked unconvinced.

"Really." Minako replied.

"Here you go." Ami said as she handed the papers out.

The girls looked at their papers. Rei looked at bit confused. While Mina looked at Serena and looked like she saw a ghost. And Usagi looked at her paper, and almost dropped dead.

"Alright who's got my Mamrou?" Usagi asked, as she pulled the paper away from her face, revealing herself with teary eyes and a childish tone.

"I don’t." Rei said. "I've got Seiya, Kagome and...Inuyasha?" She asked confused.

"I've got, Sango, Yaten, and Ami." Makoto said.

"I have Taiki, Kikyou and…Mamrou. Sorry Usagi." Minako said.

"Great." Usagi said. "I have San, Kyo and Yuki." She said with tears in her eyes. "I don’t even know them." She said as she started bawling.

“Usagi, get over it.” Rei said to her.

“That’s easy for you to say.” Usagi said.

“Really?” Rei said. “Why?” She asked.

“Because you have Seiya.” She replied.

“So.” Rei responded. “We don’t even talk.” She said.

“But at least you know him.” Usagi said.

“Barely.” Rei replied.

“Get over it.” Minako replied as she put her annoyed face on.

“Ugh. It’s not even the first day of school, and you guys are already bickering over a guy.” Minako joked.

“Unbelievable.” Ami stated.

~With Kagome~

“I can’t wait for tomorrow.” Sango said.

“Me either.” Kagome replied as she plopped herself on her bed.

“I still can’t believe that you and I both convinced Miroku and Inuyasha, to go to college with us.” Sango said with a huge grin across her face.

“Neither can I.” Kagome replied as she smiled at her friend. “This year is going to be great.” She said.

“I think so too.” Sango replied.

“Oh.” Kagome said as she jumped of the bed, and searched through some papers on her desk.

“What are you looking for?” Sango asked as she supported herself with her elbows.

“I am…” She dug through some drawers. “Looking for our…” She flipped through some of the files in the file cabinet. “Here it is.” Kagome said as she took the papers out of a folder.

“Here is what?” Sango asked confused.

“Here.” Kagome handed Sango a piece of paper. “It’s our dorming information.”

“Oh.” Sango said a little afraid of the results.

Kagome looked at her paper, and was pretty satisfied.

“I have Miroku, Ashitaka, and Honda.” Sango said as she arched a brow. “Who do you have?” Sango asked as she threw the paper on the ground.

“I have Inuyasha, Seiya, and Rei.” She said.

“Oh. Inuyasha.” She said with a smile.

“Oh stop it Sango. We’re just friends.” Kagome said as she threw a pillow at Sango. Sango started to laugh.

“You do like him. Don’t you?” Sango said.

“No.” Kagome said as she started to blush.

“Hahaha.” Sango started to laugh.

“I do not.” Kagome said as she got off the bed and glared at Sango. Sango stood up on the bed, and started to sing.

“Kagome and Inuyasha-sittin in a tree-F-U-C-K-I-N-G!” She yelled.

Kagome’s mouth dropped down open.

“Sango, shut up, my grandpa’s in the house.” She said as she pulled Sango down.

“Whoa.” Sango said as she lost her balance and fell off the bed landing with a big,


“Ouch.” Sango said as she sat up and rubbed her head. “Kagome?” She asked as she looked around the room.

“Right here.” Kagome said from underneath her.

“Whoops.” Sango said.

Sango was sitting on top of Kagome’s stomach.

All of a sudden the door swung open and in came Kikyou.

Seeing the sight in front of her, her eyes grew wide with shock.

“I don’t-even want to know.” Kikyou said.

The two girls just gave her a nervous chuckle.

“Hi.” Sango said.

Reviews are greatly appreciated. Hope you guys like it so far.