InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ NARAKU!!!!!!!!! ❯ NarXHanh ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It's…it's…*Kagome hides behind Inuyasha and Inuyasha hides behind Miroku who hides behind Sango who is really really scared* it's the… DISCLAIMER!!!!!!!!! *everyone else screams* *I pout* I …don't…own…Inuyasha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RG (random girl, me): Um ok every1 I'm bored and I have to go to Karate soon but I'll start the story…
Kagome watching Sango beat up Miroku because his hand “slipped”
Sango: you…you… PERVERT!!!!!!!
*Sango standing over Miroku with a look of death*
Miroku: S-sango? Please!!!!! I'll be good from now on! Just please don't kill meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
*Sango puts necklace, like Inu's, around Miroku's neck*
Sango: SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Miroku does face plant and Inu and Kag laugh*
*Sango smiles*
Sango: SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Inu falls out of the tree from laughing*
*RG pops out of no where*
Inu: y-you!!!!! Ur the one who stuck me on that stupid island with those fruits basket peoples!!!! Get away from me!!!!!!
(N/A: see `Inu/Fruits Basket trapped!!!')
RG: yay!!!! U remember meeeee!!!!! *starts bouncing up and down* I knew it!!!!! It was love at first sight!!!!!!!!!!
Inu: love at first wah!?!?!?
Kag: Inu how could u!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I made out with u! Jerk!!!!! Sit!!!!!!!!!
*Inu does face plant*
*Naraku appears*
Nar: Inu!!! I have come 2 kill u!!!!!!!
RG: No! u will not kill my Inu-poo!!!
Nar: ur the girl from the island?
RG: yeah
Nar: PLEAZE!!!!! Let me see my beloved Hana!!!
*RG thinks*
RG: maybe
Nar: MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RG: first u have to do something 4 me.
Nar: What??? ANYTHING!!!!!
(N/A: Sorry peoples but I am a total KIKYO HATER but I have nothing against KAGOME…it just that she's in the way of me and Inu being together and for Nar to see his `beloved Hana' I have nothin against Kag but everything against Kikyo! Boo! Kikyo!)
Nar: Ok no prob. here!
*Nar draws dagger and walks up to Kag but is stopped by Inu*
Inu: u r not gonna lay a single finger on Kag. I don't like Kik anymore and she likes Fluffy so u can kill her but not my Kaggie-poo. Ya got that…punk?
Nar: aaawwwww. Kaggie-poo? That is soooooo sweet!! I'll kill Kik first so u can have a few moments alone.
*Nar disappears*
Kag: Inu-poo! Pleaze don't let him kill me!!! we didn't even have-
Inu: Kaggie-poo! This is supposed to be PG! But don't worry I won't let him even-
*Nar appears behind Kag and stabs her.*
*Kag dies and RG bounces up and down*
RG: Ok Nar. U can see Hana now!
*RG snaps fingers and Nar disappears*
Inu: KAGOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duh duh duh duh…
Sorry once again Kaggie lover but I had to kill her!!!! but Kik lovers… rot in hell with her!!!