InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ignorant Meanings For Unsuitable Words. ❯ No Tears Please. ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
No tears please

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho they belong to the authors Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi. I thank them for letting me use the characters. No animals were hurt in the making of this fanfic. Just my severally cramped fingers.




My Musings


Last time:

Miroku put a hand on his heart as fake tears made the way down his face. “Lady Kagome. You wound me with your-”

“BUT…” Mai interrupted. “She also said you have a good heart Houshi-sama…and you saved her life on more than one occasion…and for that I thank you.” She looked at Sango and then back at Miroku again. “I thank you both.”


Miroku and Sango smiled gently at the green-eyed girl.

“But anyway, enough of this mushy stuff,” Mai said while tickling Shippo. “Shouldn't we get going or something?”

“Oh yeah…umm Miroku and Sango can you gather up the supplies I'm going to go take a quick bath. Kami knows I need one.” Kagome sniffed herself and waved her hand in front of her nose as if she stunk.

“And while you do that I'm going to find that mutt and put him on this leash!CHEA!” Mai did a pose making a `V' with her fingers while her hand pulled a leash from behind her back. Everyone sweat dropped and Kagome slapped the palm of her hand into her forehead.

“Mai…where did you-”

“You like it Kagome? I brought it the other day when I was getting a leash for my puppy back at home. See it matches his outfit! Don't you just love it!” Mai held the red leash clasped in her hands and had sparkles in her eyes.
“Uh…Mai don't you think-”

“Yes your right Kagome!” Mai slapped fist into her palm. “I should have brought the matching collar but the ran out of red ones!” Fake tears made a river down her face.


“Oh always me!” Mai fell to her knees and poked the ground with a random stick. “So instead I bought the black one.” She mumbled out while holding the collar in the air. Her back was to them and she was still poking at the ground. Kagome growled and picked Mai up by her shirt. She shook the bi-polar girl and started yelling in her face.



Kagome slapped her palm into her forehead again and she let Mai go. “Why do I bother.” She picked up her bag and looked at her cousin.

“Don't you have someone you should be looking for?”

Mai blinked. “Oh yeah…” She stood up dusted off her pants. Her hands situated her book-bag straps and she walked calmly into the forest whistling.

“Mai…do you have any-”

“Idea where I'm going? Nope, not a clue.”

Kagome's hand once again met her forehead as she sighed. She could feel it getting red. She bent down and patted Shippo on his head. “Shippo would you do mommy a favor? Could you look out for your auntie? I don't want her to get lost and then eaten by a random youkai.”

`Wouldn't that be something too explain to mother.'

“But Kagome w-”

“Please Shippo-chan? For me?” She pouted and smiled when he sighed.

“Sure Okaa-san.” He ran over to where Mai was trying to pick a path. “Wait up Auntie Mai.”

Mai smiled when she saw Shippo running towards her. “Hey Shippo! Have you come to help me on my trek through this unforgiving relentless forest, from which we might never return?”

Shippo slid to a stop and blinked. `Unforgiving? Relentless?'turned and looked back at Kagome. She shot him and encouraging smile.`It's just Inuyasha's forest…there's nothing that scary I there…I hope…'turned and walked the rest of the way over to Mai. She picked him up and placed him on her shoulder. Then she pointed a finger at the dense undergrowth.


Shippo let out a yelp and clung to the girl's shoulder when Mai started running.

`Why did I let Kagome talk me into this. Auntie Mai is crazy!'

~ 20 minuets later ~


Mai and Shippo had been walking through Inuyasha's forest for the last 20 minuets following Inuyasha's scent. Mai grew tired and decided to lean against a tree. That's when a `gigantic'spider decided to crawl down her shoulder and onto her arm. Mai being who she is naturally over reacted and started running in circles while trying to yank her arm off. She fell to her knees holding out the appendage still screaming her head off.


Shippo sighed and walked over to his so-called aunt. He hopped on her shoulder and flicked the tiny spider off her arm. This was the 5th time that happened and her was getting tired of saving her from the`giant-hairy-thing-with-8-legs-and-more-eyes-than-any-living-thing-sh ould-have.'rolled his eyes as Mai pulled him into another tight hug.

“Aw! My little hero!”

He also hated the fact that she kept calling him little. It was my little savior, my little hero, or my little knight in shining armor. Next time he was going to let the spiders have her. He pushed himself away from her face and jumped out of her arms. He looked up at her from over his shoulder.

“Come on auntie. We have to find Inuyasha remember?” His tail swished as he ran on all fours following Inuyasha's scent.

Mai looked side to side quickly before sanding up and running after Shippo.

“Wait up! The spider queen might come out and try to seek her revenge on us for killing her children!” She watched as Shippo anime style dropped and twitched. She tilted her head slightly. “Was it something I said?” She mumbled to herself.

“Yeah right auntie! There isn't any spider queen! HAHAHAHAH!” Mai stared at the little kitsune. He had his hands on his hips and was laughing like a deranged man. She closed her eyes and walked past him.

“Do you know that for sure?”

Shippo's stance slackened and he watched Mai walk by. He pouted and crossed his arms.


Emerald eyes clashed and Mai smiled. “Alright whatever you say.”

“Plus,” Added Shippo “If she did show up I'd just flick her away.” He pointed his nose in the air and walked off. “Let’s go we need to find Inuyasha before nightfall.”

Mai smiled as she followed him. “What ever you say my little night in shining armor.”

“Stop calling me little!”

Both were unaware of the eight giant red eyes following there every move from the undergrowth.

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Kagome sighed as she reached her favorite hot spring. Black lock's fell over her shoulder as she bent down to dip her hand in the water. Things had been so different recently. It felt nice to come back to something familiar. Bangs hid her eyes from sight as she bent her head slightly, and a crude smile made its way to her lips.

`So the mutt finally came home from its master.'stood up and clapped her hands together. Bringing them apart a pink tinted barrier formed around the spring. She walked through it and it became darker making it no longer see-through. A few minuets later it became lighter and Kagome was visible. She had stripped of her clothes and was up to her neck in the water. A soothing calmness washed over her as she dunked her head into the heated liquid.

Inuyasha watched her from his perch in a nearby tree.`Feh …Doesn't the wench realize that we have more important things to do than wait for her.'

(Irony rocks.)

He listened as she sang a song. He hadn't notice that she was singing since she got into the water. Her voice was beautiful and this is only the second time he heard her use it. The first was when she was comforting Shippo after her had a particular horrible nightmare about his parent's death.

He listened to the lyrics and visibly cringed.

`But I tried too hard and I lost my grip. You weren't there to watch me slip.
Nothing caught me and I fell to the ground.
I was lost when I thought I was found.'

Inuyasha watched as she raised an arm palm facing up. The bubble that surrounded the spring became dark shrouding her from vision. He could still hear her angelic voice through the barrier.

`But I was mistaken once again, all I needed was a little friend.
Everywhere I go there is no one at all
No one to pick me up when I fall.'

The barrier dropped and Kagome stood with her back to him fully dressed. She had picked up her backpack and placed it on her shoulder.

`No one to sing the beauty in my eyes.'

Golden eyes widened as she turned her head and looked up at the tree he was hiding in.

`No one that would understand the tears that I cry.'

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed.`She knew I was here the whole time.'heads turned when they her clapping and both were thinking the same thing.`Why didn't I sense someone behind me?'

Blue eyes widened while golden eyes narrowed.

`Wow…he looks like a God… never could trust in a pretty face …but still, something about him…'

`Feh…kitsune filth…most likely just wants the jewel.'

“Who are you, and what do you want?” She questioned in an authoritative tone.

Golden eyes sparkled with mirth and silver hair waved in an unseen wind.

“The name is,” He bowed at this point. “Yoko Kurama. I happened to be in the area on…business when I happened to come across your beautiful voice.”

Kagome raised an eyebrow and her face remained indifferent. “Is that so?”

`Kitsune.'thought in her mind.

“May I be graced with a name from the beautiful angel that stands before me.”

She raised a brow.`Definitely a kitsune.'sighed and offered a small smile.

“My name is-” Before she could proceed with the introduction Inuyasha jumped out of the tree and landed in front of her with his sword drawn.

“You wouldn't happen to be that famous thief I've heard so much about?”

Yoko raised a delicate eyebrow. He had known the mutt was there but he did not count on him coming to the aid of a human…much less a miko.


He watched as the annoyed girl glared at the half-demon's back. She stepped around him and stood on his right side. She raised her left arm and situated her hand in front of his face. The hanyou paled slightly as her palm began to glow. A pink light shot out her hand and blasted him into the hot spring behind her. She ducted her head slightly as her arm dropped.


Yoko watched mildly amused as hundreds of bubbles found their way to the surface.

`Very interesting…so she's stronger than her body gives her credit for. I should take care not to underestimate her.' His eyes then landed on the clear container around her neck. ‘Well look at what I found’ He mused. ‘What luck.’

“Sorry about that…as I was saying,” She raised her head and gave him a lopsided grin. “The name is Higurashi…Kagome Higurashi.” Before he could respond both heads turned to the undergrowth as a high-pitched scream echoed through the forest. Kagome's eyes widened.

“Mai?” She muttered.

Yoko glanced at her.`Who's Mai?'

-Approximately 10 minuets ago-

Mai and Shippo continued their trek through the forest after the little spider mishap. Mai was currently entertaining herself by singing the mission impossible theme song while hiding behind random trees. Shippo joined her and started singing it also.

“Dun dun da da dun dun da dum… Dun dun da da dun dun da dum…Foxy? Are you in range? Over.” She had a walkie-talkie near her face and was hiding behind a tree. At first she got static then Shippo's voice rang out.

“That's a positive illusen (1), over.” She peeked her head from behind the tree to observe their prey. “I have a visual Foxy. Prepare to attack in 3…” Sweat dripped down her brow.


Shippo's finger's twitched with anticipation as he got ready to use his foxfire.




Mai jumped out from behind the tree waving her sword as Shippo shot blue flames out his fist. She slashed their opponent in half as Shippo's foxfire set it on...well fire. The stick man she created was now a pile of ashes. She put her sword back in its scabbard and grinned. She high-fived Shippo and he grinned also.

“Good job privateer Shippo. You have done well.” She saluted him and he returned the gesture. “Thank you captain Auntie Mai. I try my best.” They both laughed and Mai returned the walkie-talkies back to her bag. “Well it’s time to set off solder. We are still on a mission. ABOU FACE! MARCH! HUP 2, 3, 4 HUP 2, 3, 4…PRIVATEER WHY HAVE YOU STOPPED MOVING…PRIVATEER…Shippo?”

Mai stared at the frozen fox demon. His tail had bristled and he was starting to shake. He turned his head and was staring at something behind her. “Ca……be-behind y-you.” He lifted a shaking arm and was pointing. Mai's eyes followed his fingers and she froze. Emerald eyes slowly widened. What she saw was the biggest…spider…ever.took a deep breath and let it out in an ear-piercing scream. The spider roared and choose that moment to attack.

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Kagome and Yoko watched as the trees and plants start to shake. Something was coming…and that something was big. Whatever it was had a jewel shard and she needed to get it before this Yoko guy found out. She drew her sword and watched interestingly as Yoko pulled out a rose from his…hair?

“Over here Auntie Mai! I can smell Okaa-san!” Shippo bust through the bushes followed by Mai. She was panting and all of a sudden grinned. She took a few steps back and reached behind her back and into the backpack she was carrying. The trembling got worse and Mai pulled an impossibly large bat out her pack. She slipped the bag off her shoulders and threw it at Yoko. He caught it before it hit his face and blinked. Mai had pulled two batting gloves out her pocket and was now standing in position. She stuck her butt out and held the bat up swinging it a little, as if she was going to hit a ball. Kagome hit the palm of her hand to her forehead.

`Great...what has she done now?'

The spider youkai bust through the trees and bushes surrounding the area and roared. It was big…very big and like Kagome said it had two jewel shards in its back. It was most likely something Naraku sent. Kagome looked at Mai and sighed as she put her sword back in its scabbard and picked up Shippo, who was still trembling in fear. Yoko stepped back and quirked an eyebrow.`And just what does that human think she is going to accomplish with that stick?'

Mai pulled the bat back and swung with all her might. The spider youkai went sailing across the clearing and into a large tree and the bat cracked in half. The youkai crashed into same tree Inuyasha had been occupying. They all herd a sickening crack as it connected with the rough bark.

Yoko’s eyes dissapered into his bangs.`Wow…that was…surprising.'


Mai continued to prance around the clearing ignoring the weird stares she was getting from everyone. Kagome walked over to the partly dead youkai and touched it with glowing fingers. It disintegrated and all that was left was the two shards. Mai was spinning in a circle still singing when she tripped and landed on a hardly amused fox demon. He was watching Kagome carefully trying to figure out the best way to steal the shards she possessed without being purified on the spot. He was about to make his move when that irritating onna bumped into him. HARD. Throwing him off balance.

They landed on the ground with an audible `OUF' coming from both of them. Mai blushed from embarrassment then stared into his eyes captured in the color. Kagome grinned.`Do I smell a romance?'

Mai’s eyes narrowed and she struggled beneath the fox.
“Who the hell are you!?”

Kagome sighed.`I guess not.'

She put the jewels in the container that contained the other shards. Shippo jumped into her arms and she kissed him on his forehead. She glanced at her cousin and the kitsune. They were still on the ground glaring at each other at each other. Yoko could have taken control of the situation a long time ago but these two women peaked his interest. They weren’t like the women from here.

‘This is ridiculous, no human woman is this strong.’ His eyes narrowed. ‘Something isn’t right here. I sense something within this girl. A fire...And that one carries the Jewel, What is going on here?’ They were a mystery to him. And oh, how does he love a good mystery.

Yoko smirked, amusement in his eyes. Mai was still glaring at him and jumped up. She crossed her arms still glaring at the `golden-eyed God.'

`Oh my Kami. I did not just think what I think I thunk.'blush appeared on her cheeks as she watched him get up and dust himself off. “Yoko Kurama, at your service angel.”

Mai scoffed. “That's a new one.” She muttered loud enough for him to hear. Suddenly a loud splash was made by the hot spring. Kagome turned around and started walking back to camp. She lifted a hand and waved. “I'll see you guys later.” Mai looked up and saw an enraged Inuyasha come tumbling down. She jumped backwards and skidded to a stop using her hand, the broken bat leaning against her shoulder. She stood up and seethed at the half-demon.

“Where is he! Damn kitsune filth!” Inuyasha pointed the Tessaiga atYoko, who had been oddly silent though everything that happened so far. He quirked an eyebrow at the half demons challenge. With his rose still in his fingers he examined the hanyou with mild interest.

`What a waste of time. Maybe I should just kill the stupid animal. He seems to be the source of a lot of animosity.’

“What the hell is your problem Inuyasha! You could have killed me!”  Mai glared as she pointed her broken bat in his direction. “What are you trying to do you stupid mutt!”

Inuyasha glanced at the seething girl and scowled. “What the fuck are you doing here wench? Why don't you go home to mommy and cry.” He taunted.

Mai's eyes narrowed. “Don't. You. Dare…” She said in a trembling voice. Yoko frowned at this point. He herd the tremble in Mai’s voice couldn't tell if it was from anger or sadness. Either way he didn’t like it.

“Oh that's right. You can't!”

Mai dropped the bat and ducted her head. Her fist clenched at her sides, the rubber of the gloves making a soft noise. “Stop.” She said in a small voice.

“And its all your fault isn't it?”


“There dead. And it's all your fault. If they didn't have to pick you up then they might be alive right now.” Mai fell to her knees and covered her ears with her hands.


Yoko had enough of the half-breeds mouth. He too lost his parents at a young age and felt sympathy for the young girl.


Before Inuyasha knew what was happening, he was sent sailing into a tree and rendered unconscious. Yoko turned his whip back into a rose and it disappeared.

He walked over to the girl and bent down next to her. A clawed finger lifted up her chin and he stared into her emerald eyes. There were no tears, and he respected her a little more for that. She was shaking uncontrollably though and her eyes were wide and haunted, like a lost child who's only been through pain and suffering. He sighed and raked a hand through his hair. He pulled out a rather large seed and used his influence over plants to make it grow. A yellow flower appeared and he waved it under Mai's nose. Her body slumped forward and her head landed on his shoulder.

He picked her up bridal style and sniffed the air trying to find the miko’s sent. Once he found it he set off to return the girl.

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“Yes my little Shippo.” Shippo looked annoyed when she said little but ignored it for now. They were back at camp and were helping Sango and Miroku pack.

“Why did we leave auntie Mai with that other kitsune guy and Inuyasha.” Kagome gave a nervous laugh when Miroku and Sango's heads turned toward them. They were both giving her the `You-did-what?' look.

“Uh…well Kurama is a good person and umm…well…”

“You just didn't want to deal with Inuyasha's so you left them there to keep him busy for a while.”

“Exactly!…wait.” Kagome looked over at Sango, who had a knowing smirk on her face, and blushed. “It's not like that…plus he's bringing her back right now.”

“How do you kno-”

The silver haired kitsune landed  a few feet away from them with Mai in his arms. Kagome grinned while everyone else looked at her thinking the same thing. `How the hell does she do that?'walked over to the golden eyed man and smiled.

“So what happened to her now?”

“That half-demon Inuyasha, I think brought up her parents, who I suspect are dead?” Kagome nodded silently telling him to continue with her eyes. “The strain was to much for her, so I used the pollen of one of my plants to put her asleep. She should awaken within a few hours.”

Kagome's eyes hardened and her mouth set into a firm line. “And of Inuyasha?”


She nodded her head and took Mai from his arms. “Thank youYoko, I owe you one.”

His eyes narrowed, “I will hold you to that one day miko.”He looked down at the emerald-eyed girl. A rose appeared in his hands and he placed it in the palm of the unconscious girl. The thorn-less stem wrapped around her wrist. Yoko nodded his head in farewell and disappeared into the forest.

Kagome carried the still unconscious girl into the hut and lied her down on one of the soft mats. She stared at Mai's face for a moment before brushing her bangs away.

`Looks like we'll be staying here for another day…feel better Mai.'stood up and went outside to help the other's finish packing.

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(1) Some earth fairy from neopets (got it from my little brother) she has green eyes and hair so I decided to use her name.

Read and review please!

I love you all!



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