InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome, the New Night Dragon ❯ Changes ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaim: I do not own Inuyasha and group but I do own Kaela (me), Tsuku, and Kona. Enjoy.
Chapter 2: Changes
Tsuku was waiting for Lady Kaela in the courtyard of her castle when a human looking version of Kaela walked out. She wore a black fighting kimono with a silver Chinese-like dragon wrapping from the bottom right to her left shoulder. Her black, waist length hair was pulled into a low pony-tail.
“Waiting long, Tsuku?” sky blue eyes showing humor as she smiled to the young man.
“Lady Kaela? You look so…different.” Tsuku said as he stared at Kaela. “It has been a while since you were in human form but why would you need it now.”
“It makes traveling a bit safer. Come on, Silver.” Kaela said and turned to a silver dragon. (Think Ah-Un except one head and wings.)
A low growl was heard from the dragon as Kaela mounted it. Tsuku and Silver unfurled their wings and took flight. Tsuku lead them to where he last felt the presence of his mother.
~*~With the Inu group~*~
“Kagome, are you sure you're feeling okay? If not we could spend this day resting.” asked Sango as they were getting their things together.
“I'm fine really.” Kagome said smiling. The group had taken a day off so Kagome could rest and so they could figure out where they should go to next.
“We're a day late. So lets hurry up and leave already.” yelled Inuyasha, impatience with them for being so slow.
“I want to go back to the clearing to pay my respects before we leave.” Kagome said as she stood.
“Feh. Fine but we're all going so we can make sure you stay out of trouble.” Inuyasha said as he started for the clearing.
“How thoughtful of you Inuyasha. Who would have thought you had a heart for a dragon?” laughed Miroku. Kagome, Sango, and Shippo also joined on the light laughter.
~*~In the Clearing~*~
“This is the place where I last felt my mother. Her jewel should be here.” Tsuku said as he helped Kaela off Silver.
“Yes, unless someone took it from her dying body.” Kaela said as she looked around. “I sense a dragon's jewel coming this way.” Tsuku nodded and prepared himself incase he needed to protect Kaela. That was the scene Inuyasha and the others came upon.
“Who are you and what do you want?” Inuyasha yelled drawing Tetsusaiga.
“We should be asking you the same thing.” Tsuku said looking over the group and putting his hand on the hilt of his sword. His red haori and hakama matched that of Inuyasha's expect for the black dragons on the sleeves and dragon claws on the legs.
`Tsuku, we don't want to be disrespectful to your mother's resting place.' Kaela said spreading her senses to locate the jewel. Tsuku nodded and lowered his hand.
“Please, we don't mean any harm. We're just looking for our friend's jewel. You see she just recently pasted away and her jewel would mean a lot to her son.” Kaela explained smiling.
`Lady Kaela, why not try and summon it to you?' Tsuku asked, he heard from his mother that the Eastern Family could summon a dragon's jewel if that dragon has passed on.
“Feh, we don't have some stupid jewel.” Inuyasha said, eyeing them. Suddenly, the black dragon's jewel around Kagome's neck started to glow.
“The jewel has chosen a new bearer.” Kaela said watching as Kagome was lifted into the air and transformed. When Kagome was placed back on the ground, she had black wings and a black dragon tail. Her hair was darker with silver streaks and her eyes held a moon yellow color.
“Just like Mother.” Tsuku whispered knowing all the youkai near him could hear.
Everyone stared at Kagome. Amazement, shock, and slight horror spend through the Inu group.
All Kagome could do was stare at her new pink tinted claws.
Kaela smiled, watching Tsuku closely. Kagome looked just like her old friend Midnight.
“Welcome to your new life, Kagome.” Said Kaela.