InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome, the New Night Dragon ❯ Meeting the Teacher ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: Meeting the Teacher
The lords, plus Kaela, were discussing the threat of Naraku. The other ladies were chatting with Kagome and Sango in one of the gardens and just entertaining themselves, waiting for their husbands. The other ladies were very nice and polite. Shippo was playing with the children but poor Rin was in the western wing and away from everyone else. That morning, Kaela had brought breakfast up for her, Sesshoumaru, and Jaken so they could eat together, almost like a family.
~*~In the meeting~*~
“Naraku is within my lands. He has threatened my family more than once. We need to stop him.” the southern lord all but yelled. He was a falcon youkai. His long brown hair pulled back in a low pony tail, while his piercing golden brown eyes looked on to see what reaction he would get.
“We will get him as soon as we figure something out, Ryutai. Until then we will remain calm so we can think clearly.” Kaela stated as her own piercing eyes locked with his.
“Sit down, Ryutai, so we may continue.” Sesshomaru said, voice as emotionless as ever.
“Your family may stay in my castle to keep them safe if you wish. It would be a shame to see that heir of yours killed along with your wife and daughter.” the northern lord offered. The black wolf youkai was a kind hearted person but when it came to a fight then he was rather cold-hearted. His ocean blue eyes have always been a window to his soul that he only closes in battle.
“We'll discuss the protection of our families after we figure out what we're going to do about the monstrous hanyou.” Kaela said getting a bit annoyed. She wanted this to be over as soon as possible.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door to the meeting room and entered a servant. She bowed low in respect. “Lady Kaela, the teacher you ask for is here.”
“Thank you, Nanaku. You are dismissed.” Nanaku bowed and left. “If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, but I for one would like to spend some time with my guests. We will continue this later when everyone has calmed back down.” Kaela said as she got up and left. The other lords soon did the same.
Kaela walked to the garden that Kagome and the others were in. Shippo, jumping up on her shoulder asked, “Is my teacher here?”
“Yes, Shippo, he is. He should be in my study by now. Kagome, would you like join us?” Kagome nodded and followed her to her study. Shippo excited hopping on Kaela's shoulder.
They just entered the room when they heard a voice from behind Kaela's desk.
“About time you got here, Kaela.”
“Shippo meet your new teacher, Yoko Kurama.”
“The legendary thief Yoko Kurama?” asked Shippo curiously.
“The one and only.” Smiled the silver kitsune youkai.
“I'm not sure I like the fact a thief is going to teach Shippo.” Kagome said grabbing the young kitsune off Kaela's shoulder.
“Kagome, I assure you that Yoko is the perfect teacher for Shippo. He has the most knowledge of kitsune magic around.”
“Okay, I suppose it will be fine.” Kagome was still kind of nervous about the whole thing.
“So this is Shippo, eh? Well this will be fun.” Yoko smirked.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Yoko.” Kagome smiled sweetly. `He kind of looks like Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.'
“No the pleasure is mine.” Yoko gave one of his most charming smiles. Kaela just rolled her eyes.
I hope you guys like this chapter. I just decided that I was going to make this story into a crossover with YuYu. Love you guys. R&R please.