InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome vs. the Modern Era ❯ Interference ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome had to give a lot of credit to Kurama. He kept his hands to himself, that is, until they stumbled into the elevator of his apartment complex.

As soon as the doors had closed, Kagome found herself caged between Kurama’s hard body and the back wall of the lift, his hands on either side of her head. He began with a direct assault to her neck, gently nibbling and soothing the soft, creamy skin there. Kagome’s breath caught in her throat as his talented mouth moved down to dance across her exposed collarbone.

Kurama briefly registered a vibrating sensation coming from his pocket, but the thought was shoved to the back of his mind when Kagome’s arms came around the back of his neck to entangle in his flaming locks. Kurama’s attention shifted back to her neck, to her jaw, then finally sought out her succulent lips.

The elevator doors pinged open, and Kurama shifted his hands down her body to cup her ass and lift her. Naturally, her legs wrapped around his waist. Without breaking their intense lip lock, he strode out of the elevator cradling the miko. Somehow he fluidly managed to fish the keys from his pocket, unlock the door, and slam the door open.

‘Distracted, fox?’

Kurama stopped dead in his tracks, almost losing his grip on Kagome. There, leaning against the open window of is living room, was the shadowy outline of Hiei, his arms casually crossed over his chest as if he wasn’t interrupting anything.

Kagome swung her head around to look at why Kurama had nearly sent her ass tumbling to the floor and immediately had to quell the strong urge to shock the little bugger miko-style. How had they both missed the hybrid’s dark aura? ‘Well, that’s not difficult to answer,’ thought Kagome.

‘Indeed,’ replied Hiei with a knowing smirk.

“Oh, stuff it, shorty!” growled Kagome as she turned her attention back to the kitsune lowering her to the ground. “Kurama-kun? May I please use your bathroom?”

Shaking his head to clear the mental images of strangling his friend with various plants of doom (to which Hiei raised an amused eyebrow), Kurama softened his gaze and replied, “Of course. Down the hall, first door on the left.”

Throwing the hybrid a fierce glare, Kagome turned tail towards the direction of the bathroom, straightening out her dress and grumbling under her breath along the way.

Kurama waited until he heard the click of the bathroom door before narrowing his eyes at Hiei. “My patience is thin, Hiei. For your own benefit, I should hope there is good reason for your presence. Explain.”

While Hiei rather enjoyed seeing Kurama’s rare display of anger, he decided not to push that ire further for the time being. “Hn. Koenma needs to see us immediately. Had you not been so preoccupied with that onna, you would have answered your Rekai communicator.”

Kurama was really irritated now, though the only outward show of what he was feeling was the clenching of his fists against his side. ‘What kind of mess has Koenma gotten the Ningenkai into this time? It better be nothing short of an apocalypse!’

“Unbelievable. I’ll have to escort Kagome to her apartment first.”

“Don’t be silly, Kurama. I can catch a cab uptown,” supplied Kagome as she rejoined the two youkai. “It’s no problem, really.” She looked up at him and pouted. “It’s just too bad our evening must be cut short, but duty calls, ne? I had a wonderful time, Kurama-kun.”

“Hai, me too. I’ll walk you out.” Turning to Hiei, Kurama continued, “Go on ahead to the Rekai. I’ll join you and the others momentarily.”

Hiei acknowledge Kurama with a nod and disappeared through the window as a black blur.

Outside of his apartment building, Kurama hailed his girlfriend a taxi. He opened the door, but before she could hop into the back, he held her in his arms and whispered,

“I truly am sorry for having to end this night. May I see you tomorrow? After all, you were never punished for your scandalous behavior and that sexy performance earlier.”

“I should hope I’ll see you tomorrow. You will have to try extra hard to make up for leaving me hanging, Kurama,” drawled Kagome as she started circling his nipple through the fabric of his black dress shirt. She laughed when his breath hitched. “Lunch tomorrow at my place? I’m not taking no for an answer.” She kissed him then climbed into the old, tan leather interior of the cab.

“You have my word. Until tomorrow, my vixen.”

“And Kurama?”


“Be safe.” Then, she closed the door and watched his fading frame through the back window as the taxi drove further and further away.

Kagome stared out the window, the flashing neon lights of downtown Tokyo all meshing into streaks of rainbow lines as the cab tore down the street. She anxiously wondered what kind of peril Kurama would be thrown into tonight. ‘He’s strong and smart and has endured so much. He’ll be fine,’ she tried to reassure herself, pushing away the nagging uneasiness lurking in her mind. She leaned against the window, closing her eyes just for a minute…

The cab stopped in front of her building. Stepping from the vehicle, she snapped her electric eyes to settle on a black stretch limo parked in front of the cab. ‘That’s strange. I wonder whom that belongs to? Probably some arrogant, rich prick trying to compensate for something,’ Kagome suspected with a roll of her eyes. She ignored the limo and turned to walk into the building, looking down to fish her keys out of her purse, when all of a sudden, a very distinctive, familiar youki aura of brute and brash power radiated from the limo and overwhelmed her senses. ‘The aura was concealed until now. How?’

The doors of the limo swung open as the source emerged from the dark interior.

Kagome froze, and the forgotten purse and keys tumbled to the cracked concrete sidewalk.

‘No. I-It couldn’t be…’

Molten gold irises, the eyes that once made her adolescent heart flutter uncontrollably and her entire body flush, connected with her tear glistened, brilliant blues.

“Miss me, wench?” asked Inuyasha, dressed in a black business suit with subtle white pinstripes and a black fedora covering his signature puppy ears. He came to stand directly in front of her. Inuyasha cradled her head with his rough, clawed hands. Her hands rested lightly on his chest, searching for confirmation that it was really Inuyasha standing before her.

There. Under the layers of his modern clothing, Kagome felt the kotodama rosary.

“Don’t tell me you’re speechless? I didn’t know you were capable of such a thing!” chided Inuyasha, his face lowering to hers. His lips brushed hers lightly before retreating. “Well?”

Kagome mumbled something, which caused Inuyasha to let out a barking laugh.

“Of course I’m wearing shoes, Kagome. This isn’t the Feudal Era. I’ve waited 500 years for this moment, and that’s the best you can give me? Crazy, wench,” he said, tweaking her nose then he stroked her cheek, wiping away the stray tears that fell from her eyes.

Kagome collapsed into his arms and hugged him as tight as possible, as if he could vanish into thin air at any moment. She heard Inuyasha take a deep whiff and stiffen.

“You reek of (sniff)… kitsune,” accused Inuyasha. He pushed her away from his warm body abruptly.

“His name is Kurama,” she winced when he growled lightly. “Still as possessive as ever I see.”

“Y-you didn’t wait for me.” The tone of his voice made her heart shatter and ache for him.

Suddenly, Inuyasha started shaking her. “Lady! Hello? Wake up!”

‘Wait that’s not Inuyasha’s voice.’ Inuyasha’s face started to morph and mutate into a balding, dark-haired man with a very unattractive mole right smack in the middle of his eyes and an untamed moustache devouring his upper lip.

“What? Wh-Where am I?” questioned Kagome as she returned to consciousness.

“This is your stop, right?” answered the cabbie.

“Yeah. Umm, right. Here you go,” she said and handed him a wad of cash, not even sure how much yen she had forked over. She exited the cab, strode through the lobby doors, and made it up to her apartment in a hazy fog.

‘It was just a dream.’ Kagome mentally kicked herself and reached up to touch the solitary tear rolling down her cheek. She crossed her living room to stare out the window. ‘Why now? Is this a sign? Are you out there and looking for me, Inuyasha? No. He would have been at the shrine the day the well closed, right? So many questions. I’ve never had a dream so real before. Kaede always said that a miko’s dreams could be much more than they really are. He was… He was just like I remember, minus the modern clothes and all. His body was so warm and comforting, his voice… so vulnerable when he smelled Kurama’s scent on me. What does it mean? I need answers, damnit!’

Now she was frustrated. How could she get the answers she needed? The dream had really shaken her up. The more she thought about it, the more sure she was that Inuyasha was still alive somewhere. ‘What about this Makai place? I’ve heard an awful lot about it from Keiko-chan. That’s why there aren’t any demons here, aside from those rogue ones who break through the barrier and the detectives. But then again, in the dream, Inuyasha was concealing his aura. Maybe he IS in Tokyo? Great. More questions.’

She broke away from the window and moved to the bedroom to change into some pajamas, still contemplating and going around in circles with the whole Inuyasha dream sequence. Thinking of Inuyasha so much right now made her feel a little guilty, even though she still only thought of him as her most loved friend. ‘Maybe I should tell Kurama of the dream. He may be able to use his connections with the Rekai to find out if Inuyasha is at least alive or not. Even if he is… d-dead, maybe Sesshoumaru or Kouga are still alive. Full youkai do have considerably longer life spans than humans at least.’ She began to chew her lip nervously and pulled on a green camisole with matching white and green striped baggy, cotton pants.

‘Could I really ask Kurama to do that for me? He said before that he would find out what happened to my friends. Would he really follow through, though?’ Now she felt really guilty for doubting her new lover. ‘Kuso, Kagome! Kurama is honest and has nothing to hide, even if he was a little jealous of Inuyasha before, that’s just a flaw that comes along with all male youkai. It’s inscribed into their DNA or something. Comes with the territory, I suppose,’ she thought, blowing a few pieces of stray bangs out of her face.

She pulled back the covers of her comforter and slipped inside the cream-colored silk sheets. With new determination, Kagome made a vow before succumbing to sleep:

‘Tomorrow begins the search to uncover the past and just maybe, find Inuyasha in the process. Whatever it takes, I will find out what happened to all of my friends.’

– x – x – x – x – x –

Surprise, surprise! No lemon. They can’t be boning all the time, you know?

I’m trying to get back to some kind of plot, as you can tell. Trust me, there’ll be plenty of lemons in the future.

Shout out to my reviewers: kitsunegirl48, squeefan, and inuyashagirl5!

Thanks for the great comments so far everyone! Keep letting me know how I’m doing. This is my first fic, so I’d really love feedback, positive and/or negative.

Next chapter: What’s happening in the Rekai while Kagome was having her Inuyasha dream sequence?

Expect Chapter 9 to be up soon!

Updated Author’s Note (12/02/07): Chapter 9 will have to be put off until at least Wednesday night because I have finals this week. After finals, I have a month off of school for the holidays so I’ll definitely update more frequently!

Wish me luck!
xoxo sammy_sakura