InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome vs. the Modern Era ❯ You Gotta Have Soul ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Gomen! Gomen! Gomen! And a million more ‘gomens’ after that!

The holidays brought about some unexpected turn of events. Add school to the mix and well, I was unable to update before Christmas as I had previously promised.

LEMON at the end of chapter… you have been forewarned.

xoxo sammy_sakura

On with the show…

Koenma paced frantically back and forth in front of his disorderly desk.

Yusuke and Kuwabara stood off to the side exchanging insults and empty threats, while Keiko and Botan chatted amicably about the latest Rekai and Ningenkai gossip.

Hiei was propped against the wall, eyes closed, ignoring everyone in the room and their meaningless banter.

Enter Kagome and Kurama.

The fox was the first to step through the portal, turning around to extend his hand to the miko. Kagome gracefully emerged, taking a brief scan at the familiar and unfamiliar faces around the room.

“Kago-chan!” squealed Keiko, lunging for her cousin. Kagome didn’t miss the narrow-eyed gaze of the blue-haired woman Keiko was previously engaging in conversation.

‘She’s clearly not a fan of me,’ thought Kagome, arching a trimmed eyebrow as she hugged Keiko. The woman’s aura went from bubbly to seething within a fraction of a second. ‘Death. She must be the grim reaper Keiko-chan has spoken of.’

When Keiko released Kagome, the miko had to suppress an amused grin at the pacifier-wielding toddler prince who came before her.

“Kagome-sama, I am Koenma, Prince of the Rekai, Son of Enma,” he formally stated. “It is an honor to finally meet the Shikon Miko.” The demigod shocked the room by bowing to Kagome.

Blushing slightly, Kagome recovered, “Oh, please, such formalities are wasted upon me. My name is Kagome,” she knelt down to Koenma and continued, “What is this I hear about questioning the intentions of my power?”

It was Koenma’s turn to blush. He stuttered, “I-I must confess, Kagome, that I used that as an excuse for you to be called here.”

The whole room sweat-dropped, minus Hiei who rolled his crimson eyes. Koenma remained oblivious and spoke again,

“I have always wanted to meet the miko of legends who helped destroy Naraku and restore the Shikon no Tama. My father and Lord Sesshoumaru have spoken of you frequently over the centuries, and I couldn’t help but to be intrigued.”

Kagome smiled kindly at Koenma and replied, “Well, then, here I am. I’m very pleased to meet you as well.”

Yusuke, who had remained reluctantly silent during this display, interjected, “This was why we all had to come here, toddler?” He winced when Keiko took the opportunity to elbow him in the ribs. “What was that for? I got better things to do than this!”

Keiko ignored her boyfriend. “I think what Yusuke meant to ask was if there is another reason you summoned all of us here, Koenma-sama?”

Koenma ceased glaring at Yusuke and sighed, “Not particularly.”

“Aw, hell!” bellowed the ever-rowdy detective. “Why I ought–,”

He was interrupted however as George, the blue ogre, burst through the doors to Koenma’s office. He scuttled over hurriedly to the demigod and began whispering in Koenma’s little ear. The Rekai prince’s eyes widened, and he looked towards the open doors of his office.

“Very well, George,” dismissed Koenma. He spoke to Kagome, “You have a visitor.”

Kagome was confused. ‘Visitor? That’s odd. Then again, I’m in the Spirit World talking to a baby. Expect the unexpected.’ Quite suddenly, her miko senses began going haywire as the approaching aura closed in. She instantly recognized who owned said aura. ‘N-No! She can’t be!’ She took a glance at youkai in the room.

Kurama, Yusuke, and Hiei were in battle ready positions, their youki naturally becoming defensive. This aura was similar to Kagome’s but unmistakably different. And dead.

A haunting woman, dressed in red and white priestess garbs seemed to float through the doorway and into their presence. Her face was eerily similar to Kagome’s, but paler and colder. Her lifeless brown orbs were focused solely on the blue eyes of Kagome.

“Kikyo,” Kagome coldly stated.

The older priestess coolly did a head-to-toe assessment of the younger miko. Sticking her pointed noise in the air haughtily, she finally replied,


Kagome growled under her breath, which the youkai in the room did not miss, and clenched her fists. ‘Figures.’

“To what do I owe the pleasure, Kikyo? Am I correct to assume you are really dead this time around?” questioned Kagome, who was quite pleased to see the momentary narrowing of her incarnation’s dark chocolate eyes.

Kikyo let out a very un-Kikyo-like snort. “My existence as a consumer of souls in a clay body was no longer required after the destruction of Naraku and the disappearance of the Shikon no Tama. It was only a necessity to occupy that form for those purposes.”

“Right, right. As I recall, you also had another goal in the works. What of Inuyasha? Did you try to take him to Hell with you?” bluntly asked Kagome, letting a little anger seep into her voice. She needed to know.

Her and Inuyasha didn’t really mention Kikyo a whole lot after their initial joining or during the time of their romantic relationship. She knew Inuyasha would go to the dead miko about matters concerning Naraku when she was relatively near, and he would only be gone from camp no longer than five or ten minutes. Kagome also knew Inuyasha didn’t love the golem that was Kikyo, but cherished her memory. That was fine by Kagome. Her trust in the half youkai was infallible.

There was one instance where the human miko and hanyou couple were walking hand in hand back to camp after a midnight romp when they had encountered Kikyo. No words had been spoken. Kikyo had turned her nose up in disgust at the pair and disappeared, soul-suckers and all, back into the dense foliage of the surrounding forest. Inuyasha and Kagome had simply looked at each other, shrugged, and continued down the trodden path, fingers still entwined.

“That is none of your concern. Just because you shared carnal pleasures with Inuyasha does not give you privy to our conversations prior to or after your departure,” answered Kikyo. Her tone was unemotional and uncaring, as if Kagome was merely a stain on her soul’s carpet.

Kagome was inwardly fuming. The other occupants of the room, minus Kurama and Keiko, who were aware of Kagome and Inuyasha’s relationship, found renewed interest in the tense interaction between the two mikos.

‘Kagome was banging the hanyou! Keiko left out that detail surprisingly. She thrives on Kagome’s sex life!’ mused Yusuke with a lecherous grin on his face. He had to admit he found Kagome very attractive and considered his fox friend a very lucky youkai. ‘Kurama’s probably pissed.’ The detective snuck a glance at Kurama, noticing his impassive face. ‘Guess he already knew.’

Hiei didn’t really have an opinion, but his curiosity in the onna was a little piqued. He couldn’t understand why a human female miko would choose to have sexual relations with male demons or vice versa. ‘What is it about this onna? The fox has practically claimed her as his own,’ Hiei took a sniff and wrinkled his nose, ‘more than enough times over.’ He’d have to have a discussion with Kurama in regards to the miko in order to sate these troublesome curiosities.

Kagome’s aura was beginning to flare with her rising anger. Normally she wouldn’t let Kikyo get to her, but the older miko’s appearance and nonchalance was really infuriating. She briefly considered pouncing and throttling the cold bitch. ‘Can you strangle the dead?’ she thought with a smirk. She regained her calmness instantly.

Kikyo raised an eyebrow in question, and her mouth quirked up in a queer, thin-lipped smile. Now officially creeped out, Kagome broke the standing silence.

“Listen here, incarnation,” she chanted in a mocking tone, “The relationship I had with Inuyasha is not pertinent to this conversation. Why do you stand before me now?”

“I come to return the portion of soul that rightfully belongs to you.”

Kagome gasped. How had she forgotten that a part of her soul was nonexistent inside her body? “M-My soul? But you haven’t needed it for 500 years! Couldn’t you have just zapped it to me or something?” she exclaimed. At that moment, Kagome sounded very much like her fifteen year old self.

“Unfortunately, souls can not be ‘zapped’ as you so eloquently put it,” spat Kikyo as she glided closer to Kagome.

Kagome wasn’t exactly thrilled by the proximity of her once love rival. Kikyo now stood about a foot away from her. In a flash, Kikyo had closed the distance between their bodies and crushed her mouth to Kagome’s. Kagome was too shocked to even fathom what the hell was going on, but began struggling to free herself from the cold lip-lock nonetheless.

Everyone in the room was equally as stunned by the woman’s actions.

Kagome ceased flailing and closed her eyes as a soothing, mist-like warmth passed from the dead miko’s mouth and into her own, down her throat, and spread out to touch her heart and pour throughout her entire body.

Kurama was unsure as to what was going on, but kept his eyes locked onto Kagome for any sign that something wrong might be happening. He, as well as the others, was entranced by the soft pink glow that began to surround Kagome. The radiance was seeping out of the miko’s pores.

Kagome, still attached by the lips to her former self, snapped her eyes open. The color of her eyes had shifted into the same iridescent pink they had reverted to when she brought forth her miko powers the other day. Kikyo retreated abruptly as Kagome sucked in a breath and fell to the ground in a heap, writhing in pain, still engulfed in the pink light.

“Kagome-chan!” yelled Keiko, her eyes starting to water at the sight of her cousin and best friend clearly in a lot of distress.

Kurama immediately rushed to the side of his Kagome, but was forcefully stopped by a barrier put up by Kikyo. Angrily slashing at the force field with his rose whip, Kurama icily commanded,

“Drop the barrier. What are you playing at miko?”

“Silence. The piece of her soul has been separated from her for a long time. Be patient, youkai,” retorted Kikyo just as coolly.

Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei, although he wasn’t sure why, joined a now red-eyed Kurama in trying to dispel the dead miko’s barrier, but it was to no avail.

Suddenly, Kagome’s body drew taut, and she arched her back off the ground while whimpering. The soft pink glow was violently sucked back into her body like a vacuum, and it was over.

Kagome lay motionless on the alabaster floor of the Rekai office with her eyes wide open, clutching her chest and panting heavily.

Kikyo dropped her barrier and without a word, disappeared through the doors from whence she came.

Kurama rushed to Kagome and scooped her up into his calming embrace. Kagome instantly flung her arms around him, buried her face in the crook of his neck, and breathed,

“Home. Now.”

Sparing the others a departing glance, he created a portal into his girlfriend’s apartment.

Everyone was still dumbstruck as to what the hell had just occurred right before his or her very eyes.

In Kagome’s apartment, Kurama, who was still reeling from the impact of his increased youki, carried the heavily panting miko in his arms to her bedroom. When he went to place her on the bed, she refused to relinquish her grasp on him. He joined her on the mattress and began pushing back the youki inside his body. After regaining his bearings, Kurama pried Kagome gently away from him a little ways so he could look into her beautiful face to gauge how she was feeling.

Unexpectedly, he found himself rolled onto his back and underneath a very aroused, lusty-eyed female. Kagome’s curtain of unruly, ebony curls surrounded her gorgeous heart-shaped face, and grazed against his clothed shoulders. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips parted, and that wicked little tongue he so enjoyed tasting was dancing it’s way across her top teeth seductively.

‘Oh, fuck,’ he thought uncharacteristically. The sight of her all hot and bothered accompanied by the alluring, spicy scent of her strong arousal, as well as Kagome’s display of bravado was turning him on. ‘What has gotten into her?’ Not to mention the youki he had just suppressed was ready to be unleashed again in order to pound its dominance into its chosen vixen.

As if hearing his internal question, Kagome huskily coaxed, “My body is on fire, Kurama.” She hastily, but deftly, began unbuckling his belt and fumbling with the closures to his jeans. “I feel so fucking alive. Gods, I need you to fill me. Fuck me, my fox.”

Kurama mustered up the last of his rationality. He grasped her hands and demanded her attention, “Kagome. Are you sure? After what just happened in Rekai–,”

Kagome interjected hotly, “Shut up, shut up! Either you fuck me or I fuck myself!” She dared him by retching one of her hands from his grip and sliding it enticingly under the waste-band of her denim skirt.

That was Kurama’s undoing. His vixen would be shouting his name for all of Tokyo to hear. His eyes flashed red and in an instant, the miko’s back hit the bed. Kurama leaned down, his lip’s a hair’s breath away from hers, and in his most seductive, baritone voice, he growled,

“Do not touch yourself unless I command you to do so. You want me to fuck you, vixen?” His chest rumbled with male pride when Kagome didn’t hesitate to nod her head vigorously, her smoldering blue eyes not leaving his darkening green orbs. “Then fuck you I shall.”

His domineering words and sexy growls made Kagome’s nipples pucker and a warm rush of fluid coat her panties.

Clothes were ripped off and thrown all around the room: hanging off dressers, chairs, or piling haphazardly on the floor.

Kagome bucked wildly against Kurama’s talented fingers as he circled her clit slowly while whispering in her ear, “And how should I take you, Ka-go-me?” His fingers pinched the hardened nub as he continued, “Would you like to ride my cock as I thrust up into you?”

Kagome let out a delicious, throaty moan when he bit her earlobe and stuffed two of his long fingers into her dripping cunt. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? How about if I take you against your bedroom wall so the neighbors can hear me pounding your flesh?”

‘Kami forgive me, I can not get enough of this dirty-mouthed Kurama!’ thought Kagome’s mushy, muddled mind. She was turning into liquid, melting into Kurama’s seductive kitsune nature.

“You’re so wet, my vixen,” Kurama purred on, slamming his fingers in and out of her tightness, viciously circling the pad of his thumb around her sensitized flesh button.

“Unngh! ‘Rama… please!” pleaded a thrashing Kagome as she dug her nails into the skin of his impressive biceps.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me, my beautiful, sexy lover?” he silkily responded. Her inner muscles were beginning to clench tight around his fingers. “Ah, ah, ah. You can’t come yet, vixen,” taunted Kurama. Withdrawing the sinful digits, he chuckled darkly when Kagome whimpered with unabashed want and need.

She glared up at him when she heard that naughty chuckle and let out a feminine growl of complete displeasure. “You’re evil.”

“No, I’m youkai. It’s in my nature,” he said as his eyes bore into hers. She felt as if Kurama could see directly into her newly recombined soul. His mouthed crashed down to hers, and his tongue roughly invaded that sweet little cavern, coaxing her tongue to stroke and slide sensually against his. After a couple seconds, he pulled back, nipped at her lips until he was satisfied with their plush redness, and commanded, “On your hands and knees.”

He sat up and watched infatuated by his miko girlfriend as Kagome presented her firm, but soft and tight little backside to him. Kurama couldn’t suppress the deep rumble of approval that emitted from his youkai even if he tried. He kneaded the smooth, round globes of flesh with his large hands.

Kagome’s juices were beginning to run down the inside of her thighs in anticipation. She bent her head forward and watched from an upside-down angle as Kurama began lining his engorged flesh-rod up with her aching pussy. Kagome was fascinated by the kitsune stroking himself up and down her glistening folds.

Kurama’s cock was coated in her juices, and he hadn’t even entered her hot hole yet. Being a little brazen, Kurama rubbed his slippery, thick mushroom head against the rim of her asshole. Kagome stiffened momentarily, but groaned at the unexpected shock of pleasure that issued forth. Kurama was pleasantly surprised by that reaction and promised to remember to sample that part of her body another time. The head of his cock slid back down, and he unmercifully penetrated his vixen in one smooth, angled thrust.

“YES!” cried Kagome, satisfied to finally be one again with her handsome kitsune boyfriend.

Kurama leaned over her back, embracing his vixen, and began a series of short, hard thrusts, quickly snapping his hips back and forth. His cock was constantly hitting against that deep sweet spot inside Kagome, causing her to moan out his name over and over, like a pleading mantra, her voice rising with each drive.

Kurama’s teeth nipped her pulse point. He bathed the bites with his tongue and whispered deeply, “That’s right, my Kagome. You feel so good and warm. So slick and hot, fuck. I could stay inside you forever.” He nuzzled her cheek for a couple moments then sat back up and renewed his vigor, spreading the cheeks of her ass with his hands and rapidly plunging in and out of her velvety depths.

Kagome was quickly becoming reduced to a puddle of goo. Her arms were burning trying to hold herself up under the force of his jarring thrusts. The headboard was banging against the wall each time Kurama would drive into the miko.

“Ahhh! ‘R-Rama,” Kagome panted throatily. Her voice was becoming strained with all the powerful spasms of pleasure racketing her tiny frame. “Kami, Kuram-ma! I’m gonna cum! Cum with me, baby, p-please!”

Kurama could only grunt in agreement as he increased his speed, drawing forth a great amount of youki to pound repeatedly into the mind-blowing little slip of a woman beneath him. He could feel the tingling in his balls as they slapped noisily against the back of her thighs and the folds of her pussy. His dick twitched and continued to impale Kagome’s rippling center.

Kagome dropped her face into the pillow and muffled out a broken version of Kurama’s name as the peak of her pleasure consumed the miko. Her hot fluids rushed out to coat the male member still slamming feverishly into her sensitive entrance.

The milking walls of Kagome’s pussy triggered Kurama’s climax. Locking their hips together, he thrust forward until his pulsing cock was seated as deep as possible inside Kagome’s shuddering form. Spurts and spurts of his cum shot deep inside the miko, flooding her insides until she was filled with the male essence. Once again, he was forced to battle the overwhelming desire to mark her as his life mate.

Both the kitsune avatar and miko collapsed to the cushioned mattress on their sides still gasping and trembling from the intense shared orgasm racketing their sweat-slickened bodies. Kurama wrapped Kagome in his powerful arms and laved the back of her neck and shoulders with sweet, lazy kisses as the last of his seed leaked from his softening dick. With an audible ‘pop’, Kurama withdrew his organ, smirking in satisfaction at unconscious groan that escaped his lover’s lips.

Kagome turned and buried her face in Kurama’s neck, thanking him with a series of nibbles and swipes of her tongue against his heated skin. She bit down particularly hard when the fox began grazing his fingertips along the curvature of her spine.

The smirk painting Kurama’s face only grew. ‘So sensitive and responsive. I will never tire of making her shiver with pleasure.’

As if sensing his smug look, Kagome tipped her head back, narrowed her cerulean eyes, and crinkled her pert little nose at the fox’s expression.


Crooking a single finger under her chin, Kurama replied silkily against her pout, “I believe good comes to mind. Very good.” Then, he kissed her thoroughly.

“Kami, I don’t know what came over me,” whispered the miko, rolling onto her back and looking at the ceiling. Her arms flew above her head in a drawn-out stretch while Kurama merely arched an eyebrow, propping himself up on an elbow to observe. “If you hadn’t gotten me out sooner, I think I would have ravished you on the floor of Koenma’s office! Could you imagine the look on Hiei’s face if that happened?”

She giggled and put on a scowl and in her best imitation of the hybrid, added, “‘Hn, miko. Cease raping the fox.’

Kurama covered his mouth with his hand to quell his snicker. “You’ll have to reveal to Hiei your impression of him someday.” He received a ‘oh yeah?’ look from Kagome. Kurama nuzzled his nose with her temple. “And as for your reaction earlier, I was equally surprised but definitely not unwilling to comply,” he purred.

“I didn’t think you would have a problem with that,” snorted Kagome. “It’s just so strange. I mean I can’t believe I was missing this piece of my soul for so long without really realizing it. Now that it has returned, I can’t understand how I didn’t feel incomplete before, you know?”

Kurama thought for a second and replied, “I can not say that I know how it feels to have a piece of my soul stolen; however, when Youko and I combined, I experienced a renewed surge of energy. Needless to say, the days following our infusion were occupied by dispelling several unlucky lower level demons from Makai forests.”

“Really?” Kurama nearly laughed at the childish expression of wonderment on his girlfriend’s face.

“Hai, Kagome,” he answered. “I can only surmise that you didn’t realize the impact of an incomplete soul because you had the constant companionship of your friends, as well as your mission to satiate the void.”

“Wow,” sighed Kagome. She curled into Kurama’s warmth and snaked her arms around his bare torso. “Sexy and smart. I like that in a man,” she winked.

Kisses and gropings were exchanged for the next few minutes before exhaustion of the day’s events began to settle in.

“As much as I would like to ravish you right now,” huskily stated Kurama, “I believe rest would be required after today’s activities. We also have a lot on our agenda tomorrow. Your friends will be waiting for you.” He drew the comforter over their naked bodies and kissed Kagome’s forehead chastely.

“Hai, hai,” pouted Kagome, although her eyes were drooping and sliding closed of their own volition.

‘Tomorrow,’ Kagome thought with a brilliant smile on her face before following the seductive pull of slumber.


Next Chapter: Finally! The long awaited reunion of Inuyasha and Kagome.