InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ No One's Listening To Her Tears Anymore ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

No one's listening to her tears anymore
Chapter Six
Kagome got tired of them calling her ((It's a she!)) a he and poked Yusuke. He turned around and saw Kimiko.
“You're our fifth member?”
“Duh. Just get on the boat, Urameshi.” Kagome said walking past the group.
“It's a girl? Girls shouldn't fight!”
“Screw off, baka. Girls can fight.”
“I bet you couldn't even beat Yusuke or Hiei or Kurama or even me!”
“Pft, I could to.” Kagome promptly set his ass on fire. Kuwabara obviously started screaming around and catching random demons on fire.
“Baka.” With a wave of her hand all the fires were put out and everyone was miraculously uninjured. But with Kuwabara, you always know he's going to continue his stupidity. So in this case, continued screaming, which isn't very nice to demon's ears. Fortunately for them, the captain started speaking. He went on about how someone has to go into some rink and fight the other demons as the preliminaries or something like that.
Well, demons being demons, all the demons decided to gang up on the `human' team (which has demons in it). Kagome decided since Yusuke ended up falling asleep, that she should go against them, so she did.
Kuwabara protested, but he was just knocked out. Kurama also protested slightly, but he knew she was a demon so he didn't bug her too much. Any ways, by the time they got to the island there were a lot of demon corpses around. And as soon as Kagome stepped into the hotel, she was on the lookout for Shippo or Sesshomaru.
“Who are you looking for, Kimiko-san?”
“Friends. They said they'd be here. Gah!”
“Maybe we could help, what do they look like?”
“It's okay, Kurama.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah I'm sure. You'll meet them a different day, I guess.”
“Well, okay…”
“We should get to our room. Heeey, what happened to everybody?”
Kagome and Kurama quickly caught up to the rest of the game, all the while looking for her friends. She didn't find them that day, but who knows. Anyway, the group went straight to bed to rest up for their match tomorrow.
Shippo waited and waited but Sesshomaru wasn't coming. “Sesshomaru! Are you coming or what!?”
“Don't yell, Shippo.”
“Blah, blah, blah can we go?”
“FINALLY! Now we're not going to see her until tomorrow!”
“Your point?”
“I haven't seen her in 500 years!”
“Let's just go.”
Kagome awoke to the sweet sound of Kuwabara yelling at Yusuke to wake up, which is not a great thing to wake up to. She ignored them and ran into the shower before anyone else. If she had to fight today, then she was going to look good doing it. Over the shower Yusuke and Kuwabara were arguing over who should wake her up not knowing Kagome was already awake. Eventually Kurama butt in and said she was in the shower.
Kagome finished up, got changed and went out to say hi. “Shower's free if anyone wants it.” Yusuke and Kuwabara obviously started fighting again.
Once everyone was ready they went down to the stadium, they weren't to fight yet, but Kagome was determined to know everything about the opposing teams. Yusuke obviously slept the whole time. Kuwabara was just Kuwabara. Kurama actually paid attention and likewise with Hiei. Kagome absorbed everything. By the end of the first battle, she knew who was going to win; the Toguro team. How she knew this? She could sense evil and malice coming from them, as well as raw strength and power. A hint of miasma tickled her nose the entire time too… she knew it couldn't be Naraku because they had killed him yet in the Feudal Era; well it could always be a different demon that has miasma powers.
“Our team and the Toguro team are going to be the final two.” Kagome said, thinking aloud.
“How do you know, Kimiko?” Kurama asked.
“They have obvious power, they play dirty, and can you not sense the miasma? Their evil and malice seems to infect the hearts of the others… They're going to win this section.”
“Miasma? That poisonous smell…?”
“Mm… I know of only one demon that uses it.”
“And that would be…?”
“Naraku.” Someone said from behind her.
“But he's dead…” Kagome was lost in thought… Wait a minute! “Shippo!” Kagome spun around and hugged him. “Oh my God, I haven't seen you forever! Where's Fluff-kins?”
“He said he'll see you tomorrow.”
“Oh… So, why'd it take you guys so long to get here?”
“Sesshomaru took too long with getting ready.”
“Hehe… I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, Kimiko.”
“Oi, who's this?”
“Oh! This is Shippo,” she said, pointing to him, “meet Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara and vice versa. Now that you've met, go away.” And so the boys left without much complaint… okay, so they wanted to know why they should and that she didn't control them but in the end they left, their curiosity only half satisfied. “So, what's going on?”
“Naraku's joined up with the Toguro team which challenged your team. So you're going to have to go against them.”
“Yeah… Uh, this is so stupid…”
“What is?”
“I don't know… Maybe the fact that I have to kill him again. He should have stayed dead.”
“Indeed, but he didn't, so now we must defeat him once again.”
“I have a bad feeling about this place…”
Next Update: Thursday
Yes, there are eleven chapters. No, there are no pairings. Only five more chapters to go, though! Aw, now I'm sad. I know this story goes by fast… sorry…