InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Somewhere I Belong ❯ Sing for Me ( Chapter 3 )

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Yusuke and Kagome were walking along the sidewalk when they felt rain drops on their head. They cursed at their luck.
“Damn it. Looks like were going to be soaked when we get home. Hey Yusuke, do you live around here?” Kagome asked with a blush. She wanted to know where he lived incase he was too far away and she didn't want him catching a cold just because he's walking her home.
“I live about a good 30 minutes away form here. Why?” He inwardly smirked when he saw her blush again. Was it just him or is it that when ever she talked to him, she would blush?
“Oh. In that case, you're staying with me tonight. My apartment is just around that corner. What do ya say? I could really use the company. Is that okay?” She really wanted him to stay. Perhaps he could offer her comfort when the thunder and lighting began. She was deathly afraid of those two combinations.
The only reason why she was afraid was because all the bad things in her life seemed too happened when it would thunder. The thunder would remind her of the final battle with Naraku. In that battle, she had lost everybody. Everybody was dead. When Sango said her last words, it was thundering and lightning.
Actually, she believed that when the thunder came down, everyone died at that same moment. She had no one left to comfort her after that. She'd given up everything she had to just feel some sort of comfort. Besides, she wanted to know what his problems were in his life. Perhaps they could seek refuge in each other?
“Sure. That would be great. You sure you don't mind?” He asked with a red tint.
Nobody has ever been this nice to him. Not even after Kayko figured out about what he was. After she found out, she distanced herself. He felt so alone. No one to offer comfort. Everybody was gone. Hiei was dead, Kurama and his mother moved to North America permanently, and Kawabara also moved. He barely ever saw Koenma. His mother was dead. He had nobody left in the world, but he felt the ray of some comfort around this girl. He wondered if this girl could possibly be the one to mend his broken heart, so he gladly accepted.
“No I don't mind. Come on.” She led them to her apartment with their fingers laced.
(5 minutes later)
After being completely soaked, Kagome led him into her apartment, then, led him to the bathroom, blushing.
“There's some towels here, so dry off and I'll go get you some of my clothes. Don't worry, they'll fit. I only have very baggy clothes that you'll be able to fit.” The blush just wouldn't go away. It's like it was painted on her cheeks with permanent blood red paint.
Not wanting him to see her blush, she left to get him some clothes. She made sure to pick out her sexiest clothes she had that a boy could wear.
She picked out a pair of baggy black pants with chains and a red muscle shirt that would stick to him like a second skin, hopefully showing off those muscles she believed him to have. She smirked and walked back to the bathroom and dropped of the clothes tapping lightly on the door signaling that the clothes were there, then, left to go dry herself off.
After she was done, she picked out a black shirt that said ` No matter how much I tell you, you still wont listen.' in blood type letters, and some red baggy pants just like Yusuke's. She came downstairs to find Yusuke sitting on her coach starring into space. She waved a hand in front of his face and immediately regretted it.
When he looked up, they were instantly caught up in each other's eyes. Not looking away, Kagome sat beside him, (dangerously might I add) and blushed. The shirt really did show off his muscles. And he had his hair was left down and he looked really hot with it like that.
He smirked knowing why she picked out this shirt. Her voice brought him out of his thoughts.
“ Hey Yusuke, If you don't mind me asking, what happened in your life.” Sometimes, she thought that she was just too curious for her own good. Though she knew when to keep quiet, she wanted to know so she could possibly help him, but she knew when she went too far.
“ No, it's ok, really. Though, you probably won't believe me. You'll probably laugh your ass off, then call the insane allusium, and have them lock me away and throw away the key.” He said with a laugh. Then she laughed. It was like music to his ears. His laugh was like music to her ears.
“ I think that I'll believe you, especially with all the weird stuff I have to say. You'll probably do the same thing if you didn't believe me.” She laughed, then, smiled. She couldn't remember the last time she really smiled and meant it. After the laughter died down, he began.
He told her his story. He told her how he was a half demon, and noticed how sad she looked at the name half demon, but when he said the first thing about Hiei, she broke down. He didn't know what he said to make her like this but he pulled her into his arms anyway. He pulled her between his legs and shushed her telling her that it was okay and that he was there. Whispering things in her ear that she had longed to hear.
When he asked about what was wrong, she told him that she'll tell it in her story, so he said okay, then, he continued. When he was done, she was still crying, but not that much, which he was grateful for. He hated seeing her cry. It made his heart quench. Now, it was her turn.
She began telling him about how she fell down the well when she was fifteen, about how she fell in love with a half demon, and everything he did to her. Then, she told of all the people she met. When she told him of the last battle, she once again broke down, her sobbing quieting some when he comforted her. Then she told him that she was a Forbidden child just like Hiei and that they had fallen in love.
“So you're the girl Kurama said Hiei died protecting. He must have loved you very much.” He was really sad. He knew what it was like to lose a loved one.
“Yes. I was the girl. I was just taking a walk in the park, when a demon attacked and I didn't know how to protect my self, so when I thought I was going to die, he showed up and killed demon… the cost of his life. It's my entire fault he died.” She just couldn't stop crying. All the held back tears were finally coming let lose. It's like no matter how much he wiped them away, a fresh batch would be released. Soon, there were no more tears to cry, only blood.
So know we know what caused each others heartache. I can't thank you enough for giving me this comfort. Thank -:” Kagome was cut off by Yusuke.
“Kagome, can I ask you something?”
“What is it?”
“Will you sing for me? That's all. You don't have to apologize. I just want to hear you sing. I love hearing you sing. Please?” The gods must have been on his side because she gladly accepted with a blush and smile on her elegant face.
She closed her eyes, laid her head back on his chest, and thought for a minute on which song to sing. She wanted the song to match their lives. She wanted the song to express how they both feel right now. She wanted the song to explain itself. (did you get that part?) Once she got her song, she began to sing, her angelic voice filling up the room.
It's over and done
but the heartache lives on inside
And who's the one you're clinging to
instead of me tonight?
Yusuke briefly wondered who Kayko was clinging to this minute. If she was even clinging to somebody. Quickly as the thought had come, it was gone.
Kagome didn't think of Hiei holding on to somebody else. She knew he loved her. She knew that he'll never find somebody else like her. Somebody who treated with the respect he never had. Somebody who showed him things that he never thought would exist in his entire being.
Instead, she thought about the heartache that he left behind. The heartache she could have done with out. If only she hadn't taken that walk in the park.

And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
Cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart
Where were the ones that they loved, when they needed them the most? Nowhere in sight. Hell, not even in the same country. So, with each word Kagome sang, they found comfort in each other. They found comfort in complete strangers.

In the words of a broken heart
it's just emotions
taking me over
Caught up in sorrow
lost in the song
but if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
don't you know there's nobody left in this world
to holdme tight
nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight
With the power of her emotion she put in the song, she got caught up in sorrow deeper than she ever had.

I'm there at your side,
I'm part of all the things you are
But you've got a part of someone else
You've got to find your shining star

And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart
it's just emotions
taking me over
Caught up in sorrow
lost in the song
but if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
don't you know there's nobody left in this world
to holdme tight
nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
With each word Kagome sang, Yusuke got lost in his sorrow. `This song is too close to home if you ask me.'

And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart
it's just
theemotionstaking me over
Caught up in sorrow
lost in the song
but if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
don't you know there's nobody left in this world to
hold me tight
nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight
Yusuke was at a loss. The whole song. The whole song seemed like It was made just for them. It couldn't relate to them anymore than it already had. He could feel the wetness streaming down his face. He didn't know why, but he felt the urge to show her that she was not alone in this world. That there was someone out there that cared for her. Him. He cared for her, so he did what his demon instincts told him to do. He wiped away the tears, cupped her face, said that she was not alone in the world, and then, kissed her full on the lips.
He poured every bit of emotion and passion he owned into the long kiss. He wanted to show her how much he loved her even though he just met her. He took a step further and she opened her mouth, agreeing that he could come in and their tongs danced a happy dance together. He poured his soul into this one kiss. He couldn't leave one trace of unhappiness in her soul. It's like they were made for each other. Both were broken hearted, both were looking for someone to help them cope, both were out cast in the world, and both had no one, but he hoped, that with this single kiss, both wouldn't be alone anymore. That both could live happily ever after.
As they fell asleep, god took pity on them.