InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Joys of Life ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note: so, so, sorry I haven't updated in soooo long! But my laptop was broke and I had all my stories on there. Only recently have I been able to retrieve those files. My mom's being awesomer then usual and allowing me touse her computer!
Anyway, I've revised this chapterand the next! My plan is to revise the rest of this story... wish is really close to being done and then continue on with the updating the chapters. So, don't be afraid to give me a shout if you think I'mslacken... I'll let you in on a little secret! I hate revising so usually I give my stories to my friends to fix and they end of keeping them and not correcting them but falling in love with them... so yeah... most of my paper copies get stolen... hehehehe
So... on with the revised... and in my opinion better story! Please review and tell me your opinion!
Chapter 2
Souta groggily opened his eyes. Blinking the sleep away, he found himself wrapped tightly in fur and was securely held to some one's chest. Turning as much as possible, he saw who was holding him. He recognize this person, yet at the same time didn't. Her black hair was highlighted with red and her skin was a light olive color. Removing one of his arms from his cocoon, he gently ran his small hand over her cheek, feeling her silky skin.
“Mamma…” That was the only word that came to his mind as he continued looking over the woman whom arms he was in.
After several minutes of snuggling with her, he slowly inched his way out of his warm cocoon. Though he found himself naked; oddly enough it did not embarrass him. His eyes scanned over the room he was in and easily saw the deer skin door in the dim light of the smokeless torch. Making his way towards the door and hesitantly moved it aside.
He couldn't help the shiver that raked through his body at the dramatic temperature change. Though he found the air outside the sleeping chamber icy on his bare skin, warily he took several cautious steps down the tunnel, following the scent trail that he instinctive knew was his mother's. Walking pasted several deer skinned doors, he peeked his head around the bend in the path.
Only seeing a small fire with a rack of thin cut meat on it, he stepped fully into the room. On the other side of the fire, he noticed a wall made of completely out of deerskins. Smelling fresh moister on the other side of the makeshift wall, he couldn't help but step away, fearful.
Hiei had watched as his son had travel down the corridor and was impressed at how easily he followed his mother's fade scent. He was a bit surprised that he didn't look into the other room or try and cover his self up. Perhaps Kagome was right; his demon instincts are intact even after so many years of living as a human. That though pleased Hiei. He would not have to teach things that shouldn't need teaching. When he nears the exit, then I'll see just how much instincts are still left.
It wasn't long till Souta had reached the exit and Hiei was more than please at what he saw and decided that now would be a good time to make himself know.
“Do you want to know why to fear the rain?” He made sure that his voice wasn't as rough as it usually was. When he saw fear enter his son's eyes, he made no affect to move closer. “As children, the rain is deadly to fire demons. Young fire demons do not know how to control or manipulate the temperature of neither their bodies nor the air around them find very painful death in cold water, such as the rain.”
Souta looked that the man in front of him as he spoke. Now he understood. But who was this man and why was he vaguely familiar? He was sure that he'd never meant him as a human, but that didn't answer the question as to why he felt no threat from him. “I know you, but I don't you at the same time.” The words sounded like a mere whisper in his own ears and he was curious to know if the man had heard him.
“That is to be understood Souta, for you and your mother were unjustly taken from me.” As recollection shimmered in Souta's fiery, scarlet eyes, Hiei moved closer. “How about we find some clothes for you to wear?” Picking him up, Hiei carried Souta back down the corridor. “Tell me, are you well rested?”
Nodding his head, Souta asked something of his own. “How along did I sleep for? And how long will Mamma sleep for?” He leaned his head on his father's shoulder as he wrapped his arms tighter around his neck, basking in the warmth that radiated off his sire.
Hiei thought for a moment. “I believe you have been asleep for three, four days. I'm not exactly sure how long Kagome will sleep for though.” He entered one of the rooms and immediately two torches lit up.
As soon as Souta's feet touched the ground, he began asking more questions. “How did the torches light them selves? And what's in those chests? Why did get hot in here suddenly?” Taking a much need breath, he looked at his father expectantly.
Snorting in amusement, Hiei waited patiently till Souta was done asking his questions before answering. He had prepared himself while Souta had slept for an overbearing amount of questioning. It surprised him though, as it was that he had yet to become annoyed or impatient with such simple questions. “I lit the torches with my youki. The chests hold our supplies and even a few treasures. I warmed the air with my youki so that you'd be warm. I will teach you when you have developed your own flame.” Hiei couldn't help but smirk at the eagerness that Souta show as he began to open one of the chests.
“You won't be too thrilled with what this chests possessions.” He opened the chest to reveal different types of cloth material. “It is just clothes.”
Souta watched as Hiei shifted through the cloths and waited patiently till his father had found what he was looking for. “I'm hungry, daddy.” Just then, his stomach growled and it was then that his sire pulled something from the trunk.
“We'll deal with that as soon as we get some clothes on you.” Looking closely that the deep navy blue material and finding it acceptable, Hiei turned his attention back to Souta. “This material is fire resistance as well as water proof.” Draping the fabric over Souta's shoulders and cutting it to length, he adjusted the fabric so that it was a knee length cloak. It was must like his own cloak, Hiei realized. “It's only a cloak for now, but your mother will make you a shirt after she wakes up and a new pair of pants.” Randomly, Hiei pulled out a pair of old, worn pants that had a hole in one of the knees and a set of small shoes.
Helping Souta put on the oversize pants, Hiei used a piece of hide as a belt to hold the pants on Souta's body. The shoes, Hiei was glad to see, fit perfectly with even a little room for growth.
“There, now come.” Standing, Hiei waited for Souta to follow suite before walking out. “Do you want to come hunting?” He said after a few moments of silence.
“But it's wet and cold out.” Souta wanted to go hunting with his father, if only to get to know him better. But he feared the coldness.
“Do you really believe that I would allow you to be harmed by the coldness?” Half-heartily glaring at his offspring, he ruffled his hair affectionately. “I'll make sure that you stay warm.” He felt a weight on his left hand and instinctively lifted his arm.
Souta laughed as his feet came off the ground and he was swung into the air before his feet touched the ground again. “Do it again!” Pulling on his sire's muscular arm once more; he was rewarded when he felt himself being pulled in to the air once more. Unlike last time though, Souta found himself sitting on Hiei's shoulders. Laughing, Souta quickly grasped Hiei's spiky locks for balance.
“You'll have to get down soon, we're near the exit.” Coming to the end of the tunnel, Hiei placed Souta on the ground before giving him a few pieces of or smoked meat from the meat racked. Waiting till he had finished eating, Hiei gave him a few extra pieces before pulling back the deerskin door, permitting both himself and Souta to exit.
“The suns out!” Laughed, and ran a few feet from his sire. However, something told Souta that he shouldn't go too far from the grown fire demon and he wasn't about to question the feeling. “Daddy, what are we hunting for?” Cocking his head to the side, Souta began walking backwards in front of Hiei.
Eyeing Souta critically, Hiei waited for the inevitable to happen. “Fruit. Now turn back around before…”
Souta gave a small yelp of surprised as his snagged on a high root and he fell.
“…you fall.” Hiei finished with a sigh - so much for his warning.
“Yuck! I'm covered in mud now.” He glared at the mud on his hands before get a mischievous glint entered his eyes. Moving to stand, Souta dug his claws into the soft, moistened earth. Now on his feet, he stood in front of his father, an all too innocent smile on his lips as he hides his hands behind his back.
“What are you planning Souta?” Looking at Souta suspiciously, Hiei tried to figure out what he was planning. Though he had the Jagan, he was not willing to risk the effects of it on his only son.
His smile widened and he stepped within arms length of Hiei. Souta smile turned wicked as he shot out his hands, smearing the mud on to Hiei's cloak. “Now we're both dirty!” Souta's eyes gleamed with laugher as he pulled his hands away.
Hiei's eye twitched with annoyance, a growl vibrated through his chest. “I'm giving you a three second head start. Use it wisely.” He allowed amusement to slip through his cold mask as he watched Souta begin to make mud balls.