InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Joys of Life ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note: so, so, sorry I haven't updated in soooo long! But my laptop was broke and I had all my stories on there. Only recently have I been able to retrieve those files. My mom's being awesomer then usual and allowing me touse her computer!
Anyway, I've revised this chapterand the next! My plan is to revise the rest of this story... wish is really close to being done and then continue on with the updating the chapters. So, don't be afraid to give me a shout if you think I'mslacken... I'll let you in on a little secret! I hate revising so usually I give my stories to my friends to fix and they end of keeping them and not correcting them but falling in love with them... so yeah... most of my paper copies get stolen... hehehehe
So... on with the revised... and in my opinion better story! Please review and tell me your opinion!
Chapter 5
Hiei sat in the entryway of his den. They had arrived a little over two hours ago and it was now nearly 7:20 by Kurama's watch. He had already put Souta to bed after assuring that he wouldn't leave the area. Also, he'd taken some of the spare, unused rooms and turned them into sleeping quarts after throwing several furs in them for his companions. At the moment, Hiei would guess, that they were in their respective rooms trying to get comfortable. He was content, he hadn't heard but one complaint all day, which had come from Souta. But otherwise, things had been almost peaceful since they'd arrived. Only one thing burdened him at that moment.
Kagome had yet to return.
“Where the hell are you?” Growling under his breath, he kept his gazed focused out across, what Souta had deemed “his play yard” for any signs of Kagome.
“May I ask who you're waiting for?” Kurama quietly slipped out the dim tunnel and into the pre-night light. “Or would that be pushing the boundaries of our friendship?”
“Hn. Souta's mother.”
Kurama looked at him for a few seconds longer. “You're Souta's father, are you not?” An uncomfortable silence stretched between them. It was broken, however, by the sounds of snapping twigs.
Both Kurama and Hiei turned their attentions back to the darkening land before them. Several more twigs snapped before a silhouette of someone appeared out of the forest. Kurama immediately fell into a defensive position, while, surprising him; Hiei went to greet the figure. That was when he noticed that air had become heavy with the scent of blood.
Before Kurama could say anything aloud, he saw that Hiei was already carrying, which now he was assuming, the female bridle style.
“Kurama boils some water.” He didn't bother questioning his friend's motives.
~*~ Souta ~*~
Souta found himself drawn from sleep by the commotion that was happening right outside his parents sleeping chambers. Untangling himself from his self-made cocoon, he made his way to the doorway. Pushing the pelt back so that he had a peephole, he watched what was going on.
He could just make out the red hair of Kurama, (that was what he thought his father called him), and he was carrying a pot of what he guessed was water and several rags. Off to the side, he could make out the other two, (Yusuke and Kuwabara?) and both held looks of uncertainty. Giving them an unseen curious look, he stepped back, allowing his peephole to close. Slipping on his pant, only because there were strangers around, quietly he slipped out of the sleeping chamber and moved towards the room that he'd seen the red head disappear into.
“Hey, kid, you shouldn't go in there.” A hand landed on his shoulder, stopping him. Glancing at the offending appendage he followed it to its owner. It was Yusuke.
Pulling out of the man's grip, Souta glared. They were not part of his clan, so they had no right touching him.
“Yusuke you're frightening the kid! Just leave him alone.” Kuwabara moved so that he was standing beside Yusuke.
“Shut up.” Yusuke glared at the carrot top, before turning back to Souta. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of candy. “Hey, you hungry? You can have this. Come on, you can take it. I won't hurt you.”
Staring at the out stretched hand, Souta allowed himself to growl. Sure he was hungry but he wanted something warm and from his parents, not something cold and out of a stranger's pocket.
“So, you don't want good `ld chocolate then why didn't you say something? I know you can talk.”
“Leave him alone, Detective.” Seeing his father standing just behind Yusuke and Kuwabara, Souta easily dodged between their tree like legs and to Hiei. Grasping the black fabric of Hiei's pants, he gave his sire an expectant look.
“She is resting at the moment. I believe it would be best if we left her alone for the night.” Looking down to where Souta had a death grip on his pants, he sighed softly. “Souta, did you hear me.”
“I want mammy.” He knew that he should listen to his father, but with so many unfamiliar people it was difficult. Especially, if you consider the fact that he'd just met his sire for the first time that morning. Releasing his grip on Hiei's pants, he looked away. “I don't like strangers.”
He was lost for words. Hiei, the demon that was known for his silence without ever truly being lost of words was just that. He hadn't realized that it had only been that morning that he was reunited with a wakeful child and that the very child had just learned of his existence. That morning felt like such a long time ago, he hadn't thought that Souta wouldn't still be uncomfortable with him. But then again, he truly hadn't thought that his teammate would be evading his home.
“Fine.” He knew it would be pointless to try and argue with his child. It would not just piss Kagome off, but it would also ruin whatever good feelings Souta had towards him. “Go in then.” He was careful not to let on how much that small comment had affected him as he watch Souta dash into the room that held Kagome.